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Time Based Payment system 1NZ18MCA48


1.1 General introduction

Cyber Café Management is a complete package developed for management of systems in a

cyber café. This project is depicted to be used in cyber café. Each and every cyber café has basic
needs likeable to control the systems that are being rented to customers and are changed on
timely basis.

A Cyber Café will have some number of PC’s which the customers will use for certain
amount of time. Now a day it may also require saving some details of the customers for security
reasons. When a customer enters a cyber café he has to be allotted a PC and the start time is

At any time the cyber administrator should be able to see the status of any Pc, when the
customer wants to do some other activities like taking a print out or scan a copy etc.. It should
be recorded. And finally all the details will be stored with the cyber administrator and he can
generate bill.

1.2 Problem statement

The internet Café Monitoring System mainly deals with the problems faced by the internet café
owners or organizers and the Users. The main problem in present times the café owners has to
manage the whole café work manually i.e., users registration, login time, logout time , billing
amount etc. Moreover user has to go to any internet café, and reduces indentity.

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1.3 Existing System

 Manual process is very lengthy and is waste of time.
 It becomes burden for performing everything in hand.
 Level of automation for database maintenance is not that advance
 Requires large utilization of the human resources.

1.4 Objective of the work

The Internet Café Monitoring system is a software solution for operating a computer rental
system that can help management , accounting and billing. The software program comes as a
client and server version. The server version needs to be deployed on all computer systems that
are to be monitored. The system administrator can monitor and record all activities on client
computer systems. New user accounts with distinct rights can be created in the software
program easily. After account is created user is given id and password with which he can access
internet at any of the cyber café which is linked through software.

1.5 Proposed system with methodology

We will make use of C language as as software tool for the development of this application.

 Platform Independence: It helps to run our software on various operating systems.

 Safe and Secure: This security feature helps in confining software to our environment
and not allowing it to access the other parts of computer.
 Object Oriented : This feature allows to design our software simple and easy to extend
our software.
 Faster response: It gives quick response during compilation.

1.6 Feasibility Study

After the analysis of the requirement from the proposed system and specification ,the
feasibility study is done to find whether the system is beneficial to user and organization

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or not. The feasibility study is carried out to select the system that meets productivity

The feasibility study includes the collecting the information of the end user and
objectives, constraints, basic requirement and cost benefits. The main and prime
objective of feasibility study is not to solve the problem, but to acquire a sense of its
scope. Major categories on which it is executed are :

Economical Feasibility

The project requires the software tools to run the project which are available
very easily. Nowadays built in NIC are available on systems thus no extra amount is
required to purchase them. Thus our project is economically feasible.

Operational Feasibility

It is operational feasible because it does not affect other applications running on

system. Not only this, but network traffic is also not affected so badly. It requires its
installation on every system on the network.

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2.1Literature survey

 Efficient & economical maintenance of information.

 One time effort of entering the user information in the system.
 Centralized control of internet cafe administrator in monitoring the cyber cafe.
 Automation of various functions like billing, stock maintenance, etc.

Proposed Solution

A proper management for information of various workstations at the internet cafe is must .

 Allows automatic billing procedure.

 Easy access method for the Users as they had to create account only once.

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3.1 Hardware requirements

1. Processor: Intel Pentium or Higher

2. RAM: 512 or Higher Ram

3. Hard Disk: 20 mb of memory space

4. Display: 39 cm RGB Screen

3.2 Software requirements

1. Operating System: Windows XP or Higher Version

2. Front End: Turbo C++ or Code Block
3. Backend: Data Structure
4. Language Used: C Programming Language
5. Documentation: MS Word 2016
6. Text Editor: Notepad++

