Unlocking Your Extraordinary Superpowers

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The 6 Extraordinary

Superpowers You Were Born With

By the time you were five years old, you could name all five of your senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell
and touch.

We are told that these are all of the senses that we have to work with, because we live in a world that
identifies existence and reality with things that can be experienced in the three-dimensional world.

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
But the fact is, there’s much more going on in the Universe on an energetic level than what can
observed by the five senses alone!

Some people have been able to create incredible results in their lives and in the world that seem
“impossible” to others – because they’ve learned how to access and harness another dimension of
resources that have allowed them to go beyond what ordinary humans do.

These additional resources are the six invisible superpowers (also known as “mental faculties”) that
we are ALL born with, but that 97% of us use unconsciously – and when we do this, we generate a lot
of unnecessary stress, scarcity, worry and struggle in life.

But, once you gain an awareness of what each of these superpowers are, and how to harness them
intelligently, you’re able to affect your environment and your results quickly and easily!

The 6 Extraordinary Superpowers You Were Born With Are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

6. _______________________________________

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

Fill in the blanks:

“___________________ is more important than knowledge. For

knowledge is limited, whereas ___________________ embraces the
entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
~Albert Einstein

We think in ________________.


What’s one thing that you would love to create for yourself and your life, without worrying about HOW
you’d be able to bring it about?

Hint: think about the areas of health & well-being, relationships, vocation, and time & money freedom.

Write your ideas below:


©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

Fill in the blanks:

“The ____________ __________ is a sacred gift, and the rational mind

is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift.” ~Albert Einstein

This superpower is your direct access to what Thomas Edison called “the
_________ ____ ______________.”

Crossroads Exercise:

Think about a decision that you’re looking at

making in your life right now.

For example: Should I move to New York, or

should I stay in California?

Standing at this crossroads, imagine that you

choose option one – which, according to this
example, is to move to New York.
Now, imagine taking the steps you would take to move there. Put yourself in New York, and allow
yourself to imagine all of the things you would be doing in that city. Imagine yourself having lived
there for six months.

Write down your ideas of what life in New York might look like, and take your time with this.

Next, notice your energy, without judgment. How do you feel? Do you feel expansion, or constriction?

Now, come back to the crossroads. Imagine that you choose option two – which, according to this

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
example, is to move to Los Angeles. Imagine yourself having that experience, and paint a picture in
your mind of all of the things moving to that city and living there may entail.

Write down your ideas of what life in Los Angeles may look like.

How do you feel? Do you feel expansion, or constriction? Just notice.

Now, come back to the crossroads.

You can’t know all of the possible scenarios that will occur as a result of either choice, but one of the
two choices has more aliveness in it. It’s not rational, it’s energetic – and when making choices, you
can trust your energy, because it will never lie to you.

What’s a decision that you’re looking at making in your life right now?

Do the crossroads exercise in the space provided below:


©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
Fill in the blanks:

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem
improbable, and then when we summon the ___________, they soon
become inevitable.” ~Christopher Reeve


Take a look at what you wrote down for question number one.

What is one thing that you could be doing that you’re NOT currently doing, that if you DID do on a
regular basis, you know know would move you in the direction of that dream?

Write your ideas below:


©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

Fill in the blanks:

“It’s a poor sort of __________________ that only works

~The White Queen to Alice in “Through the Looking Glass” by Lewis Carroll


Reflect back to what you wrote down for question number one.

Imagine that you have already succeeded in transforming this dream into reality. What does your
having achieved this result look like and feel like? Describe this in detail below:

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

Fill in the blanks:

The two types of this mental faculty are:

___________________________, which is what most of us have been trained in.

___________________________, which is what all highly successful people operate from.


Take a look at the answer you wrote down for question number one about
what you’d love to create for yourself.

Now, ask yourself: “Is this dream based on what I think circumstances
will allow, what other people’s expectations are, or what I think I SHOULD
want to be, do or have? Or is this something that I would TRULY love,
even if I have NO idea how to bring it into existence?”

Be honest with yourself, without judgment, and write your reflections below:

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

Fill in the blanks:

Most of us operate as though our _______________ is actually the TRUTH, but this is not so!


Take a look at what you wrote down for question number one as something
you would love to create for yourself and your life.

Now, ask yourself: “What story have I been telling myself about why I
haven’t been able to create this result in my life up until now?”

Write your thoughts and reflections below:

Be honest with yourself, without judgment, and write your reflections below:
©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
What new story will you choose to start telling yourself going forward, that will support the dream you
wrote down for question number one that you want to create?

©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
About Mary Morrissey:
Mary Morrissey is widely considered the world’s foremost expert on “dream-
building,” which is the art and science of transforming your dreams into
your reality.

Mary has invested the last 40 years into studying transformational

principles, and is the author of two bestselling books, No Less Than
Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams, which became a PBS special.

She has also been featured in the popular documentary films, The Moses Code and Beyond The Secret.

Together with the Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Foundations, Mary has addressed the United
Nations three times, and was invited to co-convene three different week-long meetings with His
Holiness The Dalai Lama. She also met with President Nelson Mandela in Cape Town, South Africa to
address some of the most significant issues that our world faces.

Mary also recently spoke on the TEDx stage, and to a packed house at the celebrated Carnegie Hall in
New York City.

Through her books, live events and programs, Mary has empowered millions of people worldwide to
achieve new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth and authentic success.

Here’s what others are saying about Mary’s work in the world:

“Mary Morrissey stands out in a category all of her own. She has a
depth of knowledge that is unparalleled, and she is, without question,
one of the best teachers I have ever met in my entire life. This woman
has something special!”
~Bob Proctor, star of The Secret

“Mary is one of our most powerful and enlightened teachers. Breathe in

her wisdom.”
~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, bestselling author of Manifest Your Destiny
©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.
“Mary Morrissey has been one of my most important friends and
teachers. She has a laser-beam ability to recognize and articulate the
emergent possibility in someone’s life, then take their hand and show
them how to make it real. To be exposed to her wisdom is to be exposed
to a mighty power.”
~Marianne Williamson, bestselling author of A Return to Love

“Mary Morrissey altered the path of my life, and she restored me to

myself by seeing me as who I really am. If there was a single person
that I’ve known personally in my life in who I would place the highest
faith, it would be Mary Morrissey.”
~Neale Donald Walsch, bestselling author of Conversations with God

Connect with Mary on Facebook here:


©2017 Mary Morrissey ® • LifeSOULutions That Work ®, LLC • All rights reserved • Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.

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