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The Enlightenment philosopher; What was

their main Idea?

Subject: History Total Word Count: 2010

Research Report Word Count: 1069 Author First Name:

Class: Criteria:
● B: Investigating
Page Number: 13 ● C: Communicating
● D: Thinking critically

Source A : John Locke

Source B: Voltaire
Source C: Adam Smith
Source D: Mary Wollstonecraft
Source E: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents 2

Task One: 3

Task Two: 3

Background Essay Questions 4

Understanding the questions 5

Pre bucketing 5

Source Analyses: 6
Source Analyses: Document A 6
Source Analyses: Document B 6
Source Analyses: Document C 7
Source Analyses: Document D 7

Bucketing 8
Thesis Development and Road Map 8

Title: Age of reasons Error! Bookmark not defined.

Paragraph 1 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paragraph 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paragraph 3 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paragraph 4 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paragraph 5 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 7 Error! Bookmark not defined.

Essay Error! Bookmark not defined.

Task One:
1. New ideas can be revolutionized in a positive and negative way. Positive because many
ideas are used to create a great change, for example guns to unravel justice. It can be
negative because over the years, guns have been used by criminals to kill and gain new
things illegally.
2. This idea of Copernicus is definitely revolutionary because, if people believed what the
church says, we wouldn't have been developed this far in life, for example we wouldn't
have traveled into space or, we would not use planes to travel large distances.
3. Louis Pasteur discovered that they won't spread the way we thought. This revolutionized
medical science because people were able to create cures that worked, later the years
the average lifespan was lengthened by a lot.
4. Yes, I personally agree with this because I prefer to study at my home than school
because I have a lot more control over things, and I am also not forced to do thing, if I
am forced i won't get a lot of concentration.

Task Two:
1. Yes there are such as, quantum computers, contacts with aliens or even time traveling.
Background Essay Questions
1. The Late 17th and 18 century is the century where major changes happened, in other
words it was the centuries for philosophers.
2. They hoped to find and accomplish the natural laws and the truth about people's nature,
they hoped to find laws for social science such as the government or people with power.
3. The two tools that philosophers believed was; First, if people observe their surroundings
they could discover patterns in nature that could that could help humans. Second, was
that if people had confidence in themselves, they would have an ability to discover truth.
4. Another name for enlightenment period was often called ‘’Age of reason’’.
5. Isaac Newton inspired the philosophers by discovering gravity. In other words
philosophers thought that if there was rules in the skies, there must be rules for nature
too for example behavement between humans or social science. In a conclusion Isaac
Newton used one of the two tools which is observation, then philosophers looked up at
his work and hoped they could do the same, and be like him.
6. Meaning Of the following words are; Philosophes: People who question about the
human society and the traditions/cultures of human. Natural Laws: Patterns in nature
that could be applied to human activities which can help finding reasons. Universal:
Laws that are everywhere and every time. Social Science: The study and the universal
law of human behaviour.
Understanding the questions
1. The Enlightenment philosopher; What was their main Idea?
2. Enlightenment. Social Science, Universel, and Philosopher are unclear
3. What Ideas did Philosopher think in the age of reason?

Pre bucketing
Law, Inspiration, Religion, Freedom
Source Analyses:

Source Analyses: Document A

1. John Locke wrote these words at the year 1690. It has been over 86 full years before
the American declaration of independence which took place at the year 1776.
2. When john locke said ‘’state of perfect freedom’’ it could suggest that all the people are
allowed to live freely and live as their own according to the laws of the nature.
3. According to the note he wrote, he mentioned ‘’There is nothing more evident then that
same species and rank also be equal one amongst another without any subordinations
and subjections’’. This could suggest that his is talking about how there is nothing more
important than equality between species and there should also be no questioning
between ranks.
4. The people should be able to decide the new government if the old government fails to
5. His main Idea is that every human should be equal, so nobody should question this
statement and since every person is equal they should be able to create a new
government if the old government fails.