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4.1 Module1
 Login :
This module deals storing the details of login of admin and customer such as username
and password.
4.2 Module2
 Generate card: This module deals with generating card id for customer who comes to
surf the data, Using which the customers data can be viewed and edited.
4.3 Module3
 Check in for regular customer
This module allows the admin to check details regarding the regular customer and is
surfing data. The browsing charge for prepaid users will be deducted from his/her
account while the post-paid users will have to make the entire payment by cash in
accordance to his browsing time.
4.4 Module4
 Check in for irregular customer
The customers here are offered two choices to make for the time plan that is prepaid and
4.5 Module5
 Check out for irregular customer
This module deals with checkout of the regular customer and prints the bill.
4.6 Module6
 Update card: This module deals with updating the card by adding the extra amount or
adding the time .
 Bill This module deals with printing the bill after the check in and checkout of

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Fig. 5.1 Zero Level Diagram

The above diagram explains whole proce
dure of the cyber café process.
process It includes login
management,, Time management , record management and cutomer management.

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Fig. 5.2 First Level DFD

Admin is the super user of the scheme. The owner is just like admin. The owner has all
right to view and modify the data in the system. The owner has the following attributes. The
owner has the authority to generat
generatee the id and give connection to user to access system .

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6.1 Implementation





//#include "update.h"

//void random();

char name[20];

char date[20];

char mob[20];

int n,a;

char ch;

int money;

void random1()

FILE *fp;

int c,n1;

int res,found=0;


for (c = 1; c <=1; c++)

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n1 = rand() % 1000000 + 1;

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %s %s %d %d\n",name,date,mob,&money,&n)!=EOF)










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//fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s %d %d\n",name,date,mob,money,n);



// registeration

void card_registeration()

FILE *fp;



printf("Enter customer name :: ");


printf("Enter Date :: ");


printf("Enter mobile no :: ");


printf("Enter amount to be submitted:: ");


printf("\ncard issued\n");


printf("your ID is %d",n);

fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s %d %d\n",name,date,mob,money,n);

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//card update

printf("Press <6> Update Card\t\t\tMin card Balance:: Rs 100.\n");

printf("Press <7> See datewise total income\n");

printf("Press <8> To Exit\t\t\tCHARGES:: Rs 20/Min\n");

printf("\nEnter choice:: ");



case 1:



case 2:



case 3:



case 4:



case 5:



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case 6:



case 7:



case 8:





printf("\nPress any key to back\n");



/*void main()




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6.2 Screen Shot

Fig 6.1 generate card with details

The above figure 6.1 explains the procedure of generating the card details

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Fig 6.2 Displaying error messages

Fig 6.3 update card

The above figure 6.2 explains how the error messages are displayed when an mistake is made
during entering details and the figure 6.3 displays the procedure of updating the card .

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Fig 6.4 check in for regular customer

Fig 6.5 check in for registered customer

The above figures explains the procedures for check in of both regular and registered

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Fig 6.6 check-out of registered customer

The above figure explains the procedure of ccheck-out of the registered customer.

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Fig 6.7 U
Updating the details of the registered customer.

Fig 6.8 Checkout to the irregular customer

The above figures explains the updating details of the registered customer and checkout of the
irregular customers

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Fig 6.9 Prints date wise

Fig 7.0 Exits the project.

The above figure explains the procedure of printing the date wise income and exiting the

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7.1 System testing

We can find error by testing. If we want to make our software error free then testing is
very essential step. Until we test our software by different test processes, we cannot say the
software is right or wrong.

Characteristics of good test:

 High probability of finding errors

 Test should not very simple or very complicated.
 It should not be redundant

White-box Testing-

 Here internal program logic is checked.

 Then code of the program is checked.
 Then program flow is checked.

Black-box testing-

 Here functional requirement of the program is checked.

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 Any function is missing or incorrect that will be checked.
 Performance of the program is will be checked.

Unit Testing-

This is primitive level of testing. Here every part of program will be tested independently.

Integration Testing-

After integrating all modules if any error occurred or not that will be tested.

System Testing-

Recovery Testing- system fault will be checked.

Security Testing- checked improper or unauthorized access.

Stress Testing- It will be check how much abnormal quantity; frequency or volume software can

Performance testing-

Run time performance of the software is tested.

