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Study of Aquifer Zone Using Geoelectric Vertical Electronic

Sounding Method in Kedungwaru Village, Karangsambung

District, Kebumen, Central Java
Reza Aryanto1, Bondan Fortian2, Taat Tri Purwiyono1

Lecturer at Mining Engineering Program, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy,
Trisakti University, Jalan Kyai Tapa Number1, Tomang, Grogol Petamburan,
West Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11440
Mining Engineering Program, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy,
Trisakti University, Jalan Kyai Tapa Number1, Tomang, Grogol Petamburan,
West Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11440
Corresponding author: bondan97@gmail.com

Abstract: Kedungwaru Village is a village in Karangsambung Subdistrict located at 109 ° 37'30 "- 109 ° 45'00" BT and 7
° 30'00 '- 7 ° 37'30' 'LS. In the long dry season that occurs in the first half of 2018, residents in several areas of
Kedungwaru Village complain of drought. Aquifers are a layer of water that can be used as a water source. The study was
conducted using a single channel geoelectric instrument with the Vertical Electrical Sounding method with the aim to
determine the distribution of aquifers based on the depth and thickness of the aquifer. The depth and thickness of aquifer
data are then interpolated using IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) method to produce depth maps and isopach maps. The
results showed that there were two types of aquifers in Kedungwaru Village, namely unconfined aquifers and confined
aquifers. The unconfined aquifer located at a depth of 1-3 m from the surface with a thickness varying up to 22 m, while
the confined aquifer is at a depth of 13-30 m from the surface with thicknesses varying up to 20 m.

Keyword: geoelectrical, aquifer, isopach

Kedungwaru Village is a village in Karangsambung Subdistrict. Kedungwaru village is known for having diverse
elevations. Because of this diversity of elevation, residents in some areas are having complain about water
difficulties. One of the causes for the complain about the water difficulty was due to the lack of springs in several
areas in the village.
Citizens' complaints about the lack of water resources are also felt especially in the long dry season as in the early
half of 2018. Therefore, a review of the distribution of aquifer layers in the area is needed. To determine the
distribution of aquifers and their thickness, it is necessary to conduct a study of soil layers and aquifer conditions.
Geoelectric resistivity is one way to determine soil conditions and aquifer conditions. The map of Kedungwaru can
be seen at Figure 1.
Figure 1. Map of Kedungwaru
(National Mapping Agency of Indonesia, 2018)

Research Location: The research location is administratively located in the Kedungwaru Village area in the
Karangsambung Subdistrict, Kebumen Regency - Central Java Province. The boundary of this region is in the north
bordering the Banjarnegara region, in the east bordering the Wadaslintang region, in the south bordering the
Kebumen region and on the west bordering the Gombong region. Geographically, the study area is at coordinates
109 ° 37'30 "BT - 109 ° 45'00" BT and 7 ° 30'00 '' LS - 7 ° 37'30 '' LS. Local stratifigraphy in Kedungwaru Village
is classified as a Penosogan formation. In general, the Penosogan formation consists of thin to moderate layers of
sandstones, clay limestones, some side-grains, calcarenite, marlene and tuff.
Aquifer: Groundwater is water that is located below the surface of the soil, in a water-carrying layer called an
aquifer[1]. The nature of the rock layer which is below the rock greatly affects the presence of groundwater. The rock
layers that cannot be traversed by water are generally called impermeable layers or waterproof layers which are
generally composed of clay-textured soil. Meanwhile, rock layers that are easily traversed by water are called
permeable layers which are generally composed of loose rocks such as gravel or sand. Based on the ability of a rock
to hold or pass water, rocks can be divided into:
 Aquifer
Aquifers are layers of groundwater carrier that have a rock structure that can store and drain water in a
significant amount [7]. This aquifer rock is permeable. Some rock samples including aquifer rocks are
sandstones, limestones, and others
 Aquifuge
Rock layers that cannot store and transverse water.
 Aquiclude
Aquiclude is a layer of rock that can store water, but cannot escape significant amounts of water[7].
Examples of this type of rock are hard granite rocks.
 Aquitard
This layer of rock is a layer that can store water, but can only transverse an insignificant amount of water.
Examples are clay and claystone.

Aquifer Types: Based on lithology, aquifers are divided into 4[4], namely (Figure 2):
 Unconfined Aquifer
Aquifer layer where the groundwater is the upper limit of the water saturation zone.
 Confined Aquifer
The aquifer layer is located under the impermeable layer and has a pressure greater than atmospheric
 Leakage Aquifer
The aquifer layer is located under a half-permeable layer, so it’s located between a confined aquifer and an
unconfined aquifer.
 Perched Aquifer
The aquifer layer with groundwater mass separated from the main groundwater mass by a relatively
impermeable layer that is not so wide and located in the water saturation zone.

