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Is a check valve as a real safe guard?

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Is a check valve as a real safe guard?

Manizheh Khodayari Top Contributors in this Group
Senior Safety Engineer at CB&I
Top Contributor

Dear all,

Is a check valve considered as a real safe guard against the reverse Shahriar Asgari Motlagh
flow or misdirected? or for the real protection always a double check at Perenco
valve is required. Follow Shahriar
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Karan Sotoodeh
Senior Piping & Valve Engineer at Aker Solutions
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It depends how important to avoid returning the flow in process design. As an example, for
Karan protection of compressors or rotary pumps that is very normal to use two check valve in series for
100% safe protection of expensive equipment. But in chemical injection lines, just one check valve
is enough. Correct selection of check valves to avoid non slamming and water hammering shall
always be taken into account.
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Manizheh Khodayari
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Senior Safety Engineer at CB&I
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Manizheh Thanks Karan,so in the high pressure pipelines double check valve should be
considered.Therefore this case also can be applicable for outlet line of the high pressure
pumps.But I personally have not seen often double check valve after the pumps.The other matter Latest Activity
is the probability of failure where double check valve is used will be higher.
Like  Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 16, 2013 Omer Qureshi commented on a
discussion in ADEPP Technical Safety.
difference b/w LED & Conventional
Oscar Roijals lighting Is there any difference in lux
calculation b/w LED & Conventional
Manager, Health & Safety at SABIC - Industrial Engineer - Master Degree in Occupational lighting in plant, workshop, warehouses,
Safety and Hygiene office,labs,... Etc. What is the latest
regulation and guidance for calculation?
Oscar Manzineh, you can consider a check vale as a real safe guard but do not forget its reliability 17m ago
because, depending on the fluid, pressure and kind of check valve, some of them do present poor
reliability performance. Kailash pandey joined a group:
Some O&G companies are using double check according to the criticallity of the service according Technical Safety
This Group
to their internal processes (Meridium, etc...); other companies have fixed some criteria (for gathers the
example, in gas or biphasic fluids double check valve is mandatory according to the fluid Technical Safety
properties and pressure)... Experts who are
committed to deliver the highest
technical standards and professional
So in high pressure gas pipelines I have seen double check valve as per design oftenly (specially
ethics to ensure the Safety, Reliability
in hydrogen and de-hidrosulphurization systems).... and Protection of Environment for the
hazardous industrial projects. They
Another example: in some HAZOPs I haven been led for a Major O&G company, check valve was believe...
1h ago…yline_click_NGDR&sl=NGDR%3B51290509%3A1401034967010%3B0%3B%3B Page 1 of 7
Is a check valve as a real safe guard? | LinkedIn 5/25/14 6:52 PM

considered as a real safeguard for liquids and low pressure services, but a double check was mohammed khatib commented on a
sometimes required in specific situations as I mentioned above, so this issue is sometimes discussion in ADEPP Technical Safety.
present during some HAZOP analysis.... Fabienne Salimi Can a water
pump explode?
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 Vinay Kumar likes this
10h ago
JB Martin
Process Safety, Risk & Reliability - Oil & Gas See all activity
Hi Manizheh,
> Hanboek Kancijfer 2009 edition About Feedback Privacy & Terms
Table 12 - regularly tested NRV. PFD= 6.10-2 LinkedIn Corp. © 2014
“11.3.Non Return valve
Generally speaking, non-return valves are not very reliable. If they are not regularly tested, non-
return valves are not included in a quantitative risk analysis.”

