Classification of Incoming Calls For The Capital City of Slovenia Smart City 112 Public Safety System Using Open Internet of Things Data

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The Future of Data Analysis in Smart Cities - Research Article

International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2018, Vol. 14(9)
Classification of incoming calls for Ó The Author(s) 2018
DOI: 10.1177/1550147718801703
the capital city of Slovenia smart

city 112 public safety system using

open Internet of Things data

Valerij Grasic1, Andrej Kos2 and Biljana Mileva-Boshkoska3,4

There are many natural conditions in the world, such as floods and earthquakes that cause major accidents. The actual
question is how to anticipate and predict such events, which enables us to prepare ourselves in advance. We are inter-
ested in the advance classification of incoming calls to the smart city 112 public safety system for Ljubljana, the capital
city of Slovenia, and the whole country. We used open Internet of Things data for Ljubljana and the whole of Slovenia
for the years 2013–2016. Using different classification methods, different models were obtained and compared with each
other. We have provided a report on how accurate the forecasts are and what classification result differences occur
when different models or data of the capital city or the whole of Slovenia are used. The results obtained are a sound
basis for further work on improving the classification in advance of incoming calls to the smart city 112 public safety

Public safety, 112, smart city, classification, Internet of Things

Date received: 5 January 2018; accepted: 27 August 2018

Handling Editor: Aitor Almeida

Introduction such as the 112 public system,4 are becoming increasingly

interesting. In Sakaki et al.,5 they investigate the real-time
There are many natural conditions in the world, such interaction of events and propose an algorithm to monitor
as floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis, which lead to tweets and to detect a target event. They devise a classifier
major damage and casualties. Information on such of tweets based on features such as the keywords in a
events is collected by 112 public safety systems and tweet, the number of words, and their context.
next-generation systems of 112 systems (NG112).1,2 A The first question of interest is how to establish such
significant amount of research has been invested a system for the natural crisis and disaster, but also for
throughout the world in efforts to predict, monitor,
and help involved people both in the control rooms 1
Iskratel, Kranj, Slovenia
and on the ground. 2
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Public safety is also a topic dealt with in smart cities Slovenia
initiatives.3 Current research is used to improve situational 3
Faculty of Information Studies, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
awareness4 for various events and dangers. The growing Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
use of social media during crises offers new information Corresponding author:
sources from which the right authorities can enhance emer- Valerij Grasic, Iskratel, Ljubljanska 24A, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia.
gency situational awareness. Crowdsourcing platforms, Emails:;

