Agree or Disagree

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ENGLISH GRADE 10 (July 2, 2019)

I. Objectives:
at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a Agree or disagree with the ideas of the speaker.
b. Identify the important details presented by the speaker.
c. Discuss the values expressed by the speaker.
II. Subject Matter: Agree or Disagree with the Ideas of the Speaker

Materilas: laptop, speaker, illustration board, markers

III. Procedures:

A.) Motivation
The teacher presents situations. The first situation shows a group of people ageing with
each other while the other picture shows the opposite.
B.) Lesson Proper

 The teacher lets the students listen to a listening material.

 The students identify the important details reiterated by the speaker.
 The teacher lets the students express agreement or disagreement with the ideas of
the speaker.
C.) Application
The class will be divided into
D.) Generalization
– Discussing the values expressed by the speaker and how would the students apply these
values in real life.
IV. Evaluation
Express insights based on the ideas presented in the material viewed
V. Assignment
In a whole sheet of paper in paragraph form, the students will write their insights based on
the materials they will view at home

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