> Lees (1996 App 14/7) & WASH-1400 report

Reverse leak: 3 x 10-7 per hour
Fail to open: 10-4 per demand

> USNRC Data

Fail to open: 1 x 10-4 per demand

From a process point of view, NRV is mandatory ; you can keep a single NRV or 2 in serie
depending on the criticality of the upstream equipment to be protected - but do not consider it as
reliable, it's not !
Like (1) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 17, 2013
 Rahul Patteri likes this

Karan Sotoodeh
Senior Piping & Valve Engineer at Aker Solutions

Manizeh, That is common to use double check valves on lines after manifolds (high pressure
Karan lines) as a mean of higher safety. Usage of double check valves after pumps is largely dependant
on type of pumps and sizes. Larger sized pumps above 4" and rotary types are better to be
equiped with double check downstream.
However, as far as I remember, just one axial flow non slam check valve has been designed for
fire safety water pumps in the current project I have been assigned to.

As Oscar said, HAZOP study can affect numbers and types of check valves for higher realibility
and safety. Type of check valve shall be selected based on application, pressure drop, non
slamming and water hammering prevention, cost and the valve shall be designed based on fluid
parameters like velocity, density, etc.
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Manizheh Khodayari
Senior Safety Engineer at CB&I
Top Contributor

Manizheh Thanks Gentlemen for all your comments.

@Karan: What is your reference for the criteria of 4” pipelines?

Then I would like to summerise as below.

For the high pressure lines like the pumps and compressors with flammable and toxic contents
single check valve cannot be an only protection measure against the reverse flow in case of the
blocked outlet. Therefore the following protection measures based on the cost parameters and
type of the system can be in place:

1.Suction and discharge design pressure of the systems should meet both surge and shutoff
2.Minimum flow line
3.Surge protection
4.Double check valve in series
5.PSV and TSV to flare
6.PSH to trip the system

Any further comments are very welcome.

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Oscar Roijals
Manager, Health & Safety at SABIC - Industrial Engineer - Master Degree in Occupational
Safety and Hygiene

Oscar I would add that water hammering effects must be taken into consideration if ESDV / XCV are
considered as a part of the pump or system FIS / SIS.
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Manizheh Khodayari
Senior Safety Engineer at CB&I
Top Contributor

Manizheh Hi Oscar Could you open the point a bit more?

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Wolfgang Dempsey
Principal Mechanical Engineer at QGC - A BG Group Business

Check valves are okay for equipment generally to prevent reverse flow, however if a safety
Wolfgang concern drives the requirement to prevent reverse flow check valves are generally unreliable. You
should use a back flow preventer or an instrumentation set up that will detect reverse flow and
initiate a shutdown or a trip
Check valves when used in critical situations need to be tested and inspected regularly, what
criteria are you using for the check valves, how much reverse flow is permissible a HAZOP will
help in determination of a suitable mitigation such as check valve back flow preventer etc
In my experience and at a previous work place we did not take any credit for check valves, single
or double check
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Khawaja Nizam ud Din Mir

Senior Executive Engineering (Process) at Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited

We had to install an additional check valve at discharge of one of our pumps after reverse rotation
Khawaja of its motor due to flow reversal. However, the incident recurred even with the double
Nizam ud checkvalves. So the pump's discharge line size was increased to reduce flow velocities.
Din Moreover, a quick closing isolation valve was also provided in conjunction with the double check
valves to rule out the recurrence of similar incident.
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Adeshina Sadiq P.Eng.,CRSP,CSP,

Head HSE Asset Engineering Management at Brunei Shell Petroleum

Typicall credit is not taken for use of a single check valve, however you may take credit for use of
Adeshina two check valves in series. The check valves must also be subjected to the same performance
standards that any other identified safety critical elements would be subjected to.
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Tim Ingram
Managing Director - Strategic Safety Consultants Ltd

I agree with Wolfgang - I would never allow anyone to work on a hazardous system that was only
Tim isolated by check valves.
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Vinay Kumar
"EPC' Proj Manager [Chem, Power, O&G] / HAZOP Leader / Process Engr; Gr
Founder/Owner -‘EPC Consultants Professionals’

Vinay Regarding the series of two check valve for increases reliability - API says that even if there is a
series of check valves, we will have to assume that the valves will fail and have to consider gas
blow-by case. The percentage of orifice opening will depend on the company standard or if no
standard is available, it has to be assumed 10% of the valve diameter as orifice diameter.
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Ramakrishna VVN
Senior Supervising Engineer - Loss Prevention

Thank you for the information. Based on HAZOPS , if it is decided to have two check valves ,
Ramakrishnaplease ensure that they are NOT similar types.
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Karan Sotoodeh
Senior Piping & Valve Engineer at Aker Solutions

Manizheh, No reference and more engineering practice.

