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Experiment A

Liner curve

Experiment B

Liner curve

Experiment C

Liner curve
Experiment D

Liner curve


For experiment a,a depth of the dead zone, in liner probe, we can determine the value of
measurement for 9 lines targets at the dead zone which is D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8 and D1(D9). All
the 9 line targets were valued 10.2 mm,9.0 mm, 8.1 mm,6.9 mm,5.9 mm, 4.8 mm, 3.9 mm, 2.6 mm
and 1.8 mm,the dead zone depth we got was exceed 0.2mm from the actual depth
which is 10mm. For the curve probe, the value that we obtained for 9 line targets are 11.8 mm,9.3
mm,7.8 mm,6.7 mm,5.9 mm,5.1 mm,4.1 mm,3.9 mm and 4.0 mm. As we can see, the depth of the
dead zone that we got was exceed 1.8 mm which is 11.8 mm from the actual depth. Often,
real-time unit has a dead zone greater than 10 inm, which means that the
test object will not be useful in evaluating the dead zone. The depth at
which " ID="I4.18.1">"normal tissue " ID="I4.18.3">texture" begins to be
seen determines the dead zone when one is using a TE phantom (Fig. 4B).
Electronic calipers or other distance indicators (marker dots) are used
to quantitate the depth of the dead zone. . Performance Limits. If the
depth of the dead zone exceeds 15 mm, an attempt should be made to correct
the problem. Unfortunately,our results shows that the readings of the dead
zone for two type of probe don’t showmore then 15mm.

Vertical depth calibration refers to the accurate measurement of

distance along the axis of the beam. The location of an acoustic interface
with respect to the face of the transducer can be determined if the
velocity of ultrasound in the medium and the time of flight of the
ultrasonic pulse are known. In practice, the velocity of ultrasound in
the test object/phantom or patient is assumed to be seperation between,For experiment B, we obtained the vertical measurement calibration just only 6 lines
target which are D1,D2,D3,D4,D5, and D6 for liner probe meanwhile 9 line targets for the curve probe
which are . and the value of all that target lines for liner probe are D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8 and
D1(9). all the value for the liner probes are 10.3 mm,10.1 mm,10.4 mm,10.3 mm,10.3 mm and 10.3
mm respectively. And for the curve probes, the values that we got are 10.1mm, 10.3 mm,10.3
mm,10.1 mm,10.0 mm,10.0 mm,10.8 mm,10.8 mm, and 10.0 mm. The
same procedure
applies when one is scanning the test object/phantom from the side, except
that horizontal rods and markers are used. Some sector scanners have
distance markers on the outside edges of the sector image with no other
indicators available. Hand-held calipers must be used for distance
measurements within the image. Hand-held calipers are also required for
distance measurements on the hard copy image. Performance Limits. The
vertical distance indicators should be accurate to within 2% of the actual
distance or 1 mm, whichever is less restrictive. Any discrepancy greater
than this value is the result of either machine error or the incorrect
velocity of ultrasound in the test object/phantom.and the readings that
we got were not more than 1mm for each means our readings should
be in accuracy status.

For experiment C,which is for horizontal measurement calibration, Reasons

for Testing
because The real-time image is a composite of many lines of sight. Each
line of sight represents the depth information gathered along the axis
of the beam. However, the two-dimensional image provides spacial
relationships perpendicular to the beam axis as well. Often, information
regarding the size of an object in the horizontal direction is desirable.
This horizontal spatial representation of the dimension depends on the
number of lines of sight, the resolution of the display, and the beam width.
From what we got,the liner scanning probe have been selected to measure the horizontal
measurement calibration. For the liner curve, the value for measurement between two points of
targets which is 20.1 mm while for the curve probe is 20.2 mm. There are not much different between
that two values that have been recorded and the different between that two readings are only 0.1

For experiment D, we do the axial literal resolution, Eleven line targets with a curved array are clearly
visible separately. The distances between the line targets are from 1 mm in the central area to 5 mm
in the peripheral area. The curved array of line targets is used for the test of the axial and lateral
resolution. In this image, all 11 line targets are visualized separately and clearly (arrows). The central
part of the line targets is zoomed in the inset. The readings that we got from the liner probe are
M(D9)5.0MM(D10) andfor the curve probe
M(D9)5.1MM(D10). so we can conclude it as we success because our readings was near with the actual
rnage readings.

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