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Real-Time Operating Systems

Lecture for the Embedded Systems Course

CSD, University of Crete (May 23, 2014)

 Manolis Marazakis (

Institute of Computer Science (ICS)

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
Real-Time OS = ?
 Control External Events
 Synchronous, Asynchronous, Independent
 Fast response, Low overheads
 A late answer is a wrong answer
 Sequence: One task controlling all events in an infinite loop
 Multi-tasking: Task “Waiting” on Event, Task becomes “Ready” upon Event
 Priority Scheduling
 Preemptive Scheduling on Task Priority
 No delay on Context Switch to the next Tick
 Equal Priority tasks won’t preempt each other
 Scheduling due to synchronous or asynchronous event
 Round-Robin Scheduling
 All tasks in the same priority share the CPU
 Context Switch in each (predefined) time slice period

2 Real-Time Operating Systems

Need for Synchronization ?
 Reentrancy & Shared Resources
 Co-ordination between tasks
 Asynchronous events
 Interrupts & Exceptions
 Interrupts allow devices to notify the CPU on events
 Interrupt Levels
 Unplanned event generated by the CPU (e.g. divide-by-0)
 Exceptions will generate an “internal” interrupt
 ISR (Interrupt Service Routines)
 Not a task (has no “task control block”)
 Synchronous events
3 Real-Time Operating Systems
RTOS vs General-Purpose OS
 General-purpose OS:
 Key criteria: Task throughput, fairness
 “average case” optimizations

 Real-Time OS:
 Deterministic timing behavior
 “worst-case” guarantees
 Processing must be done within a time constraint or the system will fail.
 All delays in the system will be bounded; from the retrieval of stored
data to the time RTOS finishes the request.

4 Real-Time Operating Systems

Can Linux provide real-time guarantees ? (NO)
 (usually) Non-preemptive kernel
 A system call may sometimes take a “long time” to complete
 Coarse timer resolution
 Tasks can be released with millisecond precision (1/10/100)
 Virtual memory
 Unpredictable delay
 Variable task priority
 Task priority varies with time, to achieve fairness
 Batching and possible re-ordering of storage & network
operations (for efficient use of H/W)
 High-priority task may queue behind a low-priority task that has
issued a system call
 High-priority tasks may have to wait for lower priority tasks to
release resources

5 Real-Time Operating Systems

Can Linux provide real-time guarantees ? (YES)
 Provides RT-POSIX interface
 Fixed priority real-time scheduling classes
 Timesharing in SCHED_OTHER
 Preemptive Linux kernel …

• Real-time ?
• Footprint ?

6 Real-Time Operating Systems

 RTOS “theory”
POSIX 1003.1b standard
• Asynchronous I/O
 QNX • Semaphores
 Wind River VxWorks • Message queues
 RTLinux • Queued signals

 TimeSys Linux • Scheduling

• Clocks &timers
• Memory Management

7 Real-Time Operating Systems

Three Models of Kernel
 Kernel = ?
 Process Management
 Memory Management
 I/O System Management

 Three models of “kernel” :

 Microkernel (client-server)

8 Real-Time Operating Systems

Monolithic Kernel
 In a monolithic-modularized OS, the functionality is
integrated into a single executable file that is made up of
modules, separate pieces of code reflecting various OS

9 Real-Time Operating Systems

Layered Kernel

 In the layered design, the OS is divided into hierarchical layers

(0...N), where upper layers are dependent on the functionality
provided by the lower layers (via APIs).
 Like the monolithic design, layered OSes are a single large file that
includes device drivers and middleware

10 Real-Time Operating Systems

Microkernel (Client-server) OS
 An OS that is stripped down to minimal functionality,
commonly only process and memory management subunits
is called a client-server OS, or a microkernel.
 The remaining functionality typical of other kernel algorithms is
abstracted out of the kernel, while device drivers, for instance,
are usually abstracted out of a microkernel entirely