Karan Like  Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 19, 2013

Karan Sotoodeh
Senior Piping & Valve Engineer at Aker Solutions

The other comment that might be a good idea to add is the selection of most suitable check valve
Karan to avoid operational problems like water hammering and reverse flow considering pressure drop
and cost considerations. That is very common to use two different mechanism of check valves in
series to reduce the risk of failure for both at the same time. Non slamm axial flow is installed
upstream and close to the equipment and then dual plate check valve.
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Wil Ferch
Principal at Nordstern Associates LLC

In the industrial gas sector where I come from, addition to using 2 check valves in-series for
Wil some may not be unusual to series, a check-valve and an automatic
on/off control valve, operated to open or closed position depending upon the process demand at
the time. Certainly a double ( in series) check valves adds a layer of protection, but there is still
the issue of blow-by and leakage simply due to the nature and sealing characteristics of most
check valves.
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Rob Miles
Director at Cognysys LTD

You also need to be able to verify that the check valve elments are intact. If there are erosion
Rob issues you may find that the valve will no longer shut off. Some larger valves can be hard to
inspect of access and may fail after a short service life if there is contamination in the flow.
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Rahul Patteri
HSE Engineer at ADMA-OPCO

Jean, thank you for explaining the failure rates. I agree to Vinay Kumar, though we have two
Rahul check valves (multiple check valves) in series, there is a possibility that both of them may fail. it is
not to be considered as double jeopardy. This is becasue, the reason the check valves fail is
similar (i.e either sticky fluid service, mechanical degradation, etc. which is similar for both).
Unless, the check valves have different mode of operation (dissimilar types), credit could be
considered for redundancy.

Other school of thought herewith discussed is, the decision to provide multiple check valves,
depends on the consequence caused due to failure of check valve. If the consequence is of high
severity, the recommendation would direct to provide redundant NRVs.
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Wolfgang Dempsey
Principal Mechanical Engineer at QGC - A BG Group Business

Rahul if the consequence of backflow is of 'high severity' do not use check valves use a backflow
Wolfgang prevention system and appropriate instrumentation
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Rahul Patteri
HSE Engineer at ADMA-OPCO

I admit to have overlooked this point. Thank you, cheers Wolfgang.

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Tim Ingram
Managing Director - Strategic Safety Consultants Ltd

Wolfy ... You beat me to it - well made point.

Tim Like  Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 19, 2013

Karel Burgoyne
Group Health and Safety Lead at Wood Group

Care with check valves they have a highish failure rate even when in normal use.
Karel See page 7 as an example

Certainly I would not consider as part of any isolation. This for me is unacceptable risk.
For isolation purposes see this document for advice.
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Kevin Shaughnessy
Sr. Process Safety Technology Leader at Dow Chemical

Double check valves without some type of integrity confirmation – instrumentation or

Kevin administrative – is false security since you don’t appreciate when one of the check valves has an
unannounced malfunction.
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Wil Ferch
Principal at Nordstern Associates LLC

I'll bring up my previous point.....double (in-series) check valves offer an add'l level of protection,
Wil but intrinsically , check valves ( compared to other styles of "control valves") do not offer the same
level of leak-tightness afforded by control valves. If the system design allows it....consider an in-
series pair of valves...a check valve with an on/off control valve that opens only during the process
phase when flow is wanted in the "un-checked" flow direction.....then control-signal this valve
"closed" at other times.
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Brian Edmonds
Reality Consultant

It is useful to check the data provided by the check valve manufacturer to confirm the check
Brian valve's design performance envelope is compatible with the required operational integrity
envelope. Some companies have piping standard codes and design standards and these, where
available, should be used as they are normally based upon past operating experience.

