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1. Name of the student – Riya Singhal

2. Enrolment No. - 43621788817`
3. Title of the Project - Study of Brand Awareness
4. Name & address of the Organisation where Internship was done
- Bharti airtel limited circle office : 3rd and 4th Floor,266, Sant
nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110069

( Ms. Sonia Gandhi )


( Professor R.Vinayek )

I am writing this final Project for the program of Bcom(H) on “Study of

Brand Awareness” for Delhi School Of Professional Studies And
Research, Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

It has been a great challenge but a plenty of learning and opportunities to

gain a huge amount of knowledge on the way of writing this Project
report. I could not have completed my Project without the constant
guidance of Ms. Sonia Gandhi(Assistant Professor), our faculty guide,
who helped me along the way and was always prepared to give me
feedback and guidelines whenever I needed it.


This is to certify that the project entitled”Study of Brand Awareness“ is

bonafide work carried out by "Riya Singhal" student of Bcom(H), Delhi
School Of Professional Studies And Research(affiliated to GGSIP
University, Delhi) in Partial Fulfillment Of the requirements for the
Award of the Degree of Bcom(H), under our Guidance & Direction. To
the best of our Knowledge and belief the data & information presented by
Her in the project has not been submitted earlier.

Ms. Sonia Gandhi

(Assistant professor)


Introduction to study
Review of litrature
Need and Objective of study
Research mathedology
Research Problem
Method of Data collection
Research Instruments and structured quesionnaire

Profile of Company


Data analysis

4 Conclusion:


Excel sheet
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion
and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy
individual and organizational objectives. Therefore, In order to run the business
successfully, One has to keep in mind both the factors i.e., controllable as well as

In a most simple and non-technical language, marketing may be explained as a

business function entrusted with the criterion and satisfaction of customers to achieve
the aims of business itself in popular usage, the term "marketing" refers to the
promotion of products, especially advertising and branding. However, in professional
usage the term has a wider meaning. It can be divided into four sections. Often called
the "four Ps'". They are:

Product -The product management aspect of marketing deals with the specifications
of the actual good or service, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants.

Pricing -This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including

Promotion -- This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal

selling. And refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand or

Brand - A unique and identifiable symbol, association, name or trademark, which

serves to differentiate competing products or services. Both a physical and emotional
trigger to create a relationship between consumers and the product/service.

Brand Attributes -Functional or emotional association that are assigned to a

brand by its customers and prospects. Brand attributes can be either negative or
positive and can have varying degrees of relevance and importance to different
customer segments.
Brand Audit-A comprehensive and systematic examination of all collateral (both
tangible and intangible) which relates to a brand.

Brand Awareness -The proportion of target customers that recall a

brand.Realization by a consumer of the existence and availability of a particular
product. Brand awareness is a common measure of marketing communications

Brand Equity-The value both tangible and intangible that a brand adds to a

Brand Essence -The core characteristic that defines a brand.

Brand Expansion
The exposure of a brand to a broader target customer market, geographic market, or
distribution channel.

Brand Extension
The application of a brandbeyondits initial range of products, or outside of its
category. This becomes possible when the brand image and attributes have
contributed to a perception with the consumer/user where the brand and not the
product is the decision driver.

Brand Identify
A unique set of association that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain.
These associations represent what the brand should stand for and imply a potential
promise to customers. It is important to note that a brand identity refers to the
strategic goal for a brand, while brand image is what currently resides in the minds of
Brand Image
A unique set of associations within the minds of target customers which represent
what the brand currently stands for and implies the current promise to customers.
(Note that brand image is what is currently in the minds of consumers, whereas brand
identify is inspirational).

What is a Brand?

Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create,
maintain, protect and enhance brands. Marketers say that "branding is the art and
cornerstone of marketing.

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as follows:

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended

to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate
them from those of competitors.

In essence, a brand identifies the seller or maker. It can be a name, trademark, logo,
or other symbol. Under trademark law, the seller is granted exclusive rights to the use
of the brand name in perpetuinity. Brands differ from other assets such as patents and
copyrights, which have expiration dates.

A brand is essentially seller's promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits,

and services consistently to the buyers. The brands convey a warranty of quality.

It can convey up to six levels of meaning:

1. Attributes: A brand brings to mind certain attributes. Mercedes suggests

expensive, well-built, well-engineered, durable, high-prestige automobiles.

2. Benefits: Attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. The
attribute "durable" could translate into functional benefit "I won't have to buy another
car for several years". The attribute "expensive" translates into the emotional benefit
“the car makes me feel important and admires.'
3. Values: The brand also says something about the producer's values Mercedes
stands for high performance, safety and prestige.

4. Culture:The brand may represent a certain culture. The Mercedes represents

German culture: organized, efficient, high quality.

5. Personality: The brand can project a certain personality. Mercedes may suggest a
no-nonsense boss (person), a reigning lion (animal), or an austere place (object).

6. User: The brand suggests the kind of consumer who buys or uses the product. We
would expect to see a 55-year-old top executive behind the wheel of a Mercedes, not a
20-year-old secretary.

If a company treats a brand only as a name, it misses the point. The branding
challenge is to develop a deep set of positive associations for the brand. Marketers
must decide at which level(s) to anchor the brand's identity. One mistake would be to
promote only attributes. First, the buyer is not as interested in attributes as in benefits.
Second, competitors can easily copy attributes. Third, the current attributes may be
come less desirable later.

Promoting the brand only on one benefit can also be risky. Suppose Mercedes touts its
main benefit as "high performance". Then several competitive brands emerge with
high performance as compared to other benefits. Mercedes needs the freedom to
maneuver into a new benefit positioning.

The most enduring meanings of a brand are its values, culture, and personality. They
define the brand's essence, The Mercedes stands for high technology, performance
and success. Mercedes must project this in. its brand strategy. Mercedes must resist
marketing an inexpensive car bearing the name; doing so would dilute the value and
personality. Mercedes has built up over the years.

Brand, the hip, catches all word of the New Economy. It suggested all a company
needed succeed was awareness. Image, as they say, was everything. Pat Harpell saw it
up close as the CEO of Harpell Inc., an integrated marketing firm in Maynard,
Massachusetts. Over the past few years, many entrepreneurs have called on her to
create branding programs, and she could see that old-fashioned branding strategies
had gone astray. “That’s not a branding program; that's a logo." she says. "Basic
business principles fell apart."'

Branding turned into a game of being seen for the sake of being seen, without
giving consumers a reason to buy.