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

other various events with the aim to increase the situa- by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
tional awareness. The answer has been sought by (NIST) also contains public safety as an essential ele-
engagement of social media,6 and depicting ways to ment of a smart city. It deals with firefighters, emer-
deal with crisis management.7 The second question that gency, and rescue teams.
arises is how to anticipate the range of events, disasters The issue that is currently increasingly relevant is cli-
and accidents in advance as we do not know to what mate change since it is very likely11 that extreme heat
extent these disasters and various events will occur in waves and heavy rainfall events will become more fre-
society and nature. quent. In Jabareen,12 conceptual frameworks for resili-
One way to address these questions is using open ent urban and other communities with the goal of
Internet of Things (IoT) data to increase situation making cities more flexible are covered.
awareness. The area of open IoT data has not yet been IoT for smart cities is studied in Abreu et al.13 In
explored exhaustedly so far. The advantage of such Brookes and Hutton,14 various aspects of Public Safety
sensors (open IoT data) is that they are already there, and Emergency Services regarding IoT are presented.
and their data can be used. Another increasingly relevant dilemma is the use of
In this article, we explore how these disasters and social networks. The detection of events for emergency
various events will affect the number of incoming calls calls to 112 using social networks in real time is given.15
to 112 public safety system. In contrast to the case in The issue of obtaining data can be solved using crowd-
Sakaki et al.,5 where they use social networks and tweet sensing data, as discussed in Sakaki et al.5 Researchers
analysis, we will in our case use open IoT data for this are also working to increase situational awareness. A
purpose and classify incoming data according to the social media crisis mapping platform and statistical
volume of incoming calls. analysis were used in Middleton et al.4 to generate a
The goal of the research is to find out to what extent real-time crisis map. Crisis management is studied in
we can use open IoT data for forecasting of 112 calls Middleton et al.7 How to increase situational awareness
and what is the accuracy of such forecasts. The is discussed in Yin et al.6
obtained information will be helpful for special ser- Prediction and risk modeling are also topics of
vices, as it will allow to mitigate risks in advance and investigation. Natural disasters, such as floods, are one
plan the usage of available sources at hand. Based on subject. In Hossain et al.,16 a 5-day forecast of river lev-
this, the ambulances, the police, and other involved els inside Bangladesh was presented. The risk model
parties can be prepared in advance for disasters. for a short period (2 or 3 days) is given in Ma et al.17
Hence, the proposed solution can improve the situation In Duan et al.,18 a model of regional flood risk assess-
awareness. ment with factors including rainfall, topography, water
Our goal is to define a classifier for forecasting the density, and population density is presented, and gross
number of incoming calls to the 112 public safety system domestic product (GDP) was selected to build the
of the capital city Ljubljana. We will use open IoT data model. Other prediction models were also studied. In
for the city and also the whole of Slovenia for the years Ballesteros et al.,19 the authors evaluate the ability of
2013 till 2016. Using different classification methods, we existing forecasting techniques to predict future safety
prepare different models and then compare them with values: predicting crime, safety indexes, and persona-
each other. We are interested in how accurate the fore- lized context safety. An emergency call center with a
casts are, and what the classification results differences fuzzy-based decision support system that aids in
are when we use different models or data for Ljubljana, resource planning is presented in Barrientos and
the capital of Slovenia, and for the whole country. Sainz.20 In Merkuryeva et al.,21 the state-of-the-art in
flood forecasting and simulation applied to a river
flood analysis and risk prediction is presented.
Related work Traffic modeling is also covered when dealing with
call centers, such as the 112 public safety system. There
The current work on the topic of smart cities and pub- are traffic models for calls to the first level (where all
lic safety has attracted a lot of attention in the world the calls are collected) and models for calls at the sec-
and is ongoing. In Santa Cruz, California, USA, local ond level (calls forwarded to firefighters, ambulances,
authorities analyze historical crime data.8 Each day, and police). The general model for a given hour using
the analytical tools generate a list of 10 places where the Poisson model is given in Tandberg et al.22 In
property crimes are more likely to occur; police efforts Aschenbruck et al.,23 a traffic study and modeling of
are then focused on these places even if the officers are calls to the 112 public system based on real-time data
not responding to a specific emergency. In 2015, Natal, are made. In Jasso et al.,24 linear regression was used
a city in north-eastern Brazil, joined the IEEE Smart for traffic prediction. Similarly, in the case of the
City initiative. This smart city initiative9 aims to Portland Oregon area (USA),25 by additionally using
improve public safety. A Blueprint for Smart Public10 spatial distribution of calls and attribute selection
Grasic et al. 3

(stepwise regression), regression is used. Traffic models

for calls to the police are given in the literature.26–28 In
Olligschlaeger,26 weapons-related calls are dealt with,
with the city being split into smaller parts. Traffic mod-
els for rescue calls are given in Zuidhof29 and Viglino.30
In Zuidhof,29 Poisson’s call distribution is used. In
Viglino et al.,30 attributes such as day of the week, holi-
days, holidays, times of epidemics, and longer time
trends were used for forecasting, with 17 attributes
together. The model was applied to 1.8% of the French
This article is organized as follows. First, the public
safety system in Slovenia is described. Then we explain
the used data sets and the classification techniques.
Finally, we provide the results from the classification Figure 1. Map of Slovenia with regional 112 public safety
and conclude. centers.31

