Airlaws and Engineering Economics

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Airlaws and Engineering Economics

1. Which is not an example of an intangible asset?

a. Brand recognition
b. Goodwill
c. Trademarks
d. Investment
2. In which book would you expect to find a CMR, a maintenance statement, a sector record, and a
deferred defect?
a. Aircraft logbook
b. Supplemental certificate
c. Maintenance manual
d. Flight manual
3. An amount of money invested at 12% interest per annum will double in approximately?
a. 4 years
b. 8 years
c. 6 years
d. 12 years
4. He/she has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance, preventive maintenance and
modification required by the aircraft owner/operator can be finance and carried out to the
standard required by the Authority.
a. HR Manager
b. Director for Finance
c. Director for Quality and Safety
d. Accountable Manager
5. Thrust reversers are under ATA _____.
a. 74
b. 72
c. 76
d. 78
6. Those resources that help to perform all activities toward the achievement of the objective.
a. Manpower
b. Machine
c. Money
d. Materials
7. The power to regulate the economic aspect of air transportation is with the _____.
a. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
b. Civil Aeronautics Board
c. Department of Transportation and Communication
d. Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation
8. This is a function that lays the groundwork for all other functions.
a. Controlling
b. Directing
c. Planning
d. Organizing
9. Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall use a checklist that contains at
least those items in the appendix of ____.
a. 14 CFR Part 43
b. 14 CFR Part 65
c. 14 CFR Part 91
d. AC 43.13-3
10. It is defined as the difference of the future value and the present value.
a. Discount
b. Interest
c. Market value
d. Scrap value
11. President Decree No. 1570 was signed last _____.
a. June 11, 1978
b. June 11, 1987
c. June 11, 1988
d. June 11, 1966
12. The keystone of professional conduct is _____.
a. Courtesy
b. Honesty
c. Integrity
d. Justice
13. The first licensure examination for aeronautical engineers was conducted by the PRC last _____.
a. July 1982
b. July 1983
c. November 1982
d. November 1983
14. An airline is planning a flight that will require a technical landing in a neighboring state. Which
freedom of the air will be exercised?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
15. The Rules and Regulations including the Code of Ethics of the Board of Aeronautical Engineering
shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall take effect in how many days after the date of
their publication?
a. 10 days
b. 15 days
c. 20 days
d. 25 days
16. The chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board is the _____.
a. DOT Secretary
b. DOTC Secretary
c. CAAP director
d. PADC President
17. There are two types of human failure that can occur. They are_____.
a. active and latent
b. mental and physical
c. proper and improper
d. standard and non-standard
18. A form of fixed-interest security issued by central or local government, companies, banks or other
institutions. They are usually a form of long-term security, buy may be irredeemable, secured or
a. Bond
b. Common stock
c. Preferred stock
d. T-bill
19. If 16,000 Pesos earns 480 Pesos in 9 months. What is the annual rate of interest?
a. 1%
b. 2%
c. 3%
d. 4%
20. What amount will be accumulated by a present investment of 17,000 pesos in 6 years at 2%
compounded quarterly?
a. 19,387.15
b. 20,456.30
c. 19,856.40
d. 19,232.30
21. A bank is advertising 9.5% accounts that yield 9.84% annually. How often is the interest
a. Daily
b. Monthly
c. Bi-monthly
d. Quarterly
22. If 500 pesos is invested at the end of each year for 6 years at an effective annual interest rate of
7%. What is the total amount available upon the deposit of the 6th payment?
a. 3455.00 pesos
b. 3544.00 pesos
c. 3577.00 pesos
d. 3688.00 pesos
23. What annuity over a 10 year period at 8% interest is equivalent to a present worth of 100,000
a. 14903.00 pesos
b. 15003.00 pesos
c. 13803.00 pesos
d. 12003.00 pesos
24. An asset is purchased for 500,000.00 The SV in 25 years is 100,000.00 what is the total
depreciation in the first 3 years using straight line method?
a. 48,000
b. 32,000
c. 24,000
d. 16,000
25. If two nominal rates are equal, then they are called?
a. Absolute rate
b. Equivalent nominal rate
c. Equal nominal rate
d. Congruent nominal rate
26. The seal of the board of aeronautical engineer shall be in circular shape with a maximum
diameter of ____?
a. 47 mm
b. 48 mm
c. 49 mm
d. 50 mm
27. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the final assembly of the
a. State of Design
b. State of Manufacture
c. State of Registry
d. State of the Operator
28. Which of the following is not a definition of a STOCK?
a. the quantity of goods for sale or kept available for use
b. a share of capital held by an individual investor
c. The total number of shares issued by a company
d. make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide
29. If a lender charges 12% interest, compounded quarterly, what effective annual interest rate is the
lender charging?
a. 12.44%
b. 12.55%
c. 12.66%
d. 12.77%
30. A series of uniform payment made at equal intervals of time
a. Perpetuity
b. Annual rate
c. Regular rate
d. Annuity
31. The Board of aeronautical engineering was created under
a. RA 776
b. PD1570
c. CMO 86 of 2007
d. RA9497
32. A defined area, on a land airport, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or
unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fueling, parking or maintenance.
a. Ramp/apron
b. Taxiway
c. Terminal
d. Parking
33. How long would you have to practice aeronautical engineer to be a board member or chairman
of Aeronautical engineering?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. It does not matter how long
34. Area within the runway which can be used to taxi but not for landing
a. Clearance area
b. Blastzone
c. Threshold
d. Taxi way area
35. The first convention for the reservation of sovereignty of airspace by contracting nations was held
a. Warsaw
b. Paris
c. Rome
d. Guadalajara
36. The supply of a good refers to
a. Stock available for sale
b. Total stock in the warehouse
c. Actual production of goods
d. Quantity of the good offered for sale at a particular price per unit of time
37. Two or more people share ownership of a single business.
a. Corporation
b. Association
c. Partnership
d. Dual proprietorship
38. In the interest of the national economy and well-being, he shall always strive in the execution of
his work for optimum efficiency, economy and safety. This code of ethics is under?
a. Relation with the public
b. Relation with the engineers
c. Relation with the clients and employee
d. Relation with the state
39. Quantity at which revenues and cost are equal, or two alternatives are equivalent
a. Breakeven point
b. Stand point
c. Point of return
d. Dept-equity matrix
40. The board shall submit to the commission an annual report on its activities
a. 50 days after the fiscal year
b. 60 days after the fiscal year
c. 70 days after the fiscal year
d. 80 days after the fiscal year

