RPP Reported Speech

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Program Keahlian : JBG 2
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit
Skill : Writing
Topik : Reported Speech

A. Standar Kompetensi

1.1. Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara level elementary

B. Kompetensi Dasar

2.2. Mencatat pesan peasn sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun
melalui alat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Nilai Budaya Dan

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Karakter Bangsa
 Mengidentifikasi pesan pesan sederhana Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja
baik dalam interaksi lngsung maupun keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu,
melalui alat semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air,
 Menganalisis pesan pesan sederhana baik menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta
dalam interaksi lngsung maupun melalui damai, gemar membaca, peduli
alat lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab,

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi pesan pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi lngsung
maupun melalui alat
 Siswa dapat menganalisis dan menulis pesan pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi
lngsung maupun melalui alat
E. Materi Pokok

Direct & Indirect Speech consist of three point :

I. Statement (pernyataan)
II. Command (perintah)

1. To be & Auxiliary Verbs

Direct Indirect
Am/is/are Was/were
Can Could
Shall/will Should/would
May Might
Have/has to Had to
Ought to

2. Tenses

Direct Indirect
Simple Present Simple Past
Simple past Past Perfect
Present Continous Past Continous
Present Perfect Continous Past Perfect Continous
Simple Future Past Future

In indirect we use word “that” as a conjunction between introdce phrase and reported word.
Example :
He said
He said to me That+reported words
He told me

e.g - Mary told her friends “I have been to Bali twice.”

- Mary told her friends that she had been to Bali twice.

- Father said “I am going out of town tomorrow”

- Father said that he was going out of town the following day.

Apabila kalimat pengantarnya dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, maka kalimat yang
dilaporkan tidak mengalami perubahan.

e.g - John says “I will go to Bandung tomorrow”

- John says that he will go to Bandung tomorrow

- Mary says “I have seen that film”

- Mary says that she has seen that film.


Devided into two:

 Positive command
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya,
sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan perintah yang dilaporkan.
Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam jenis ini ialah :

He asked me
He told me

e.g - He asked me “Open your book”

- He asked me to open my book.

- Mary told me “Stop talking to Jane”

- Mary told me to stop talking to Jane.

 Negative Command
Dalam perintah negatif kita tambahkan not to di depan perintah yang

e.g - Mary told John “Don’t wait for me”

- Mary told John not to wait for her.

- I told him “Don’t mention it to anyone”

- I told him not to mention it to anyone.
F. Metode Pembelajaran/teknik:
Ceramah, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas,diskusi

G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran:
Pertemuan 1
No Kegiatan Waktu
1 Kegiatan Awal 15 menit
1.1 Pendahuluan:
a. Guru mengucapkan salam
b. Memeriksa kehadiran siswa
c. Apersepsi
 Menyatakan topik pembahasan pertemuan ini
 Menjelaskan kepada siswa tujuan pembelajaran dalam
pertemuan ini
d. Orientasi
 Guru menjelaskan tentang pentingnya materi ini dalam
kehidupan nyata
e. Motivasi
 Menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang manfaat
mempelajari materi ini

2 Kegiatan Inti 60 menit

2.1 Eksplorasi
a. Siswa melihat tampilan yang ada di slide powerpoint tentang
materi reported speech
b. Siswa diberikan clue atau arahan tentang maksud dari power
point tersebut
2.2 Elaborasi
a. Siswa membuat kelompok sesuai arahan guru
b. Siswa melakukan diskusi kelompok mengenai materi
repoerted speech
c. Siswa membuat contoh kalimat reported speech
2.3. Konfirmasi
a. Guru memberikan umpan balik berupa koreksi dan masukan
kepada siswa
b. Guru melakukan pengamatan terhadap siswa tentang
penerimaan materi
c. Guru memberi apresiasi bagi siswa yang berpartisipasi aktif
3 Kegiatan Akhir 15 menit
a. Mengulas kembali pelajaran pada pertemuan ini
b. Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang
pelajaran yang telah diberikan.
c. Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan inti dari materi pembelajaran
d. Meminta siswa mempelajari materi yang akan dibahas pada
pertemuan selanjutnya
e. Guru mengucapkan salam
H. Media dan Sumber Belajar
 Media Pembelajaran: board marker, white board, LCD
 Sumber Belajar: Internet
 Buku : Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII Penilaian
Lembar Penilaian

Nilai = Jumlah Skor x 10
= 100

Kriteria Nilai
A=80 – 100 :Baik Sekali
B=70 – 79 :Baik
C=60 – 69 :Cukup
D=‹ 60 :Kurang

I. Evaluasi
1. Pertemuan 1
Change the sentences below into direct or indirect speech!
a. He said,” i work in a bank”
b. Susan told me ,”i can come tonight”
c. Fero asked Reni,” why do you come late today?”
d. They said,” we are going to beach tomorrow”
e. She said,” i am sad now”
f. My mother told me,” don’t come home late!”
g. Teacher asked,” open the page 23 now!”
h. My sister asked me,” are you oke?”
i. Reno said,” i will give you a book next week”
j. My uncle told me,” come and visit us next week!
k. He asked me,” open the door please!”
l. I said,” Leo has been waiting for you since two hours”
m. Marry told us,” i have to go now”
n. My sister asked me,”where are you last night?”
o. Lina told us,” she is ready to come with us”
2. Kunci jawaban
a. He said that he worked in a bank
b. Susan told to me that she could come that night
c. Fero asked reni why she come late that day
d. They said that they were going to beach the following day
e. She said that she was sad then
f. My mother told to me not to come home late
g. Teacher asked to open the page 23 then
h. My sister asked me weahter/if i was oke or not
i. Reno said he would give me a book the following week
j. My uncle told me to come and visit them next week
k. He asked me to open the door please
l. I said that Loe had been waiting for you for two hours
m. Marry told us that she had to go then
n. My sister asked me where was i last night
o. Lina told us that she was ready to come with us

Madiun,11 November 2019

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa Praktika

Tri Wulandari, S.Pd Rizal Nur H

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