What ultimately fell apart was the connection between companies and consumers.
Branding turned into a game of being seen for the sake of being seen, without giving
consumers reason to buy. "There's been a tremendous abuse of branding," says Jeff
Dufresne, managing director of Brand Storm, a brand-consulting group in Cincinnati.
"I think people got confused and thought branding was just throwing some ill-
conceived advertising out there to gain awareness."

With the dotcom fallout, companies are relearning the basic lessons of what makes a
successful brand-mainly that you can't live on image only.Eyeballs don't equal sales,
and logos don't create loyalty. Consumers want to know what you arc all about and
why they should trust you enough to purchase your product. This will never change,
no matter how much technology alters our lives.

Branding has become a monologue instead of adialogue. Entrepreneurs need to

leave their ivory office towers and talk to people.

It’s that dialogue that's beer, missing lately, Koehn says, and it's essential to any
branding strategy. Branding has become a monologue instead of a dialogue.
Entrepreneurs need to leave their ivory office towers and talk to people. They need to
be responsive to their customers. They have to make sure their branding messages are
understood by everyone inside the company. “Over the last few years. People didn't
realize how hard branding really is.” Koehn says. But its rewards are equal to is-s

Harpell recently studied a group of new companies to see how ingrained their
branding messages were inside those companies. She found that many employees
weren't aware of their companies' branding messages at all. “There were no brand
connection, no teaching of employees and no communicating with consumers,”
Harpell says.

The web's problems, too. When management and technology consulting firm
Accenture and technology research company Online Insight surveyed 2000 online
consumers last year, they found that a lot of the givens about the web that marketers
operate under are false. While most of the marketing is aimed at youth, the average
online shopper is 35 to 44. Entrepreneurs also assumed that advertisements drew
consumers to their sites while customer’s survey veiled on search engines. And the
low prices companies touted weren't what customers were looking for; they wanted
satisfying customer encounter that was Fast and convenient.

"Branding is about more than the sock puppet. It's about the total customer
experience," says Kelly Dixon, co-author of the study and director of e-branding at
Accenture in Chicago. "Companies haven't focused on the entire package."

Consumers developed a love-hate relationship with late-'90s branding strategies.

Observes David Schumann, consumer psychologist and associate dean at the
University of Tennessee in Knoxville. On one hand, seeing logos invade every inch of
public space has left U.S consumers over-exposed tobranding. On the other hand,
consumers are paying attention, if only briefly, to discover whether you'll reveal that
one clear benefit your product or service offers that'll make them try it. The problem
is this "one clear benefit" has been missing in plenty of branding campaigns, and
Schumann sees companies facing the fallout: consumers sticking with the products
they've trusted for a long time instead of taking a chance on products they don't really
understand. When the value proposition is missing, Schumann says, risk-averse
consumers will go with what they know.
Brand Awareness:
In developing brand, it is important to design communication messages that reflect the
brand's unique value for specific audiences. It helps healthcare providers strengthen
their brand awareness efforts with those customers likely to use their service as well
as determine the most effective media for communicating their brand value to the
target audience based on lifestyle and media preference.


The act of creating public awareness of a specific brand in order to maximize its
recognition, successful brand awareness strategies should define a company's
uniqueness and set it apart from competitors". Quite simply, if potential customers do
not know about a company, they will not purchase from it. Therefore, one of the
preeminent goals of any business should be to build brand awareness, albeit, in cost-
effective manner as possible.

Consumers tend to make purchasing decisions based on peer recommendations and

direct experience, as well as traditional advertising methods. This is why it is
necessary to build brand awareness strategies out by instilling trust among consumers.
Thus trust must be achieved through credibility, rather than just a catchy advertising
campaign. Promotional marketing involving a one-to-one component is proving
increasingly effective at building trust and acquiring new customers.

Online brand awareness strategies are used frequently, albeit with differing levels of
success. These online brand awareness strategies can include the use of advertising
including banners, sponsorships, and email/newsletter advertising, online PR, affiliate
marketing, etc.

So you want to know how to increase brand awareness? Well you’re in the
right place, especially if you’re working with a limited budget, but need to cut
through the noise and stand above your competitors.

Besides traditional advertising, what can you do to help put your brand name
on everybody’s lips? We’ve compiled ten ideas to get people talking…
1. Take to social media

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and

Whatsapp offer companies a great free-of-charge platform to promote
themselves, build their brand and their audience.

Finding the time to feed your profiles and blog can be a challenge but if you’re
going to do it you need to be active, which means posting and interacting
several times a day. But what to say? Expertise in a particular area can make
for a large following. Stay relevant and on-topic and you will garner a
valuable and engaged audience.

Don’t forget you need to talk to others to grow your following, which means
responding to comments on your social media pages in a timely manner and
engaging followers in conversation. No time at all? Check out these 10 tools
for automating your social media.

According to research carried out by Hootsuite in December, Starbucks is the

best performing brand on social media, closely followed by Chanel, Friskies
and Urban Outfitters. So be sure to check out their activity for inspiration.
Then read our guide to mastering social media for tips on how to become
social champions too.

2. Hold an event

Whatever type of business you’re in, holding a live event is a great way to get
the attention of clients and prospects. This could be a purely social summer
barbecue or Christmas party, or structured around business development such
as the launch of a new product or promotion. You could even run a
workshop to share your professional expertise.

Holding a live event gives you valuable ‘face time’ with potential customers
and offers the opportunity for them to experience the look, feel and personality
of your brand. You can always adopt a theme to add interest, such as a 1920s
cocktail evening or a vintage tea party. Consider raising funds for charity at
your event – it’s the perfect way to give back as you get.

3. Launch a PR campaign

Gaining press coverage is essentially like getting free advertising . But it’s
actually better than that, because editorial has more credibility and is more
likely to convince potential new customers to check you out. The hard part is
coming up with a newsworthy angle, and this will depend on whether you’re
targeting local or national media, print, TV or radio.

Perhaps you have a great personal story to tell about why you started your
business, maybe you’ve launched a unique new product or have identified an
interesting sales trend? Conducting surveys in your specialist fi eld and
publishing the results can offer a credible line for journalists or why not try a
spot of responsive PR, looking out for relevant journalist requests you can
respond to? Another top tip is to search Twitter for opportunities using the
following hashtags: #pressrequest or #journorequest.

