Challenges of Sole Proprietorship Businesses in Bacolod City

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Challenges of Sole Proprietorship Businesses in Bacolod City

Problem: Challenges of Sole Proprietorship Businesses in Bacolod City by means of

owner dependence, business process and procedure, managing the finances, human
resource, quality and growth, and attracting new businesses.

Background of the Study

This study aims to determine the challenges of sole proprietorship businesses in
Bacolod City is no longer exempt from rapidly changing environmental conditions. This
research elaborates the challenges among sole proprietorship. A single proprietor faces
these types of challenges: owner dependence, business process and procedure, managing
the finances, human resource, quality and growth, and attracting new businesses (Tuyo,
2015). Being a sole proprietor sounds like a pretty nice gig. There’s no boss to answer to,
either. But flying solo isn’t without its challenges, you need to be specially driven and
motivated to succeed as a business of one (Fallon, 2015).

A sole proprietorship is the easiest type of business to establish or take part, due to a
lack of government regulation (Twin, 2019). Though, there are many challenges that the
sole proprietors are facing. A sole proprietor serves as the main foundation and only
foundation of a business. The debts of the business will also be the debts of the owner. But
most of the sole proprietor businesses evolves into different legal structure as time passes
and the business starts to grow. Usually when a sole proprietor seeks to incorporate
business, the owner restructures it into a limited liability company (LCC) (Twin, 2019).

This study aims to contribute a possible solutions to the challenges of sole

proprietorship businesses to be influenced by the owner and the context in which
individuals are found. In a way to improve financial performance is to combine the efforts
to attract and efforts to carry out these decisions and measuring in manipulating its best that
may results against the expectation feedback.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the challenges of sole proprietorship businesses in the
Bacolod City, Calendar year 2019.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational Attainment
d. Status
e. Type of Business
f. Length of Business

2. What is the level of the challenges of sole proprietorship businesses in terms of age, sex,
status, educational attainment and length of business?
3. Is there a significant difference of the level of the challenges of sole proprietorship
businesses in terms of age, sex, status, educational attainment, type of business and length
of business?
The Effectiveness of Agricultural Programs to Lives of Small Planters in Brgy.
Tabunan, Bago City

Problem: How does the agricultural programs affect the lives of the Brgy. Tabunan, Bago
City small planters?

Background of the Study

The millennium development goals of reducing hunger and to promote food security
are rooted in increase agricultural productivity, especially from the crop sector. This is
because agriculture is considered as the engine growth in many developing economies. The
rule of agricultural extension today goes beyond the transfer of technology and
improvement in productivity but also, it includes improvement in farmers’ managerial and
technical skills through training facilitation and coaching among others.

Others stake holders in the agricultural sectors such as international and local funding
agencies, non-governmental organizations and financial institutions have and continue to
make investment in the delivery of extension services to farmers. With the vision of
improving the economic well-being of its actors, particularly farmers through improve farm
technology and access to input and output markets. Agricultural extension programmers
include capacity building in good agricultural practices, creating linkages among the value
chain actors (input dealers, farmers, wholesalers and retailers) and other value addition
techniques. Thus, wider dissemination of information regarding farmer skill development,
the use of improve farm technologies, general farm management practices and easy access
to input and output markets have been the fundamental practices underlying delivery of
agricultural extensions services.

This study had provided excellent information on factors shaping adoption and
adoption intensities of farm technologies. Thus, there are many gaps with regard with what
is known about the effects of extension services on the productivity and income of farmers
the body of empirical evidence does not match the scale of implementation particularly in
Brgy. Tabunan,Bago City. Hence, the aim of the study is to estimate the effects of
agricultural extension services with particular reference to agricultural programs on the
farm productivity and income of small planters in the program operational areas in Brgy.
Tabunan, Bago City.
Statement of the Problem

Generally , this study aims to assess the small planters of Brgy. Tabunan, Bago City to
determine the effectiveness of agricultural programs. Specifically , it pursued to answer the
following questions :
1. What is the profile of small planters in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational attainment
d. Size of the farm
e. Crop type

2. What is the financial performance of small planters in Brgy. Tabunan, Bago City
in terms of production, return on investment in terms of age, sex, educational
attainment, size of the farm and crop type?

3. What is the degree of effectiveness of agricultural program to Small planters on:

A. Social
B. Economic
C. Psychological
Solid Waste Management Practices of Food Cart Vendors in Bacolod City

Background of the Study

This study begins with a brief background of Food Cart Vendors Management
Practices in Bacolod City that might affect the situation of the whole city. This study
will use the results as the basis if the food cart vendors here in our City really follows
what the government had implemented.

This research aims to identify what are the solutions among solid waste
management problems on the food cart vendors in Bacolod City? How to maintain the
proper waste management practices among food carts? And what are the strategies in
order to give solution for the problem caused to public health and environment and how
to overcome the waste management challenges in Bacolod City?

There is still work to be done and to study that stressed and perceived hedonic value
of food-truck dining through the marketing communication strategy. Food-truck
owners also need to strive to minimize perceived hygenic and environmental risks to
attract more demand for food-truck services. Presenting a certified safety badged or
license, offering food-safety training for their employees, and using environmentally

This study aims to identify the problems and issues in the current system and
propose awareness about Food Cart Waste Management Practices in Bacolod City. It
will also help it consumes to identify of what is the proper waste practices of food cart
vendors that could help them decide whether where to buy depending on the practice
of the Food Cart Vendors. It will help develop strategies for proper waste management
practices. This study will be very beneficial both for consumers and food cart vendors.
Statement of the Problem
The main problem of this study is to determine what the plans, procedures of food
cart in Bacolod City Central Market in terms of proper solid waste management.
Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of food cart vendors in Bacolod Central Market?

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Status
d. Educational Attainment

2. What is the level of Solid Waste Management Practices of Food Cart Vendors in
Bacolod City on segregation of biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes when
classified according to age, sex, marital status, and educational attainment?

3. Is there a significant difference of the level of Solid Waste Management Practices of

Food Cart Vendors in Bacolod City when classified according to age, sex, status, and
educational attainment?

Caballes, Calvin Kier

Claud, Elvie Anne
De Jesus, Joshua
Quiles, Ardelenn Queennie
Rabadilla, Rizzle Ann
Tambanillo, Jessa Mae

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