Public safety system for the smart city Notification System (PINS) and the operators’ work-
112 Public safety system in Slovenia place. The public safety system architecture is shown in
Figure 2.
112 System in Slovenia. 112 is the common emergency
telephone number that can be dialed free of charge
from any stationary or mobile phone. In addition to Incoming data. In general, any sensor or external system
the conventional 112 system,2 the system may include can be used as an input to the system. Depending on
other features, such as eCall and NG112. eCall pro- the data received, the system or the operator checks the
vides automated emergency calls from cars. NG1121 extent of the danger. In the next step, the relevant sce-
enables calls using VoIP, text messaging, instant messa- nario is to be executed manually or automatically; if
ging, real-time text, pictures, and videos; it can also notification is necessary, it is made.
provide emergency services with more data, such as The system can accept data from different sensors
telemetric and health data. intended for floods, for example, water level, the
The 112 system operates in two levels. On the first amount and intensity of precipitation, the type of preci-
level, the operator in the control room accepts a call to pitation, wind speed and direction, the temperature and
the 112 system. On the second level, if necessary, this relative humidity of the air, as well as absolute and rela-
operator transfers the call to one of the emergency ser- tive atmospheric pressure. The data can be obtained
vices, such as firefighters, ambulances, and police. At directly from the sensors, or from organizations that
present, there are 13 regional 112 public safety system collect sensor data. In addition, the system enables the
centers in Slovenia. Figure 1 shows the distribution of accepting and processing of data of other types of sen-
these regional centers. sors that are not intended for floods, such as sensors
for natural gas, fire, and earthquakes. Data can be
received from systems for eCall, 112 calls, NG112 calls,
Public safety system architecture for smart cities and others.
The public safety system architecture32 for smart cities
integrates different types of incoming incident and Working operator. 112 operators in the control room,
emergency requests, external interfaces, and warning working at the first level, receive and process all types
devices. Incoming requests can be from eCall, 112 calls, of incoming requests in the system. They enter the main
video surveillance systems, and open data or from vari- characteristics of the incident into the system database,
ous types of sensors or IoT devices. In addition, the perform analysis, and transfer the data on the accident,
telephone information is considered as information including the incident report, to appropriate emergency
generated by a human sensor. Such a system can be dispatch services. The operators’ dashboard is shown
operated for different use cases for the given integrated in Figure 3.
solution (e.g. safe city, smart city, 112 emergency sys-
tem). Within the system, there are parts for receiving
the input signals (event handling), prediction modules Prediction module for the 112 system. With the prediction
(e.g. module for prediction of numbers of incoming module for the 112 system, we wish to predict (includ-
calls to 112 system), the Public Information and ing conducting classification, regression, etc.) the
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 2. Public safety system architecture.32

number of calls to the system for different cases (e.g. of incoming calls to the system 112 is 25% of all
for rain, floods, mild weather, summer, winter, etc.). calls.
With this, we can prepare the plan for the emergency  In our case, the real data observed were the sta-
system (number of employees) as well activities for risk tistics about the total number of all incoming
mitigation. With its prediction system and more accu- calls to the regional 112 centers per day. Due to
rate assessment, this module provides an improvement the purpose of unification, the number of incom-
for public safety. ing calls for the whole country will be taken as
the dependent attribute. Based on this, classifica-
tion is made.
Notification system. Public warning is the capability to  We obtained data from publicly available
bring to the immediate attention of all people who
sources; these were open data sources.31,33,34
might be directly impacted following the onset, or pre-  We left the data retrieved as they were. However,
dicted onset, of an emergency, so that they can take
from the obtained IoT open data, we removed
action to mitigate the impact of this incident. The
for each data instance the data about the year,
PINS is intended for mass communication for national,
the month, and the day within the month.
regional, and local approaches.
Instead, we added information about the day of
the week and whether the data are taken during
Data preparation for the simulation the working day or the weekend.

Predispositions for the data preparation

We began with these starting points for the data Incoming calls to the 112 system
preparation: The most significant damage caused by natural disas-
ters in Slovenia in recent years has been due to floods,
 We are interested in the data for the smart city of fires, drought, storms (strong wind), and a series of
Ljubljana, but we will also use the data for the landslides and heavy snow; sleet was also a significant
whole country. The city’s population is 15% of factor. For example, in 2013, the damage due to
the total population of the country. The number drought was estimated at 0.3% GDP (106 million
Grasic et al. 5

Figure 3. Operator dashboard: (a) incoming emergency request and (b) warning zone with warning devices on GIS map.
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Table 1. Weather stations observed with statistics for 2015.