4. Exhibit yourself

Exhibiting can be a highly effective way to showcase your brand to hundreds

of people in your target market. However, it can be expensive, so you’ll need
to prepare carefully to ensure you realise the best return on investment. It’s
not always a case of ‘build it and they will come’, you need to go further to
attract people to your stand – and keep them there long enough to discover
your brand and absorb your message.

Organising a competition or giveaway is a great way to attract attention. Who

doesn’t like getting something for nothing? Quirky or useful branded gifts
such novelty items that can be passed on to the kids, or food and drink, will
always be well received. A promotional tote bag is another good idea – turning
your recipients into walking billboards. If you’re not sure where to start, check
out this advice on how to do brand activation at events.

5. Join forces with another business

There’s power in numbers – if you can identify other businesses targeting the
same kind of customer as you, but not directly competing there’s an
opportunity to join forces for mutual benefit.

For example if you’re a florist you can offer an exclusive discount for
customers of the local bridal shop. For you, it’s a great way to attract new
customers. For the established business it’s a way to reward their customers at
no expense and with virtually no effort.

6. Sponsor something

Sponsorship of an event or product is another proven way to reach a target

audience and increase brand awareness. Sponsoring an event can entitle your
company to exclusive face-to-face time with attendees as well as overt
branding opportunities.

But choose wisely – what you choose to sponsor should be relevant to your
target market and ‘on message’. Be sure to steer clear of any PR disasters –
Nestlé’s sponsorship of a health conference in 2014 led to the event bein g
cancelled after senior NHS figures urged a boycott over the food and beverage
company’s promotion of infant formula in the developing world.

To help you make the right sponsorship choice visit Sponsormonster, a free to
use service which matches potential corporate sponsors with sponsorship
opportunities that meet their marketing criteria.

7. Organise an experiential stunt

For companies targeting consumers there’s no better way to raise brand

awareness than getting out on the street and engaging with potential

Experiential campaigns can work for both B2B and B2C companies too.

From a pop-up on the street to hiring performance artists, organising a flash

mob to engaging people with VR headsets, the only limit is your imagination.
And if you’re not sure where to start, why not check out these 23 examples.

8. Invest in promotional merchandise

Small corporate gifts are a great way to thank customers for their business and
reinforce your brand at the same time. You can provide branded pens for
pennies and it will put your company name and contact details at your
customers’ fingertips for months to come.

But don’t scrimp too much, cheap and cheerful can be a false economy.
There’s no point giving a really cheap pen which is going to run out of ink
really quickly – not only will your brand exposure be short-lived, giving low
quality items reflects badly on your company.

The more creative you can be with your gifts the better. Something unusual or
personalised will delight the recipient and may lead to them posting about the
gift on social media, earning your brand extra glory.
Brand awareness remains fundamental to consumer life as the interaction initiation
point to the brands. This paper put forwards the relationship of brand awareness on
consumer/brand loyalty in the packaged milk brands in the urban Pakistan. There is
evidence of brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty on brand equity. The
approach takes into account sources of brand equity—brand awareness,
consumer/brand loyalty, and image (perceptions / associations) on the sample of
consumer households.This paper suggests that in Pakistan among the packaged milk
brands there is no relationship between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty.
In addition, testing relationship by setting perceptions as the mediating variable
between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty results the same. For practicing
managers and marketers it is important to note that there is a need to update their
understanding of the nature and role of brand awareness on convenience products
which has random switch purchase behavior and low-involvement. In the current era,
marketers must develop branding strategies for commodity-products such as milk
packaged brands by investing and strengthening its supply chain system, to create and
increase brand awareness for the milk brands in-turn to build consumer/brand loyalty
than trying to directly build consumer/brand loyalty by heavy spending on
promotional tools.



The area of research for this paper focuses on empirically studying the relationship of
brand awareness on brand/consumer loyalty, which constitutes the success of a brand.
This relationship between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty has been
studied in Pakistan focusing on the geographical region of Karachi in the context of
fast moving consumer products such as packaged milk brands.

Brand Equity and its interrelationships with brand awareness has been an important
area of study in extant literature ( e.g. Keller, 1990, 2003, 2006; Aaker,1991,2002;
Kapferer,1998; Biel,1993; Yoo,2000; Donthu,2001; Moore,2002; Srivastava &
Shocker,1991;Ailawadi, 2003;Lehmann,2006; Neslin 2003; Srinvasan, Park & Chang,
2005; Slotegraaf & Pauwels, 2008). Brand Equity, as the focus of this study is defined
as comprehensive set of values attached by the consumers creating differential effects
to the brand which creates revenue in the competitive market (Aaker, 1991). In this
connection ‘Brand Awareness’ is the primary dimension of brand equity and is vital
for the purpose. Brand equity is initially built by laying a foundation of brand
awareness — eventually forming positive brand images — and is ultimately
maximized by high levels of brand loyalty (Strategic Marketing and Research
Techniques, 2008).

In other words, by understanding the locus of brand loyalty the practicing managers
can redirect their efforts towards factors that contribute to brand loyalty. The present
research, uses packaged milkbrands because, firstly milk is an everyday commodity
and secondly, it is heavily advertised by packagers of milk.

Also to substantiate the low involvement decision settings helping creating the level
of brand awareness for the particular product choice, even in the absence of a well-
formed attitude (Betteman & Park 1980; Hoyer & Brown 1990; Park & Lessig, 1981).
It is, therefore, pertinent to address the issue of consumer/brand loyalty in packaged
milk industry and thus develop an informed opinion of the heavy advertising
expenditures witnessed in the industry. Therefore, this paper aims to study “The
association between Brand Awareness and consumer/brand loyalty: A Study of
Packaged Milk Brands”.

The overall relationships of the brand awareness construct on consumer/brand loyalty

of packaged milk brands in the industry has been empirically analyzed and resulted.
The study was conducted to know the brand awareness regarding Airtel cellular
providers from the customers of different cellular service providers. The study totally
revolves around the opinions and feedbackfrom the users. An opinion survey with the
help of questionnaire wasconducted to know the users' view on the services provided
by Airtel with special emphasis on the other cellular users.

The study was also done to estimate the performance of the Airtel mobiles with the
other cellular service providers, and to whether the customers know about different
services provided by the Airtel mobiles.

Understanding the level of customer satisfaction with reference to Airtel

 Coverage

 Call centers

 Billing


1. To understand the concept of Brand Awareness of Airtel Cellular.

2. To find the awareness strategies of the Airtel brand.

3. To know how many cellular users know about the services provided by Airtel.

4. To find out the reasons for the retention of the Airtel customers.

5. To collect the suggestions and complaints of customers of other cellular

service providers.