11 Real-Time Operating Systems

Non-preemptive Scheduling
 Tasks are given control of the master CPU until they have finished
execution, regardless of the length of time or the importance of
the other tasks that are waiting.
 First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS)/ Run-To-Completion
 The response time of a FCFS algorithm is typically slower than other algorithms
 Shortest Process Next (SPN)/Run-To-Completion
 SPN algorithm has faster response times for shorter processes. However, then
the longer processes are penalized by having to wait until all the shorter
processes in the queue have run. In this scenario, starvation can occur to
longer processes if the ready queue is continually filled with shorter processes.
The overhead is higher than that of FCFS, since the calculation and storing of
run times for the processes in the ready queue must occur.
 Co-operative: the tasks themselves run until they tell the OS when they
can be context switched (i.e., for I/O, etc.).
 This algorithm can be implemented with the FCFS or SPN algorithms, rather
than the run-to-completion scenario, but starvation could still occur with SPN
if shorter processes were designed not to “cooperate,” for example.
12 Real-Time Operating Systems
Preemptive Scheduling
 Round Robin/FIFO (First In, First Out) Scheduling
 Each process in the FIFO queue is allocated an equal time slice (the duration
each process has to run). An interrupt is generated at the end of each of
these intervals to start the pre-emption process.
 Priority (Preemptive) Scheduling
 Every process is assigned a priority
 The processes with the highest priority always preempt lower priority
processes when they want to run
 Process starvation, Priority inversion, how to determine the priorities of
various processes, i.e. same priority vs how often the process(es) are run

13 Real-Time Operating Systems

Preemptive Scheduling (cont.)
 Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) scheme, in which
tasks are assigned a priority based upon how often
they execute within the system.
 EDF (Earliest Deadline First)/Clock Driven Scheduling
 The EDF/Clock Driven algorithm schedules priorities to
processes according to three parameters:
 frequency (number of times process is run)
 deadline (when processes execution needs to be
 duration (time it takes to execute the process)

14 Real-Time Operating Systems

Preemptive Scheduling & RTOS
 Tasks with real-time requirements have to be allowed to
preempt other tasks
 Preemptive scheduling must be one of the algorithms implemented
within RTOS schedulers
 RTOS schedulers also make use of their own array of timers, ultimately based
upon the system clock, to manage and meet their hard deadlines.
 Whether an RTOS or a non real-time OS in terms of scheduling,
all will vary in their implemented scheduling schemes. E.g:
 vxWorks (Wind River) : priority-based + round-robin
 Jbed (Esmertec) : EDF
 Linux (Timesys) : priority-based

15 Real-Time Operating Systems

LynxOS (1/2)
 Microkernel design
 Small kernel footprint : ~28 KB in size
 The microkernel provides essential services in scheduling, interrupt
dispatching and synchronization
 The other services are provided by kernel lightweight service
modules  Kernel Plug-Ins (KPIs)
 New KPIs can be added to the microkernel to support I/O, file
systems, TCP/IP, streams and sockets
 Can function as a multipurpose UNIX OS
 LynxOS offers memory protection through hardware MMUs
 Applications make I/O requests to I/O system through system calls
 Kernel directs I/O request to the device driver

16 Real-Time Operating Systems

LynxOS (2/2)
 Each device driver has an interrupt handler and kernel
 The interrupt handler carries the 1st step of interrupt handling
 If it does not complete the processing, it sets an asynchronous trap
to the kernel
 Later, when kernel can respond to the software interrupt, it
schedules an instance of the kernel thread to complete the
interrupt processing

17 Real-Time Operating Systems

QNX Neutrino (1/2)
 Microkernel design – kernel provides essential threads and real-
time services
 Microkernel footprint: ~12 KB
 Other services are considered as resource managers and can be
added or removed at run-time
 SMP RTOS – requires high end, networked SMP machines with
GBs of physical memory
 Message passing:
 Messages are the basic means of inter-process communication among
all threads
 Message-based priority tracking
 Messages are delivered at the priority order and the service provider
executes at the priority of the highest priority clients waiting for service
 So, if the highest priority task wants to do read some data from file, the file
system resource manager will execute at this task’s priority

18 Real-Time Operating Systems

QNX Neutrino (2/2)
 When a service provider thread wants to provide service,
then it creates a channel (for exchanging messages) with its
service identifier for identification
 To get a service from a provider, the client thread attaches it to
the provider’s channel
 Within the client, this connection is directly mapped to the file
descriptor (so RFS can be sent directly to the file descriptor)
 QNX messages are blocking (unlike POSIX standards)

