My Last Will and Testament: 22nd Day of June in The Year of The Lord Two Thousand and Twelve

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I, Amudhan, aged 69 years, Roman Catholic Priest, S/O D. Jebamalai,

residing at Retreat House, Vailankanni – 611 111, Nagapattinam District, State of

Tamil Nadu, India, do hereby swear in the name of God that I am writing this as

the last will and testament of mine with a fully conscious mind and in full

possession of the powers of my intellect and will and without any pressure –

moral, psychological or physical or whatsoever from any one on earth, on this

22nd day of June in the year of the Lord Two Thousand and Twelve.

I hereby appoint my eldest brother Mr. J.J. Fernando, retired Assistant

Engineer from the Port Trust of India, Chennai, residing at No. 5 (old no. 3),

Second Lane (also popularly known as Mothi Bhaba Dharga Lane), Pantheon

Road, Egmore, Chennai – 600 008 as the sole ad only executor of this my will. In

case he predeceases me, I appoint my nephew Mr. A.F.J. Anand, residing at the

same above address and my niece Mrs. J. Amirthaseeli, Wife of Mr. A.R.

Sagayaraj Pinheiro and residing at No. E 14, 16th Cross, Besant Nagar, Chennai

– 600 090 as joint executors of this my last will.

I wish to put on record my appreciation and gratitude to all those who

loved, formed and helped me during my life time in one way or the other,

particularly my parents, brothers, family members, relatives, the bishops and

priests of the Diocese of Thanjavur to whom I owe a lot, as well as friends and to

all those who have, in their won way, have helped me to grow spiritually, morally

and intellectually and to contribute my mite to the Catholic Church and to Tamil


Of whatever I leave behind me, both movable and the immovable property

which I have described hereunder and books and bank accounts and any money

I may have given on loan to anyone and returnable to me, I want my

executor/executors to do the following with the above:

1. to give all my furniture to some poor deserving families

2. to give my books to T.L.S. Trust and any other deserving institution

which will use the books to the maximum advantage of scholars.

3. to use the money I leave behind in bank accounts and the money

which will be earned by sale of immovable properties for the following


i) to arrange 100 Masses or three sets of Gregorian Masses for the

repose of my soul

ii) to give necessary financial help to my friends and relatives including

my friend R. Leo Ambrose, presently residing at Tuticorin for the

marriage of his adopted daughter, Lara

iii) to establish three endowments in my name at a) Madras

University, Chennai b) Tamil University, Thanjavur and c) St.

Joseph’s College, Thiruchirapalli for annual lectures on Christian

contribution to Tamil literature and Tamil culture

iv) to give a reasonable amount to T.L.S. Trust, 49-J, Bharathiar Salai,

Thiruchirapalli – 620 001, to be spent for its growth and development


v) to give the balance amount to Fr. D. Amudhan Silver Jubilee

Trust, established at the time of my Sacerdotal Siver Jubilee and

presently functioning from No. 5, Second Lane, Pantheon Road,

Egmore, Chennai – 600 008, to enable it to give more financial help by

way of educational scholarships to poor deserving students

irrespective of caste or creed and to increase the amount given

annually as Award established in my name and given to a deserving

creative Tamil writer who promotes healthy literature in Tamil and

propagates through his writings humanitarian values supporting the

cause of the oppressed and the marginalised people.

I do hereby reserve my right to revoke this will during my life if I would

choose to do so in future.

Description of property

Thiruchirapalli Registration District, Thiruverubur Sub Registry, Thiruchirapalli

District, Thiruverumbur, Agaram Village, Santhosh Nagar, plot mo. 64, in an

extent of 2400 square feet within the four boundaries mentioned as under;

To the East of Plot No. 53;

To the North of Plot No. 65;

To the South of Plot No. 63;

To the West of the 7 Metres Road

Given on the Twenty Second day of June in the year of the Lord Two

Thousand Twelve at Shrine Retreat House, Vailankanni – 611 111,

Nagapattinam District, State of Tamil Nadu, India

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