Programme Activities Plan (November, 2019-April, 2020)

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Child Development Society (CDS)

Budhanilkantha Municipality Ward No. 12 Kapan, Kathmandu

Child Labour Eliminiation Programme

Programme Activities Plan (November, 2019-April, 2020)

November, 2019-April, 2020

Stakeholders/Targe Responsibili
Output Indicator Activity Objective Expected Outcome Process/Methodologies Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20
t Group ty
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Develop required content for event
• Select qualified resource person
• Inform the MoLESS & UNICEF about the event and its
1.1.5 Two days interactive objective
35 persons (Private
workshop at federal level • Finalize the content, venue, date, time and
Sectors & trade
with FNBI, NBI, Nepal participants in coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF.
union) will have
Federation of Transportation, A strategy to make • Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for FNBI, NBI, Nepal
become aware on
Labour Organization and business initiatives event Federation of
strategies to make PC, PO, SMT
1.1 Number others in developing child labour free will
child labour free
• Invite and follow up participants and ensure their Transportation,
of plan at strategies to make business be developed.
business initiatives
participation. Labour Organization
local, initiatives - child labour free • Develop strategies to make business initiative-child
including decent
provincial including promoting decent work.
labour free including decent work
and federal work. • Develop indicators of decent work for child labour
level free.
towards • Prepare an event report along with required
eliminating information and pictures and share it.
child labour
in business
among • Prepare a short concept note on event
government 1.1.6 Two days social • Develop required content for event
s, private dialogues on achieving SDG • Select qualified resource person
sectors and 8 and developing key code • Inform the MoLESS & UNICEF about the event and its
other of conduct along with audit
stakeholder indicators to child labour • Finalize the content, venue, date, time and
s. B - 0, T - free industry - commercial SDG-8 and key code 35 persons will have
participants in coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF.
15 sectors aming MoLESS, of conduct along received knowledge FNBI, NBI, concerned
• Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for
DoLOS, LO, FNBI, NBI, with audit indicators on SDG 8 and municipalities, key
event PC, PO, SMT
concerned municipalities, to child labour free developed CoC along national,
• Invite and follow up participants and ensure their
key national, industry will be with audit indicators UN/international
UN/international developed to child labour free. organizations
• Develop key code of conduct along with audit
organizations including
indicators to child labour free industry - commercial
workers' organizations in
line with the master plan on
• Prepare an event report along with required
child labour elimination at
information and pictures and share it.
federal level

• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
1.2.3 Two days training on • Inform and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about the
Child Labour Monitoring event.
System (CLMS) for the • Finalize the content, venue, date, time and
28 persons from 14
representatives of 14 Representatives of participants in coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF.
Municipalities will
municipalities at local level the municipalities • Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for Representatives of 14
have got training on PO, PC, SMT
in line with child protection will be aware on the event municipalities
Child Labour
system as envisioned in CLMS • Invite and follow up participants and ensure their
Monitoring System
Children's Act 2018 and participation.
linking with provincial • Develop a child labour monitoring system for the
system. local government.
• Prepare an event report along with required
information and pictures and share it.