6. To know the customer preferences.

7. To understand the problems of mobile customers.

8. To study the basic need of the customer for switching from one Cell Company
to another.
Research always starts with a question or a problem. Its purpose is to question
through the application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study
directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied.

Marketing research (MR) is the function which links the consumer, customer and
public to the marketer through information- information used to identify and define
marketing opportunities and problems generate, refine, and evaluate marketing
actions, monitor marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve
understanding of market as a process. Marketing research specifies the information
required to address these issues, designs, and the method for collecting information,
manage and implemented the data collection process,Analyses the results and
communicate the findings and their implication.

Thus, three key ideas regarding marketing research are:-

 Marketing research is concerned with studying any of the manifold problems
in marketing.
 Its purpose is to aid decision-making in the marketing field.
 Systematic gathering and analysis of information is its route in achieving its

Methodology is usually a guideline system for solving a problem, with specific
components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools. It can be
defined also as follows:
• "The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by
a discipline".
• "The systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied
within a discipline".
• "The study or description of methods".
1. The study is only for the Airtel confined to a particular location and a very small
sample of respondents. Hence the findings cannot be treated as representative of the
entire retail industry.

2. Respondents may give biased answers for the required data. Some of the
respondents did not like to respond.

3. Respondents try to escape some statements by simply answering “neither agree nor
disagree” to most of the statements.

4. In our study we have included 100 customers because of time limit.


The study was conducted to know the brand awareness regarding Airtel cellular
providers from the customers of different cellular service providers. The study totally
revolves around the opinions and feedbackfrom the users. An opinion survey with the
help of questionnaire wasconducted to know the users' view on the services provided
by Airtel with special emphasis on the other cellular users.

The study was also done to estimate the performance of the Airtel mobiles with the
other cellular service providers, and to whether the customers know about different
services provided by the Airtel mobiles.

The another reasons for conducting a valuable service was to:

 Examine our service in in comparison to that of competitor.

 Checking our Prices in comparison to that of Competitor.
 To Find Number of users of our network in Areas Like Shahadra,
KarKardooma etc.
 To attain Market Share Leadership.

Primary Data:

Primary data is considered to be the data which is collected directly by an Individual

or a group of individual or an organisation.

The primary data was collected by a market survey in Delhi. Questionnaire was

prepared and administrated by taking a sample of 100 consumers, which contains

different categories of consumers like students, businessmen and employees.

Therefore, Those data and the answers which we have got from the sample is

considered to be the primary data. We have successfully explained in chapter 3,

The interpretations of this Primary Data.

Secondary Data:

Secondary data is the data in which the information is collected by some source. The
source can be internet or by any individual or by any reffered book.

The secondary data comprises of various Books and Websites are included in the
study. Data was also collected from the company's records and from the websites


Research Design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular

study. A Research Design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis

of the data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with

economy in procedure. Research Design is broadly classified into three types as:

Exploratory Research Design

Descriptive Research Design

The research design is exploratory till identification of customer services parameters.
Later it becomes descriptive when it comes to evaluating customer perception of
brand image of Airtel.


A Questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed n a definite order

on a form or set of forms. It is the set of questions presented to the respondents for
their answers. When the questions have only two alternatives or of multiple choices,
then it is known as closed-end questionnaire,which is hence used the given study.


Deliberate sampling: Deliberate sampling is known as purposive or non-probability

sampling. This sampling method involves purposive or deliberate selection of
particular units of the universe for constituting a sample, which represents a universe.
When population elements are selected for inclusion in the sample on the basis of
access it can be called convenience sample.

Simple random sampling: This type of sampling also known as chance sampling or
probability sampling. Where each and every item in population has an equal chance of
inclusion in this sample and each one of the possible sample, in case of finite
universe, has the sample probability of being selected.

Systematic sampling: In some instances the most practical way of sampling is to

select every 15th name of list, every 10th house on one side of house of street and so
on. Sampling of this type is known as systematic sampling.

Stratified sampling: If the population from which a sample is to be drawn does not
constitute a homogeneous group than a stratified sampling techniques applied so as to
obtain representative sample.
Quota sampling: In stratified sampling the cost of talking random samples from
individual strata is often so expensive that interviewers are simply given quota to be
filled from different strata, the actual selection of items for sample being left to the
interviewer’s judgment.

Cluster and area wise sampling: Cluster sampling involves grouping the population
and then selecting the groups or the clusters rather than individual elements inclusion
in the sample.

Multi-stage sampling: This is the further development of the idea of cluster

sampling. This technique is meant for big enquires extending today considerably large
geographical area like entire country.

A Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a
g i v e n population. It refers to the technique to the procedure adopted in selecting
items for the sampling designs are as below:

The substantial portions of the target customer that are sampled to achieve
reliable result are 100 respondents.


 Shahadra and
 Karkardooma


The procedure to choose the respondents to obtain a representative sample, a non-

probability sampling technique (convenience sampling) is applied for the target –


 Number of samples collected

 Which type of Airtel connection are they using?
 What are the Occupations of the Respondents?
 What factors are considered while taking cell connection?
 How are the services provided by the Current Service
 How they are aware of various service providers?
 Are you aware of Airtel services and offers?
 Have you used Airtel Connection Before?
 What are the Reasons for shift to other service provider?
 Are you interested in using Airtel In future?
 Rating about the services provided by Airtel?
 Customer Rating for Various Other Cell Services Providers?
Following are the common Limitation which the company or an organization can
face in creating a Brand Awareness.

1 Unfriendly and unhelpful nature of the sales people.

Once the sales are made and there is no proper response to the consumers
complaints is considered to be very rude attitude of the sales person the company
due to which, Most of the times, The company loses its brand image. So It should
be the aim of the company as well as the particular sales person to listen and help
to the customer complaints on time.

2 No clear explanation of the dealership is given to the Dealers.

Sometime many companies may have some rules for the dealership like they will
start giving 15% discount to the dealers only after when the dealer places the
maximum total number of order of 10 lakhs with company. But Sometimes, The
dealer starts demanding for the bulk discounts after achieving the level of sale of 5
lakh with the company.
3 Incomplete knowledge about the schemes and incentives to the sales
The sales representative are not fully aware of the various schemes which the
company and dealer offers and has to confirm every little detail from the owner
which takes time and by that time the consumer has already lost interest in the

4 Improper display of products catalogue to the dealers.

If the sales person does not treat the dealers properly i.e., until and unless the
Sales person properly display and make the dealer aware about the company's
Product , It is impossible for the dealer to give proper knowledge to the final
consumer. It not only effects the image of the company but also effects the image
of the dealer in the eyes of Final consumer.

