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Oo ECS -ILA Ll Rights Reserved) =e (Established in the Ministry of Higher Education, vide in Act No, 20 of 1995) SSI Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) Second Year, First Semester Examination — 2018 EE 2107-Electronics Circuits and Systems A Instructions for Candidates: No. of questions: 6 Answer any five (5) questions. No. of pages :3 Al questions carry equal mark Time ‘Thee (3) hours 1. a) @) Draw the b parameter model for a transistor used as common emitter. Gi) Obtain a relationship between Vand Vjein terms of other eivcuit parameters. [7 marks} b) The h-parameters of the emitter follower amplifier cireuit shown in FigureQI are hig=5 kQ & hye =120. Other parameters hoe and lire have negligible effect on amplifier performance. “You can assume that, the capacitive reactance are negligible atthe frequency of operation, i) Draw the small signal mid frequency h parameter model ofthe amplifier. [5 marks} Caleulate the values of followings: ii) Voltage gain Vo/Vin Gi) Input impedance Zin {8 marks} ev 6 % Kg: : ser Figure gi igure Q2 2. a) JFET is a voltage controlled device and BJT is a current controlled device. Briefly explain the given statement. [4 marks} b) The operating point of a JFET shown in Figure Q2 is set to Ip=1.5 mA and Vos= 10 V. ‘The Parameter values for JFET are as follows. Te100kQ, Ro=10MQ, m= 4m, Ipss=SmA, Voo=20V and Vp= @ Find the values of Rp and Rs at zero signal condition, Gi) Sketch the ac equivalent cireut Gi) Find the voltage gain and the input resistance of the amplifier [16 marks} 2. BRE = i i F § E 3, a) Compare Class A, Class B, Class AB and Class C amplifiers with conduetion angle, waveform of collector current and efficiency. 15 marks} ) (® Explain push-pull operation in the class B amplifier. Gi) Explain the distortions present in the Class B amplificr. (7 marks) ©) The power amplifier shown in Figure Q3 is operated in cass A mode. Find the maximum possible efficiency of the amplifier, {8 marks} Voc=20V Ve aoe Fi Ry ° RyslKO Re=l6Q C, Vo ved Gq Vs , Figure. 04 9) In an amplifier with negative feedback, the open loop gain ofthe basic amplifier is 100 and it combines a feedback path with feedback factor of 0.03. Ifthe input signal is 40 mV, determine, (i) Voltage gain with feedback Gi) Value of output voltage ) A feedback amplifier is shown in Figure Q4.The transistor parameters are he=120, y=TkQ, he and hoo are negligible, Re=3 kO, Rr = 5000, Ro = 450 Q.and Vex (@) Draw the ac equivalent circuit for the feedback amplifier. (i) Find the voltage gain of the circuit. Gi) Write a method of eliminating the feedback in this amplifier. [9 marks} ©) Input impedance of an RF amplifier is 800 9 and equivalent noise resistance ofthe amplifier is 1500 0. Its bandwidth is 2MHiz. Assuming operating temperature is 27°C, Calculate noise voltage at the input of the amplifier. (Boltzmann’s constant is 1.38x 107° VK ) = [6marks] 0V. 5, a) For the RC phase shift oscillator shown in Figure Q5a is proved that the feedback ratio D> GR TERT (i) Derive an expression for the frequency of oscillation. (i) JPET parameters are given as ur 4000pS and To =40 KO. Find the Ro for Figure QSa to keep the oscillation. Where x= Capacitive reactance (ii) IFR= 10 KO, find the value of Cat oscillating frequeney of | kHz, [10 marks} +b) (Explain the operation of the Figure QSb as voltage regulator [2 nvarks} 2 _ho& (Electrical) -EE 2107 Flectronis Cheults and Systems IA - 2018 1 semester ny reptile Gi) The series regulator is shown in Figure Q5b. Vin=15V, RE20NO, the transistor P= 50, Feedba, V,-10V and Vor =04V. Calculate output voltage load current he base current in the transistor and the Zener current. 