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Data Communication (IS0413)

Semester: V Experiment No: 1

Aim of the Experiment To demonstrate point to point connection between 2 devices

Scope of the Experiment Connecting devices using basic tools and interfaces and configuring them
to establish communication between the devices.
In telecommunication point to point connection is widely used, example
telephone is a virtual circuit oriented point to point link between two

Design / Methodology In point to point connection dedicated link will be created between any two
hosts and entire capacity of link is reserved for transmission between two
If two devices to be connected are like devices, then they are connected
using a cross cable. If two devices to be connected are unlike devices, then
they are connected using a straight cable.

Procedure (Steps) The procedure to connect two devices is as follows:

1. Place two generic PC’s in the workspace from the end devices
section located at the bottom left corner.

2. Connect the two PC’s using copper cross over cable which is
available in connections section at the bottom left corner with
fastEthernet port. To connect unlike devices use copper straight
through cable.

3. Configure IP of each PC by clicking on the PC and go to desktop

tab, select IP configuration. Assign static IP address for the PC with
subnet mask IP address for PC0 is,
PC1 is

4. To check the connection between the two PC click on PC0, open

desktop program command prompt and then use ping command.

5. Click on the simple PDU on the right hand side of the workspace,
and then click on the source PC and move the PDU from source to
destination by clicking on the destination PC.

6. Click on the simulation mode on the right hand side to begin the
simulation and then click on the auto capture in the simulation panel
to start the communication.

Conclusion We conclude that like devices on a network can communicate using cross
over cable whereas unlike devices can communicate using straight through

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No: 2

Aim of the Experiment To demonstrate star topology using a HUB.

Scope of the Experiment Networking Hub is widely used networking connectivity device. It has
many advantages over other connectivity devices. Some Application of
Networking Hub are given below:

 Used to create small Home Networks.

 Used for monitoring the networks.
 Used in Organizations and Computer Labs for connectivity.

It makes one device or peripheral available throughout the whole network.

Design / Methodology In star topology every node connects to a central network device, like
a hub, switch, or computer. The central network device acts as a server and
the peripheral devices act as clients.

An Ethernet hub or simply hub is a network hardware device for connecting

multiple Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network
segment. It has multiple input/output (I/O) ports, in which
a signal introduced at the input of any port appears at the output of every
port except the original incoming. Hub operates in half-duplex mode.

In a hub, a frame is passed along or "broadcast" to every one of its ports. It

doesn't matter that the frame is only destined for one port. The hub has no
way of distinguishing which port a frame should be sent to. Passing it along
to every port ensures that it will reach its intended destination. This places a
lot of traffic on the network and can lead to poor network response times

Procedure (Steps) Steps to design star network using a hub is as follows:
1. Place five generic PC’s in the workspace from the end devices
section located at the bottom left corner.
2. Place a generic hub available at the network devices section at the
bottom left corner in between the PC’s to form a star topology as

3. Connect all hosts to hub using copper straight-through cable with

fastEthernet port.

4. Configure IP of each PC by clicking on the PC and go to desktop

tab, select IP configuration. Assign static IP address for the PC with
subnet mask IP address for PC0 is,
PC1 is, PC2 is, PC3 is, PC4 is

5. To check the connection between any two PC click on a PC open
desktop program command prompts and issue ping command. Say
PC0 and PC2 issue command ping of PC2).

6. Add a simple PDU (protocol data unit) and drag it over source PC to
destination PC.

7. Click on the simulation mode on the right hand side to begin the
simulation and then click on the auto capture in the simulation panel
to start the data transfer.

Conclusion Hub acts as a multiport repeater for data flow as it repeats a signal that
comes in one port out to all other ports, it can be used to connect segments
of a LAN.

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No: 3

Aim of the Experiment To demonstrate star topology using a switch.

Scope of the Experiment Switches are most commonly used as the network connection point for hosts
at the edge of a network. Here are some uses,

 used deeper in the network to provide connections between the

switches at the edge.
 Where there is a need for a great deal of analysis of network
performance and security, switches may be connected between
WAN routers as places for analytic modules.
 Through port mirroring, a switch can create a mirror image of data
that can go to an external device such as intrusion detection
systems and packet sniffers.
 A modern switch may implement power over Ethernet (PoE), which
avoids the need for attached devices. Since switches can have
redundant power circuits connected to uninterruptible power
supplies, the connected device can continue operating even when
regular office power fails

Design / Methodology In star topology every node connects to a central network device, like
a hub, switch, or computer. The central network device acts as a server and
the peripheral devices act as clients.

