Tool For Master Plan Formulation - Water Supply With Surface Water Source

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Template for Deign and Estimation of Water Supply System with Surface Water Source

Input Dat Assump

I Population
Year Population Households
1951 54,981 I Population Projections
1961 67,026
1971 87,981 If the above option is "Available Projected Data" enter pr
1981 137,927 Year
1991 191,000 Population
2001 261,740 52,000
II Present Water supply If the above option is "Growth Rate based Project" enter
Year Population Quantity Tube Wells NRW Decade
Nos MLD Nos % Decade
2009 486,000 81.05 195 40 Growth Rate%
No of water connections 27,303 Nos
Population Covered 137,429 Nos II Design Period
Yearly Revenue Assesment Year 07-08 184 Lac Rs Base Year
Yearly Revenue Received Year 07-08 110 Lac Rs Design Period for
Yearly O & M Expenditure Year 07-08 535 Lac Rs Storage/rising main
No of Employees 283 Nos III Market Rates
Road Length 600 KM Over Head Service Reservoir: per litre
Distribution laid 285 KM Clear Water Reservoir: per litre
Pumping Hours 23 Hours NRW reduction and Replace Service Lines: per connecti
Clear Water Reservoirs: At present: nos 4 Nos Electric Connection on CWPS, RWPS & WTP
Clear Water Reservoirs: Present Capacity 7 ML Water Meter supply, installation & Maintenance 5 years
Distribution Reservoirs: at present: nos 7 Nos CWPS with civil, mechanical & electrical complete, per K
Distribution Reservoirs: present Capacity 3 ML Average Cost of rising main CWPS to OHSRs
Required capacity of OHSRs (20 to 35%) 30 % Distribution extension n improvement, per capita of 2021
Required capacity of CWRs, Detention time 2 Hours Water Treatment Plant, Rate per MLD
Avg. OHSR capacity 1.75 ML Intake Arrangements, LS
No of Distribution Zones 38 Nos IV Additional Information for Surface Source
Proposed staging of OHSRs 20 Meter length of pipe Intake to WTP, m
Lowest water level in Intake, m
proposed water Colomn in OHSRs 6 Meter Level of Inlet pipe in WTP/FSL in Inlet chamber, m
Friction losses in specials, appurtenances 10 % Design Period of pumping main, years
No of Working Pumps for RWPS 4 Nos Efficiency of Pump set RWPS, %
No of Working Pumps for CWPS 2 Nos Efficiency of Pump set CWPS, %
Stand bye pumps 50 % Length of R Main CWPS to OHSRs, per OHSR, m
Energy Charges per Kilo Watt 5 Rs Assumed losses in Rising Main & specials, meter/kilome
Intrest Rate 10 % Minimum sump level below Ground level, meter
rough ness coefficient for modified Hazen William 1 Cr Ground level at CWPS, meters
Proposed reduction in existing source,per 5 yea 25 % GL at OHSR site (maximum level ), meters

Water Source City Panipat
Assumptions User Instruction

Method/Basis 1 Where Applicable:This is for augmentation by

Available Projected Data Choose from drop down menu only to WTP with sump and RWPS, from pumped
WTPfrom intak
water co
CWPS pumped directly to different service reservo
ove option is "Available Projected Data" enter projected population below stage pumping for raw water and for clear wate. S
2011 2021 2031 2041 2Input Data:The cells for data input and requiring
499,438 701,302 959,740 1,274,752 different
colours. Input data or review the data/result acc

ove option is "Growth Rate based Project" enter below the Decadal Growth Rate to be used for Projection Input data to be provided
Decadal Growth Rate
2001-11 2011-21 2021-31 2031-41 Review the provided values &
revise/update if required