41. If $46,000 is borrowed at 10% for 25 years, what equal end-of-year payments would be required
to repay the loan by the end of the 25th year?
a. $5079.15
b. $5169.22
c. $5069.20
d. $5009.68
42. What is the first consideration in runway design?
a. Most common aircraft to be accommodated
b. First aircraft to be accommodated
c. Largest aircraft to be accommodated
d. Smallest aircraft to be accommodated
43. The right to fly between two foreign countries while not offering flights to one's own country.
a. 6th freedom
b. 7th freedom
c. 8th freedom
d. 9th freedom
44. Velocity on a V-n Diagram is always measured in?
a. Knots-equivalent airspeed
b. Knots-true airspeed
c. Kph-true air speed
d. KPH equivalent airspeed
45. The issuance of an Airworthiness Certificate is governed by
a. 14 CFR Part 39
b. 14CFRPart21
c. 14 CFR Part23
d. 14 CFR Part25
46. Who is responsible for making the entry in the maintenance records after an annual, 100 hour, or
progressive inspection?
a. The owner or operator of the aircraft
b. The person approving or disapproving for return to service.
c. The designee or inspector representing the FAA Administrator.
d. Owner of the AMO
47. What action is required when a minor repair is performed on a certificated aircraft?
a. An FAA Form 337 must be completed.
b. An entry in the aircraft's maintenance record is required.
c. The owner of the aircraft must annually report minor repairs to the FAA
d. Weight and balance after the maintenance procedure
48. Details the airworthiness standards for airplanes with a maximum take-off weight of 12,500 lbs.
or more, such as the Boeing 737 or Airbus A320.
a. FAR part 23
b. FAR part 25
c. FAR part 27
d. FAR part 29
49. A bank is advertising 9.5% accounts that yield 9.84% annually. How often is the interest
a. Daily
b. Monthly
c. Bi-monthly
d. quarterly
50. if a down payment of 600,000 is made on a house and 80,000 a year for the next 12 years is
required, what was the price of the house if money is worth 6% compounded annually?
a. 1,770,707
b. 1,130,450
c. 1,345,555
d. 1,678,420

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