A switch is a networking device that forwards and filters OSI layer

2 datagrams (frames) between ports based on the destination MAC address
in each frame. A switch is distinct from a hub in that it only forwards the
frames to the physical ports involved in the communication rather than all
ports connected. It learns to associate physical ports to MAC addresses by
examining the source addresses of received frames. If an unknown
destination is targeted, the switch broadcasts to all ports but the source.
Switches normally have numerous ports, facilitating a star topology for
devices, and cascading additional switches.

Procedure (Steps) Steps to design star network using a switch is as follows:

1. Place four generic PC’s in the workspace from the end devices
section located at the bottom left corner.
2. Place a generic switch available at the network devices section at the
bottom left corner in between the PC’s to form a star topology as

3. Connect all hosts to switch using copper straight-through cable with

fastEthernet port.

4. Configure IP of each PC by clicking on the PC and go to desktop

tab, select IP configuration. Assign static IP address for the PC with
subnet mask IP address for PC0 is,
PC1 is, PC2 is, PC3 is

5. To check the connection between any two PC click on a PC, open
desktop program command prompts and issue ping command. Say
PC0 and PC2 issue command ping of PC2).

6. Add a simple PDU (protocol data unit) and drag it over source PC to
destination PC.

7. Click on the simulation mode on the right hand side to begin the
simulation and then click on the auto capture in the simulation panel
to start the data transfer.

Conclusion Switch is a multiport bridge with a buffer that transfers data by receiving
data from any source connected to it and then dispatches that information to
the appropriate destination only.

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No: 4

Aim of the Experiment To study Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Scope of the Experiment The address resolution protocol (ARP) is a protocol used by the Internet
Protocol to map IP network addresses to the hardware addresses used by a
data link protocol.

Design / Methodology The term address resolution refers to the process of finding an address of a
computer in a network. The address is "resolved" using a protocol in which
a piece of information is sent by a client process executing on the local
computer to a server process executing on a remote computer. The
information received by the server allows the server to uniquely identify the
network system for which the address was required and therefore to provide
the required address. The address resolution procedure is completed when
the client receives a response from the server containing the required
An Ethernet network uses two hardware addresses which identify the source
and destination of each frame sent by the Ethernet. The destination address
may also identify a broadcast packet (to be sent to all connected computers).
The hardware address is also known as the Medium Access Control (MAC)
address, in reference to the standards which define Ethernet. Each
computer network interface card is allocated a globally unique 6 byte link
address when the factory manufactures the card (stored in a PROM). This is
the normal link source address used by an interface.
A computer sends all packets which it creates with its own hardware source
link address, and receives all packets which match the same hardware
address in the destination field or one (or more) pre-selected
broadcast/multicast addresses.

Procedure (Steps) 1. Place three generic PC’s in the workspace from the end devices
section located at the bottom left corner.

2. Place a generic switch available at the network devices section at the

bottom left corner in the workspace as shown below.

3. Connect all hosts to switch using copper straight-through cable with

fastEthernet port.

4. Configure IP of each PC by clicking on the PC and go to desktop

tab, select IP configuration. Assign static IP address for the PC with
subnet mask IP address for PC0 is,
PC1 is, PC2 is

5. To know the ARP entries click on PC0, go to desktop program
command prompts and execute the command arp –a. Initially there
will be no entries.

6. Ping PC2 from PC0 to get the mac address of PC2.

7. Click on Capture/Forward in simulation panel to send the PDU to


8. Click on Capture/Forward to broadcast the PDU from switch to
all hosts except the source. The PDU will be accepted only by the
destination host all other hosts rejects the PDU.

9. Click twice on Capture/Forward, the destination host will unicast it’s

physical address to the source host through the switch.