No data to be entered select from dr

Year 2011
No. of Years: Choose from drop down 30 2041
3 Output: 6 output tables are given which is final
ates Rs DI K7 Dia in mm Rs/meter 4 Population Projection: This tool gives populati
ad Service Reservoir: per litre 8 100 918 standard methods. If decadal growth is assigned f
ter Reservoir: per litre 3 150 1,395 then it should be given in decadal growth
uction and Replace Service Lines: per connection 6,000 200 1,540 5 Demand Projection: Water demand has been
Connection on CWPS, RWPS & WTP 21,600,000 250 2,005 less
than 1000000 else 160 LPCD as per Manual. Initia
eter supply, installation & Maintenance 5 years 2,000 300 2,543 given in Input data and it remain same for next 5 y
ith civil, mechanical & electrical complete, per KW 25,000 350 3,197 10% every decade till minimum of 15 %, Fire dem
Cost of rising main CWPS to OHSRs 8,000 400 3,833 The existing supply taken from input data and in fu
on extension n improvement, per capita of 2021 po 370 450 4,547 as per % reduction stared in input data, requireme
eatment Plant, Rate per MLD 2,500,000 500 5,325 6 Capacity of CWRs required:
rangements, LS 5,000,000 600 7,015 taken from water demand sheet, Storage norms ta
al Information for Surface Source 700 9,622 7 Rising main Design: template for rising Main d
pipe Intake to WTP, m 50 800 12,550 economical size of rising main
water level in Intake, m 233.5 900 15,314 8 Raw Water Pumping Station:
nlet pipe in WTP/FSL in Inlet chamber, m 240.1 1000 18,354 9 Over Head Service Reservoir:
eriod of pumping main, years 30 No of distribution zones and OHSRs found for yea
y of Pump set RWPS, % 78 Meter 10 Clear Water Pumping Station:
y of Pump set CWPS, % 83 Meter 11 Estimate: Estimate has been worked out as p
f R Main CWPS to OHSRs, per OHSR, m 1400 Meter and quantities and sizes worked out in different sh
d losses in Rising Main & specials, meter/kilometer 1 Years 12 WTP Capacity & Land required:
sump level below Ground level, meter 4% in phase 1 and in phase 2 calculated in Demand s
evel at CWPS, meters 235 %
HSR site (maximum level ), meters 236 m
User Instructions

pplicable:This is for augmentation by new surface water source, water

sump and RWPS, from pumped
WTPfrom intake
water collected in CWR and then by
ped directly to different service reservoirs , WTP near the city. Single
ng for raw water and for clear wate. Surface ground generally flat.
:The cells for data input and requiring users review are shaded with
put data or review the data/result according to following color codes:

Input data to be provided Enter data if condition

Review the provided values & No value to be entered
revise/update if required Calculates automatically

No data to be entered select from drop down menu

output tables are given which is final output and shall be part of report
n Projection: This tool gives population projection by different
thods. If decadal growth is assigned for future
d be given in decadal growth
Projection: Water demand has been taken 135 LPCD if population
0 else 160 LPCD as per Manual. Initial losses has been taken as
t data and it remain same for next 5 years and then decrease by
ecade till minimum of 15 %, Fire demand taken as per manual
supply taken from input data and in future existing supply reduced
uction stared in input data, requirement -existing source=demand
of CWRs required: Requirement for year 15 and 30 years
water demand sheet, Storage norms taken from input sheet
ain Design: template for rising Main design used to find
size of rising main
er Pumping Station: Head, discharge and Kilowatt calculated
d Service Reservoir: Total Capacity worked out for 15/30 year DP
ution zones and OHSRs found for year 15/30 years DP
ater Pumping Station: Head, discharge and Kilowatt calculated
: Estimate has been worked out as per unit rates in input sheet
es and sizes worked out in different sheets
pacity & Land required: WTP capacity and raw water requirement
nd in phase 2 calculated in Demand sheet
Table 1: Projected Population & Water Demand
Year Population Gross Water Demand Likely Deficit
2011 499,438 96.63 15.58
2016 591,825 114.29 53.50
2021 701,302 125.73 80.14
2026 820,407 135.77 101.58
2031 959,740 152.10 126.45
2036 1,106,088 194.13 174.89
2041 1,274,752 223.47 209.04
Gross Water Demand: Net water demand + losses
Deficit: Based on current supply levels and likely reduction in supply in future

Table 2: Source & Treatement Capacity

Particulars Unit Quantity/Value
Raw Water
Raw Water Requirement (Ultimate Design Year) MLD 220.00
WTP Capacity & Land Requirement
Ultimate Capacity Required (Ultimate Design Year) MLD 210.00
Land requirement for WTP ( including for CWR and RWPS/CWPS) ha 13.00
WTP Development Stages
Stage-1 development (in base year for intermediate design period MLD 102.00
Stage-2 development (in intermediate year for ultimate design period) MLD 108.00