5 Don’t care style and design.

Sometime. In products like Solar SMUs, PCUs, The company does not care for
the shape, Design, Looks of the products. They may adopts a negative perception
in their mind that customer don't care about these features in these kinds of
products. But the fact is Each and every consumer(weather for office use or for
Home) buying the products like Solar panel, Solar SMUs, PCUs firstly looks out
for the shape and size of the product as to examine the space which it will going to
contain in there respected property.

6 Not provided training to all sales representatives.

Sometime, The company does not give the full and technical knowledge to there
salesperson. They just tell them 8-10 questions which is to be asked from the
dealers for the dealership. But in some cases, It is considered to be inappropriate.
Suppose if any dealer ask the technical question which may be not that difficult,
But the dealer is having no answer for that and He/she asks the Dealer to wait for
the answer. This kind of delays may create bad image in the mind of Dealers for
the company.

7 Not using various form of advertising and promotional strategies.

It is a well known fact that, In order to make the sales rate higher. One has to keep
in mind the attributes of Promotional and marketing strategies. So, A Company
should not become lazy when it comes to promotion. It should properly take the
necessary actions for advertisement, Sales promotions, Public relation etc.

All of us communicate all the time and AIRTEL believes that's the way it should be.
All of us communicate whether it's midday or mid night: Whether it's someone at the
other end of the world, or the other end of the room . Technology shouldn't control
when and with whom you can communicate.

About Airtel

Telecom giant BhartiAirtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The

BhartiGroup, has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in the
telecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti
Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It has
successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to export
fresh agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has launched
Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA, world
leader in financial protection and wealth management.

Airtel comes to you from BhartiAirtel Limited, India’s largest integrated and the first
private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles.
BhartiAirtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered
the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and
services. The businesses at BhartiAirtel have been structured into three individual
strategic business units (SBU’s) - Mobile Services, AirtelTelemedia Services &
Enterprise Services. The mobile business provides mobile & fixed wireless services
using GSM technology across 23 telecom circles while the AirtelTelemedia Services
business offers broadband & telephone services in 95 cities. The Enterprise services
provide end-to-end tetelecom solutions to corporate customers and national &
international long distance services to carriers. All these services are provided under
the Airtel brand

Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless and
unwavering determination to succeed. A spirit charged with energy, creativity and a
team driven “to seize the day” with an ambition to become the most globally
admired telecom service. Airtel, in just ten years of operations, rose to the pinnacle of

As India's leading telecommunications company Airtel brand has played the role as a
major catalyst in India's reforms, contributing to its economic resurgence.
Today we touch people lives with our Mobile services, Telemedia services, to
connecting India's leading 1000+ corporates. We also connect Indians living in USA,
UK and Canada with our call home service.


By 2017Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:
Loved by more customers
Targeted by top talent
Benchmarked by more businesses

“We at Airtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of our
customers and how we want them to feel. We deliver what we promise and go out of
our way to delight the customer with a little bit more”

BhartiAirtel offers GSM mobile services in all the 23-telecom circles of India and is
the largest mobile service provider in the country, based on the number of customers.

The group offers high speed broadband internet with a best in class network. With
Landline services in 94 cities we help you stay in touch with your friends & family
and the world.

The group focuses on delivering telecommunications services as an integrated

offering including mobile, broadband & telephone, national and international long
distance and data connectivity services to corporate, small and medium scale

The Company compliments its mobile and broadband & telephone services with
national and international long distance services. It has over 35,016 route kilometers
of optic fibre on its national long distance network. For international connectivity to
east, it has a submarine cable landing station at. For international connectivity to the
west, the Company is a member of the South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe
– 4 (SEA-ME-WE-4) consortium along with 15 other global telecom operators.

Broadband & Internet

Broadband Advantage

Now experience the internet in a new way with Airtel Broadband. It is powered by
DSL technology which gives you blazing-fast; secure Internet access as soon as you
switch on your computer .
We give you the power of limitless discovery on Internet – from shopping to
banking, paying bills to making new friends and not to mention endless fun &
learning for children.

Switch today to airtel Broadband! Why wait to connect

With Airtel Broadband, the internet is always ON, always available! No more waiting
for dial-up to connect. You are ready to use the internet as soon as you switch on your

Power Surfing
With speed of up to 2Mbps, feel the excitement of doing more on Internet. Shop,
download MP3, exchange heavy files and chat at an enviable speed, all thanks to an
extensive Broadband Services infrastructure. No more disconnections in the middle of

Surf while you talk!

No more missed calls or blocked telephone lines while using the internet. Airtel
Broadband Services connection does not block existing telephone lines and allows
one family member to use the phone while another member surfs the net. No more
missed calls and no more fight!
Robust installation
Our world class infrastructure & end-to-end digital network of underground copper
cable lines ensure an extremely robust connection that eliminates the risk of damage.
Superior server technology and a dedicated port provide total security to data storage
and information exchange through the Internet.

24x7 customer support

We are just an email or a phone call away. Round-the-clock, 365 days a year! To help
us serve you even better, we look forward to your feedback. Your suggestions for
improvement, brickbats and even an occasional bouquet, will only help us realize our
promise! Click here for the Airtel Broadband Services Helpline number in your City.

Hot and Happening

Speed On Demand
With our innovative service, you can enjoy a dedicated speed of up to
2 Mbps without having to change your subscription plan. What’s more, you only pay
for what you use.
With a view to simplify the process for our customers, we have set up a fully
automated online process that delivers bandwidth upgradation as and when required.
Key benefits of Speed On Demand

 Upgrade to higher bandwidth instantly

 No need to change your tariff plan
 Pay only as much as you use

Entertainment OnAirtel

Choose your style. Now even for your homepage.

Unlimited games on demand @ Rs.99 per month. Experience Wiz kid on Airtel..

Just log-in with your Airtel Broadband ID and unleash great music at great prices.

Airtel brings you a wide range of high-quality and exciting games in alliance with
India games. Just login with your Airtel Broadband ID and start playing.
Reach Airtel
Our aim is to help you as quickly and as efficiently as possible at first point of
contact. In this section you'll find an opportunity to email us directly, useful telephone
numbers, quick links to store locations, payment centers and much more.

