MDP Minutes Meeting

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Meeting Minutes

Group Name & Number: Group 4

Date of Meeting: 21/10/2019
Minutes Prepared By: Yasmeen Hazirah Binti Roslan

1. Purpose of Meeting
 Get to know group member
 Setting ground rules
 Discussion about Assignment 1

2. Names of Attendees
1. Wan Muhammad Hazim Bin Wan Ahmad Nasri (ME0102763)

2. Mohd Naim Bin Md Khatib (ME0102696)

3. Muhammad Aiman bin Azman (ME0102708)

4. Yasmeen Hazirah Binti Roslan (ME0102563)

5. Muhamad Imran Bin Mokhtar Ali (ME0101018)

Absent: None

3. Agenda
Setting the ground rules for assignments and group project.

4. Meeting Notes
 Ground rules for our group
1. Submission of parts given to compiler 3 days before due date given.
2. Everyone needs to get involve and response immediately in every discussion either in a
meeting or Whatsapp group.
3. Complete our parts earlier if others depend on our parts.
4. A meeting must be at least 10 minutes and everyone must be well prepared
5. 100% commitment is needed for the parts given. Half-hearted work is not acceptable.
 Understanding Assignment 1 in a group

5. Decisions
 Everyone agreed with the ground rules.
 Everyone understood the Assignment and another meeting will be held for task division.

6. Action Items
Action Assigned to Due Date Status
Ground Rules All team members Until the end of Started

7. Next Meeting
Date: 24/10/2019 Time: 1:00 PM Location: BL, College of
Agenda: Selection of company and task division on Assignment 1

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