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Human Rights:

1. What are Human Rights ?

Those rights inherent to all human being regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity ,language,
religion or any other status.
These rights including others the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture,
freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education and many more.
Everyone is entitled to these rights without any discrimination.
2. History of Human Rights
 The concept of natural rights: John Locke and his defense of natural rights
 The glorious revolution 1688
 Philosophers Thomas Paine, JS Mill, Rosseau, Hobbes , Hegel, bentham-18th and 19th Ce
 US revolution of 1776 and the declaration of independence
 US revolution of 1789 and the declaration of Rights of Men
3. World war 1 and the League of Nations
 League of Nations was established in 1919
 In its charter many of the rights were included which later became the basis of universal
declaration of Human Rights
4. International Human Rights law
 Laid down the obligations of government to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain
acts in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of
individuals or groups
 One of the greatest achievements of UNO
 The foundations of this body of law are the charter of United Nations and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights -1945,1948
5. Universal Declaration OF Human Rights
 A milestone document in the history of Human Rights
 Proclaimed by the UN general Assembly on 10th December 1948
 Is of enormous significance
6. Human Rights Council
 Established on March 15th 2006 by the General Assembly and reporting directly to it
 Replaced the 60 year old UN commission on Human Rights as the key
intergovernmental body responsible for Human Rights.
7. Un High Commissioner for Human Rights
 Exercises principal responsibility for UN Human Rights activities
8. Human Rights and the Un system
 Cross cutting theme in all UN policies and programs in the key areas of peace and
security, development, humanitarian assistance and economic and social affairs
 As a result virtually every UN body and specialized agency is involved to some degrees in
the protection of Human Rights
 Human rights days observed every year on 10th December
9. Constitutional basis of Human Rights in Pakistan
 Chapter 1 of the part 2 of the constitution of Pakistan covers all the fundamental rights
of human beings
 Article 8 to 28 of the constitution covers these fundamental Human Rights in
accordance with the UN charter
10. Fundamental Human Rights
A. Social
B. Political
C. Economic
11. Importance of Human Rights
 Human rights ensure people have basic needs met
 Protect vulnerable groups from abuse
 Allow people to stand up to societal corruption
 Encourage freedom of speech and expression
 Give people the freedom to practice their religion
 Encourage equal work opportunities
 Give people access to education
 Provides a universal standard that holds government accountable
12. Violation of Human Rights
 Child abuse
 Child labor
 Human trafficking
 Violence against women
 Political repression
 Enforced disappearances
 Extrajudicial killings
 Arbitrary detention and violation of due process
 Violation of right of peaceful assembly
 Violation of right to freedom of expression
 Target killings
 Slavery
 War crimes
 Persecution of minorities
 Internment camps
13. Preventing violation and strengthening protection of Human Rights
 Role of state institutions: legislature and judiciary
 Role of inter governmental organizations
 Role of media
14. conclusion

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