Table 3: Raw Water & Clear Water Pumping Requirements

Particulars Unit Quantity/Value
Raw Water Pumping Station
No of working pumps No,s 4.00
No of Standby pumps No,s 2.00
Pumping Hours hours 23.00
Discharge per pump, with respect to pumping hours LPS 296.00
Total Pumping Head m 7.00
Pump kilowatt KW 30.00
Total No of Pumps No,s 6.00
Total Kilowatt KW 180.00
Clear Water Pumping Station
No of working pumps no,s 2.00
No of Standby pumps no,s 1.00
Pumping Hours hours 23.00
Discharge per pump, with respect to pumping hours LPS 616.00
Total Pumping Head m 83.70
Pump kilowatt KW 680.00
Total No of Pumps no,s 3.00
Total Kilowatt KW 2,040.00

Table 4: Raw Water & Clear Water Rising Mains

Particulars Unit Quantity/Value
Raw Water Pumping Main (From Source to WTP)
Length m 50.00
Diameter mm 600.00
Recommended Type of Pipe DI K7
Clear Water Pumping Main (From WTP to Zonal OHSRs)
Total Number of Zones No,s 38
Total Number of Zonal OHSRs (one per each Zone) No,s 38
Total length of Pipeline (for all zones) m 53,200
Recommended Type of Pipe DI K7

Table 5: Storage Requirement

Particulars Unit Quantity/Value
Clear Water Reservoir (CWR) at WTP
Ultimate Capacity Required (Ultimate Design Year) ML 16.29
Available CWR Capacity ML 6.75
Total Capacity to be Developed ML 9.54
CWR Development Stages
Stage-1 development (in base year for intermediate design period ML 4.56
Stage-2 development (in intermediate year for ultimate design period) ML 4.98

Over Head Service Reservoirs (OHSRs)

Total Storage Requirement of OHSRs ML 67.04
Available OHSR Capacity ML 2.65
Total OHSR Capacity to be Development ML 64.39
Total Number of Zones No,s 38
Recommeded Average Capacity of OHSR ML 1.75
OHSR Development Stages
Stage-1 development (in base year for intermediate design period
Storage Capacity to be Developed ML 38.08
Zones to be Developed No,s 23
Total number of zonal OHSRs required No,s 23
Stage-2 development (in intermediate year for ultimate design period)
Storage Capacity to be Developed ML 26.31
Zones to be Developed No,s 15
Total number of zonal OHSRs required No,s 15
Table 1: Population Projection

Year Population Decadal Annual Households HH Size

Growth Rate Growth Rate
1951 54,981
1961 67,026 21.91% 2.00%
1971 87,981 31.26% 2.76%
1981 137,927 56.77% 4.60%
1991 191,000 38.48% 3.31%
2001 261,740 37.04% 3.20% 52,000 5
2011 499,438 90.81% 6.67% 99,224 5
2016 591,825 40.42% 3.45% 117,578 5
2021 701,302 40.42% 3.45% 139,328 5
2026 820,407 36.85% 3.19% 162,991 5
2031 959,740 36.85% 3.19% 190,672 5
2036 1,106,088 32.82% 2.88% 219,747 5
2041 1,274,752 32.82% 2.88% 253,256 5

Population Projections
Arithmetic Incremental Geometric Average of Available Growth
Growth Method Increase (IM) Growth AM_IM_GM Projected Rate based
(AM) Method (GM) Data Projection
- - - - 1.00 -
Input Growth Rate
Table 2: Water Demand

Year Population LPCD Losses Demand Losses Fire Demand Total Present Deficit
2011 499,438 135 40 67.42 26.97 2.23 96.63 81.05 15.58
2016 591,825 135 40 79.90 31.96 2.43 114.29 60.79 53.50
2021 701,302 135 30 94.68 28.40 2.65 125.73 45.59 80.14
2026 820,407 135 20 110.75 22.15 2.86 135.77 34.19 101.58
2031 959,740 135 15 129.56 19.43 3.10 152.10 25.64 126.45
2036 1,106,088 150 15 165.91 24.89 3.33 194.13 19.23 174.89
2041 1,274,752 150 15 191.21 28.68 3.57 223.47 14.43 209.04