1. Capacity of
and private
for the
1.2.4 One day workshop to
To develop
develop plans/policies
1. Capacity of plans/policies
including Code of Conduct
governments including Code of
(CoC) along with indicators Elected
and private Conduct (CoC) along
for the elimination of child representatives of 14
sectors with indicators for
labour in each 14 Municipalities,
strengthened the elimination of
municipality at local level in officials, NGOs, CCs
for the child labour in 14 PO, PC, SMT
line with the Master Plan on of the respective
implementatio municipality at local
CL elimination, CFLG municipalities
n of the level in line with the
framework and SDG 8 including local
Master Plan Master Plan on CL
including extending dignitaries
on Child elimination, CFLG
technical assistance to get
Labour framework and SDG
them endorsed and
Elimination 8.
• Prepare a short concept note on event
• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
• Inform and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about the
1.2 Number event. Elected
of 1.2.5 Two days training on
Representatives of 9 280 persons from 9 • Finalize the content, venue, date, time and representatives of 09
Provincial, child protection system,
Municipalities will Municipalities will be participants in coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF. Municipalities,
Federal implementation of child
become aware on trained on child • Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for officials, NGOs, CCs
Governmen labour free municipalities PO, PC, SMT
the child protection protection system for event of the respective
t & key among the concerned
system at municipal child labour free • Invite and follow up participants and ensure their municipalities
stakeholder stakeholders in each 9
level. Municipalities. participation. including local
s with municipality at local level.
• Develop a child protection system for the local dignitaries
expertise in government.
the • Prepare an event report along with required
implementa information and pictures and share it.
tion of
Master Plan
on Child
Labour • Prepare a short concept note on event
Elimination • Develop required content for event
(2018- • Select qualified resource person
2028). B - • Inform the municipal focal person about the event
0, T - 500 and its objective
• Request with Focal Person of respective
1.2.6 Two days workshops in Municipalities for his/her coordination to organize
each 14 municipality and workshop
A plan/policies 410 persons will have representatives of 14
discussions to develop • Request with Focal Person for invitation to the
including CoC for the received knowledge Municipalities,
plans/policies including Code participants for participation
elimination of Child on preparation of officials, NGOs, CCs
of Conduct (CoC) for the • Manage logistic, finance and administrative work for PO, PC, SMT
Labor will be action plan/policies of the respective
elimination of child labour at program
developed in 14 to make child labour municipalities
local level in line with the • Follow up participants and ensure their participation
municipalities free municipalities. including local
Master Plan on CL • Make a plan/policy formulation committee and make
elimination and Alliance 8.7. it functional.
• Provide technical support to the committee
• Advocate to endorse plan/policy from Municipal
Executive Committee
• Prepare an event report along with required
information and pictures and share it.

• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
• Inform and discuss with DoLOS & UNICEF about the
• Finalize the content, venue, date, time and
1.2.8 Conduct two days 20 persons will have participants in coordination with DoLOS and UNICEF.
DoLOS will take
appropriate training and received knowledge • Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for
initiative to develop DoLOS and
workshop in consultation on Child Labour event PC, PO, SMT
CLMS at federal Government Officials
with DoLOS to strengthen Monitoring System at • Invite and follow up participants and ensure their
CLMS at federal level. federal level. participation.
• Develop a child labour monitoring system
• Develop inspection, monitoring and certification
system for factory
• Prepare an event report along with required
information and pictures and share it.
• Prepare a short concept note on event
• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
• Coordinate and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about
the event.
• Coordinate with concerned municipalities and Focal
2.1.4 Interaction meeting for
Person about the event.
establishing standard Elected
• Request with concerned municipalities to organize
practices and procedures of representatives of 14
168 persons will have the event.
Case management (Rescue, Standard practices Municipalities,
received knowledge • Finalize the content, venue, date, time and
2.1 System referral - (transit home) and and procedures of officials, NGOs, CCs
on standard practices participants in coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF. PO, PC, SMT
established (reintegration) for the Case management of the respective
and procedures of • Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for
elimination of worst forms of will be started. municipalities
case management. event
child labour in project areas including local
• Follow up participants and ensure their participation.
with local government in dignitaries
• Support to establish standard practices and
each 14 municipalities.
procedures of Case management (Rescue, referral -
(transit home) and (reintegration) for the elimination of
worst forms of child labour.
• Prepare an event report along with required
information and pictures and share it.

2.System for
the promotion
implementatio • Prepare a short concept note on event
n of decent • Coordinate and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about
work at the event.
sectorial level • Hire the Expert for develop booklet.
as per the • Carry out meeting about content of booklet among
plan and MoLESS, UNICEF, CDS and Expert. MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs,
programmes 3000 copies of
• Finalize the content of booklet. MoWCSC, MoFAGA,
of 2.2.1 Development and booklet on relevant
A booklet on the • Receive the draft booklet from Expert. MoICS, UNICEF,
governments dissemination of booklet on acts, SDG 8 and
relevant Acts, SDG 8, • Discuss on draft booklet among MoLESS, UNICEF, DoLOS, Labour
established the relevant Acts, SDG 8, National Master Plan
National Master Plan CDS and Expert. Supply Centers, PC, PO, SMT
National Master Plan for on Child Labour
will be developed ad • Collect the feedbacks on booklet and give to the Labour Offices,
promoting knowledge based Elimination will have
2.2 published Expert. Municipalities, Trade
on the issues published and
Percentage • Receive final draft copy of booklet from Expert. Unions, Child Labour
increase in • Selection vendor to publish booklet. and private sectors
Change in • Finalize the design of booklet.
the • MoU with vendor to publish booklet.
behaviour • Publish the booklet and disseminate with concerned
against stakeholders.
child labour