Why testing is important

Programming Testing is important on the grounds that we as a whole commit error. A

portion of those slip-ups are insignificant, however some of them are costly or perilous. We
have to check everything and anything we produce since things can generally turn out badly –
people commit errors constantly.

Since we accept that our work may have botches, subsequently we as a whole need to
check our own work. Anyway a few missteps originate from terrible presumptions and
vulnerable sides, so we may commit similar errors when we check our very own work as we
made when we did it. So we may not see the imperfections in what we have done.

In a perfect world, we ought to get another person to check our work in light of the fact
that someone else is bound to detect the defects.

There are a few reasons which unmistakably explains to us as why Software Testing is

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significant and what are the real things that we ought to consider while testing of any item or

Programming testing is significant in view of the accompanying reasons:

Programming testing is truly required to call attention to the deformities and mistakes
that were made amid the advancement stages.

Model: Programmers may commit an error amid the usage of the product. There could
be numerous explanations behind this like absence of experience of the software engineer,
absence of information of the programming language, inadequate involvement in the space,
wrong usage of the calculation because of complex rationale or just human blunder.

It's basic since it ensures that the client finds the association solid and their fulfillment in
the application is kept up.

On the off chance that the client does not discover the testing association solid or isn't
happy with the nature of the deliverable, at that point they may change to a contender

At times contracts may likewise incorporate financial punishments concerning the

timetable and nature of the item. In such cases, if legitimate programming testing may likewise
avoid money related misfortunes.

It is essential to guarantee the Quality of the item. Quality item conveyed to the clients
helps in picking up their certainty. (Find out about Software Quality)

As clarified in the past point, conveying great quality item on time manufactures the
clients trust in the group and the association.

Testing is essential so as to give the offices to the clients like the conveyance of
excellent item or programming application which requires lower upkeep cost and consequently
results into progressively exact, predictable and dependable outcomes.

Brilliant item ordinarily has less deformities and requires lesser upkeep exertion, which
thusly implies diminished expenses. Testing is required for a successful execution of
programming application or item.

It's critical to guarantee that the application ought not result into any disappointments

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since it tends to be over the top expensive later on or in the later phases of the improvement.

Legitimate testing guarantees that bugs and issues are identified from the get-go in the
existence cycle of the item or application.

In the event that deserts identified with necessities or configuration are distinguished late
in the life cycle, it tends to be over the top expensive to fix them since this may require update,
re-execution and retesting of the application. It's required to remain in the business.

Clients are not slanted to utilize programming that has bugs. They may not receive a
product on the off chance that they are not content with the solidness of the application.

If there should be an occurrence of an item association or startup which has just a single
item, low quality of programming may result in absence of reception of the item and this may
result in misfortunes which the business may not recoup from.

7.2 Maintenance

Maintenance has been an important subject for software since several years and it is the
problem of future. To maintain higher quality of software, different types modification at
different times maintenance is very important.

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8.1. Conclusion
Modern world is computer world where the things have to be done promptly that
requires proper standards. Due to this inevitable requirement, computerization of each and every
sector in the main stream is must, so that it can be held itself in the race. Our software incorporates
all the features and facilities provided by the Visual Studio software. This project has been
developed to manage the entire working of the Cyber Café which reduces manual work.

8.2. Limitations

 Manual process is very lengthy and is waste of time.

 It becomes burden for performing everything in hand.
 Level of automation for database maintenance is not that advance
 Requires large utilization of the human resources.

8.3 Future Enhancements

This is currently applied at a single café or a group of café‘s in a city and later on
it can be extended by joining café‘s in various cities and across the country. We can
also make a session time partition; by this if a person use internet for only sometime
then he can use the remaining session time next time (for example, if a person has a
session time of 60 min and he used only 15 min this time then his remaining 45 min he
can use next time.)

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9.1 Text Reference
[1] “Herbert Schildt: C++ the complete Referance, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
[2] William Stalling, “Operating System – Internal and Design principle” Pearson 6 th
edition 2012
[3] “Programming in Ansi C” E Balagurusamy

9.2 Web Reference


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