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Course 3- TRAVEL

1 How often do you travel by air, rail, road and sea?
2 Do you enjoy travelling? What don't you enjoy about it?
3 Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel: comfort, safety, price, reliability.
4. Does the order of priorities change for different types of travel?


Listen to different speakers talking about their travel experiences. Tick the problems that they mention.

III. VOCABULARY - Match the words and phrases which have the same meaning.

1 subway a) line
2 city centre b) lift
3 carry-on baggage c) public toilet
4 one way d) schedule
5 return e) economy class
6 freeway f) single
7 rest room g) first floor
8 elevator h) bill
9 coach class i) booking
10 timetable D round trip
11 car park k) downtown
12 queue I) motorway
13 check m) underground
14 reservation n) hand luggage
15 ground floor o) parking lot

Work in pairs. Use words or phrases from Exercise A to complete this text.

My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all, there was a delay on the way to the
airport, as there was an accident on the FREEWAY. When I got there, I found the lower level of the airport 1……………. . . .
. . . . . . . . . was flooded. Next, my 2…………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . was too big and heavy, so I had to check it in. When we
arrived, the 3……………….. . . . . . . . . was closed, and there were no cabs at all. After a long time trying to figure out the
4……………………………… . . . . and waiting in 5………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . for 40 minutes, we finally got a bus
6……………………………… .. .and found the hotel. Then there was a problem with our room 7…………………………….... . . . . . .
and, would you believe it, the 8…………………………... . . . . . . . . . . wasn't working, and our rooms were on the fifth floor.
Course 3- TRAVEL
Course 3- TRAVEL
Complete the text with the best option

Derive the words so that they fit into the context

If you log a lot of miles on the road, like many entrepreneurs, you know how 1…………………………………….(exhaust) business
travel can be. Here are the tactics I employ, which have made a real2…………………………. (different) in the quality of my
travel experience.
1. Use a travel checklist. Even if you travel all the time, it’s easy to forget something. To optimize
3………………………………(perform), whether you’re a pilot, a doctor or a business traveler, keep a checklist and cross things
off until you’re sure you have everything you need.
2. Pop some pills. I don’t mean the hard stuff. I know from experience I’m almost certain to get a
4………………………………(head) from 5…………………………………….(dehydrate), a neckache from carrying heavy bags or a
stomachache from eating at strange hours.
3. Always keep an energy bar in your carry-on bag. Prepare in advance by keeping an energy bar in your bag so you’re
always ready in case disaster strikes.
4. Record room numbers. It may sound 6……………………………………(necessary), but it’s saved a lot of confusion and grief.
5. Get a good meal. There’s nothing more7…………………………….. (depress) than coming into a new city, being
8……………………………….(hunger) and not having a clue where to eat.

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