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from major manufacturers (Boeing, Air-

bus), European cockpit associations,
and aviation authorities (ICAO, EASA,
IATA) supported the initiative while val-
idating the novel out-of-the-certified-
envelope flight model.

As the research progressed, the device
got to the point when its unique capa-
bilities could be used in earnest. It now
routinely provides training for RNLAF
F-16 pilots, who can explore and learn
recovery from departures - even includ-
ing inverted spin or deep stall recovery,
manoeuvres which would be too dan- ment by twelve experienced test pilots, Above & Opposite

gerous in the real aircraft. Still within all from an elite group who have either Desdemona (DESorientatie DEMONstrator
Amst) is a collaboration between TNO
the military, "Brown-out" training for the flown big aircraft in those situations, or
and A M S T Systemtechnik.
RNLAF Chinook pilots became an essen- been very close to it. Their feedback was Image credit: TNO/AMST Systemtechnik.
tial part of their desert operations after that the device provided a very good
the loss of an aircraft because of this con- representation of what the big aircraft
dition in Afghanistan. really behaved and felt like when in those value in realising how quickly one could
Desdemona - Research and Innovation Do Pay Off Training for those wanting to go into extreme circumstances. be taken outside the comfort zone. All the
space has also been delivered - not least It is here where Halldale had some pilots not only thought that the training
Chris Long takes looks at a multi-nation developed simulator now used for specialised UPRT training. to Bob Geldof - who lays claim to plan- small part to play. At the APATS 2014 was hugely worthwhile, but also empha-
ning to be the first Irish Astronaut! conference in September, conference sised that the whole sequence had been
representatives of a WIP flight in the very enjoyable, and had greatly added

ure research may not always thereby emulating real forces felt by air director, oversaw the build up of part-
create an immediately pro- force pilots. The project saw metal cut for nerships to design and create a unique Civilian Training Gulf heard the presentation made by to the sum of their aeronautical experi-
ductive result, and often the first time in 2003 and the facility was device. It was quickly realised that the The year of 2009 was, sadly, characterised Dr Mayrhofer, and very soon afterwards ence. One observation was that, where
applied research falls short of a com- opened in 2007; the first research started standard hexapod motion platform as by several loss of control (LOC-I) acci- had booked a sequence of training for other devices are good at training both
mercially viable product. Confound- towards the end of 2007. used by the normal simulators would not dents involving civilian aircraft, and which three pilots (including the post holder the recognition and prevention of upsets,
ing that view is an ambitious research be capable of delivering the full range resulted in heavy loss of life. Carrying out and training director) to assess the value they are less well adapted to showing
programme born in Europe - Desdemona Underlying Science of essential motion cues. Consequently training beyond the stall in real airliners, of the Desdemona UPRT. Halldale was the recovery element from extreme situ-
has matured to the point at which it has When considering what to build in order a fully gimbaled device was designed. with the associated non-normal aircraft there to record the immediate impres- ations. This recovery training is the great
recently been used for Upset Prevention to simulate the range of physical forces The gimbal frame itself is mounted on a behaviour, such as wing-drop, control sions after the training had been deliv- strength of Desdemona.
and Recovery Training (UPRT) by the imposed on any pilot flying in a vigorous sledge, which can be manipulated on the reversal and potential loss of control, is ered early in November.
first commercial airline customer, a WIP flight regime, a critical factor needs to be main arm to allow control of eccentricity evidently not feasible. In any case not all Conclusion
flight operator based in the Gulf. a thorough understanding of the physiol- with respect to the main rotation. Thus manufacturers go so deeply into that part Desdemona, a Unique UPRT This first training package was very
ogy involved. the simulator, when turning, can even of the flight regime, so detailed knowledge Simulator effective. What was interesting is that
Origins Dr Eric Groen of the TNO centre at produce sustained "g"-loads. Additional of that flight envelope is scarce. The training consisted of a one day the crews strongly suggested that the
Way back in 1997 a new programme of Soesterberg, 45 minutes south-east of electrical servo actuator pistons can also Knowing the capabilities of Desde- course, with the theory of aerody- training be increased to a two day course,
investigation into Spatial Disorientation Amsterdam, indicates that this base is a rapidly move the gimbal frame within the mona, Groen proposed the creation of the namic effects and spatial disorientation with extended briefing on the theory,
was started by AMST, the Austrian simu- centre of study of Human Performance, sledge in the vertical direction in order to Simulation of Upset Recovery in Aviation explained before an individual session in coupled with more detailed briefing on
lator manufacturer, and TNO, the primary and happily is close to the main aero- reproduce the 'heave" felt, for instance, (SUPRA) research programme. This time the Desdemona simulator. It was inter- the scenarios played out in the simulator.
research organisation of the Nether- medical training centre of the RNLAF. during severe turbulence. further development of aircraft class-rep- esting to hear the enthusiasm with which What we are talking about here is simply
lands government. By 2002 funding was The dual inputs of the deep understand- Not only did the hardware have to resentative flight models was obviously the three pilots described their experi- the fine tuning of a fascinating and effec-
shared by various sources, with one third ing of human physiology and of the loads be developed, but the complex software needed to accurately reflect typical aero- ence. Each had a slightly different take tive programme.
coming from TNO, representing the inter- imposed on a pilot became an excellent to drive it needed to be refined. It was dynamic characteristics of a large swept on it, but all greatly valued the training. Desdemona is a complex device,
ests of the Royal Netherlands Air Force start point. Groen is himself an expert here that another dimension of inter- wing jet in those potentially uncharted One pilot found it greatly increased his but it does hugely extend the range of
(RNLAF) and the Ministry of Economic on motion perception - how the body national cooperation was added for flight regimes. Once again international confidence and, as a training captain, will UPRT. This currently unique device will
Affairs, and AMST, which contributed senses any form of motion - and Dr Mark the civilian applications. Partners from cooperation resulted in a gradual refine- significantly boost his credibility when never be able to deliver such training to
two thirds of the finance. Wentink of Desdemona BV, the company many countries and research organisa- ment of the performance of Desdemona. he briefs and trains his fellow pilots in his the vast majority of commercial pilots,
The aim was to create a simulator operating the Desdemona, is a special- tions contributed skills, not least from It can now accurately produce a realistic company. Another was surprised by the although without doubt lead trainers at
which would deliver fully and unlimited ist in motion cueing - how to prompt the Russia, where the renowned leading- and credible set of handling character- exposure to genuine spatial disorienta- airlines would benefit, but it does rein-
gimbaling, and which would provide a body's receptors to give realistic inputs. edge aerodynamic research centres of istics to replicate the extremes of air- tion - he was astonished by the fragility of force the drive to understand and train
platform which could generate sustained The AMST contribution was led by Gromov and TsAGI in Zhukovsky made liner aerodynamic handling. Part of that the human senses in conditions that they in an area which the industry is now
"g" and provide a "heave" capability, Dr Michael Mayrhofer, who, as project contributions to the team. Test pilots process was the independent assess- were not designed for. There was huge addressing with considerable vigour, cot

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