Nr. 112 regional center Weather station Inc calls 2015 Inc calls (%) Lon Lat ALT (m)

1 Brezice (BR) Airport Cerklje 21,938 5.1 15.5184 45.8987 154

2 Celje (CE) Celje 41,827 9.7 15.2259 46.2366 242
3 Koper (KP) Airport Portoroz 32,379 7.5 13.6160 45.4753 2
4 Kranj (KR) Airport Brnik (Ljubljana) 36,981 8.6 14.4728 46.2178 364
5 Ljubljana (LJ) Ljubljana 108,401 25.2 14.5124 46.0655 299
6 Maribor (MB) Airport Maribor 52,917 12.3 15.6821 46.4797 264
7 M. Sobota (MS) Murska Sobota 20,700 4.8 16.1913 46.6521 187
8 Nova Gorica (NG) Bilje 24,297 5.7 13.6243 45.8954 55
9 Novo mesto (NM) Novo mesto 28,244 6.6 15.1773 45.8018 220
10 Postojna (PO) Postojna 21,475 5.0 14.1928 45.7661 533
Total (1–10) 389,159 90.5
Total (2015) 430,147 100.00

Euro) and due to floods estimated at 2% GDP (650 When we checked all the data, we found that some
million Euro) in 2014. On this basis, we have defined data do not exist (height parameters of new snow and
the parameters for the data sets. In addition, other data sunshine duration, for the weather stations at Brezice
parameters were added, such as day data and traffic and Kranj), so we removed these two attributes. This
accidents data. did not significantly affect the final results.
The main data used were the number of incoming
call to the 112 emergency system for the whole of
River discharge data. Data on river discharge were
Slovenia. Since Slovenia has 13 regional 112 centers,
obtained from the open data accessible system33 of the
we attempted to evenly allocate the data according to
National Meteorological Service of Slovenia. We took
the centers. Figure 4 shows a map of Slovenia with (a)
the data from rivers and stations with the highest dis-
weather stations33 and (b) rivers with stations.33
charges. The data are presented in Table 2. For each
station, longitude (Lon), latitude (Lat), and altitude
Open IoT data (ALT) in meters are given. In addition, hinterland
(Hint) for the entire Slovenia territory (in %) is given.
We classify the open IoT data into four groups: day
It can be seen that the sum of the hinterland is
data (G1), weather data (G2), river discharge data (G3)
54,159 km2, which is more than twice the whole surface
and accident data (G4). Each group contains multiple
area of Slovenia, which is 20,273 km2. This is because
attributes. In Figure 4, maps of Slovenia with weather
some rivers’ hinterlands are in neighboring countries:
stations and rivers with stations are shown.
the Mura River also flows in Hungary, the Drava in
Austria, and some of the hinterland of the Sava River
Day data. We used day data: weekday (1—Monday, is in Croatia.
7—Sunday), and weekend classification (1—Workday, From the open data source,33 the data for each sta-
2—Saturday, 3—Sunday). tion were available: mean monthly discharge (daily
average), the smallest monthly discharge (daily average
Weather station data. We chose weather stations from with day present), and the highest monthly discharge
(extreme discharge with day present). We used the mean
places where the 112 regional centers are located. In
monthly discharge for each day in the month, with cor-
2015, these 112 regional centers had about 90% of all
rections for smallest and most extreme discharges for
incoming calls within the state. Weather stations with
the given day and the day’s close. The discharge was
statistics for the year 2015 are shown in Table 1.
measured in m3/s.
For each station, we have prepared 16 parameters
for each day: average, maximum, and minimum daily
temperature (C), average wind speed (m/s), cloudiness Traffic accident data. We obtained traffic accident data
(%), humidity (%), amount of rainfall (mm), height of from the Slovenian police force.34 Only total data were
snow (cm), height of new snow (cm), sunshine duration available: statistics for the distribution of traffic per
(h), flag for strong and stormwind (0—no, 1—yes), flag month and days of the week. We distributed month
for thunderstorm (0—no, 1—yes), and flags for freezing data for each day evenly. Since statistics show that acci-
rain, hail, or frost (0—no, 1—yes). Weather data were dents are distributed differently depending on the day
obtained from the open data system of the National of the week, we additionally corrected each day’s traffic
Meteorological Service of Slovenia.33 data. Specifically, about 15% accidents are on each day
Grasic et al. 7

Figure 4. Map of Slovenia with (a) weather stations33 and (b) rivers with stations.33

from Mondays to Thursdays, 16.7% on Fridays, 13.3%  We take open IoT data for the period from 2013
on Saturdays and 10% on Sundays. We use two para- (January) to 2016 (March). Each data record
meters of statistics: the number of accidents and the represents one day of data. In total, the obtained
number of people involved in accidents. data consist of 1186 data instances.
 The minimum number of incoming calls per day
in that period for the whole of Slovenia is 890;
Preparing data for classification the maximum number is 9538; the average is
The last stage of data preparation is to prepare data for 1478.90.
classification. The classification task is performed as  For each data record, we defined two classes
follows: according to the number of incoming calls. We
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Table 2. River stations observed.