Senior Programme
Programme Officer and
management, Programme Officer
coordination and will have frequently
2.2.6 Programme DoLOS, Labour
implementation staff involved in
management, coordination Supply Centers, PO
will be recruited and programme
and implementation staff. Labour Offices,
mobilized for the management,
Municipalities, Trade
implementation of coordination and
Unions, Child Labour
the project. implementation at
and private sectors
Local level.

Coordinator and
other partial staffs MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs,
Overall programme (Executive Director, MoWCSC, MoFAGA,
3.1 In-country management
planning, Finance Manager, MoICS, UNICEF,
& support staff pro-rated to
implementation will Monitoring and DoLOS, Labour
their contribution to the
be recruited and documentation Supply Centers, PC, SMT
programme (representation,
mobilized for officer, Office Labour Offices,
planning, coordination,
implementing the Assistant) will have Municipalities, Trade
logistics, admin, finance).
project. frequently involved in Unions, Child Labour
programme and private sectors
3. implementation very
Enhanced efficient ways.
skill and
expertise of
3. Effective
and efficient
NGO in
ng and
skill and
expertise of MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs,
3. Effective MoWCSC, MoFAGA,
and efficient 3.2 Operational costs pro- MoICS, UNICEF,
NGO in
programme rated to their contribution to DoLOS, Labour
management the programme (office Supply Centers, PC, SMT
ng and
monitoring space, equipment, office Labour Offices,
of the supplies, maintenance). Municipalities, Trade
project Unions, Child Labour
and private sectors


3.3 Planning, monitoring,
evaluation and
DoLOS, Labour
communication, pro-rated to
Supply Centers, PC, PO, SMT
their contribution to the
Labour Offices,
programme (venue, travels,
Municipalities, Trade
Unions, Child Labour
and private sectors

Reporting, Meeting and Documentation

Monthly Jointly Meeting with Ministry, UNICEF & CDS

Monthly CDS Staff Meeting

Monthly Progress Report

Monthly Finance Report

Quarterly Progress Report

Quarterly Finance Report

Final Progress Report May, 2020

Success Story/Case Study/Significant Changes

Hire New Staffs : November 10, 2019 Merged Activity : 1.2.4 into 1.2.6 Partial Completed Activities : 1.2.6 & 2.2.1 Slightly Changed Activity : 1.2.3
Output Activity

1.1.7 Advocacy and technical support to

Governments, private sectors, municipalities and at
federal level in realigning plans and programs to
achieve SDG 8 by building alliance 8.7 and smooth
implementation of Master Plan on CL elimination at
federal level.

1.2.2 Two days training cum orientation at provincial

level on master plan on CL elimination and
promoting child labour free municipalities aligning
with SDG 8 and its target 8.7

1.2.7 with MoLESS, DoLOS and LOs on reviewing a

smooth inspection, monitoring and certification
system for factory inspectors at federal level

2.1.2 One day interaction meeting at federal level

with concerned stakeholders for development of a
Code of Conduct (CoC) and planning for decent work
with potential Child Labour Free Business Initiatives
2.1.3 Providing technical assistance/coordination as
required for the implementation of the CoC and plan
to promote decent work in business sectors (at least
six times during the project period).

2.1.5 Half a day event for the declaration of 5 Child

Labour Free Business Initiatives (CLFBIs) in
Kathmandu Valley.

2.2.2 Development of booklet on Code of Conduct

(CoC) for CLF Municipality and publicizing it widely.

