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Read the text and answer the question for number 1-5

to: All employees

There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the
generator as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioner on Saturday.
Please don’t forget to turn off the lights.
1. Where can you read the announcement?
a) In bank
b) In company
c) In school
d) In library
2. According to the text, what should the employees turn off every Saturday?
a) Computers
b) Printers
c) Air conditioner
d) Cell phone
3. What is the main source to replace electronic needs?
a) The generators
b) The lights
c) Electrics
d) Natural source
4. How long the blackout happened?
a) One month every Saturday
b) Two month every Saturday
c) Three month every Saturday
d) One week
5. The word “we” in line 2 refers to..
a) The boss
b) Employees
c) The company
d) Electric stuff
Read the announcement bellow and answer the question for number 6-10
Missing Child

Her name is Anna Williams, she is 8 years old and 125 cm tall.

Last seen in front of her house at Jalan Gunung Soputan 1 No. 16A wearing a red shirt with
elmo face printed in front of it and black and white checkered shirt. If you happen to see her,
please contact the nearest police station or her parents at the number below :

Robin (0321) 4141322

Nina (0321) 4445454

There will be proper reward for those who can help us to find her.
6. Who is missing?
a) Elmo
b) Anna Williams
c) Nina Williams
d) Robin Williams
7. Based on announcement above, which statements is true?
a) Anna was found in front of her house
b) There is no a reward for those who find her
c) You can only contact police if you see her
d) Anna is the daughter of Nina and Robbin Williams
8. How many contact persons that available to call?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) 4
9. Where the las time that the parents saw their son?
a) At their house
b) Nearest police office
c) Restaurant
d) Park
10. How old she is now?
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 7
Read the text bellow and answer the question for number 11-15

Our hearts go out to Jane Doe ho lost her brother in a workplace accident last
Saturday. We all know how kind he was when he attended our Christmas party. We will all
miss him as a great person. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jane at this time.
A funeral service will be held at 10:00a.m. Saturday at the Wyoming Central Church.
Those wishing to attend the service will be granted an extra break hour.

11. Who is passed away?

a) Jane Doe
b) Jane’s brother
c) Wyoming church priest.
d) Jane’s co-worker
12. When the last time jane’s brother visits jane’s office?
a) During Wyoming church anniversary
b) Last Tuesday
c) This Saturday
d) Last year
13. What the reason behind his death?
a) Workplace accident
b) Car accident
c) Sick
d) Natural causes
14. When a funeral service will be held?
a) 10.00p.m Saturday
b) 10.00a.m Saturday
c) 10.00a.m Friday
d) 10.00p.m Friday
15. Did he is a good person?
a) Yes he did
b) No he did not
c) Not really
d) Absolutely not

Read the text bellow and answer the questions for number 16-20

We’re looking for an experienced character artist with a talent for sculpting and character
design. ALCHEMAXX LABS has many projects in various stages of production at all times;
artists will be expected to apply their skills in a wide variety of ways, depending on the day-
to-day needs of these projects. We’re interested in artists who share an equal passion for art
and games.

Qualifications :

1. Five or more years of modelling experience in film or games

2. Thorough understanding of human anatomy
3. Take pride in and personal ownership of your work.
Questions concerning these positions can be answered by our Human Resource staff Aaron
Davies via e-mail at

16. What position is available?

a) Human resource
b) Experienced character
c) Character artist
d) Production artist
17. Who is Aaron Davis?
b) ALCHEMAXX LABS human resource staff
d) ALCHEMAXX LABS secretary
18. How many years should model has experience?
a) 5 years
b) 4 years
c) 3 years
d) 6 years
19. This work is depends on ..
a) Project
b) Target
c) Off day
d) Week days
20. Do they put a number of salary?
a) Yes
b) Yes, in the email
c) No
d) Yes in the office

Read the question and answer the question for number 21-25

This Thursday is august 17th, the independence day.

Don’t miss the independence festival!
The festival begins at 08.00 in every district in Jakarta
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
Don’t miss it! And join many con tests at school.
Free registration! Full of prize!!

21. What does the text tells about?

a) Independence Day festival
b) Gathering in school
c) Parade with the principle
d) School contests
22. What time will the festival starts?
a) 07.30
b) 07.00
c) 08.00
d) 09.00
23. How much the registration fee?
a) Free
b) A thousand rupiah
c) Discount 20%
d) Full of payment
24. How many times do you have for preparation in the festival?
a) 20 minutes
b) 30 minutes
c) An hour
d) 10 minutes
25. Where the students must gather before the festival begins?
a) at school
b) in every district in Jakarta
c) in Jakarta
d) in the hall

read the text bellow and answer the question for number 26-30

The school drama is going to organize Mega-Mega drama cast auditions. For those who are
interested to join the audition, please come to our office on Monday, 4 august, at 2pm for

The requirements are as follow:

- your latest paragraph of post card size (2)
- the registration form (get it at the office) the audition will be held on Sunday,
10 august at 9am.
The lists of the selected candidates win be announced in a week. We appreciate your
26. Where should the participant go for registration?
a) A school
b) Committee’s office
c) Cast audition hall
d) The stage
27. These information are include in the text, except..
a) The place of Mega Mega drama will be staged
b) The audition time if Mega Mega drama
c) The price to register in the audition
d) The recruitments of cast
28. The announcement is released by..
a) School drama committee
b) Mega Mega
c) Students association
d) Students committee
29. How long the candidates know the result of selection?
a) Two week
b) 5 days
c) 4 days
d) One week
30. How many requirements are needs?
a) Two
b) Three
c) One
d) Four

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