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Partnerships a tool or a weapon?

The origin of partnerships.

In this discourse, we will use one of the most accepted theories about partnership origins;

we need to remember John Locke’s social contract theory; we will focus on the examples he

gives us based on the same human nature to try to explain the way partnerships works and if we

are giving it an efficient use or if we can re-think this idea from a better perspective.

The theory we are using here tell us that before any kind of order, we followed our most

primitive instincts, and here is the first paradigm we will discuss later. We can easily imagine

how the “state of nature” worked at that time; the law of the stronger was the main way of ruling,

only those who were able to literally kill others and preserve their resources was the one who

will survive and tranced, to go beyond through history.

This theory is not a new source, we have been proposing this kind of idea since we can

remember, and it appeals apparently to our endless desire of control over our environment, over

our reality.

From this part, we can figure the logical order that brought to us the “social contract” as a

way of political order; we found ourselves gathering in groups that were growing bigger very

time so what the iusnaturalism tell us is that we followed that need of protection of what we call

now rights or juridical goods, in other words, what we though belong to us, our life’s, for

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How we use it?

We have forgotten that we created his fundamental partnership it is not backwards.

We have allowed this theory become the invulnerable ruler an judge of everything, including our

reality, forbidding us from think out the box, our human rights are violated every day, all the

time all around the world and biggest issue it’s our State itself. We forgot the fallibility that

described the human nature from those who created this idea for a start.

We would be accepting that we are in the nature state again, but from where I see it that would

be a start for us to create new and better things, we are will be able to inform ourselves about

freedom and then take the decisions that will represent our real will and so our freedom.

If we remember all the abilities and the potential, we have even, creating such a thing as an idea

as the State is we will figure that we can do it much better if we want, but first we must

remember partnerships are just a concept for a tool and we are those who decide how to use it,

nothing else.

This seems simple but it demands a mind and culture change not just from us but from the people

who really rules the world, we must remember money is also just a concept we are all stronger

than it is, once we all see these concepts as they really are we will be able to control the way we

have built our society, our fundamental partnership.


We must be brave and encourage ourselves to face our mistakes and be willing to fix them, if we

want to evolve as society we must rethink the society itself, we have the potential to it and history is

prove of it.
Last Name 3

Works Cited

Hobbes, Thomas (1985). Leviathan.

Locke, John. (1690) Two Treatises of Government

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