2.2.3 Establishment of data management system

including dissemination on status of child labour at
local, provincial and federal levels.

2.2.4 Conducting joint monitoring visits of various

key stakeholders (government agencies, UN
agencies, private sector, civil society, etc.) in project
areas as required in implementation of the status of

2.2.5 Providing technical assistance to DoLOS to

produce annual status report on status of child
labour and assessment of the commitments made by
the government.
Child Develop
Budhanilkantha Municipa
Child Labour El


Advocacy and technical support

has been provided to Government,
private sectors, municipalities and
at federal level

Skilled manpower have been


A smooth inspection, monitoring

and certification system has been

Code of Conduct (CoC) and plan

for decent work with potential
Child Labour Free Business
Initiatives (CLFBIs) have been
Technical assistance/coordination
has been provided for the
implementation of the CoC and
planned to promote decent work in
business sectors
Five Child Labour Free Business
Initiatives have been made in
Kathmandu Valley.

A booklet on Code of Conduct

(CoC) has been developed and

Data management system has

been established

Joint monitoring visits have been

conducted to receive real status of

DoLOS has received technical

assistance to produce annual
status report on status of child
Child Development Society (CDS)
Budhanilkantha Municipality Ward No. 12 Kapan, Kathman
Child Labour Eliminiation Programme
Droped Out Activities

Expected Outcome

Governments, private sectors and municipalities have started to

realign plans and program to achieve SDG 8 by building alliance
8.7 and smooth implementation of Master Plan on CL elimination
at federal level.

Skilled manpower have been facilitated training and workshop at

municipal level

MoLESS, DoLOS and LOs have made mandatory for factory

inspectors on inspection, monitoring and certification system.

Child Labour Free Business Initiatives have applied Code of

Conduct (CoC) and plan for decent work.
Decent work has been promoted in business sectors.

Five Business Initiatives have made child labour free in Kathmandu


Concerned authorities have been received knowledge on Code of

Conduct and applied it.

Data management system has been updated and disseminated at

Federal, Province and Local level.

Feedbacks have been received from concerned authorities for

improvement of programme activities.

DoLOS has produced annual status report on status of child labour.

hild Development Society (CDS)
kantha Municipality Ward No. 12 Kapan, Kathmandu
hild Labour Eliminiation Programme
Droped Out Activities


• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
• Inform and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about the event.
• Finalize the content, venue, date, time and participants in
coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF.
• Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for event
• Invite and follow up participants and ensure their participation.
• Prepare an event report along with required information and pictures
and share it.

• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Review of existing practice and on inspection, monitoring and
certification system of factory
• Develop a revised inspection, monitoring and certification system of
factory in consultation with MoLESS, DoLOS and UNICEF.
• Prepare an event report along with required information and pictures
and share it.

• Prepare a short concept note on event

• Develop required content for event
• Select and hire qualified resource person
• Coordinate and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about the event.
• Finalize the content, venue, date, time and participants in
coordination with MoLESS and UNICEF.
• Arrange logistic, finance and administrative work for event
• Invite and follow up participants and ensure their participation.
• Develop a Code of Conduct for child labour free business initiative
• Develop a plan for decent work for child labour free business
• Prepare an event report along with required information and pictures
and share it.
• Prepare a short concept note on event
• Coordinate and discuss with MoLESS & UNICEF about the event.
• Prepare the team for joint monitoring from various stakeholders.
• Confirm date, venue and time for joint monitoring.
• Finalize the schedule of joint monitoring and circulate to the
concerned stakeholders.
• Finalize the checklist for joint monitoring in coordination with MoLESS
• Carry out joint monitoring visit.
• Collect filled up checklist from participants.
• Prepare the draft report through checklist.
• Carry out review meeting for discussion on joint monitoring visit.
• Prepare an event report along with required information and pictures
and share it.
November, 2019-Ap
Stakeholders/Target Group Responsibility Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2

Governments, private sectors, municipalities PC, PO, SMT

Focal persons of 14 Municipalities, officials, NGOs, CCs of

the respective municipalities including local dignitaries



DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers, Labour Offices, PC, PO, SMT
Municipalities, Trade Unions and private sectors
DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers, Labour Offices, PO, PC, SMT
Municipalities, Trade Unions and private sectors


DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers, Labour Offices,
Municipalities, Trade Unions, Child Labour and private
DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers, Labour Offices,
Municipalities, Trade Unions, Child Labour and private
DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers, Labour Offices,
Municipalities, Trade Unions, Child Labour and private

Government agencies, UN agencies, private sector, civil

society, etc.