Nr. Station River Hint (km2) Hint (%) Lon Lat ALT (m)

1 G. Radgona Mura 10,197 50.3 16.0002 46.6815 202

2 Borl Drava 14,662 72.3 16.0011 46.3713 201
3 Videm Dravinja 764 3.8 15.9079 46.3687 209
4 Radovljica Sava 908 4.5 14.1701 46.3404 408
5 Sentjakob Sava 2285 11.3 14.5872 46.0844 268
6 Hrastnik Sava 5177 25.5 15.0955 46.1221 194
7 Catez Sava 10,187 50.2 15.6149 45.8935 137
8 Suha Sora 566 2.8 14.3307 46.1624 329
9 Radenci Kolpa 1191 5.9 15.0966 45.4650 175
10 Moste Ljubljanica 1762 8.7 14.5492 46.0557 281
11 Veliko Sirje Savinja 1842 9.1 15.1972 46.0923 190
12 Podbocje Krka 2238 11.0 15.4602 45.8651 146
13 Solkan Soca 1573 7.8 13.6599 45.9819 52
14 Podroteja Idrijca 113 0.6 14.0354 45.9871 327
15 Dolenje Vipava 317 1.6 13.9060 45.8665 82
16 C. Mlin Reka 378 1.9 14.0655 45.6552 342

Table 3. Data sets with attributes used.

Group Group name LJ data set SLO data set

G1 Day Day (2) Day (2)

G2 Weather Weather data for Ljubljana (16) Weather data for Slovenia (16 3 1024)
G3 River Sava Sentjakob, Ljubljanica Moste (2) All rivers (16)
G4 Accidents Accidents data (2)
Total attributes 20 176

defined one class with two different values Figure 5 shows the distribution of incoming calls per
(class2: regular, urgent) and another class with day for the whole country for the period 2013–2016.
four different values (class4: small, normal, big- The x-axis of the histogram starts with the minimal
ger, urgent). There are two values in class2 in number of calls, which is 890 and ends with the maxi-
order to distinguish regular traffic from urgent mal number of daily calls which is 9538. The y-axis
traffic, when the operators are informed that indicates the number of days from 2013 to 2016 when
urgent incoming traffic is on the way. In the case the certain number of incoming calls was achieved. For
of the four values in class4, we further distin- example, 890 calls per day happened 11 times during
guish regular traffic into small, normal, and big- 2013–2016. Figures 6 and 7 show the distributions of
ger traffic. In such a way, the operator can incoming calls converted into four and two classes,
additionally distinguish the incoming traffic. respectively, for both LJ and SLO data sets.
The boundaries between the individual classes
were set to 1250, 1450, and 1700 incoming calls.
 From all the data obtained, we have defined two Simulation by classification
data sets. One for Ljubljana, which we called the
LJ data set; it consists of 20 attributes of data.
Classifications used
The other is the SLO data set, which consists of For the classification,35,36 we have used the Weka
all the prepared data attributes; it consists of 176 tool.37–39 Classifiers used and compared to each other
data attributes. Table 3 shows the structure of are Naı̈ve Bayes, Support Vector Machines (LibSVM),
both data sets used. All the attributes that are boosting classifier (AdaBoostM1), tree classifier J48,
included in the LJ data set represent a subset of and a class for constructing a forest of random trees
the SLO data set. The LJ data set is only a sub- (Random Forest). In addition, we used the zero rule
set (containing 20 attributes) of the SLO data set (ZeroR), which relies on the target and ignores all
(containing a total of 176 attributes). predictors.
Grasic et al. 9

Figure 5. Incoming calls distribution from minimum to a maximum number of calls per day for the whole country for a given
period 2013–2016 (x-axis: distribution of calls according to the volume of calls; y-axis: how many times the given number of calls has
been made).

Table 4. Classification results for class with four distinctive values (class4) (the best results are in bold).