Table 3: WTP Capacity Requirement

Parameter Units Quantity
Considering 5% treatment losses, requirement for 15 yr DP MLD 106.66
Ultimate WTP Capacity Required (30 years design period) MLD 210.00
Land requirement for WTP ( including for CWR and RWPS/CWPS) ha 13.00
Proposed development of WTP - 2 stage (Intermediate - 15 year and ultimate - 30 years)
WTP Capacity (Stage-1 development in base year for intermediate design period) MLD 102.00
WTP Capacity (Stage-2 development in intermediate year for ultimate design period) MLD 108.00
Raw Water Requirement (Ultimate Demand + 5% WTP losses) MLD 220.00
@ 625 m2 per MLD
Table 2: Clear Water Reservoirs
Capacity Available Proposed
year Demand Reqd Capacity Capacity
2026 135.77 11.31 6.75 4.56
2041 223.47 16.29 6.75 9.54
Table 3: Raw Water Pumping Station
Description Unit Quantity
Minimum water level in Intake 233.50
Outlet level 240.10
Static head 6.60
Friction Losses in pipe line 0.0102878
Losses in specials,entry,exit,piping 0.0010288
Total Pumping Head m 6.6113166
Rounding upwards m 7.00
Quantity of water to be pumped MLD 102.00
No of working pumps No,s 4
No of Standby pumps No,s 2
Rounding upwards No,s 2
Pumping Hours hours 23
Discharge per pump, with respect
to pumping hours MLD 24.44
As above LPS 295.14
Pump Efficiency % 78.00
Pump kilowatt KW 25.97
Motor Rating coefficient 1.15
Motor Rating 29.86
Round up 30.00
Total No of Pumps No,s 6
Total Kilowatt KW 180
Table 4: Over Head Service Reservoirs
year Demand OHSRs Present New
Capacity Capacuty OHSRs
2026 135.77 40.73 2.65 38.08
2041 223.47 67.04 2.65 64.39

Recommeded Average Capacity of OHSR 1.75 ML

Number of Zones Required (Intermediate Year) 23 No,s
Number of Zones Required (Ultimate Year) 38 No,s
Number of OHSR per zone 1 No,s
Total number of zonal OHSRs (intermediate year) 23 No,s
Total number of zonal OHSRs (Ultimate Year) 38 No,s
Table 7: Estimate
S No Item Quantity Rate Units

1 Construction of Intake arrangements 1 5,000,000 No

2 Construction of Raw Water Pump House 180 25,000 KiloWatt
3 Construction of Water Treatment Plant 210 2,500,000 MLD
4 Construction of CWRs 9,544,329 3 Litre
5 Construction of OHSRs 64,389,526 8 Litre
6 Clear Water Pumping Station 2,040 25,000 KW
7 R Main RWPS to WTP DI Pipe K7, Dia in mm
600 50 10,523 meter
8 R Main CWPS to Zonal Service Reservoirs 53,200 8,000 meter
9 Distribution system 1,274,752 370 Nos
10 Domestic Meters 30,034 2,000 Nos
11 Reduction of NRW & Replace Service Line 30,034 6,000 Nos
12 Electric Connection on CWPS, RWPS,WTP 1 21,600,000 Nos
13 Cost of Land for WTP, CWPS, RWPS, SRs 1 10,000,000
Sub Total
Physical Contingency 10%
Other contingencies 5%
Grand Total



From : Intake ===== =======================
To : WTP
1) Water requirement : Year Peak Discharge

A. Initial 2011 15.58

B. Intermediate 2026 107.10
C. Ultimate 2041 220.00

2) Pumping main LENGTH 50

3) Static head for pump ST.HEAD 6.60
4) Design period YEAR 30
5) Combined eff. of pump set EFF. % 78
6) Cost of pumping unit Rs./KW 25000
7) Interest rate INTEREST 10.00
8) Life of electric motor & pump set P.Yrs 15
9) Energy charges per kWh P/KWH 4.75
10) Pumping hours for discharge PUMPING- 23
at the end of 30 years HOURS
11Energy Charges capitalised:Cc n 15
cr((1-(1+r)^(-n))/n) Rate of intrest 0.10
cc 7.606
12 Present value of investment reqd after 15 years=C/
((1+r)^n) C 4.177