Figure 2. Layers and Aquifers

Geoelectric: Geoelectric is one of the geophysical methods based on the application of the concept of electricity to
earth problems. The aim is to estimate the electrical properties of the medium or sub-surface rock formations,
especially their ability to conduct or inhibit electricity (conductivity or resistivity).
Geoelectricity is carried out by flowing DC electric current which has a high voltage into the ground. This electric
current injection uses two current A and B electrodes which are plugged into the ground at a certain distance. The
wider the AB electrode, the deeper will flow of electric current to penetrate layers of rock. The flow of electric
current will cause electrical voltage in the ground.
Geoelectricity can be done with three methods, namely sounding (VES), profiling, and a combination of sounding
and profiling. Sounding is a one-dimensional measurement (1D) to find information on the depth distribution of
resistivity. Profiling is a method commonly used to find information on resistivity variations laterally. The
combination of sounding and profiling for 2D and 3D is done to find information on subsurface resistivity
Resistivity is determined from an apparent type of resistance calculated from the measurement of the potential
difference between the electrodes placed below the surface. The measurement of a potential difference between the
two electrodes as a result of the other two electrodes at point C is the type of resistance below the ground below the
The resistivity value of a rock (𝞺) is directly proportional to the potential difference (∆V) but is inversely
proportional to the current strength (i). The relationship of resistivity value, potential difference and current strength
can be explained by the following equation:

ρ = K (1)
K is the geometry factor that each configuration has. The geometry factors in Schlumberger configuration are as

π(L2− l2)
K = (2)

Vertical Electrical Sounding Method: Measurement of depth vertically on the resistivity of the geological
formation is done by injecting a number of direct currents into the ground between a pair of electrodes and another
electrode. Two electrodes are needed to inject the current and two other electrodes are needed to measure the voltage
that occurs on the surface.
Resistivity is determined from an apparent type of resistance calculated from the measurement of the potential
difference between the electrodes placed below the surface. The measurement of a potential difference between the
two electrodes as a result of the other two electrodes at point C is the type of resistance below the ground below the
electrode. (Todd, 1959). This can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Electrode Configuration[6]

IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) Interpolation: The Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method is a simple
deterministic method interpolating the points around it. The assumption of this method is that the interpolation value
will be more similar in the near sample data than the further one. Weight will change linearly according to the
distance with sample data. This weight will not be affected by the location of the sample data.
This method is generally used in the mining industry because it is easy to use. This type of interpolation will give
results such as using nearest neighbor interpolation where the value obtained is the value of the nearest data point.
The disadvantage of the IDW method is that the value of the interpolation results is limited to the values in the
sample data. The effect of sample data on the results of interpolation is called isotropic. In other words, because this
method uses an average of sample data, so the value cannot be smaller than the minimum or larger than the sample
data. So, the hill top or the deepest valley cannot be displayed from the results of the interpolation of this model. To
get good results, the data sample used must be a meeting that relates to local variations. If the sample is rather rare
and uneven, the results are likely not to be as desired.

2.7 Isopach Map: Isopach map is a map that describes lines that connect the dots of a formation / layer with the
same thickness. It is generally used to determine the location of mineral traps and also to determine the tectonic or
structural forms resulting from a type of sedimentation. Isopach maps can also be used to describe variations in
thickness of an area.

Research Point: Determination of the research points is done by field observation at areas that are feasible for
research. The point determination is based on the hamlet located in the village and the accesibility of the location.
Based on this, 10 points were chosen where every 2 points represent each hamlet. The point in each hamlet is taken
by selecting the outermost part of each hamlet. But in some cases such as the Rawajambe hamlet and Tegalsari
hamlet whose outermost parts are inaccessible and not feasible, the last point is taken before the inaccessible and
inadequate place. The point location can be seen in Figure 4 and the coordinates can be seen in Table 1.