 Customer Support

As an Airtel customer you have the convenience to access our 24-hr customer service
number from any part of India, from your Airtel phone. What's more, you can access
us from your landline too.

 Payment Centres

Choose from a host of convenient payment options only with Airtel. Walk into any
Airtel relationship centre and make your payment by cash or credit card. Drop a
cheque at any of our conveniently located cheque drop boxes.

 Airtel Relationship Centres

Need to get yourself a new Airtel connection, subscribe to any of our value added
services and get more information on them, pay your bill or get a new handset? Visit
the nearest Airtel Relationship Centre.

Airtel Broadband is powered by DSL technology:
DSL provides blazing-fast, secure Internet access and can be delivered to both homes
and to businesses. Delivered right through a regular telephone line, data rates can vary
from 128Kb to 8Mb per second depending on the type and cost of the service.

Instant Access
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology provides instant Internet and network
access at speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8Kbps modem on a standard analogue
phone line. There are no dial-up delays, no busy signals. What used to take minutes or
hours to download, will now take just seconds or minutes.

Experience Multimedia
With DSL Internet Service you can download graphics-heavy files, large documents,
software, photos, email attachments, and more, instantly. It's perfect for real-time
interactive multimedia, broadcast quality video, distance learning, and video-on-
demand. And because DSL Internet Service sends data and voice over the same line,
you can talk on the phone while you are online.

Never Wait!
It's also a service that you don't have to dial into. Just turn on your PC, open a
browser, and you're ready to surf. (No more hearing those annoying beeps and tones,
then waiting to be connected. You're always connected whenever you wish to!).
Beyond Internet access, DSL also has the ability to carry additional phone lines and
entertainment services using the same pair of wires.
High-speed Internet access through DSL, changes your Internet experience

Video Surveillance Solutions

 Control your business. 24x7

Now you can observe your office, warehouse, shop and staff from your PC
from anywhere and at all times, with the Video Surveillance Solution.

 BusinessLive@24X7
With BusinessLive@24X7, it's like being there! 24 hours a day, 365 days a
BusinessLive@24X7 is a PC based multi-channel system that utilises the most
advanced digital video compression technologies to bring you the highest still
picture quality and video clarity. It is a custom-made, remote, digital Video
Surveillance Solution, that will let you keep an eye from your office or home
on what is going on at a specific location. It ensures safety and peace of mind
along with quality service, technical warranty and maintenance.

Unmatched featuresempowering businesses

 Virtual Control

Even when you are away from your premises, you can observe, record and be in
control. BusinessLive@24X7 makes multiple viewing possible. While you are
travelling, you can see your business run smoothly from a distance

 16 Videos on One Screen

Click on different display mode icons and monitor live! Activate the built-in
switcher and have different cameras display sequentially, one after the other, as
per your time setting, in single or multiple windows. Monitor multiple sites with
multiple cameras, simultaneously.

 Digital Video Playback

Use your PC like a digital video player to playback the recorded video or browse
frame by frame. And just in case you want to review something before the
recording is over, you can! Your recording will continue, virtually uninterrupted.
You can playback one camera at a time, or even multiple cameras (up to 4).

 Secure and Reliable

BusinessLive@24X7 is completely network ready and you can set up all levels of
passwords and access within the network or use the two-level, multiple-user
password protection

 Give yourself the advantage

You will be delighted to know that adding these huge benefits to your business
does not mean huge costs. All you need is our Video Surveillance Solution that
comes at a surprisingly low investment.

you must be a registered member to use this service.

Experience a Broadband life and discover endless possibilities. Download your
favourite songs, play exclusive games, send or receive large documents photos as
email attachments on a lightening fast, secure & reliable Internet connection. With
Airtel’s high speed Broadband, enjoy superior way to access rich information of
internet with enough fun & learning foreveryone. To find out the Airtel broadband &
internet tariffs available in your city, please select your location from the drop-down.
Broadband internet definition as per the TRAI -Always on connection with minimum
download speed of 256 kbps.

Wife is a wireless technology brand by the Wifi Alliance that gives you a host of
fantastic advantages ranging from reliability to security. The simple installation
procedure gives you access to unsurpassed performance instantly. Common
applications for Wife include Internet and VoIP phone access, gaming, and network
connectivity for consumer electronics such as televisions, DVD players, and digital
cameras. Just like cell phones, televisions and radios, the wireless network also uses
radio waves.

Wireless technology is clearly the future of networking.

Prepaid Plans
Are you wary of committing yourself to a date for making your bill payments? Is it
too much of a bother for you to remember dates for bill payments? Do you often end
up paying late fees against your monthly utility services bills? Do you end up
spending too much if you have the option to pay the bill later?

Think over for if one of these represents you, we have a solution for you. Start
thinking prepaid is our advise!

So what exactly is this prepaid! It is simply a way of going cellular by paying for the
talk time in advance. For eg if you feel that you need Rs 300 worth of talktime for a
month, you can buy a recharge coupon which gives you that much talktime on your
cellphone. Once that money gets exhausted you can buy another recharge coupon for
the same or different denomination depending on your future need.

Prepaid allows you to be in control of your cellular expenses even while you are
spending. You will be surprised that today In India, Prepaid connections account for
almost 60 to 70 percent of the total new entrants into cellular telephony. That’s
because almost everyone of us wants to be in control of our cellular expense.

Advantages of prepaid:

Some of the many advantages that you enjoy with Airtel Pre-Paid...
Total Cost Control
Enjoy the liberty of total cost control with your Airtel Pre-paid! Re-charge as much as
you feel the need to! Now that's what we call complete freedom!

No Rentals
Buy an Airtel prepaid card without having to pay any rentals!

No deposits
Your Airtel prepaid card comes without you having to pay Hefty deposits!

STD/ISD facility till the last rupee

Now experience complete freedom like never before with Airtel! Our STD/ISD
facility allows you to make long distance calls in India and Overseas from your
cellular phone!

Instant Balance Inquiry

Check your talk-time instantly by calling our toll-free number!

60 second pulse
Airtel provides you with a 60-second pulse rate! Freedom for you to experience like
never before!

Instant Recharge
Avail of instant recharge on your Airtel prepaid card with just a few simple steps!

24-hour recharge facility

with our round-the-clock recharge facility, recharge you Airtel prepaid card anytime,

Caller Line Identification

Call Line Identification gives you the power to know the phone number of the calling
party even before you answer the call, thus giving you the choice to either reject or
take the call. It provides the added advantage of saving the incoming number directly
in the Handset Phone Book. So that the next time you want to call the same person,
you don't need to retype his number, simply use your phone book.

Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait

Avail of special services like call waiting, call hold and call divert – all with your
Airtel prepaid card!

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

With Airtel’s Short Messaging Service (SMS), send messages and jokes to your
friends and colleagues, anytime anywhere!

SMS based Information Services

With Airtel's SMS based information services, you can get upto-the-minute cricket
scores, order flowers as well as send couriers or check your daily horoscope!

Voice Mail service

Voice Mail lets you receive messages even when your handset is switched off or
when you are outside the coverage area. You can listen to your messages whenever
you feel like, from anywhere in the world. Voice Mail can store up to 75 messages,
with each message of two-minute duration.

Post-paid Plan
Airtel welcomes you to a vibrant world of unlimited opportunities. More exciting,
innovative yet simple new ways to communicate, just when you want to, not just
through words but ideas, emotions and feelings.To give you the unlimited freedom to
reach out to your special people in your special way.

Airtel Out of Home Circle

We have established one of the most extensive roaming tie-ups - both national and
international- with the best service providers in the respective regions to ensure that
you get uninterrupted coverage throughout. We currently provide roaming coverage
in more than 1000 cities and major highways across India. We also provide
international roaming in 56 countries across 101 networks.

Customer Care
Do you need any clarifications on your bills? Do you have any feedback or query on
our Products & services? You can call us, send us an E-mail or meet us in person. We
shall be glad to help you out in every possible way.

Contact us by phone
If you are on Airtel, just call us on 121 your Airtel Prepaid phone .
If you are on Airtel postpaid, just call us on 9897012345 or toll free 121 from
yourAirtelPostpaid phone.
These toll free numbers however, cannot be dialed when you are roaming.


Preactivated STD/ISD

TheSTD and ISD facility comes preactivated on your AIRTEL prepaid, so you do
not have to bother about paying deposits or having minimum balance in your account
to make STD/ISD call.

Caller Line Identification Presentation

This feature on your AIRTEL Prepaid facilitates the display of thecalling party's
number. This facility comes at no extra charge and allows you to recognize the caller.

Calling facility till the last rupee

Fun till the end! You don’t have to bother about a minimum balance required to make
any calls.
Prepaid National Roaming

AirtelPrepaid is the first prepaid mobile card in the country to provide "All India
Roaming", that comes preactivated with your connection. So that you can make
outgoing calls in Delhi, UP(west), Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttaranchal,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat. MadhyaPradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
Chennai, Kerala, Kolkata. While roaminginthe rest of India like West Bengal and
Bihar, where Airtel is not present, you get the facility of receiving calls and sending
SMS. You can also now make and receive calls, send and receive SMS while roaming

Idea, BPL networks in India. You can also send SMS while roaming in Delhi,
Punjab, Haryana, UP (west) and Uttaranchal(northern region only).

International Roaming

Airtel prepaid makes sure you to stay connected while you trot across the globe,
letting you receive incoming calls and send SMS while roaming in more than 100
countries with 150 plus networks.

SMS(Short Messaging Service)

Share those interesting one-liners, important reminders and rib-tickling jokes, with
anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world.


 With the Airtel roaming we will be able to whoever we want or whenever we

want irrespective of which part of India or the world you are in, on our existing
Airtel number.

 Now one can always stay connected, no matter where they are, with the Airtel
Roaming facility, one can use their Airtel phone in over 100 countries worldwide
and over 530 cities across India. Airtel Roaming makes life easy and convenient
for its subscribers.
 So whenever you are always just a local phone call away from those who need
you because you pay for the long distance part of any incoming call.

 And to make life much simple.-:, you will get only one bill that will include all
your expenses.

Roaming is the best way to say in touch, wherever you go in India or around the
world. Airte! brings roaming along with its roaming partners. With roaming you will
have just one phone number wherever you travel across the world.
 Many of the respondents who are using cell phones of various service providers
other than Airtel arc aware of Airtel Brand; its features and the various other
services of Airtel.

 Some of the respondents who are dissatisfied with their current cell service
provider wanted to shift to Airtel if they provide low call charges and better
customer care.

 Airtel brand has attained a good awareness mainly due to its advertisements,
which clearly explains about the offers they are providing.

 In many rural areas also Airtel has its network coverage and due to this aspect it
gained lot of importance as well.

 The company has many parts in the same city or in the same region having low
frequency of signals due to which the customer are facing problem.

 We have to considered the new Network in the market i.e., Jio Because We have
still not attained the Goals of becoming the biggest network provider in the
market. And the Jio network are considered to be 1 of the biggest competitor these
days as Jio is even new to the market and It is found to competing on the rate at
which Networks like Vodafone and Idea are competing. In other words, We can
say that Jio is found to be achieving Leadership in the market

 Airtel brand is found to be the good competitor of Networks like Vodafone, Idea

 People are very much satisfied from our customer service agents. But we still have
to do some work on Customer service agent i.e., Our agents should try to help the
customer at their best level and even they should be having a goal of saving
customer time in complaining.

 Total number of samples collected is 100.

 Out of the 100 samples chosen, maximum number of respondents were male (90)
and minimum respondents were female (10).

 Out of the 100 samples chosen, maximum people were using Pre~ Paid service
and minimum number of people were using the Post-Paid service.

 Out of the 100 respondents 70% were using Pre-Paid Service and 30% of them
were using the Post-Paid service.

 Out of the 100 respondents 5 are public Sector Employees, 30 are Private Sector
Employees, 20 respondents are Businessmen. 40 respondents are students and 5
respondents are others like employees, Auto drivers.

 Out of the 100 respondents, 30 respondents consider the Brand image, services,
call charges, availability while choosing a cell connection. 30 respondents
consider only call charges, 25 respondents consider only the services, ID
respondents considers the availability of the services and only 5 respondents
considered the Brand image of the cell service provider.

 Out of the 100 respondents, 44 are satisfied with their current cell service
provider. 25 respondents are not satisfied with their current service provider. 20
respondents have said that the services of the current service provider are good.
Only 11 respondents have responded that the services provided by their current
cell service provider are excellent.

 Out of the 100 respondents, 40 of them have said that they are aware of various
cell service providers through friends. 36 respondents are aware of the services
through the advertisements. 20 of the respondents are aware through the
newspapers. Only 4 respondents are aware through hoardings.