18 marks] Figure 50, Figure Q5a 6. a) (i) State the ideal characteristics of OPAMPs. (ii) Calculate the voltage gain and the output voltage ofthe Figure 6a. Giiy tn the circuit shown in Figure Q6b, R=12 kA, R= SkO, HS BKO, Re = 12K02 “The sepuls are V1 = 9V, Ve=-3V and Vs = -1V. Calculate the output votes {10 marks} ) A motivibrator circuit is shown in Figure Q6e. (@) Explain the operation ofthe ciruit by making suitable assumptions i) Nane the type of moltivibrator collectors and bases of each transistor. Gil) Skeich the voltage waveforms at {10 mars} R RI 7 % ¥; Vy Vo igure HIDE (Electrica) - EE 2407 Electronics Greults and Systems 1A- 2048 1 semester i ! : & i f | [Al Rights Reserved f bj o) SLIATE 7 8 Fs | [att | sRITANics INetYTUTG OF ADVANCED HECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION ' i ~ (ale ny of gh xo, en el, 2 of), & | se sme a SN ¢ | Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) 5 Second Yar, Fie Semester Examination ~ 2017 ‘ I} EE 2107 ~ Electronic Cirouits and Systems HA 5 | ‘ \ Instrctions for Candidates: Ne. of questions :6 i i Answer any five (5} questions No. ofpayes 4 i i All qnestions esr equal nurs. Fame Thee B)hows 1. ‘The leparamters ofthe transistor in the amplifier cicuit shoven in Figure QU ate he=2kQ Ie =80, as» 258 ade nego, The viet ond resistor dissipates a sign power ot | ! 10 mW. You cat assume that, the capacitive reactance are negligible at the fiequency of > operation. i } ‘shy Draw the small signal mid freqaency hybrid model of the amplifie 1S marks} f ') Derive expressions for followings: p24 i 4) Input impedance, Ria Bf ii) Voltage gain VolVin fy ) i) Powor gain marks) ©} Coleulate the vatues of followings: E ') Taput impedence Ris ' ii) Voltage gain VoVin ii) Value of E 6 mages} ; é € 2. a) Sketch the drain characteristic curve for the JFET and mark three regions on it. 14 marks] bv) JFET amplifier circuit is shown in Figure Q2. Parameter values for JFLT are as follows, 10 kX, Ioss= 10 mA and Vp=- SY, 4) Find the values of Ves, Ip, Vos and gn ii) Sketch the ac equivalent circuit Find the voltage gain ofthe amplifier {16 marks} +2V Li 21 ane = | ze | 9 | Eo % 3 ~ | Figure Q2 i | | 3.8) Compare Class A, Class B, Class AB aud Class C amplifiers with conduction angle, } i waveform of collector current and efficiency. {4 marks} At b) i) Draw the circuit diagram of Class B, NPN wansistors, push-pull amplifier using QO ‘transformer coupled output, i } ii) Explain the operation of the circuit, i iii) Find the maximum possible efficiency for the amplifier you have sketched, i bl iy) Sketch the waveforms for collector eats of transistors, load current and current of i the DC power supply. ) Briefly explain the distortion presents inthis kind of amplifies 116 marks} HRD ilectcol2 Cronies Chet i i essiow fora voltage gain of te eedback }4 marks} annplifier. ) A feedback amplifier ws shown in Figure Q4 has following, paranacters A= 100 mAIV, R= 10KQ, B =O KO. {i} Mentity the type of feedback ii) Derive an exprvesion forthe closed loop gein (Ar™ L/V) and determine the Ax ili) Derive expression for the input irapedance Rivard determine Rus 8 marks) wi ©) 3) Briefly explain “Thermal noise voltage’ and ‘shot noise current ii) input impedance of an RF amplifier is 400 2 and equivalent noise resistance: in the amplifier is 200 ©. fis bandwidth is 1@ MHz ~ 12 MBlz. Assuming that th» operating tomperature is 27°C, calculate noise votinge atthe input of tho axplifier (Boltzmann's constant is 1.38% 10°? 3K) (8 mnarisy a S. a) i) Draw a cironit diagram for Colpitts oscillator ji) Derive expression for trequency of oscillation for Colpits oscillator, (Hint: consider impedance of the feedback cicuit) iii) The capacitance values of the two capacitors C1 anc! C2 ofthe resonant circuit of a Cotpitis oscillator are C1 = 20 pF and Co = 76 pF. The inductor has 8 value of 22 ‘What is the operating fequency of oscillator? [0 saris} bb) i) Tronsistor voltage regulator circuit is shown in Fagave (5. Explain the operition of the circuit coy cireuit whee Ry = 18 xO, 148 corks slealate the regulaved outpat voltage in the ver Ro 38KQ and Ve 112V ov, (regulated voltage) 6. a) i) State the ideal characteristics of OPAMPs, {i} Draw an inverting amplifier circuit using OPAMP and derive the expression fox voltage gain. iii) Calculate the input voltage ifthe final ovipat is 10 V shown in Figure Q6a, 80 marks} : ©) A umulti-vibrator circuit is shown in Figure 6b. ') Explain the operation of the circuit by making suitable assumptions. INDE fio lf? ‘) Reserved ! ai SLATE ‘ a SRI EANKA INSTIVOTE OF anVANCEN TECHNOLOGIGeD. HbAICAON (festabishod in the Misty of Higher Eduction, vide in ct Na\29 of 1995) * state Higher National Diploma in Engineering (F ‘Second Year, First Semester Exsntination ~ 2016 EE 2107 ~ Electronics Circuits and Systoms iA, Instructions for Canidates: No. of questions : 6 Answer any five (5) questions, No.of pages 4 All. questions carry equal marks 1 Three (3) hours 1. 