Check valves may not provide a positive seal and if reverse rotation has the potential to damage
the pump care should be taken in their application.
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Sander van der Laan


Prevention is always the best approach, use best engineering practice, thus do not fit them.
As in HAZOPs first say no and if pushed ask the question on what basis can such a valve be

If you have exhausted all best engineering options and still need to consider including such a
valve(s), perform a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessment.

From a Technical Integrity point of view, do not under-estimate the level and frequency of testing,
inspection and maintenance/replacement and resources that will be required. Monitoring and
record of the systems operation is essential so that the cycles and events the valve is exposed too
is assessed as a matter of routine.

My many years of experience suggest they are one of the most unreliable valves and yet we see
their use everywhere and worryingly in high severity and risk applications (fatality(s), major
environmental impact and high asset/product and reputation loss).…yline_click_NGDR&sl=NGDR%3B51290509%3A1401034967010%3B0%3B%3B Page 5 of 7
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Augustine Obi
Senior Process Engineer at Global Oceon Engineers Nigeria Limited

Good insight. I have got more basis for my saying no to check valve use as against real
Augustine prevention
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Tim Ingram
Managing Director - Strategic Safety Consultants Ltd

Looks like a strong consensus has emerged for NO ... I'm pleased to see.
Treat a check-valve as a 'bonus' that can (but might not) block mass flow and nothing more and
you won't go far wrong.

I'd refer everyone again to the current version of the UK HSE's isolation guidance that Karel
helpfully noted above:

This is a hugely informative document - and I'm not just saying that because I contributed to the
original (pipelines section) ... it's because I've always found it genuinely useful.
Like (3) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 22, 2013
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Andrew Smith-Lawrence CMIOSH, FRSH

HSE Consultant - Oil & Gas

Double block and bleed as a basic barrier system.

Andrew Like  Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February
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Good you have all concluded that check valves – whether one or two or two dissimilar types are
SM not real barriers. At best they may minimize bulk reverse flow. But they are not real barriers
against overpressure protection, if the downstream is on a higher pressure.

This discussion has taken place in several forums in the past. There is a parallel one in the Hazop

forum where one of the participants, Jonas Avall has rightly said “API 521 section States
that two in series eliminate significant reverse flow. Statement of different types of check valves
was removed in last update. Only valid for flow. Pressure will pass check valve after some time.
API also state that estimation of reverse flow from series of check valve is flow through a single
orifice with a diameter of 10% of the largest check valve's nominal flow diameter”.

So if there is a lower pressure (LP) rated system that is connected to a higher pressure (HP) rated
system via check valve(s), the HP side can over-pressurize the LP side by backflow thru “10% of
the largest check valve's nominal flow diameter” and differential pressure between HP and LP
(1) A single check valve even with an automated on/off control or shutdown valve is not
acceptable as we do not give any credit for the action of any shutdown valve in PSV sizing or
overpressure protection studies. It is going to be difficult to estimate the reverse flow thru a check
valve without a flapper unless there is another restriction that allows you to calculate the flow with
the pressure in the HP side at its PAHH and the pressure in the LP side at its PSV relieving or

1.1* PSV Set Point. The LP side PSV should be sized for this flow.
How to calculate
(2) A dual check valve – regardless whether they are similar in construction of from different radiation level to a
suppliers with or without an on-off valve will still require a PSV protection on the LP side sized for person working on…
flow thru 10% of the largest check valve's nominal flow diameter with stated ∆P. Some use 10% of
normal forward flow for PSV sizing. That is incorrect as the flow with the 10% diameter criteria and ADEPP Technical S…
∆P may exceed that
Like (2) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate February 24, 2013
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