Lantern Oaths

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a mix of all lantern oaths


through lightest dark or darkest light,

don't need no bling to join the fight.
we're mercs with mouths and so much more
yippee-ki-yay we're the deadpool corps


*with blood and rage of crimson red

we fill men's souls with darkest dread
and twist your minds to pain and hate
we'll burn you all that is your fate

*With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
Together with our hellish hate,
We'll burn you all...That is your fate!

*missing red lantern oath aboutrighteous fury

*The power of the crimson red

Can lead your soul way from dread
And heal the deepest wounds of hate
Let no one else decide your fate

*my hate unleased,

my rage unbound,
my bellows of anger the only sound.
all will burn before our sight,
a blood soaked day of CRIMSON LIGHT


*In fearful day, in raging night,

With strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars� For hope burns bright!

*in darkest gloom in burning light

though evil may extend it's might
gaze into the stars
to open your heart.
embrace your power to let hope ignite
through blue lantern's light

*when all is dark and the shadows fall,

hold tight to your dream
i shall answer the call,
despair will flee from my light
all shall be well by blue lantern's might


*For hearts long lost and full of fright,

For those alone in blackest night,
Accept our ring and join our fight,
Love conquers all� With violet light!�

*alt oath missing


*by shield of day, and sheild of night,

we feed and grow, beyond all sight,
your darkest self shall be our knight,
wield the sword of unseen light

*alt missing


*in desperate day, in hopeless night,

the phantom ring is our last light.
we yearn for power,strength and might
i seize the ring, that is my right

*alt missing


*this power is mine,

this is my light.
be it in bright of day,
or black of night.
i lay claim to all that
falls within my sight,
to take what i want.
that is my right!

*in war of light,

or time my own,
my hunger has only ever grown.
my light speaks truth,
i hear its call,
it tells me what i know;
i want it all.


*in blackest day,

in brightest night,
beware your fears made into light
let those who try to stop whats right,
burn like his power
sinestro's might!

*pre sinestro yellow corp oath missing(hard to find after retcon where sinestro was
first yellow lantern)

*in shadowed day,in fire blazed night,

what you fear is all in sight.
terrified screams fill the emptying room,
at sinestro's word we spell your doom!

with darkness black, i choke the light

no brightest day escapes my sight
i turn the dawn to midnight
beware my power dawn breaker's light


*tor lorek san,

bor nakka mur,
natromo faan tornek wot ur.
ter lantern ker lo abin sur,
taan lek lek
nok-formorrow sur

*in sorrowful day and misfortune night,

we help those who need our might,
with lanter power of abin sur
we reread your misery with compassion's light

*following empty day,

the blackest night
natromo keeps the indigo's sight.
guided by abin sur's empathetic might
may compassion lead you, with every light.

*in darkest hours,we weild our power

natromo gave, so life we'd save
the lantern corps of abin sur,
will spread compassion- forever more

*with hearths forsaken, and done no right

we reach out our hand with compassionate light
the universe is dying, we can heal.
indigo light will make all things well


*the blackest night

falls from the skies.
the darkness grows as all light dies.
we crave your hearts and your demise.
by my black hand the dead shall rise

*the darkness grows and gathers might,

the universe falls as we extinguish light.
your deaths are here, your flesh will burn!
the herald shall call
and the dread lord returns


*in brightest day and blackest night,

all darkness will dread my might.
virtuous energy of life ignite,
shine forth my power
white lantern's light
*the lightest day falls from the skies
the brightness grows as the dark dies
we creave not your end or strife
by white light long live life

*in brightest day,

in brightest night,
let my ring shine the brightest light.
when evil comes,
i will join the fight.
the power of the white lanterns
is the strongest might

*in brightest day there will be light,

to cleanse the soul and set wrongs right,
when darkness falls
look to the skies a new dawn comes
let there be light

*hope and rage, wigh and fright

love and fear, avaraice and compassion's might
all in my ring, buring bright
that is my power
white lantern's light!!!!


*in brightest day, in blackest night,

no evil shall escape my sight.
let those who worship evil's might
beware my power green lantern's light

*in days of peace,

in nights of war,
obey the laws forever more.
misconduct must be answered for,
swear us the chosen
the alpha corps

*and i shall shed my light over dark evil,

for the dark things cannot stand the light
the light of the green lantern(orignal before the normal ryme scheme)

*in loudest din or hus profound,

my ears catch evil's slightest sound.
let those who toll out evil's knell
beware my power the F sharp bell(alt universe where sound was used instead of

*in forest dark or glade beferned,

no blade of grass shall go unturned.
let those who have the daylight spurned
tread not where this green lamp has burned

*you who are wicked evil and mean,

i'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen
come one come all put up a fight
i'll pound your butts with green lantern's light
*in this place of black grey and dark
the green shall be my light hope and strength
all that is good is all i defend
i shall not falter

*in brightest day,

through blackest night
no other corps shall spread its light.
let those who try to stop what's right,
burn like my power green lantern's light

*against dishonor and traitor's flight,

i stand beside my clan to fight,
with dying breath i claw and bite
beware my power green lantern's light

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