Source Analyses: Document B

1. From all the nations, different religions come here In the Royal exchange to trade items
and to benefit mankind.
2. It would depend because if there is one religion, the government wouldn't really mind,
but if there is two religions there would be a fight between them. But if there is more
than two, i would be better because people would get along thus there would be peace
3. His opinion is that if there are many religion in the country, there would be no war
between people because they would get along well with each other.
4. They both have similarities such as they both promote a choice for example Locke L(the
promotes choices to government and Voltaire promotes choice of religion.
Source Analyses: Document C
1. He supports individual decision making because he mentioned that ‘’every man should
pursue his own interest in his own way’’, this suggests that no government should be
involved in individual rights, they should follow their interest and dreams themselves.
2. Most individuals work because they think that it produces the greatest value of money.
Another reason is that they work for their own benefits
3. Many individuals work for their own interest and own gains, thus making the society
4. According to the word itself, ‘’invisible hand’’ it could suggest a literal invisible helping
hand, but looking at the whole paragraph, it could suggest a hand which helps them by
leading them into right direction for example right decisions.
5. His idea is that government should not regulate trade, government should allow people
to change of how they should trade, another is people should work by their own interest,
but they are not, thus they are being controlled with people with power such as

Source Analyses: Document D

1. She wrote this text in mid 1792. At that time when the french revolution was occurred.
2. She believed that women were a low class compared to men and they weren't that
important. The solution would be to give some kind of education, they could stand up
against the man
3. In the second paragraph she mentions ‘’reason and experience’’ this means that she
experienced all these things herself
4. Her Conclusion is that women don't have equal rights like men, if they got the right
education they would ‘’quickly become wise’’ so people should focus on gender equality.
5. The similarities is that, they all had an revolutionary ideas which could change the whole
world. They also wanted to revolutionaries the society, in a way that everyone has equal
rights, freedom, and should not be controlled.
Locke’s main idea, Voltaire’s main idea, Adam Smith’s main idea, Wollstonecraft’s main idea.

Thesis Development and Road Map

Philosophers thought that people had the power to change the world
● Freedom in Government
● Religion Beliefs
● Individual Rights
● Gender Equality
Essay Outline Title: Age of reasons

Paragraph 1
Changes and Ideas that revolutionized the human culture and society.
The Late 17th and 18 century is the century where major changes happened, This
ages were called the age of reasons. This is because of many philosophers, philosophers
were people who were educated and questioned about the human society. They wanted to
bring a change to the world and make it a safe place to live. They also wanted to help other
who are in need of help.
The enlightenment philosopher; what was their main idea. The key terms are
Enlightenment and Philosopher. Philosopher means People who question about the human
society and the traditions/cultures of human. Enlightenment means A european movement in
17th and 18th century where a lot of change and revolution occurred.
Philosophers thought that people had the power to change the world some example
are; Freedom in Government, Religion Beliefs, Individual Rights, Gender Equality.

Paragraph 2
John locke believed that every; human is equal and they should be able to create a
new government if the old government fails.
In the paragraph When john locke stated ‘’state of perfect freedom’’ it suggest that all
the people are allowed to live freely according to the laws of the nature. The next evidence is
that he mentioned ‘’There is nothing more evident then that same species and rank also be
equal one amongst another without any subordinations and subjections’’. This could suggest
that his is talking about how there is nothing more important than equality between people.
If people were able to create their own government if the old government fails, it would
be able to be successful because it was able to create rules that people agreed such as
equality, which makes y\the new government have a longer life span of power.
Paragraph 3
Voltaire’s believed that if there were many religions in the country or in a place, there
would be peace between culture and societies because then they would get along well.
In the paragraph he mentioned he compared both religion and government. He later
found out that society will work better if they worked with other cultures.
If there was only one religion everything would be normal, but if you have two
religions, there would be war because they wouldn't agree with each other, but if there are
more than two religions there would be peace because there would be democracy such as

Paragraph 4
Adam Smith believed that government should not regulate trade, but they allow
people to change of how they should trade and work by their own interest, this means that
they are being controlled with people with power such as government.
In the paragraph he mentioned that ‘’every man should pursue his own interest in his
own way’’, this suggests that they should follow their interest and dreams themselves and
make individual decisions. This will then benefit both government and the society because
they will get a greater amount of income.
If the government did not control people for their trade, they would have done a better
job because if people worked for their own interest, they would like to go to work accomplish
something therefore motivating them to work harder. This will then make other societies or
people happy.

Paragraph 5
Wollstonecraft believed that people should have their own right for example individual
rights. This will then help women to be equal to men.
In the paragraph she stated ‘’reason and experience’’ this could suggest that she
experienced all these things herself all her life. She also compared men and women, leaving
the conclusion that women are not important and if government had individual right laws,
women would be equal to men
If the women were educated and if government had a law consisting individual rights,
women could stand up against the man and be wise to them. Another reason is that there
would be new and more technologies which would then lead to be a better future.

