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Clyde Cabaddu


Long time ago In the world of Atlanta, 12 nations lived together in harmony, Then it all

changed when Tough started to conquer everything. In Atlanta you don't counquer places

thorugh war, you counquer them through games. And Tough was considerd to be the "god of

games". The only way to get the 12 nations to unite again is to beat Tough, but no one had the

guts to challenge him into a battle. Until one day, two mortals from earth named L and Kira were

summoned to Atlanta. They were summoned because they were too good on games, no one on

earth could beat them. That's why they were summoned.

The rules are simple in Atlanta,

1. All murder, war, and robbery is forbidden in this world.

2.All conflict in this world will be resolved through games.

3. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value.

4. As long as it doesn't violate pledge three, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.

5. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.

6. Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

7.Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute


8. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

9. In the name of god, the previous rules may never be changed.

10. Let's all have fun and play together!

In short, play to survive.

When L and Kira were summoned, they immediately looked for clues to know where

they are. But it wasn't hard since Tough explained how, where, and why the got there. He also

explained the rules of Atlanta. Of course Tough knew that they were summoned. because he's a

god, he controls Atlanta. After that, they went to a nearby village to look for food and shelter.

But since they didn't have any money they needed to challenge someone, and so they did. They

were victourious. And because of that, they had enough money to have shelter and food. The

next morning: "where are you going?" L said as Kira opens the door, "outside, to get some fresh

air" Kira answered. "Kay, I'll come with you" L said.

While they were walking, they noticed that something was going on in the forest, so

they went to check out what was happening. It's a tournament. " Gather around people , today

we'll be helding a tournament, as for the prize, the winner will be held as the next king of

Navion." Seru said. Seru is the daughter of the former King. Seru also entered the competition

itself, to continue what his father started. But it was hard for her since she isn't really that good

in games. Seru got to the finals, barely. Her final opponent was Natsu the magician. Humans

aren't the only raise that lived in Atlanta in fact there are 5 races. The first race, The humans,

Second, Elves, Third, Orcs, Fourth, Demons, Last race, witches. The human race lives mainly in

Navion, The second race, elves, are most likely to be found in the land of Haurga. Third race, The

Orcs, They rule in the lands of agron, Fourth, the demons, They are mostly found in Asema or

the main land. And the last race, the witches, they live in a land called Pansea.

They all used to live together, until Tough decided to seperate each race into different

nations. But still, even though tough seperated them, nations in Atlanta still have mixed races in

different nations, and the people that lived in each nation didn't really mind at all.
(Going back to the tournament). L and Kira carefully watched each individual that were

in the competition. To check what people that lived there can actually do. They can tell that

Natsu the magician was cheating. It was obvious for them, well not for Seru. Natsu may have lost

if Seru caught her cheating, as the rule says, "Being caught cheating during a game grounds for

an instant loss." But since she didn't, it will be a longer journey for her. She had a hard time

focusing on the game because her opponent was too intimidating, which resulted into a drastic


L and Kira approached her to see if she needed some help, At first she refused, since its

her first time seeing them. So in order to show what they can truely do, They challenged her into

a battle. The game of chess. Seru did her best in that battle while L and Kira were just playing

with her. They won without any effort. And so, she accepted their help. But in exchange for the

help that they will give, She needs to lend them the bascis for survival, which included shelter,

food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, in short to let them live in their castle. For what help

did she really need you say? well, she needs help to beat Natsu in a battle. A battle for the

throne. But Natsu isn't really their main concern in here, its Tough.

So after after getting quite a lot of adjustments, they finally managed to challenged

Natsu into a battle. They were victorious, they didn't need to put a lot of effort in their battle to

to beat Natsu since they were so skilled, low leveled gamers won't stand a chance against them.

After their fight with Natsu, their true journey finally begins.

After getting infos about the dimension that they were transfered in, they discovered

that there is a mysthical creature living beneath the forest of Alabama where the goblins live, So

they immediately went after her. Beating that mysthical creature with give them a lot of
advantage during their fight/game with Tough, since it's abilities can easily match up with a god,

since that creature is also considered as a demi-god (half mortal, half god). After spending quite

some time walking, they finally found what they seek. Its the creature's home. They immediately

entered after they found it, and challenged the creature into a battle. They both agreed to use

their lives as their bet. As expected, Kira and L won the battle, and without hesitation, the

creature became their acquaintance and helped them with their battle against Tough.

It took a lot of preparation for them to finally reach Tough's level. The day has come, the

day where they finally challenge him into a battle. This is a battle between gods, not that L and

Kira are some sorth of god, but their level are arguably in the same level as the gods.

"So without further ado, let us now begin the battle between Tough and the mortals.",

said the commentator.

"A battle between a god and two mere mortals from another dimention." he added.

And so the battle finally commenced.

It was a battle that lasted 35 days and 35 nights, but in the end, L and Kirra were


"How did you get into such level?" said Tough.

"Being born with great abilities isn't enough to become strong, hard work and

determination is the key to success, with a bit of bravery and guts, you can do just about

anything in this world, we believe that in this world, there's no such thing as 'impossible'." they

This story is related to filipino experiences... in some way at least.

This stroy is fiction, but it's still related to filipino experiences. The war that we experienced

during the spanish time represented how the nations in atlanta got seperated from one another,

I represented Tough as the spaniards, whom we kind of considered as "gods" since we feared

them, to the extent that we treated them as gods. Not literal gods, its some kind of


I represented L and Kirra as the "mga bayani" or heroes in english. Because they're the

only once who had the guts to fight back and reclaim what truely was and will forever be ours.

It's a stroy on how Philippine heroes (L and Kira) fought through such battles to reclaim what was

rightfully ours. This story might be fiction but it still has some sense.

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