10. Click on PC0 and execute the command arp –a in the desktop
program command prompt to get the ARP entries.

Conclusion Address Resolution Protocol determines the physical address of a host from
its IP address. It is used by TCP/IP protocol to establish communication
between hosts.

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No: 5

Aim of the Experiment To create a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).

Scope of the Experiment A VLAN (Virtual local area network) is a logical subnetwork that groups a
collection of devices from different physical LANs.
Large business computer networks set up VLANs to re-partition a network
for improved traffic management. VLAN’s are used in,

 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
 Ethernet
 HiperSockets
 InfiniBand

Design / Methodology VLAN is a local area network which is configured by software not by
physical, wiring using VTP (VLAN Trunk Protocol). A VLAN is a
subnetwork which can group together collections of devices on separate
physical local area networks (LANs).
VLANs make it easy for network administrators to partition a single
switched network to match the functional and security requirements of their
systems without having to run new cables or make major changes in their
current network infrastructure.

 Allows network administrator to apply additional security to network

 Make expansion and relocation of a network or a network device
 Provides flexibility as administrators are able to configure in a
centralized environment while the devices might be located in
different geographical location.
 Decrease the latency and traffic load on the network and the network
devices, offering increased performance.

Procedure (Steps) Steps to create a VLAN are:
1. Place four generic PC’s in the workspace from the end devices
section located at the bottom left corner.
2. Place a generic switch available at the network devices section at the
bottom left corner in between the PC’s to form a star topology as

3. Connect all hosts to switch using copper straight-through cable with

fastEthernet port.

4. Configure IP of each PC by clicking on the PC and go to desktop

tab, select IP configuration. Assign static IP address for the PC with
subnet mask IP address for PC0 is,
PC1 is, PC2 is, PC3 is

5. To check the connection between any two PC click on a PC open
desktop program command prompts and issue ping command. Say
PC0 and PC2 issue command ping of PC2).

6. Now for creating VLAN double click on switch upon which we get a
menu and select CLI (command line interface).Type the following
commands to achieve the necessary abstraction.
 Switch>enable
 Switch#config t
 Switch(config)#vlan 10
 Switch(config-vlan)#exit
 Switch(config)#vlan 20
 Switch(config-vlan)#exit
 Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
 Switch(config-if)#switch port access vlan 10
 Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2
 Switch(config-if)#switch port access vlan 10
 Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/3
 Switch(config-if)#switch port access vlan 20
 Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/4
 Switch(config-if)#switch port access vlan 20

7. Now go to command prompt and check the communication between
devices to verify whether our objective has been achieved or not.

8. Simulation of communication between the devices PC0 and PC1

PC0 and PC1 communicated successfully.

9. Simulation of communication between the devices PC0 and PC3

Here, these 2 devices fail to communicate. So, virtual network has been
created between the devices which are connected to same switch.

Conclusion We can thus conclude that a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) allows
you to logically segment a Local Area Network (LAN) into different
broadcast domains. In scenarios where sensitive data may be broadcast on a
network, VLANs can be created to enhance security by designating a
broadcast to a specific VLAN.

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No: 6

Aim of the Experiment Analyzing and capturing a network packet using Wireshark
Scope of the Experiment Wireshark is a free open source network protocol analyzer. It's designed for
network administrators used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software
and communications protocol development, and education.
Design / Methodology  Wireshark allows to select an interface (through a wireless card or a wired
card) and then logs all the packets, or all the traffic, that flows through that
 It has GUI interface that allows to analyze this traffic, so that it allows to filter
these packets based on the protocol used in them, such as HTTP or TCP.
 It also allows to look for certain things, such as cookies or POST or GET
requests, and it also allows to search through these packets.

Procedure (Steps)
 After launching the wireshark double-click the name of a network
interface under Capture to start capturing packets on that interface.

 As soon as you click the interface’s name, you’ll see the packets start to
appear in real time. Wireshark captures each packet sent to or from the

 Click the red “Stop” button near the top left corner of the window when
you want to stop capturing traffic.