CALCULATIONS: 1st 15 years

1) Discharge at Start OF PERIOD 15.58

2) Discharge at the end of 15 yrs 107.10
3) Average Discharge 61.34
4) Ave.pumping hours during the period 13.17
5) KW required at combined 16.257897
efficiency of pumping set
6) Ave.annual charges for electrical
energy Rs. 371557

Modified Hazen William's Formula

V= 143.534CR r0.6575 S0.5525

h= [L(Q/CR)1.81 ]/[994.62D4.81]
Friction Head Loss (First 15 years)
Dia. in mm L Q CR Q/CR (Q/CR)^1.81 994.62
100 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
150 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
200 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
250 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
300 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
350 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
400 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
450 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
500 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
600 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
700 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
800 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
900 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62
1000 50 0.1071 1 0.1071 0.0175355318 994.62

Dia. in mm 143.534 CR r=A/P=D/4 r0.6575 S S^0.5525
100 143.534 1 0.025 0.08843935 1.1383132 1.0741986921
150 143.534 1 0.0375 0.11545841 0.1619059 0.3656938831
200 143.534 1 0.05 0.13949954 0.0405796 0.1702510818
250 143.534 1 0.0625 0.1615441 0.0138730 0.0940912196
300 143.534 1 0.075 0.18211796 0.0057718 0.0579592767
350 143.534 1 0.0875 0.2015442 0.0027498 0.0384777962
400 143.534 1 0.1 0.22003917 0.0014466 0.0269833049
450 143.534 1 0.1125 0.23775671 0.0008209 0.0197313152
500 143.534 1 0.125 0.25481109 0.0004946 0.014912634
600 143.534 1 0.15 0.28726321 0.0002058 0.0091860376
700 143.534 1 0.175 0.31790512 0.0000980 0.0060983936
800 143.534 1 0.2 0.34707811 0.0000516 0.0042766174
900 143.534 1 0.225 0.37502482 0.0000293 0.0031272406
1000 143.534 1 0.25 0.4019255 0.0000176 0.0023635218

Friction Head Loss (Second 15 years)

Dia. in mm L Q CR Q/CR (Q/CR)^1.81 994.62

100 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
150 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
200 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
250 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
300 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
350 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
400 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
450 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
500 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
600 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
700 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
800 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
900 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62
1000 50 0.22 1 0.22 0.0645334751 994.62

Dia. in mm 143.534 CR r=A/P=D/4 r^0.6575 S S^0.5525
100 143.534 1 0.025 0.08843935 4.1891688 2.206610321
150 143.534 1 0.0375 0.11545841 0.5958390 0.751205436
200 143.534 1 0.05 0.13949954 0.1493391 0.349728404
250 143.534 1 0.0625 0.1615441 0.0510548 0.1932814271
300 143.534 1 0.075 0.18211796 0.0212410 0.1190594803
350 143.534 1 0.0875 0.2015442 0.0101195 0.0790407797
400 143.534 1 0.1 0.22003917 0.0053238 0.0554288881
450 143.534 1 0.1125 0.23775671 0.0030212 0.040531909
500 143.534 1 0.125 0.25481109 0.0018200 0.0306334129
600 143.534 1 0.15 0.28726321 0.0007572 0.0188698846
700 143.534 1 0.175 0.31790512 0.0003607 0.0125272711
800 143.534 1 0.2 0.34707811 0.0001898 0.008784993
900 143.534 1 0.225 0.37502482 0.0001077 0.0064239525
1000 143.534 1 0.25 0.4019255 0.0000649 0.004855128
========= ========= =========== ============ ========= ================== =======================
----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