9), Student wants to determine four common-emitter h parameters in faboraiory. Briefly explain the determination with the help of input and output characteristics of the transistor {4 Maries} 1b). Sketch the small signal, common-emitter, hybrid equivalent model £4 Marks} ©). The amplifier shown in Figmte ta is operating at audio frequency. The values of b para-netors are hig” 1-1 EB, Bye = 50, Tiye*2.5°10%, iting = 46 KER, Ali resiswur valties are in kQ, Derive equations and find the values for following, Voltage gain volvin 14 Marks} (i) Current gain if 16 Marks} Gil) tnput impedance Rey 14 Marks} Assume that C; aul Ca have negligible impedance at this operating frequency. Figue ta 2 [4 marks} (0) Write four differences between BIT and (b)JFET transconductance curve can be plotted using Table 2a, Find the oss value for JEET. [4 marks} (©) Figure 2b shows the small signal amplifier circuit, JFET parameters are ga = 5 mS and ra = 50KQ. i), Sketch its ac equivalent circuit ii).Find the voltage gain and the current gain of the amplifier if Rp ~ 10 KO, R= | MQ and Rs=10kQ, [22 maviis} “Cot Ly Figure 2, a). Compare Class A, Class B, Class AB and Class © amplifiers with conduction angle, waveform of collector current and efficieney. [4 marks} b). 4). Sketch circuit diagram of Class B, npn transistors, push-pull smplifier using transformer coupled output ii), What are the main advantages of using transformer with the load? iii), Sketch the waveforms for collector currents of transistors, load current and eurrent of the DC supply, iv), Find the maximum possible efficiency for the amplifier you have sketched, v). Briefly explain the distortions present in this kind of amnplifiers. {16 marks} z NDE (Eletilee!) 2 Eieclronics Greuis and Systems UA - 2016 2 semester 4. a). i). Name the type of feedback amplifier shown in Figure 4a ii), Draw the ac equivalent circuit of the system. ili), Derive expression for closed loop voltage yain and Closed loop input ance, [9 marks) +). i). Mentify the type of feedback shown in Figure 4b and find the feedback ratio (B) for the system. ). What is the method ta remove Feedback (7 mack} en ©). Input impedance of an RF amplifier is 2000 and equivalent noise resistance is 300 (Tis banctwidth is 5 MHz — 10 MHz, Calculate the noise voltage at 27°C, 14 masks) 5. a). i), Drawa circuit diagram for Wien bridge oscillator using following, components, Four resistors with the values of 12 kQ, 12 kQ,10 kG? and RKO ; ‘Two capacitors with the values of 10nF and i0nF and an OP-Amp with the gain of Ay © ii), Find loop gain and feedback ratio). iil). Find the value for R to satisfy the oscillation iv), Calculate the frequency of oscillation, [10 marks} b)4). Detine voitaye regulation. ii), Trams circuit, tor voltage regulator circuit is shown in Figure 5h, Explain the pension of the iii). Calculate the output voltage and zener current in the regulator ciscuit when 21.8 KO, = AKO. V5" 15 V (enregulated). V,= 8.3 V, B= 50. 10 marks} es Creuits and Systems WA +2016 semesto AN, | | | _ a swe sh shown in Figure 6a to make it inverting and 6. 