Article Summary Worksheet: Directions: Complete One Article Summary Worksheet For Each Article Read. Remember To

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NIM : 180430140
Class : 2 E EKP

Article Summary Worksheet

Directions: Complete one Article Summary Worksheet for each article read. Remember to
staple a copy of the article to the back of the worksheet. Use the copy to highlight, underline,
and make notes as you read.

 Bibliographic Information

 Name(s) of Author(s) : Yee Peng Chow, Junaina Muhammad, Bany Ariffin Noordin,
Fan Fah Cheng

 Title of article: Macroeconomic dataset for Generating macroeconomic volatility

among selected countries in the Asia Pacific region

 Name of journal and issue containing the article: Data in Brief

 Date article was published and page number: ( 2018) 23-28

 Content of journal article

Content Area Main Ideas and Supporting Details

1. a. This data article provides macroeconomic data that can
1. What important points were
be used to generate macroeconomic volatility. The data
included in abstract?
cover a sample of seven selected countries in the Asia
Pacific region for the period 2004–2014, including both
developing and developed countries.

2. Macroeconomic, Volatility, Asia Pacific

2. What were the key words?


NIM : 180430140
Class : 2 E EKP

3. What was the goal of the 3. a. This dataset was generated to enhance our understanding
study? of the sources of macroeconomic volatility affecting the
countries in this region.

4. a. Since this dataset spans over the period 2004–2014, it

4. How did previous research
has significant potential for future volatility studies involving
relate (support or against) to
before, during and post-Global Financial Crisis periods.
the study?

5. How did the data was taken 5. a. Data are acquired from International Financial Statistics
and analyzed? (IFS) published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Development Indicators (WDI) by the World Bank,
Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) by the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Economic and Social Commission
for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Statistical Database by the
United Nations, the Organization for Eco-nomic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), central banks and Departmentof
Statistics (DOS) of each sample country

6. What are the variables tested?

6.Growth rate of nominal deposit rates ,Growth rate of
nominal lending rates,Real interest rate (measured as nominal
lending rate adjusted for inflation as mea-sured by the GDP
deflator),Fiscal result as a proportion of GDP,Growth rate of
real broad effective exchange rates,,Indicators for external
sources of volatility,Net FDI inflows as a proportion of
GDP ,Net portfolio equity inflows as a proportion of GDP.

7. Data are acquired from International Financial Statistics

(IFS) published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
7. What theories were used to World Development Indicators (WDI) by the World Bank,

NIM : 180430140
Class : 2 E EKP

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) by the Federal

analyze the data?
Reserve Bank of St.

Results and Discussion

8. What were the findings? 8. Macroeconomic volatility may have potential destabilizing
effects on a country's or region's eco-nomic growth due to its
impact on various economic activities such as production,
investment and financing.

9. significant because this dataset allows volatility studies to

9. How significant were the
address the multidimensional aspects of macroeconomic
Conclusions 10. Fiscal result as a proportion of GDP serves as an indicator
10What were the conclusions for fiscal policy. Real broad effective exchange rate growth is
and implications of the an indicator for exchange rate policy, and openness coefficient
findings? is an indicator for trade policy.There are two indicators for
external sources of macroeconom mobility.
Personal Opinion
11. Summarize the article in
11. Data diperoleh dari Statistik Keuangan Internasional
your own words in Bahasa
(IFS)yang diterbitkan oleh Dana Moneter Internasional
Indonesia. (at least 70 words)
(IMF), Indikator Pembangunan Dunia (WDI) oleh Bank
Dunia, Data Ekonomi Cadangan Federal (FRED) oleh Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Komisi Ekonomi dan Sosial untuk
Asia dan Pasifikn (ESCAP) Database Statistik oleh
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, Organisasi untuk Lingkungan
nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD), bank-bank
sentral dan Departemen Statistik (DOS) dari masing-masing
negara sampel Format data Diagregasi, diproses
Eksperimental faktor-faktor Sampel diekstraksi dengan

NIM : 180430140
Class : 2 E EKP

menggabungkan informasi dari IFS, WDI, FRED,

ESCAP,OECD, bank sentral dan DOS. Konstruksi sampel
melibatkan konversi data mentah dikumpulkan dari berbagai
sumber baik dalam tingkat pertumbuhan atau
rasio.Eksperimental fitur Seri data ekonomi makro mewakili
tiga kategori indikator yang luas yang dapat digunakan untuk
proksi volatilitas makroekonomi. Mereka adalah indikator itu
akun untuk volatilitas makroekonomi (yaitu volatilitas sebagai
keluaran makroekonomi datang), sumber domestik volatilitas
makroekonomi dan sumber eksternal volatilitas
makroekonomi.Sumber data lokasi Malaysia, Thailand,
Indonesia, Filipina, Singapura, Jepang, dan Australia.

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