Paragraph 6
Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that man was good in a state in nature. In other
words this means that without any people with power or like animals.
He got his idea from his own observation because he thought that if evolution
occurred people would get jealous of others due to the inequality people had compared to
others such as government or people with high power.
If the government did not exist and the whole civilization did not occur, societies or
groups of people would fight anymore and there would be peace. This is due to corruption
and greediness between values such as money.

Paragraph 7
The Late 17th and 18 century is the century where major changes happened, This
ages were called the age of reasons.This is because lots ideas changed the world that we
know today. If the philosophers did not question question culture and societies, the world
would be in a state of war. Some example of major changes are Freedom in Government,
Religion Beliefs, Individual Rights, Gender Equality. These changes were first thought by
Locke’s main idea, Voltaire’s main idea, Adam Smith’s main idea, and Wollstonecraft’s main
idea, there were also some philosophers that didn't make a great change but had a good
idea such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They got their idea because they might have
experienced, observed on what going on, or have questioned the government to make the
world a better place.
Essay: Age of Reasons
Changes and Ideas that revolutionized the human culture and society. The Late 17th and 18
century is the century where major events changes happened,.This age was called the age of
reasons, or age of enlightenment. This is because of many philosophers who were well
educated and questioned about the human society changed the world. They wanted to bring
a change to the world and make it a better safe place to live. They wanted a change because
either they thought government was infare or there is war in that area. They also wanted to
help other who are in need of help. They all believed in two general ideas, which was individual
rights and freedom in government.

A philosopher named John Locke was an english philosopher who died in october 28 1704.
He believed that every human is equal, in other words equality or individual rights. He also
argued that people should be allowed and able to create a new government if the old
government fails to success. He suggested that all people are and should be allowed to live
freely according to the laws of the nature and should be equal in their own power. There is
‘nothing more evident then that species and rank also be equal one amongst another’. If the
people created their own government, it would be more successful because it will be able to
create rules that people agreed such as equality, which makes the new government have a
longer life span of power. (Source A)

Voltaire was a french philosopher who died in may 30, 1778. He argued that if there was
onlyone religion the government not interfere, but if there was two cultures or religion, there
would be disagreement which causes war between them. If there were multiple religions in
the country or in a place, there would be peace between culture and societies because there
would be some sort of democracy such as voting. This is make societies get along well with
each other which causes a state of peace. He compared both religion and government and
later found out that society will work better if they worked with other cultures. (Source B)

Adam Smith was a scottish philosopher who died in july 17, 1790. He believed that government
should not regulate trade, for example they allow people to change how they trade. He also
argued the government should let people work by their own interest. This is mainly due to if
they worked my their own interest, they would be motivated to work, this in turn will create a
lot of profit or income for both government and society. If the government did not regulate trade
people will have their own way of working. This is make their understanding of their jobs better
thus generating more income. The outcome is that the government should let people make
individual decisions. (Source C)

A philosophers named Wollstonecraft was an english philosopher died in september 10,

1759. She argued that people should have their own right for example individual rights. She
believed this because she observed and ‘experienced ’ hate from men. She thought that
women were unequal and ‘not desired to be in a rank with them’. She compared women and
men leaving with a conclusion that women were not important. Later, she found an solution
which consisted that the government should have individual rights laws and educate them.
This will help women to be equal to them and catch up with their power or ‘stand up against
the men and be wise to them’. (source D)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was aswiss philosopher who died in june 28, 1712. He believed and
argued that man was good in a state in nature. In other words there would be no war if there
was no civilization or some type of government. He thought that if civilization and technology
was created further on, there would be some stor of inequality. Due to this people would get
jealous of others and this would create war. If the government and civilization wasn't
created, societies or groups of people wouldn't fight anymore and there would be peace.
(Source E)

The Late 17th and 18 century is the century where major changes happened, This ages were
called the age of reasons.This is because lots ideas changed the world that we know today.
If the philosophers did not question question culture and societies, the world would be in a
state of war. Some example of major changes are Freedom in Government, Religion Beliefs,
Individual Rights, Gender Equality. These changes were first thought by Locke’s main idea,
Voltaire’s main idea, Adam Smith’s main idea, and Wollstonecraft’s main idea, there were
also some philosophers that didn't make a great change but had a good idea such as Jean-
Jacques Rousseau. They got their idea because they might have experienced, observed on
what going on, or have questioned the government to make the world a better place.
Source E; Mastin, L. (2003). The basis of philosophy. Retrieved November 28, 2017, from

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