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Magnetism of the Earth and the Ship Deviation

Explain the theory of magnetism as applied to ferromagnet materials

Describe simple magnet, its poles, and the law of attraction and repulsion

Describe the magnetic field around a magnet

Describe qualitatively flux density and field strength

Describe magnetic induction and differentiate between “Hard and “Soft” Iron
Explain the meaning of the terms: intensity of magnetization permeability and magnetic


Describe the magnetic Field of the Earth

Define magnetic poles and magnetic equator, and angle dip

Explain how the Earth’s Total Field Can be split into horizontal and vertical components

Define magnetic variation and explain why it is slowly changing quantity

State that a compass needle which is constrained to the horizontal can respond only to the

horizontal components of the earth’s field and the field due to the ship’s magnetism
Describe the effects of introducing a disturbing magnetic force into the vicinity of a

compass needle

State that the direction and strength of a magnetic field may be represented by a vector

State that a compass needle will align itself with the resultant field

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