2).i). Write modifications in the op-amp circuit non inverting. ii), Find the transfer fametion for ench cireuit that you modified. “alculate output voltage when input is 1.5 V. [10 mars} 1), Figure 6b shows a mativibrator circuit §), Buplain the operation of the cireut by making suitable assumptions ii), Sketch the voltage waveforms af collectors and at bases of exch transistor. Explain the shape of voltages that can be generated from this circuit. [20 marks} ~~ Figure 6b 4 LANDE tElecticl) 2 Electronics Creat nd Systems A = 2026 J semester a [AI RightsReserved} 8 LIATE | | [ANE | sRILaNka INst1TUTE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION (labohed in tho Mistry of ighr Edueton, len Ae No. 29 of 1908) a di) @ Gi Instructions for Candidates: Answer any Five (05) questions. No. of pages Al question carry equal marks Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering Second Year, First Semester Exa £2107- Electronics Circuits and Systems Il A Time Sketch the new circuit diagram. Find the values of the required two resistors. (b) For the new circuit: Sketch the small signal, common-emitter, hybrid model Find the input impedance ( Ri) and voltage gain (va/ Dn). State any assumptions clearly. VeorI8v Figure Q2 ination - 2018 No.of questions = 06 Three (03) hours. (@) Figure QI shows an amplifier circuft. I is required to change the biasing to ‘voltage divider bias’ by using two other resistors instead of Re, without changing any other cofponents, so that the voltage supply Va is not required. (Circuit can be implemented using only one power supply). [5 Marks] [5 Marks] [5 Marks} [5 Marks} he 0.8 KO, hg= 10 ane are negligible + 2. Figure Q2 shows a JFET amplifier circuit. Parameter values for JFET are as follows: Iss. (a) Find the quiescent values of Ip and Vos. [5 Marks} (@) Determine the value of gu [5 Marks} (©) Sketch the ac equivalent circuit [5 marks} (@ _ Find the voltage gain of the amplifier [5 marks} 3. [5 Marks} (@) Explain the operation of the class B push-pull amplifier shown in Figure Q3. (b) The input signal gives 5A of peak collector current and 10 V peak collector vottage in each transistor. Assuming that the transformers have negligible resistance, find the followings. (Average power delivered to the load. [5 Marks] Cy Gi) Average power supplied by the de source [5 Marks] (iii) Average power dissipated by each transistor and conversion efficiency. [5 marks) Veer20 Vo Figure Q3 2 HODEE 2 Electronic Circuit and Systems HA 2015 1" Semester 4 (@) () a ) 5. @ ) HINDEE 2 Blectronic Ci Figure Qa (@) shows a block diagram ofa feedback amplifier system (i) Draw the equivalent circuit diagram and identity the type of feedback Gi) Derive expression for closed loop current gain 15 Marks} [5 Marks} 1 shown in Figure Q4 (b) it ean be proved that the 2 For the RC phase shift oscillator feedback ratio B = 7 a (@-sads0-o¥?2)) (i) Derive equation for frequency of oscillation. [5 Marks} (i) Ifthe component parameters given are: Qu = 500 8, t= 38 KO, R= 10k find the values of C and Ro for oscillation operation at | KHz. [5 Marks} Yoo “Amplifier i Ro vs ‘Voltage 2 aa gain A Re Hoo, Ve Rs : ‘Network Hy a fh ratioB _| is Ie Figure Q4 (6) = Figure Q4 (b) istor, one BJT transistor with Vne = 0.65, ‘Assume that you are given one 200 ress 12V, one unregulated power supply with 20V one zenor diode with zenor voltage Vz = output and @ load, Jtage regulator’ using the given components (@ Sketch circuit diagram of a ‘series vol that can be used to connect the load to the unregulated supply. [5 Marks} Gi) Find the output voltage at load end and zenor current in the crcult you hive sketched [5 Marks} Figure Q5 (b) shows a multi-vibrator circuit, i [5 Marks] (i)__ Explain the operation ofthe circuit by taking suitable assumptions Sketch the voltage waveforms at collectors and bases of each transistor. [5 Marks] 3 cuits and Systems It A 2015 I Semester Re=12 ka Figure Q4 (b) : 9 6. @ Figure Q6 (@) shows a common application of OPAMP as a digital-to analogue convertor, The voltages V1, Va and V3 will be either +5 V or 0 V depending on the input bit pattern. This circuit gives a full scale output voltage of 10 V (when inputs are at ‘maximum as V1 vy). (i) IfRe= 10 kQ, find the value of R. [5 Marks} Gi) What would be the output voltage if input is 101 [5 Marks} (b) Figure Q6 (b) shows another application of OPAMP. (Here Vi, V2 and V3 are different values). Find the transfer function and identify the circuit. [5 Marks} ei ke Re wi i 2K : vo k w G): aR i yea ye Figure Q6 (@) Figure Q6 (a) i (©) Briefly explain ‘shot noise’ and thermal noise” in electronics circuits. [5 Marks) 4 P'Semester HINDEE 2 Electronic Circuits and Systems It 201

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