 Out of the 100 respondents, 60% of the respondents are aware of the Airtel
services, only 40% of the respondents are not aware of the Airtel services.
 Out of the 100 respondents only 28 respondents have used Airtel before, and 12 of
the respondents have not used Airtel connection before.

 Out of the 28 respondents who used Airtel have shifted. 15 respondents

have shifted due to the high call charges. 10 of them wanted to shift in order that
they want to try a new operator. 3 of them have shifted due to other reasons.

 Out of the 100 respondents 64 of them are interested in using Airtel in the future,
36 respondents are not interested in using Airtel in the future.

 Out of the 60 respondents who are aware of the Airtel services, 40 people have
stated that the network coverage is excellent, 15 of them have said that the
coverage is good, 5 of them have said that the network coverage is satisfied.

 Out of 60 respondents who are aware of the Airtel services, 10 of them have said
that the customer care in Airtel is excellent, 35 of them have said that the
customer care is good,. 10 were satisfied and 5 of them were dissatisfied with the
customer care in Airtel.

 Out of the 60 respondents who are aware of Airtel, only one have said that the call
charges in Airtel are excellent, 24 of them have said that they are good, 30 of them
were satisfied and 5 of them were dissatisfied with the call charges in Airtel.

 Out of the 100 respondents 54% have given first place for Airtel, 30% for
Vodafone, 8% (or Idea, 5% for BSNL, 3% for reliance and none of them gave first
place for Tata indicom.
From the Survey reports the suggestions that can be made are:

Awareness programs: Still more awareness programs have to be implemented in order

to attract more customers like: -

1. Increase advertisement campaigns.

2. Increase Electronic media usage for the awareness programs.

3. Establishment of Hoardings in rural areas also.

4. Bringing awareness through issue of pamphlets in the newspapers.

Consumer Retention:

Airtel has to implement some more retention programs like: -

1. Extra talktimes should be given to the potential customers who are there for more
than 2 years in the subscriptions.

2. Some festival offers should be given in order to retain the customers.

3. If more messages and extra talk time benefits are giventhen it can help for the
retain for the potential customers.

4. Airtel has to increase the customer care centers in order to concentrate more on the
customer’s queries and their problems.

6. The reduction in the call charges can still attract more number of customers who
are willing to shift to Airtel from other service providers.



1) Marketing management, analysis, planning implementation and control,

Prentice Hall of India Publishing, New Delhi.2002.SchiffmanG.Leon, Consumer
satisfaction, Prentice Hall of India Publishing, New Delhi.2001.
- By Philip Kotler

2) Dibasish.SwaroopSathya and Sarma.Sarmistha., (2008), “Marketing Research”,

First Edition, Sun India Publications.
3) Kotler.Philip., (2005), “Marketing Management”, Practice Hall, India

4) Kothari, C.R., (2005) “Research Methodology”,WishwaPrakashan, India.

5)Kasarjian H.H. and Robertson T.S Perspectives in Consumer preferences and Brand
awareness, SCOH Forman And Company, Illinois, 2001.
6)Malhotra,NareshK.,Dash Satyabhushan,2009,Marketing Research-and applied

7) Web Sites:

The major purpose of descriptive data analysis is description of the state of affairs as
it exits at present[35-39].
2.3 Methods of data collection
Collection of primary data
 Phone users
 Govt. and Pvt. Offices
Collection of secondary data
 Company booklet
 Magazines
 Leaflets
Sample unit
 Phone users
 Govt. and Pvt. Offices Source List
As designed on the next page containing these entry. S. No., Name of establishment,
Address, Segment, Total Dells, Computer, Internet uses, Contact No., Contact person,
uses, ARPA, interested, pain areas[25-28].
Size of Sample:
This refers to the number of items to be selected from universe to constitute the
sample. The size of sample should be optimum. In this case the sample size is 500
which fulfil the requirement of efficiency, representatives, reliability and
Sample type:
Simple random sampling is applied in this research.
Scaling technique:
Scaling describes the procedure of assigning number to various degrees of opinion,
attitudes and other concepts.
Likert’s -type scaling technique is applied in this research which consist of a number
of statement express either favourable or unfavourable attitude towards the given
object to which the respondent is asked to react[44-45].
The Airtel subscriber base according to COAI - Cellular Operator Association of
India as of May 2008 was:
 Chennai - 4,055,704
 Delhi - 2,468,016
 Mumbai - 1,823,532
 Kolkata - 1,852,838
 Maharashtra & Goa - 4,345,945
 Gujarat - 3,004,824
 Andhra Pradesh - 6,516,332
 Karnataka - 7,316,500
 Tamil Nadu - 4,218,705
 Kerala - 1,703,298
 Haryana - 1,067,990
 Uttar Pradesh (West) - 1,624,001
 Uttar Pradesh (East) - 3,897,278
 Rajasthan - 4,242,006
 Madhya Pradesh - 3,084,776
 West Bengal & Andaman and Nicobar - 2,106,163
 Himachal Pradesh - 809,829
 Bihar - 4,912,900
 Orissa - 1,911,070
 Assam - 939,746
 North Eastern States - 585,213
 Jammu & Kashmir - 1,100,069
The total is 67,425,935 or 32.81% of the total 205,460,762 GSM mobile connections
in India till May 2008.
How many User’s of Tele services
Sample Size=500
Land Line 30%
Mobile 55%
Internet 15%
Satisfied Vs Unsatisfied Customer
Unsatisfied 30%
Satisfied 70%
Reason of Unsatisfaction
5% Technical
5% Service
10% Other 10%

Different mode of Internet using

Landline 25%
Broadband 45%
Mobile 30%
Classification of Customer According to their Monthly rent
Above 5,000 10%
Above 3,000 20%
Above 1,500 30%
Above 500 40%

Users Using more then one connection Govt.

Offices 15%
Pvt. Offices 45
Professionals 40%

Questionnaire for survey:

Q1) Your Name: ………………………………..

Q2) You are: Male/ Female

Q3) What is your age?

oBellow 21
oAbove 36

Q4) What is your Profession?


Q5) Do you have a mobile phone?


Q6) which operator’s Service do you use?

If you are using Airtel,
Q7) Use Airtel connection as:
oNo Comment

Q8) Why use Airtel Connection?

oNetwork Coverage
oPreferable Tariff Rate
oBrand Value
oPreferable Packages
oWide Range of VAS

Q9) What is the best mobile phone service providing company

according to your choice?
Q10) Rate the following services on the basis of your
Excellent Very Good fairly Average Poor
Good Good






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