19 Real-Time Operating Systems

VxWorks (1/4)
 Microkernel  Monolithic Kernel (CoreOS + Wind microkernel)
 Provides interfaces specified by RT-POSIX standards in addition to
its own APIs
 Shared-memory objects: shared binary and counting semaphores
 Standard MMU (as in modern OS)
 Provides basic virtual-to-physical memory mapping
 Allows to add new mappings and make portions of memory non cacheable
 When memory boards are added dynamically, to increase the address space
for inter-process communication
 The data is made non cacheable, to ensure cache consistency

20 Real-Time Operating Systems

VxWorks (2/4)
 Reduced Context Switch time
 Saves only those register windows that are actually in use
 (e.g. applicable on SPARC)
 When a task’s context is restored, only the relevant register window is
 To improve response time, it saves the register windows in a register cache
 useful for recurring tasks

21 Real-Time Operating Systems

VxWorks (3/4)

Real-Time Embedded Application

Graphics Multiprocessing Internet

Java Support POSIX Library File System

WindNet Networking

Core OS: Wind Microkernel


22 Real-Time Operating Systems

VxWorks (4/4)

23 Real-Time Operating Systems

RTLinux (1/3)
 Patch-set for Linux kernel + RT API
 Runs Linux kernel as lowest-priority task (pre-emptible)
User Processes

System libraries

Device drivers Linux kernel

I/O Hardware Interrupts


24 Real-Time Operating Systems 24

RTLinux (2/3)
Linux is executed in the background

User Processes

Real Time Tasks System libraries

Device drivers Linux kernel

I/O Software Interrupts

h/w RT-Scheduler
access RTLinux Plug-in

I/O Hardware Interrupts


25 Real-Time Operating Systems 25

RTLinux (3/3)
 Development flow for RT-application program:
1. Develop RT-application program : Linux kernel module
2. Load RT-Core / RT-Scheduler / RT-FIFOs  transit to RTLinux
3. Load RT-application module
Interrupt control H/W

Real-Time Kernel

Linux FIFOs
26 Real-Time Operating Systems
 A Kernel that provides to applications Timely, Guaranteed, and Enforced access
to System Resources
 Allows Applications to specify only their Resource Demands
 … leaving the Kernel to satisfy Demands using hidden management schemes

Linux Linux Linux Reservation

Process Process Process Parameters
“T”: Period (1/f)
User-Level “C”: Execution
time within
Kernel period
“D”: Deadline
Kernel Linux within period
Loadable Kernel
27 Real-Time Operating Systems
Hard Reservation

28 Real-Time Operating Systems

Firm Reservation

29 Real-Time Operating Systems

Soft Reservation

30 Real-Time Operating Systems

Commercialized Linux/RK: TimeSys Linux
 Resource kernel and QoS Support  TimeSys Linux/GPL
 Basic TimeSys Linux kernel
 guaranteed, timely and enforced access to
 Full preemption at the kernel level,
CPU cycles and network bandwidth prioritized interrupt handlers, unlimited
 SMP support with QoS Reservations priorities, ...
 TimeSys Linux/Real-time
 Fully preemptive kernel  Support priority inheritance and a POSIX-
 Fixed-priority scheduling (POSIX-compliant) based high-resolution timer API
 High-resolution timer and clock support  TimeSys Linux/CPU
 Support CPU reservation, which gives a
(microsecond resolution) thread, process, or process group
 Periodic processes exclusive use of the CPU.
 TimeSys Linux/Net
 Message queues
 Support network bandwidth reservation
 Priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocol to guarantee that your thread or process
will get the bandwidth it requires,
emulation support to avoid unbounded priority regardless of network activity in other
inversion processes
 TimeSys Linux GPL: Downloadable from

31 Real-Time Operating Systems

 Victor Yodaiken, The RTLinux Manifesto, In Proceedings of the
5th Linux Expo, 1999
 Victor Yodaiken, Cort Dougan, Michael Barabanov,
RTLinux/RTCore dual kernel real-time operating system, FSM
Labs White Paper, 2004 [ available from ]
 QNX Neutrino RTOS System Architecture [ available from ]
 Raj Rajkumar, Kanaka Juvva, Anastasio Molano and Shui Oikawa,
Resource Kernels: A Resource-Centric Approach to Real-Time
Systems, In Proceedings of the SPIE/ACM Conference on
Multimedia Computing and Networking, January 1998.

32 Real-Time Operating Systems

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