 While Wireshark supports more than two thousand network protocols,

many of them esoteric, uncommon, or old, the modern security
professional will find analyzing IP packets to be of most immediate
usefulness. The majority of the packets on our network are likely to be

 We can see the columns. First of all is the No. column for packet
numbering. In the Time column, we will see the time that this packet
was captured. The time increases as we go down, and it shows when
these packets were captured. We can also see the Source column, which
indicates which device the packet was sent from. The Destination
column shows the receiving device IP. The Protocol column shows the
name of the protocol used by the packet. In the Length column we can
see the length, which is the size. We can also see more information
about the packet in the Info column.

 Wireshark intercepts traffic and converts that binary traffic into human-
readable format. This makes it easy to identify what traffic is crossing
your network, how much of it, how frequently, how much latency there
is between certain hops, and so forth.

 Wireshark uses colors to help you identify the types of traffic at a

glance. By default, light purple is TCP traffic, light blue is UDP traffic,
and black identifies packets with errors such as they could have been
delivered out of order. To view exactly what the color codes mean, click
View > Coloring Rules.

 If we double-click on any of the packets, it will display more

information for us. It's the same information that's being displayed at the
bottom of the main interface.

 Given the large volume of traffic that crosses a typical business network,
Wireshark's tools to help you filter that traffic are what make it
especially useful. Capture filters will collect only the types of traffic
you're interested in, and display filters will help you zoom in on the
traffic you want to inspect. The network protocol analyzer provides
search tools, including regular expressions and colored highlighting, to
make it easy to find what you're looking for.

 Sometimes the best way to find anomalous traffic is to capture
everything and establish a baseline.

 Right-clicking a UDP packet and selecting Follow > UDP Stream gives
the full UDP conversation between the client and the server. We can
also click other protocols in the Follow menu to see the full
conversations for other protocols, if applicable.

 Wireshark comes with graphical tools to visualize the statistics. This

makes it easy to spot general trends and to present findings to less-
technical management.

 Anything (images, pictures, messages, cookies) that the computer does

on the internet will flow through eth0, and therefore will be captured by

Conclusion In conclusion, Wireshark is a very effective tool for gathering information about
clients by analyzing the packets. Professionals use it to debug network
protocol implementations, examine security problems and inspect network
protocol internals.

Data Communication (IS0413)
Semester: V Experiment No:

Aim of the Experiment To identify what devices are running on the systems, to discover hosts and
services on a computer network by sending packets and analysing the
responses using Network Mapper (Nmap).

Scope of the Experiment Network administrators, IT managers and security professionals face a
never-ending battle, constantly checking on what exactly is running on their
networks and the vulnerabilities that lurk within. Nmap can be used to
monitor single hosts as well as vast networks that encompass hundreds of
thousands of devices and multitudes of subnets and does security auditing.
Nmap can be used to enumerate the open ports on target hosts, determining
hosts on a network, determining the operating system.

Design / Methodology Network mapping of Nmap uses the IP addresses to identify the devices on
a network (also called host discovery), including servers, routers and
switches, and how they're physically connected. With this we can gather
information about any client that is within our network or outside our
network by just knowing their IP.
OS detection of Nmap can detect the operating systems running on network
devices providing the vendor name, the underlying operating system, the
version of the software.
Nmap commands can be used to find clients on the network and to discover
the open ports on these clients.

Procedure (Steps)  First open the nmap-zenmap GUI application.

 Enter a domain (, an IP address (, a network

(, or a combination of those.

 A list of profiles will get displayed, out of them, based on the user
needs, intense scan is selected.

 Click the n-map scan to start scanning.

 The active results of the scan will be displayed in the Nmap-output

tab. The time the scan takes will depend on the scan profile chosen,
the physical distance to the target, and the target’s network

 After the scan gets finished, it shows the message “Nmap done” at
the bottom of the Nmap output tab. Main Nmap output tab will
contain all the results listed but we can use the other tabs to get a
better look at specific data.

 Ports/Hosts - This tab will show the results of the port scan,
consisting of the port number, protocol, state and services for those

 Topology - Shows the traceroute for the scan we performed and also
we can see how many hops data goes through to reach the target.

 Host Details - Shows a summary of the target learned through scans,

such as the host status, IP addresses, hostnames, operating systems,
and more.

Conclusion We can conclude that Nmap, an open-source network scanner provides

number of features such as network mapping and operating system
detection. Nmap helps to have a constant check of what is running on the
networks and to detect security risks.


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