E Marketing

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E-Marketing Class Presentation 5th April 2008

Group Members

 Faraz Akhtar
 Farrukh Hussain Khan
 Ahsan Imtaiz
 Shahzad

Presented to

> Mr. Asim Iftikhar, Class Instructor

> Class Mates

E Commerce, MBA, Institute of Business Management, Karachi
E-Marketing Class Presentation 5th April 2008

Contents of the Presentation

 Overview of Marketing
 Role of Internet in Marketing
 E-Marketing
 The benefits of E-Marketing
 Components of E-Marketing
 E-Marketing Mix
 The E-Market System
 Types of E-Markets
 E-Market Techniques
 Critical Analysis of E-Marketing
 Future and Challenges of E-Marketing
 Summary
E-Marketing Overview of Marketing


Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing
customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its

Three main function of Marketing

 Facilitation of Transaction and Flow of Information

 Provide a legal and Regulatory Framework
 Components of E-Marketing
E-Marketing Role of Internet in Marketing
E-Marketing Role of Internet in Marketing

The web has the potential to

 Projecting an Image
 Customer Service
 Channel Relations
 Purchase and Inventory Management
 Information gathering and sharing
 Data base development
 Mass Customization
 Advertising and Sales Promotion
 Selling
 Multi Channel Marketing
E-Marketing E-Marketing

E-Marketing Definition

Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing or eMarketing (or

e-Marketing), is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.
The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing including low
costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. The
interactive nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of instant response
and in eliciting response, are unique qualities of the medium.
E-Marketing E-Marketing in Perspective

> Continuously attract quality new prospects to your site at the right time

> Engage the visitor, make them more receptive and promote a response

> Convert online prospects into customers

> Engender customer loyalty and extend their lifetime value to your
E-Marketing Search Engines: Interesting Facts

> 85% of all searches undertaken online are done via search engines*

> 75% of users never look further than page one*

> Google uses over 100 different criteria to rank your site

> Over 6 million web pages uploaded each day*

> 55% of users use search engines with the intention of buying a product*

> Indexing takes between 2wks and 6mths depending on the search engine

> Only 30% of sites submitted are successful in being indexed

*Source: Georgia Institute of Technology

E-Marketing The benefits of E-Marketing

Following are the few benefits of E-Marketing

 Communicability
 Focus/tailored approach
 Information
 Timeliness
 Cost efficiencies
 Dynamism/flexibility
 Global possibilities
 Multimedia capabilities
 Interactivity
 Sales
E-Marketing Components of E-Marketing

Following are the Components of E-Marketing

 Customers (Buyers): impulsive, patient, analytical

 Sellers and Products
 Infrastructure
 Front end
 Back end
 Intermediaries
 Other business partners
 Support services
 Digital products
E-Marketing E-Marketing Mix

In the Context of the customer oriented Internet marketing or e-marketing

 Product
 Price
 Placement
 Promotion

 Others

 People
 Process
 Physical Evidence
E-Marketing E-Marketing System
E-Marketing Types of E-Markets

Few E-Markets are

 E Malls
 General stores/malls
 Specialized stores/malls
 Regional versus global store
 Pure online organizations versus click-and-mortar stores
 E Store Front
E Market Place
 Private
 Sell-side
 Buy-side
 Public
 Consortia
E-Marketing E-Market Techniques

Some of the well know techniques are

 Market Segmentation

 Internet Advertising

 Register with web directory services

 Solicited, targeted email (or Internet Direct Marketing)

E-Marketing Email Marketing: Considerations


> Benefits of email marketing

> Managing the target data
> Designing the email
> Sending the email
> Monitoring the response
> Legal issues and considerations
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Benefits

> Low Cost (approximately 1/10th of Direct Mail)

> Speed of delivery and response
> Personalised communications
> Accountability
> Proven to work (CTR of 15% are not uncommon)
> Branding; Customer Retention; Cross Selling; Up Selling;
> Customer Acquisition
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Managing the Data

> Rent data

> Build own data
> Offline vs. online management of data
> Profile data in a detailed way
> Forms: use radio buttons, drop-downs
> Free text cannot be used
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Designing the Email

> First impressions count

> Select your subject title with care
> Make the call to action clear
> Always offer an incentive
> Personalise the email (sender/receiver)
> Bear in mind the fold and email without graphics
> Avoid overuse of graphics and animation <25kb
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Designing the Email
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Sending the Email

> Email clients

> Email list vendors
> Email bureaus
> Timing
> Frequency
> ISP delays and blocking
E-Marketing Email Marketing: Monitoring the Response

> Sent > % click of open

> Delivered > Unsubscribe

> Hard and soft bounces > Time and day of open

> Unique opens > Sales, Sales value

> Link Responses > ROI

> TEXT Click through > Cleansing data!!

> HTML click through

E-Marketing Email Marketing: Biggest Mistakes

 Not having a contact/targeting strategy

 Poor welcome strategy, use of event triggers
 Reactivation strategy, unsubscribe follow-up
 Not using reminders sufficiently. Integration with direct mails
 Not interactive – simply direct mail delivered by email
 Not having list quality targets
 Number by segment, activity levels
 Not enough care over from and subject line
 Not building the email around the call-to-action
 Not providing sufficient space above the fold
 Not effective with images blocked
 Not using tracking sufficiently
 Not evaluating qualitatively (brand metrics)
E-Marketing Critical Analysis of E-Marketing

This includes

 Advantages of E-Marketing

 Increase your ticket sales, membership or attendances

 Reduce your costs in terms of spend and staff time

 Raise the profile of your organisation

 Provide up-to-date and segmented information TO your customers

 Provide up-to-date and detailed information about your customers

E-Marketing Critical Analysis of E-Marketing

This includes

 Pitfalls of E-Marketing

 Large e-mails will block up mailboxes and irritate customers

 E-mails about events or services which don’t interest your

customers could lead them to sign off your service or ignore your e-

 The people you wish to target may not use the internet

 E-marketing is only one weapon

 Not setting out clear objectives

E-Marketing Future of E-Marketing

 The overall impact of the Internet will be enormous, although the

emphasis will be more on E-marketing rather than E-commerce

 Bricks-and-clicks firms will outperform bricks-and-mortar firms and

clicks-only firms

 The growth of new high-speed transmission modes will allow more

multimedia capabilities to be incorporated into company Web sites

 Business-to-business E-commerce will far outstrip business-to-

consumer E-commerce.
E-Marketing Challenges of E-Marketing

 Consumer resistance to online shopping

 Customer service
 System breakdowns
 Speed of site performance
 Internet connection costs
 Legal issues
 Privacy issues
 Communicating without spam (unsolicited and unwanted E-mail)
 Clutter
 Finding a workable business model
 Expectations of free services
 Integrating bricks-and-clicks operations
 Global issues
E-Marketing Evaluating your online of Market Place
E-Marketing Summary

 Internet is a valuable Marketing tool

 multifaceted potential marketing roles for the Internet

 Internet marketing strategy

 Internet is being utilized to enhance marketing strategies

 Challenges of using the Internet in marketing and to forecast the future

 Not ignoringing the mobile internet

E-Marketing Email Marketing: Resources

DTI eCommunications Information


Data Protection Act


Direct Marketing Association


Email Bureau Sources

E-Marketing Thank you!

Question & Answer

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