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BTEC HND in Hospitality Management

Unit Title: Hospitality Operations Management Unit Code: H/601/1795

Session/Year: Jan 2017 Assessment No: 01

Assignment Launch Date: 10 July 2018 Due Date: 15 September 2018

Assignment Title: Hospitality Operations Management Teacher Name: Raj Kumar Shrestha


You have been working as an intern in a standard hotel for the last six months. You are working
under a manager. You have a chance to be a regular staff if you demonstrate the understanding of
the operational and economic characteristics, product development, pricing and profitability
concepts and skills to analyze and help improve performance in the area you have been engaged.

Your senior manager has asked you to produce a written documents based on the tasks below
which will help them to review your chance to appoint you as a regular staff as a Hospitality
Operation Officer.

The written document you prepare will show that you have understood the operational and
economic characteristics of hospitality operations. You understand the product development
within hospitality environments. Moreover, you know how pricing and profitability concepts are
applied within hospitality industry and you are able to use appraisal techniques to analyze and
improve operational performance.
Outcomes Assessed Possible evidence Write the page nos. Criteria Commen
where you demonstrate Met or ts
the targeted evidence Not

LO1 Understand the operational and economic characteristics of hospitality operations

Task 1 / 1.1 Has analyzed the nature of
different hospitality product
Analyse the nature of and service areas by
different hospitality
identifying separate factors,
product and service areas
and has justified how they
Targeted M1 are related and how each one
contributes to the topic.

In order to achieve M1,

your writing needs to
demonstrate that you have
made effective judgments
while responding task 1.

Task 2 / 1.2 To evaluate the different

influences affecting patterns
Evaluate the different of demand within the
influences affecting
hospitality operations, the
patterns of demand within
hospitality operations learner provides justified
opinions exploring
supporting ideas for and
against and this leads to a
overall conclusion where the
learner explains how they
have come to their final

Task 3 / 1.3 Has made a comparison on

customers’ profiles and their
Compare customer differing expectations by
profiles and their differing
describing the similarities
expectations and
requirements in respect of and differences reflected on
hospitality provision the costumers’ profiles.

Task 4 / 1.4 Has analyzed by identifying

different factors affecting
Analyse factors affecting average spending power in
average spending power
hospitality and has justified
hospitality businesses how they are related and how
each one contributes to
spending power.

LO2 Understand product development within hospitality environments

Task 5 / 2.1 To evaluate on the given

topic, the learner provides
Evaluate the key stages justified opinions exploring
in product and service
supporting ideas for and
development applied
within a hospitality against and this leads to a
operation overall conclusion where the
learner explains how they
Targeted M2 have come to their final

In order to achieve M2, the

writing needs to show that
you have applied relevant
theories and techniques
while evaluating task 5.

Task 6 / 2.2 Has analyzed the features by

identifying separate factors,
Analyze the features and has justified how they
which contribute towards
are related and how each one
the customers’ perception
of products and services contributes towards the
customers’ perception of
products and services.

Task 7 / 2.3 To assess the opportunities

and constrains affecting the
Assess the opportunities product and service
and constraints affecting
development within a
product and service
development within a hospitality.
In order to achieve M3,
your writing needs to
Targeted M3 demonstrate use of
appropriate structure and
approach while responding
task 7.
Task 8 / 2.4 To evaluate on the given
topic, the learner provides
Evaluate different justified opinions exploring
supporting ideas for and
opportunities for
hospitality products and against and this leads to a
services overall conclusion where the
learner explains how they
have come to their final

LO3 Understand pricing and profitability concepts within hospitality operations

Task 9 / 3.1 To evaluate on the given

topic, the learner provides
Evaluate different justified opinions exploring
methods of pricing taking
supporting ideas for and
into account
additional pricing against and this leads to a
considerations overall conclusion where the
learner explains how they
have come to their final

Task 10 / 3.2 To assess the factors which

affect revenue generation
Assess the factors which and profitability , the learner
affect revenue generation
explains all the relevant
and profitability in
hospitality operations factors or events that apply
and justifies the most
important or relevant ones

LO4 Be able to use appraisal techniques to analyze and improve operational


Task 11 / 4.1 Referring to individual

aspects (refer to the content)
Apply different of the hospitality operations
performance measures
(both product and other
and appraisal
techniques to individual managerial operations).
aspects of hospitality
operations, the product
and the whole operation
Task 12 / 4.2 Referring to (imagined)
cases in hospitality
Determine the operations, has determined
effectiveness of different
(has shown how) the
quantitative and
qualitative appraisal effectiveness of different
techniques and their quantitative and qualitative
application to appraisal techniques and
hospitality operations their applications.

Task 13 / 4.3 You need to show your skills

in which you have applied
Apply approaches to different approaches to (1)
business analysis,
business analysis, (2) apply
evaluation and
planning appropriate to evaluation and planning
hospitality operations, technique to different
making hospitality operations and (3)
proposals for action finally make proposals for

In order to achieve D1, you

must write some
Task 10 / D1. paragraphs that critically
Use critical reflection to evaluate, draw and justify
evaluate own work and conclusions of the
justify valid conclusions arguments or ideas
presented in task 3 and task

Task 11 / D2 In order to achieve D2,

produce evidence that show
Take responsibility that substantial activities
for managing and and investigation have been
organizing activities planned, managed and
organized while completing
the assignment.

In order to achieve D3, you

need to write a few
Task 12 / D3. paragraphs which show
Demonstrate that you have generated
convergent, lateral and ideas and have taken
creative thinking appropriate decision while
responding task 12 and task

To be used by the assessor.

General feedback on the assignment:

In order to pass the unit the learner has to meet all the pass criteria. Tick the each criteria awarded.
P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P3.1 P3.2 P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 Pass Achieved / Not

In order to be awarded a Merit the learner has to meet all the pass criteria and all the
merit criteria. Tick the criteria awarded.
M1 M2 M3 Merit achieved / Not

D1 D2 D3 Distinction Achieved / Not

Assignment submission format

Each student must submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students are
guided what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. No task requires
group work; all the students must produce individual assignment.

Other Requirements:

It should be the student’s own work – plagiarism is unacceptable.

Clarity of expression and structure are important features.

Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with
headers and footers, and headings and subheadings, both in hard and soft copies.

You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library, and
resources available on the Internet.

Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document
and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using Harvard
referencing style

Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or

All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, size 12, 1½ spacing.
The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit” and
“Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving “Merit and
Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment.

I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work or, in the case of group
work, the work of myself and the other members of the group in which I worked, and that no part
of it has been copied from any source.

I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarized,
none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.
Assignment Prepared By: Signature: Date: 01 July 2018
Sarbottam Silwal

Brief Checked By: Signature: Date: 01 July 2018

Dhruba Babu Joshi

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