Figure 4. Research Point Location

Table 1. Reseach Point Coordinates


KR-01 -7,590027 109,664277 40
KR-02 -7,591722 109,668444 42
GS-01 -7,590916 109,672222 42
GS-02 -7,592138 109,673833 40
TS-01 -7,598194 109,676222 205
RJ-01 -7,596194 109,670722 58
TS-02 -7,598388 109,672777 158
KW-01 -7,599055 109,669972 106
KW-02 -7,597769 109,666511 40
RJ-02 -7,594611 109,668027 40
KL-GP -7,599178 109,668755 205
KL-SM01 -7,598361 109,675078 195
KL-SM02 -7,597917 109,665383 35
KL-SM03 -7,591864 109,668489 43

Geoelectric Resistivity Data Collection: Resistivity data collection includes data collection of current strength (I)
and potential difference (V). Data is obtained by recording the current strength injected into the earth in units of mA
and also recording the results of potential differences in units of mV. The magnitude of the current in the injection
will be read by the amperemeter and the results of the potential difference will be read by the voltmeter. Before the
injection, Schlumberger configuration is arranged in advance to find out where the electrodes will be installed. After
obtaining the current and potential difference data, then the apparent resistivity is calculated by including the
geometry factor according to the configuration. The apparent resistivity results are then processed using
PROGRESS software to get true resistivity. The geoelectrical tool used is the Single Channel Geoelectric Resistivity
tool called GL-4200IP.

The Making of Isopach Map and Depth Map: The obtained aquifer data from the interpretation of resistivity log
then correlated with the coordinates of the research point. The interpretation and coordinate data are then collected
in one Microsoft Excel file which will then be processed with the help of ArcGIS software. Aquifer distribution
maps use ArcMap GIS software using IDW interpolation (Inverse Distance Weighting). Spatial data processing uses
the interpolation method in making the isohyet line.
Interpolation is a method used to obtain unknown values at a location. A survey point does not have to be regular or
close. The stages of making maps of the distribution of infiltration rates using IDW interpolation are as follows:
1. Basic Map
Distribution from the research point will be used as the basis for making overlays. The manufacturing
phase is as follows:
• Coordinates of research points are plotted into Google Earth and input it to Ms. Excel as a database
• On Google Earth, the boundaries of Kedungwaru Village are known, then polygons are formed
with tools in Google Earth, then the data is stored in the form of a .kml file which will later be used
for ArcMap GIS data.
• The next process is the conversion of data results that have been obtained from Google Earth. In
ArcGIS open the ArcToolbox> Conversion Tool> From KML option. This is done so that data
from Google Earth in the form of KML can be read by ArcGIS software.
• The next process is to display data that has been converted into ArcGIS. Polygons will be formed
and enter data from Ms. Excel in the form of coordinate research points.
2. Interpolation Map with IDW Analysis
IDW interpolation method has the assumption that each input point has a local effect which decreases
with distance. After obtaining a basic map with the coordinates of the research points, interpolation was
carried out by opening ArcToolbox> Spatial Analyst Tools> Interpolation> IDW. By inputting Excel data
that is known the infiltration rate value for each point will be entered in the z values category. Data will
be processed and interpolation of values will be formed
depth and thickness of each research point. The results of this process are maps of the distribution of
aquifer depths and thickness of aquifers in Kedungwaru Village.


Aquifer Depth: From the data obtained by the results of the Resistivity Log interpretation (Figure 5), we can make
assumptions about the position of the aquifer and its depth. The depth data then can be made a map of the
Kedungwaru Village aquifer distribution. The results of the interpretation data state that in Kedungwaru Village
there are two different types of aquifer layers. The first aquifer layer is an uncofined aquifer layer which is directly
adjacent to the ground water level. The second aquifer layer is a confined aquifer layer which is under silt size
limestone which is an impermeable layer. Depth data from each point is then interpolated using the IDW method.

Figure 6. Resistivity Log

Unconfined Aquifer Depth Map: In Kedungwaru Village, unconfined aquifers are found in shallow places with
variations in depth from 1 m to 3 m. The upper part of the unconfined aquifer in Kedungwaru Village is directly
adjacent to the top soil and the bottom is bordered by silt size which is water-resistant. In Krajan hamlet, unconfined
aquifers are generally found at the depths of 1 to 2 meters, which also allows the presence of many fields in the
hamlet. Gayamsari hamlet has a variety of unconfined aquifers, this may occur due to differences in the elevation
found in the hamlet, as well as the case in Rawajambe and Kaliwadas hamlets. For Tegalsari Hamlet, there was no
direct aquifer layer found with the geoelectric resistivity method, but the interpolation results showed the possibility
of an unconfined aquifers at the depth of 2 m. Tegalsari hamlet is also a hamlet with a very minimum water source,
with only one source of water in the form of a well. This is also thought to be influenced by the location of Tegalsari
hamlet which is located at a very high elevation can be seen on Figure 7.
Figure 7. Unconfined Aquifer Depth Map

