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Over the years, internet has made communication convenient and it has become a valuable tool for

study and research. It’s hard to deny that it became widespread thanks to the existence of the internet
cafes. It helps us to gain information faster and easier through paying a relatively small amount of fee
for an hour or more of internet access. At present, some of it is found in areas within the vicinities of
public and private schools.

Having internet cafes near the schools has great risks. Students may skip classes because they can easily
go to the nearby internet café. They might play computer game excessively which may cause computer
addiction. Also, while internet cafes indeed gives us valuable educational sources for students and helps
develop their learning abilities, however it also resulted to their easy access of violent and obscene
materials thereby, polluting their young minds, damaging their futures, increasing cyber bullying cases
and causing money and time shortage. Hence, internet café near the schools should be regulated to
avoid truancy and addiction among the students.

In order to address this issue, students should not be allowed in the internet café during school hours
and they should not be allowed to play computer games inside it. In addition, in order to prevent the
students from utilizing the computers inside the internet cafes on school days (unless there is an
identification card or a written permit signed by the parent or the principal or teacher that shows
permission) and from staying inside the café beyond 7:00pm (unless accompanied by his/her legal
guardian), the House Bill 4740 or Senate Bill 908, also known as the Internet Café Regulation Act was
enacted on July 15, 2015 by the congress of the Philippines.

Also, in the Senate Bill No. 1218, Section 3, it states that “No video and computer games shop shall be
operated within the radius of five hundred meters (500) from the schools” and on Section 3 that
“owners of internet cafes… shall be required to “disable” websites that are inappropriate for students”.
Lastly, in the Senate Bill No. 2075 it states that, “The owner of every computer shop must post at the
entrance of their shops a sign stating that minors are not allowed during regular school hours.”

In implementing policies concerning this matter, the government, the owners, the teachers and the For
the owner of the establishment that violates these policies, they should receive sanctions. First offense
is two weeks of suspension of their operating hours and second offense is three weeks of suspension
and a fine worth 5,000 pesos. Lastly, for the third and succeeding offense, the owner must pay a fine
worth 10,000 pesos and/or the revocation of their business permit and license to operate and closure of
the establishment. While the owners of the internet cafes who follows these policies should have a
reward of one (1) complete computer set. Hence, it’s better to regulate the internet café near schools
for the safety of the people in our society.

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