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Script: Discrimination based on Religions(Group 5)

Cherryfei Mambinonsad as Salima John Lester Villarin as the Lesson Reader
Renant Barret as Renant
Mark Zapico as Renant's father
Evafei Simbahon as Renant's mother
Christine Landayan as Salima's mother and the script writer
Pemart Sahunlay as Salima's father
Scene 1
Narrator: Salima comes from a Muslim family who’s hobby is travelling. One day,
while she was riding a bus, she realized that she left her wallet at home. Looking
distressed and filled with anxiety, she stood up from her seat, and walked to the
the door, bumping into a guy in the process.
Salima(Cherryfei) : Ouch
Renant(Renant) : Are you okay miss? You look uneasy?
Salima(Cherryfei): Nothing, I just want to get down as I don’t have my purse with
me. Umm *grabs her things* Bye I need to go
Renant(Renant): Wait miss *grabs Salima's hand* How about my treat? I saw you
many times in this bus. Next time when we meet again. You can return this
money. By the way, I’m renant
Salima(Cherryfei): Really? Thank you very much, you saved me. I’m Salima, let’s
be friends.
Narrator: The two enjoyed each other’s company. After that they said their
goodbyes to each other
Salima: Bye
Renant: Bye (The two of them walked out)
Narrator: The next day, they met again and without any conversation, Salima
returned Renants money. Month’s passed and a spark of love slowly emerged
from their hearts. But both of them couldn’t express their feelings. One day, as
usual Salima was seating in the backseat. Renant saw this so he sat beside her.
There was a long silence in their journey. Both of them, where trying to speak but
they can’t. After a few minutes, Renant decided to bid Salima farewell. But in the
process, he left behind his wallet purposely and left a note on it.
Renant: *glances at his watch or phone* Ohh! I Gotta go see you Salima
Salima: (Feeling Disappointed and Sad) What? Your leaving already? Ok, bye
Narrator: Salima replied sadly, then she noticed that Renant left his wallet
Salima: *stands up and tries to chase him* Wait, Stop! Your Wallet

Narrator: Salima called out to Renant but he didn’t turn back and got down the
bus. She was about to chase after him, but she saw a note saying that “ Hi salima,
open my wallet and call me, I want to get know you better” Happily, Salima
opened Renant's wallet, she saw a card and she flipped it to read his number and
information. But her smile vanished and got shattered at what she reads.
Salima: What? His a catholic? This can’t be, I could never convince my family for
this relationship (feeling sad and torn apart)
Narrator: Salima spent the night in distress while on the other hand, Renant is
feeling upset, and still waiting for Salima's call. The next day…
Salima: Hi, here’s your wallet (feeling nervous) Here take this *looks Around* Bye
Renant: Wait, don’t you have anything to tell me?
Salima: N- No (stuttering) S-sorry I have to go
Renant: *grabs her* Wait, I like you, Can’t you see that?
Salima: I like you too, but (feeling sad) I’m a Muslim. This is not going to work out.
Renant: So what? Love has no religion and I want you in my life
Scene 2
Narrator: Both of them, passed each other a smile. They started dating and finally
decided to marry. They then disclosed the matters to their parents.
Renant: Mom, Dad, I would like you to meet Salima, my fiance.
Salima: Hi tito, Hi tita. Nice to meet you po
Evapei(Renant’s Mother) : I like this girl, have a seat ihha. By the way, where’s
your parents?
Salima: There on the way na po * glances at her phone* Oh their here *looks at
Christine and Pemart's direction* Mom, Dad *hugs them*
Christine(Salima's mother): Oh, my poor beloved daughter, you finally grow up.
You’starting a family already. I’m so proud of you.
Salima: Stop it mom, its embarassing
Pemart(Salima's father): *looks at Salima* My daughter is so beautiful today
*looks at Renant, from head to toe* Oh, so you renant, My daughter's fiance. Hi,
nice to meet you, I’m *accidentally saw Renant's scapular, expression turning
fierce* *Glances at Salima* Salima, what’s this?
Salima: H-huh? What do you mean dad? (Feeling nervous)
Pemart(Salima's father): *shakes his head and faces Renant's father* Excuse me,
is your son catholic?
Mark(Renant's father): Yes he is (feeling confused) Why? Your daughter is a
catholic too, right?
Christine(Salima's father): What? Nope she’s not, She’s a muslim, so I think this
will not work out. Let’s go now *tries to grab Salima*
Mark(Renant's father): What? Son are you insane? They are different from us, I
forbid you to meet up with her again (shocked and upset)
Renant: Why? Why are you against us? Why aren’tyou supporting us?
Christine(Salima's mother): Why? It's because you differ in religions. A muslim
woman cannot marry a non muslim man like you. Any marriage which takes place
is invalid. Unless, you convert to our religion.
Mark(Renant's father): Convert? No! You will end things with her son. (Command)
Evapei(Renant's father) Yea, you can only marry a catholic girl.
Renant: That’s not an acceotable reason, I know that our religion forbid as to
marry someone from other religion. But what can I do? I love her.
Christine(Salima's mother): Shut it! We came from a very traditional family. What
would other people think if I my daughter marry a catholic man. Our ancestors
will be very disappointed, young man.
Pemart(Salima's Father): Love? Yes, you both love each other but the thing is you
can’t be together.
Mark(Renant's Father): Son, leave her, a catholic girl is much better than a muslim
Renant: Dad? Your wrong, no one else is better than her. How can you say that?
I’m sorry but I love her and I can’t live without her.
Salima: Mom, I know that people might criticized us but I love him and no matter
what they says, I’m willing to bear anything just to be with him
Christine(Salima's mother): Do you really love each other that much?
Salima: Yes and If you love us, you would support and acknowledge our decision.
We might differ in terms of belief and religions but our hearts unite us.
Evapei(Renant's mother): As your parents, we only want the best for you
Mark(Renant's father): But we won’t force you into doing something that would
break you
Pemart(Salima's father): I guess Faith is just a matter of choice, not force and in
the end love conquers all.
Christine(Salima's mother): Forget it, we will respect each others belief, we can
see that you love each other so much, religion is important but We guess that if
you truly love each other. It would never be a hindrance to your love. We love you
so we will support you, So we will give you our blessings
Renant: Thanks mom and dad Cherryfei(Salima): Thanks for acknowledging us

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