Confined Aquifer Depth Map: Confined aquifer is a layer of water that can be used by the villagers to be used as a
spring water. Unlike unconfined aquifers, confined aquifers in Kedungwaru Village have more depth variations.
Confined aquifers in Kedungwaru Village have depth variations ranging from 13 m to 30 m.Broadly speaking, the
distribution of confined aquifers in Kedungwaru Village has greater depth as surface elevation rises.
In the Krajan hamlet, aquifers are found at depths of 13 to 17 m, which is supported by the number of wells with
similar depths that are scattered in Krajan hamlet. In the Gayamsari hamlet, based on the interpretation of resistivity
log data, it was found that at two adjacent points of research the distance had a much different depth, this was
thought to be caused by a different thick impermeable layer. Rawajambe hamlet is a hamlet whose aquifer layer has
a level of depth that is directly proportional to the increase in elevation, as well as the Kaliwadas hamlet. For
Tegalsari hamlet, which have the lesser springs, at the initial limit of the hamlet, aquifers were confined as deep as
26 m, this was confirmed by the presence of a well with a depth of 25 m which was close to the research point. At
the eastern top of the Tegalsari hamlet the resistivity log did not show any confined aquifer layers, but the results of
the interpolation showed a possible water source in the form of a confined aquifer at a depth of 22 m, this can be
seen at Figure 8.

Figure 8. Confined Aquifer Depth Map

Isopach Map: Beside the depth of the aquifer, the interpretation of the resistivity log also shows the thickness of
each aquifer. The thickness of each aquifer varies at each of these points which then used as a reference for making
isopach maps. This thickness data is interpolated with the IDW method to create an isopach map.
Unconfined Aquifer Isopach Map: This map is a representation of the thickness of the unconfined aquifers in
Kedungwaru Village. The thickness of this aquifer is obtained from the interpretation of the resistivity log which
shows thick sand and limestone sand size. The thickness of the unconfined aquifers in Kedungwaru Village is quite
varied. Variations in thickness of free aquifers in Kedungwaru Village range between 1 and 22 m.
The largest aquifer in the northern part of the village with a thickness of 22 m between the Krajan and Gayamsari
hamlets. Krajan Hamlet itself has a quite varied thickness of aquifer, where the western part of hamlet has a small
thickness but thickens to the east. Gayamsari hamlet is a hamlet with the highest aquifer thickness, because from the
two research points taken in the area, the two points show a depth of 22 m. Rawajambe hamlet and Tegalsari hamlet
have similar thickness of aquifers, both of which have small thickness values, this is thought to occur because the
hamlets are hamlet with high elevations. In Kaliwadas hamlet it can be seen that the thickness of the aquifer
increases with increasing elevation, such can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Unconfined Aquifer Isopach Map

Confined Aquifer Isopach Map: The isopach map of the confined aquifer is an illustration of the thickness of the
aquifer layer in Kedungwaru Village. This map (Figure 10) illustrates how thick the aquifer can be used as a source
of water in various forms, one of which is a well. The thicker the confined aquifer layer will mean more stored water
Broadly speaking, the thickness of aquifers in Kedungwaru Village has a value that is not too large, but there are
several points that have a large thickness. In Krajan Hamlet the thickness of the compressed aquifer varies from 1 to
6 m, with the highest thickness being on the west side of the hamlet. Gayamsari hamlet has a thickness of confined
aquifer which is quite different and has a different depth. Rawajambe Hamlet is a hamlet which has the largest
thickness in Kedungwaru Village, at the RJ-01 research point it can be seen that there are aquifers that have a
thickness of 30 m. The Kaliwadas hamlet can be seen at the KW-01 point located in the western part of Hamlet
having a thickness of 11 m, this can be correlated with the presence of villagers wells that are close to the KW-01
point, but further east the thickness of these aquifers decreases.

Figure 10. Confined Aquifer Isopach Map

Hamlet with the highest elevation in Kedungwaru Village, namely Tegalsari hamlet, has a small thickness of
confined aquifer, this is thought to be evidence of public complaints about the difficulty of water in Tegalsari
hamlet. From a depth map and an isopach map a geological model can be made that can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 9. Geological Model

From this study, it was found that there are two types of aquifer layers in Kedungwaru Village, namely unconfined
aquifer and confined aquifer. Unconfined aquifers tend to be close to the surface and come into direct contact with
top soil. Confined aquifers are varied, some are located under the impermeable layer and some are located
underneath the impermeable layer. Unconfined aquifers are located at depths of 1 to 3 m from the ground surface,
while confined aquifers are located at 13 to 30 m below ground level. The thickness of the two aquifers is different,
unconfined aquifer varies up to 22 m, while confined aquifer varies up to 20 m.


Massive appreciation to Reza Aryanto, S.T., M.T., Ir. Taat Tri Purwiyono M.T., FTKE Mining Engineering
Department Trisakti University, and Indonesian Institute of Science Campus (LIPI), Karangsambung, Kebumen

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