Data set Method Acc (%) Prec Rec F1 ROC

LJ ZeroR 34.65 0.120 0.347 0.178 0.495

Naı̈ve Bayes 40.64 0.432 0.406 0.383 0.664
LibSVM 39.29 0.531 0.393 0.305 0.536
AdaBoostM1 40.39 0.284 0.404 0.327 0.579
J48 44.44 0.443 0.444 0.443 0.624
Random Forest 51.60 0.527 0.516 0.511 0.740
SLO ZeroR 34.65 0.120 0.347 0.178 0.495
Naı̈ve Bayes 39.21 0.434 0.392 0.365 0.671
LibSVM 34.57 0.120 0.346 0.178 0.499
AdaBoostM1 39.71 0.282 0.397 0.318 0.570
J48 44.27 0.441 0.443 0.441 0.628
Random Forest 53.63 0.554 0.536 0.531 0.756

For each classification method, we have used 10-fold positives, that is, of instances falsely classified as a
cross-validation. The data pool for a given fold was the given class. It represents cases when the value of the
same for examining different classifiers. Therefore, the actual class is no, and the value of the predicted class is
results are comparable. yes. FN is a rate of false negatives, that is, instances fal-
sely classified as negative. It represents cases when the
value of the actual class is yes, and the value of the pre-
Simulation results dicted class is no.
The results of the simulation are presented in Tables 4 Precision is the number of correct results divided by
and 5. For each simulation case, we have checked the the number of all positive predicted results. The for-
cost function values: accuracy (Acc), precision (Pre), mula is precision = TP/(TP + FP). Recall, also
recall (Rec), F1 measure (F1), and receiver operating called sensitivity, is the ratio of the correctly predicted
characteristic (ROC) curve. positive observations to all the observations in the
Classification accuracy (Acc) is the ability to predict actual class—yes. The formula is recall = TP/
categorical class labels. It is the simplest scoring mea- (TP + FN). The F1 measure is the weighted average
sure. Accuracy calculates the proportion of correctly of precision and recall. Therefore, this score takes both
classified instances. The evaluation measures used were false positives and false negatives into account. The for-
based on TP (true positive), FP (false positive), and FN mula is F1 measure = 2 * (recall * precision) / (recall
(false negative). TP is a rate of true positives, that is, of + precision). ROC curve depicts the performance of a
instances correctly classified as a given class. It means classification algorithm as the classification threshold is
that the value of the actual class is yes and the value of varied. ROC area approaching 1 means the best classi-
the predicted class is also yes. FP is a rate of false fier and 0.5 means random guessing.
10 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Table 5. Classification results for class with two distinctive values (class2) (the best results are in bold).

Data set Method Acc (%) Prec Rec F1 ROC

LJ ZeroR 87.77 0.770 0.878 0.821 0.491

Naı̈ve Bayes 81.20 0.850 0.812 0.828 0.755
LibSVM 87.77 0.770 0.878 0.821 0.500
AdaBoostM1 88.03 0.871 0.880 0.828 0.750
J48 87.27 0.855 0.873 0.862 0.659
Random Forest 90.13 0.891 0.901 0.880 0.815
SLO ZeroR 87.77 0.770 0.878 0.821 0.491
Naı̈ve Bayes 72.85 0.875 0.728 0.773 0.784
LibSVM 87.77 0.770 0.878 0.821 0.500
AdaBoostM1 87.69 0.840 0.877 0.843 0.765
J48 88.03 0.872 0.880 0.876 0.682
Random Forest 90.22 0.895 0.902 0.879 0.853

Figure 6. Incoming calls converted into four classes (classes from the left to the right: small, normal, bigger, and urgent) for both LJ
and SLO data sets. Numbers represent the number of incoming calls for given classes.

best solution. However, there are situations when the

best solutions differ.
It seems that in general, binary classification (class2)
gives better results than multiclass classification with
four classes (class4). The accuracy is better for binary
classification, but also other parameters behave simi-
larly. From the classification methods, Random Forest
provides the best results in all the cases. For different
situations, J48, AdaBoostM1, and Naı̈ve Bayes also
give good results.
Figure 7. Incoming calls converted into two classes (classes From the results obtained with ROC, we conclude
from the left to the right: regular and urgent) for both LJ and that it is the best to use only the class with two values
SLO data sets. Numbers represent the number of incoming calls (class2) and with more data attributes (SLO data set).
for given classes. The best performer when using ROC is always
Random forest.

Discussion of the simulation results

The basic questions for the discussion of the simulation
results are which class type (class2, class4), which data In this article, the classification of incoming calls for
sets (LJ, SLO), and which method are better to use. the smart city 112 public safety system based on open
There is not one answer, but many; there is not one IoT data was presented. We describe the system, the
Grasic et al. 11

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