Sl. Pipe Frictional Head Velocity in

No. Size loss per m/s ------
in 1000 m 1st stage flow
mm ---------------- -------------- -------
1st 2nd 1st 2nd Frict-
stage stage stage stage ional
flow flow flow flow loss
----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1 100 1138.31 4189.17 13.64 28.01 56.91565769
2 150 161.91 595.84 6.06 12.45 8.09529730
3 200 40.58 149.34 3.41 7.00 2.02897866
4 250 13.87 51.05 2.18 4.48 0.69364988
5 300 5.77 21.24 1.52 3.11 0.28858817
6 350 2.75 10.12 1.11 2.29 0.13748790
7 400 1.45 5.32 0.85 1.75 0.07233079
8 450 0.82 3.02 0.67 1.38 0.04104682
9 500 0.49 1.82 0.55 1.12 0.02472783
10 600 0.21 0.76 0.38 0.78 0.01028784
11 700 0.10 0.36 0.28 0.57 0.00490129
12 800 0.05 0.19 0.21 0.44 0.00257851
13 900 0.03 0.11 0.17 0.35 0.00146327
14 1000 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.28 0.00088152

----------------- >>> * Other losses = 10% of frictional loss

========= ========= =========== ============ ========= ================== =======================

----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1st stage flow of
61.34 million liters/day
-------- --------- ---------
Sl. PIPE Class H1 Kw Pump
No. Size of Total req'd Cost @ Rs
in PIPE head 25000.00
mm in plus 50% per kw
meters standby Rs THS
----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1 100 K7 69.21 1688 42194
2 150 K7 15.50 378 9453
3 200 K7 8.83 215 5385
4 250 K7 7.36 180 4489
5 300 K7 6.92 169 4217
6 350 K7 6.75 165 4116
7 400 K7 6.68 163 4072
8 450 K7 6.65 162 4051
9 500 K7 6.63 162 4040
10 600 K7 6.61 161 4031
11 700 K7 6.61 161 4027
12 800 K7 6.60 161 4026
13 900 K7 6.60 161 4025
14 1000 K7 6.60 161 4024


----------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
1st stage flow 61.34 mld 2nd stage flow
------ --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------

Cost Annual Capital- Capital- Cost Annual

of Energy ised ised of Energy
Sl. pump Charges Energy Total pump Charges
No. sets Charges Cost sets


1 42194 25714 195586 237780 296814 234797
2 9453 5761 43818 53271 49307 39005
3 5385 3282 24960 30344 18552 14676
4 4489 2736 20809 25298 11782 9320
5 4217 2570 19549 23767 9729 7696
6 4116 2508 19080 23196 8963 7090
7 4072 2482 18877 22949 8632 6829
8 4051 2469 18780 22831 8474 6703
9 4040 2462 18729 22769 8391 6638
10 4031 2456 18684 22715 8318 6580
11 4027 2454 18667 22695 8290 6558
12 4026 2453 18660 22686 8279 6549
13 4025 2453 18657 22682 8273 6544
14 4024 2453 18655 22679 8270 6542

Minimum capitalised cost

Economical Dia
frictional Losses in pipe line, economical dia,15year DP
Total length of pipe
Type of Pipe
========== =============== ============== ========= ========= =========

mld 100 DI K7 1 918
mld 150 DI K7 1 1395
200 DI K7 1 1540
M 250 DI K7 1 2005
M 300 DI K7 1 2543
yr. 350 DI K7 1 3197
% 400 DI K7 1 3833
Rs 450 DI K7 1 4547
% 500 DI K7 1 5325
yr. 600 DI K7 1 7015
Rs 700 DI K7 1 9622
hrs 800 DI K7 1 12550
900 DI K7 1 15314
yearsyears 1000 DI K7 1 18354


2nd 15 years

mld 107.10 mld

mld 220.00 mld
mld 163.55 mld
hrs 17.10 hrs
* H1 33.40 * H2

*H1 990688 * H2
D D^4.81 h( First 15 yrs)
0.1 0.000015488 56.915658
0.15 0.000108893 8.0952972957
0.2 0.000434464 2.028978661
0.25 0.001270842 0.6936498824
0.3 0.003054592 0.2885882
0.35 0.006411613 0.1374878958
0.4 0.012187330 0.0723308
0.45 0.021475940 0.0410468248
0.5 0.035648866 0.0247278318
0.6 0.085685535 0.010287841
0.7 0.179854609 0.0049012876
0.8 0.341871453 0.0025785106
0.9 0.602429833 0.0014633
1 1.000000000 0.0008815


