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The Primacy of Religion

" Forgiven by the People of Heaven and Earth "

If we know the virtues of this knowledge, surely there will be even more enthusiasm to study
Islam. If the virtue is getting closer to God, blessed by angels and making the inhabitants of
heaven, and also the earth submissive, then that has become an extraordinary virtue.

From Kathir bin Qois, he said, I had sat with Abu Darda 'in the Damasqus Mosque. Then came
a man who then said, "O Abu Ad Darda ', I really came from the city of Rasul ‫( ﷺ‬Madinah
Nabawiyah) because there is a hadith that has arrived at mewhere you narrated it from the
Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. I came for the purpose of getting the hadith. Abu Darda 'then said, verily
I have heard the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Whosoever goes the way to seek knowledge, Allah will make
it easy for him between the paths to Heaven. Indeed, angels put their wings as a sign of pleasure
in the prosecutors of knowledge. Indeed, the people of knowledge are asked for forgiveness by
every inhabitant of heaven and earth, even the fish in the water. Indeed, the virtues of people
who have knowledge over worshipers are like the comparison of the moon on the night of the
other stars. Indeed the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. In fact the Prophet did not inherit
the Dinar nor Dirham. Anyone who inherits knowledge, then really he has got a big fortune.
"[HR. Abu Daud no. 3641. Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadith is Saheeh).

And it is very beautiful what Ibnul Qayyim said:

"If the virtue of science is only the closeness to Rabbul 'alamin (Rabb of the worlds), being
associated with angels, being friends with the inhabitants of heaven, then that is sufficient to
explain the superiority of science. Moreover, the glory of the world and the Hereafter always
encompasses those who have knowledge, and that is the condition for achieving it. "[Miftah
Daaris Sa'adah, 1: 104]

From Mu'awiyah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:

ِ ‫َّللاُ بِ ِه َخي ًْرا يُفَ ِقِّ ْههُ فِى ال ِد‬

‫ِّين‬ ‫َم ْن يُ ِر ِد ه‬
"Whoever Allah wants to get all goodness, then Allah will understand him about religion."
[HR. Bukhari no. 71 and Muslim no. 1037).

What is meant by Fakih in Hadith is not only knowing the Shari'a law, but more than that. It is
said to be fakih if someone understands monotheism and the main points of Islam, as well as
those related to the Shari'a of Allah. As stated by Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholih Al 'Utsaimin
in Kitabul' Ilmi, it is safe . 21

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