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Economics of Finance Theoretical Framework

A study of the role of financial markets All analyses of financial theory rest on
in the efficient allocation of resources. We look initial assumptions about the environment in
at how financial markets: which finance takes place and about the
(1) enable the transfer of resources participants in the finance process.
across time and space;
(2) facilitate the reduction and Three assumptions of financial theory:
management of risk; and
(3) provide information about the future, 1. Rationality – refers to the behavior
which is important to public policymakers as of individuals in firms in aiming to maximize
well as private firms and individuals. the satisfaction they derived from the
management of economic assets. It maximizing
the value of the firm to its stockholders
Two of the most important in economics - can also be translated in terms of risk
of finance are: and return. In other words, there is the move
towards maximizing returns and minimizing risk
1. Discounting- Decision making over and this behavior is universal.
time recognises the fact that the value of £1 in
ten years’ time is less than the value of £1 now. 2. Perfect Markets – refers to all
The £1 ten years’ hence must be discounted to markets (for goods, for labor and especially for
allow for risk, inflation and the simple fact that capital), operating under a perfect competition
it is in the future. Failure to discount setting. Implies that:
appropriately has led to problems such as the (a) There is plurality of buyers and
systematic underfunding of pension schemes sellers so that no one, on his own, can influence
that we have seen in recent years. the price level.
(b) There is full knowledge about prices
2. Risk management and and all relevant information.
diversification- Many advertisements for (c) There is full freedom of entry and
financial products based on the stock market exit
remind potential buyers that the value of (d) There is complete mobility of
investments may fall as well as rise. So although resources.
stocks yield a return which is high on average,
this is largely to compensate for risk. Financial 3. Assumption of Certainty – means
institutions are always looking for ways of that everybody has exact and complete
insuring (or ‘hedging’) this risk. It is sometimes agreement on future events; in particular those
possible to hold two highly risky assets but for regarding future incomes, cash flows, dividends,
the overall risk to be low: if share A only etc.
performs badly when share B performs well (and
vice versa) then the two shares perform a perfect Two key concepts:
‘hedge’. An important part of finance is working
out the total risk of a portfolio of risky assets, (a) Value – is worth on monetary terms.
since the total risk may be less than the risk of Under perfect markets and certainty, the capital
the individual components. market can have some unique rate of interest, i,
the price of capital. This basic interest rate or
“opportunity cost” i, establishes the time value
of money which can compare the present value
of amounts received at different times in the

(b) Income – maybe defined as Theories and concepts of economic of

additions to the personal wealth of the individual finance
for the owners of the firm for the specified
theory. Example, the return on an investment - specifically, in testing whether the
must have a rate at least equal to the opportunity returns of financial asset are sufficient to cover
cost, i. the inflation-find expression in the fact that the
Philippine capital market fails to account for the
Three basic decision areas in corporate impact of inflation.

A. the investment decision

B. financing decision Risk analysis
C. dividend decision The capital asset pricing model

- A rational investor would normally

Risk and the imperfect market
want to maximize his investment by minimizing
risk and optimizing returns. However, not all
- It given a choice between two returns people act rationally. Risk- lovers prefer to play
with the same expected value, the individual or when ricks are greater, as it follows that the
firms chooses the less risky alternative. It can returns will also be great. On the other hand
means the “doubtfulness” of expected return. some investors are averse to taking big risks and
- Business risk is inherent to the are content with a minimal return.
physical operations of the firm; it arises simply
from the inability to ensure absolutely stable The Capital Asset Pricing Model
sales, cost and profits as a consequence of
vicissitudes of the markets. Added to this are The CAPM makes the following
financial risks. Investment risks occur because assumptions:
of the uncertainty in the future cash flows.
Financing risk is due to the presence of debt 1. Investors are never satiated. When
(instead of wholly equity) in the capital given a choice between two otherwise identical
structure. securities, a risk-averse investor will choose the
- The usual rule is: the higher the risk, one with the higherexpected return, but will
the higher the return. choose a security with the lowest standard
- In the real world, there are only deviation.
imperfect ones. The imperfections are structural,
institutional behavioral. In capital markets, as 2. There is a risk- free rate at which an
when stock holders are “locked in” to their investor may either lend money or borrow
holdings because of tax reasons; desire to money, which give them a choice whether to
preserved voting rights; or fall prey to simple invest in government securities or in the stock
inertia. market which is highly volatile compared to
- Some would argue that a “satisfactory” government securities. This risk-free rate is
return is sufficient, and that the firm should be assumed to be the same for all investors.
concerned not only with the stock holders but
also the “stakeholders,” which include its 3. Third, information is freely and
customers, employees, suppliers, creditors and instantly available to all investors. It is assumed
the community. that everyone possesses the same amount of
information and that investors analyze and
process information the same way.

4. Lastly, markets for securities are

assumed to be perfect markets, meaning there
are no impediments to investments.

The Single Market Model

- defines the relationship between the

security return and the market return. It shows
how a certain market index that can be shown
through the formula:

𝑅𝑖 = 𝛼𝑖 + 𝛽𝑅𝑚 + 𝜖

𝑅𝑖 = return on security i
𝛼𝑖 = intercept term
𝛽 = slope term
𝑅𝑚 = return on market index
∈ = random error term

The formula for the single market model can be

written as:

𝑅𝑗 = 𝑅𝑓 + 𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓) + 𝜖

𝑅𝑗 = return of a certain stock
𝑅𝑓 = risk free rate
𝛽 = Beta coefficient for security j, slope
𝑅𝑚 = the market index
∈ = random error term

Wherein the expected rate of return for a

stock is equal to the return required by the
market for a riskless investment are plus risk
premium𝛽(𝑅𝑚 − 𝑅𝑓) .

The formula simply states that the

greater the Beta of a security, the greater the risk
the higher the expected return. Conversely, the
lower the Beta the lower the risk and the lower
the expected return.

To summarize, the model implies that if

the market has gone up then it is likely the stock
prices has also gone up, and the market has gone
down, it is likely that stock prices have gone
down too.

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