D D^4.81 h( Second 15 yrs)

0.1 0.000015488 209.4584419711
0.15 0.000108893 29.7919487849
0.2 0.000434464 7.4669559557
0.25 0.0012708417 2.55273908
0.3 0.0030545922 1.0620492
0.35 0.0064116129 0.5059767667
0.4 0.012187330 0.2661885
0.45 0.021475940 0.1510586773
0.5 0.0356488661 0.0910022537
0.6 0.0856855353 0.0378608495
0.7 0.1798546093 0.018037498
0.8 0.3418714527 0.0094893187
0.9 0.6024298329 0.0053851
1 1 0.0032441

========== =============== ============== ========= =========

------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -----------------

Total head(m) for 50.00 m length
including 6.60 m static head
--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
2nd stage flow
--------- -------- ------- --------- ---------
Total Frict- Total
Other* Head ional Other* Head
losses H1 loss losses H2
------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
5.69 69.21 209.45844 20.95 237.00
0.81 15.50 29.79195 2.98 39.37
0.20 8.83 7.46696 0.75 14.81
0.07 7.36 2.55274 0.26 9.41
0.03 6.92 1.06205 0.11 7.77
0.01 6.75 0.50598 0.05 7.16
0.01 6.68 0.26619 0.03 6.89
0.00 6.65 0.15106 0.02 6.77
0.00 6.63 0.09100 0.01 6.70
0.00 6.61 0.03786 0.00 6.64
0.00 6.61 0.01804 0.00 6.62
0.00 6.60 0.00949 0.00 6.61
0.00 6.60 0.00539 0.00 6.61
0.00 6.60 0.00324 0.00 6.60

========== =============== ============== ========= =========

------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -----------------

2nd stage flow of Cost Cost
163.55 MLD of of
-------- --------- --------- pipe 50
H2 Kw Pump per meter
Total req'd Cost @ Rs unit pipe
head plus % 25000.00 length line
in 50 per kw THS
meters standby Rs THS ( Rs ) ( Rs )
------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
237.00 11873 296814 918 46
39.37 1972 49307 1395 70
14.81 742 18552 1540 77
9.41 471 11782 2005 100
7.77 389 9729 2543 127
7.16 359 8963 3197 160
6.89 345 8632 3833 160
6.77 339 8474 4547 227
6.70 336 8391 5325 266
6.64 333 8318 7015 351
6.62 332 8290 9622 481
6.61 331 8279 12550 628
6.61 331 8273 15314 766
6.60 331 8270 18354 918

------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
163.55 mld
--------- --------- GRAND
Capital- Capital- Initial PIPE Capital-
ised ised Capital SIZE ised
Energy Total Investment in cost
Charges Cost for pumpsets (mm) for
& annual ele
ct. Charges 30 yrs
1785888 2082702 498582 100 736408 100
296672 345978 82824 150 136165 150
111625 130177 31163 200 61584 200
70892 82674 19791 250 45189 250
58536 68264 16342 300 40236 300
53927 62889 15055 350 38411 350
51939 60571 14500 400 37610 400
50985 59458 14234 450 37292 450
50487 58878 14095 500 37131 500
50047 58364 13972 600 37038 600
49882 58173 13926 700 37102 700
49811 58090 13906 800 37220 800
49777 58050 13897 900 37344 900
49760 58030 13892 1000 37489 1000

37038 thousand Rs
600 mm
0.01029 m
50 m
Table 8: Clear Water Pumping Station
Parameter Units Quantity
Staging Height of Service Reservoir m 20
Water Colomn in Service Reservoir m 6
No of Distribution zones No 38
Length of Rising Main m 53,200
Friction Losses in pipes and specials m 53
Suction Head m 4
difference in level in CWPS and OHSR m 1
Total Pumping Head m 84
Rounding m 84
No of stand working pumps 2
Total quantity of water to be pumped MLD 102
Pumping Hours hours 23
Pump Discharge LPS 616
Rounding LPS 616
Pump Kilo Watt 611
Multiplying Coefficient for KW 1
Motor Kilo Watt 672
Rounding , upward multiple of 10 KW 680
Stand bye pumps no,s 1
Total No of Pumps no,s 3
Total kilo Watt installed KW 2,040

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