November, 2019-April, 2020
Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Child Development Society (CDS)
Budhanilkantha Municipality Ward No. 12 Kapan, Kathmandu
Child Labour Eliminiation Programme
Completed Activities
Stakeholders/Target Group Responsibility
Output Indicator Activity Objective

To orient and sensitize about child labour

1.1.1 Orientation meeting among government
elimination programme to the government MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC, MoFAGA,
officials (MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC, MoFAGA, PC, PO, SMT
officials (MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC, MoICS, UNICEF
MoICS etc.) at federal level.
MoFAGA, MoICS etc.) at federal level.

To orient and sensitize about child labour

1.1.2 Orientation meeting among private sectors
elimination programme to private sectors (NBI,
(NBI, Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Nepal NBI, Chambers of Commerce, Federation of
Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Nepal
Brick Industries including concerned Nepal Brick Industries, Concerned Business PC, PO, SMT
Brick Industries including concerned
stakeholders/business communities) at federal Communities
stakeholders/business communities) at federal
1.1 Number of plan at local, provincial level.
and federal level towards eliminating
child labour in business sectors 1.1.3 One day workshop on Master Plan on CL To orient and sensitize on Master Plan on CL
among governments, private sectors elimination including promoting decent work and elimination including promoting decent work
and other stakeholders. B - 0, T - 15 alliance 8.7 of the SDG 8 among MoFAGA, MoLESS, MoFAGA, MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC,
1. Capacity of governments and private sectors and alliance 8.7 of the SDG 8 among MoFAGA,
MoICS, FNBI, Nepal Business Initiative (NBI), PC, PO, SMT
strengthened for the implementation of the Master DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC, MoICS, FNBI, Nepal MoLESS, DoLOS, LOs, MoWCSC, MoICS, FNBI,
and primary service/business providers
Plan on Child Labour Elimination (2018-28) Business Initiative (NBI), and primary Nepal Business Initiative (NBI), and primary
service/business providers at federal level. service/business providers at federal level.

1.1.4 One day planning meeting for the To plan of programme activities for the
implementation of Master Plan on CL Elimination implementation of Master Plan on CL
DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers and Labour
with DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers and Labour Elimination with DoLOS, Labour Supply Centers PC. PO, SMT
Offices, Municipalities
Offices in close consultation with municipalities a and Labour Offices in close consultation with
federal level. municipalities a federal level.

1.2 Number of Provincial, Federal To orient and sensitize of child labour

1.2.1 One day project orientation meeting for 14
Government & key stakeholders with elimination programme 14 municipalities Elected representatives of 14 Municipalities,
palikas (elected representatives, officials, NGOs,
expertise in the implementation of (elected representatives, officials, NGOs, CCs of officials, NGOs, CCs of the respective PO, PC, SMT
CCs of the respective municipalities including local
Master Plan on Child Labour the respective municipalities including local municipalities including local dignitaries
Elimination (2018-2028). B - 0, T - 500 dignitaries).

2.System for the promotion and implementation of 2.1.1 One day orientation and sensitization on OSH Orient and sensitize on OSH guidelines 2074 to
decent work at sectorial level as per the plan and 2.1 System established guidelines 2074 to trade unions and private trade unions and private sectors at federal Trade unions and private sectors PC, PO, SMT
programmes of governments established sectors at federal level. level.

April-December, 2019 January-May, 2020
Event Target 2nd Qur. 3rd Qur. 4th Qur. 5th Qur. 6th Qur.
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

1 15

1 20

1 35

1 35

1 31

1 33

6 169

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