The Guide Lecturer:Jelita, M.PD: The Assigment of Prose "Analysis of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs"

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“Analysis of Snow White And Seven Dwarfs”

The Guide Lecturer :Jelita, M.Pd

Compiled By :

1. Renita Wati (1688203035)




Retell of Snow White And Seven Dwarfs

Snow White And Seven Dwarfs

In a kingdom there lived a husband and wife.They are queens and kings of the Kingdom.
at that time the queen was pregnant. the queen wants a child whose skin is white like snow, her
lips are red like blood and her hair is black like ebonys wood.Some time later the queen gave
birth to a beautiful princess who was in accordance with her wishes and was given the name
Snow White.

Initially, Snow White's life was very happy, but when her mother died of illness, her
father remarried. The new Queen who married her father has a very beautiful face. Unfortunately
not followed by its nature. Snow White was bullied by her cruel stepmother and always wanted
to be the most beautiful in the world. Every time she always asks the magic mirror that always
says honesty about who is the most beautiful in the world. And the magic mirror always answers
that the Queen is the prettiest.

Time passed, Snow White's beauty turned out to defeat the Queen's beauty. This made her
jealous and intended to get rid of Snow White. To carry out her evil intentions, the Queen told a
hunter to kill Snow White but because of pity the Hunter did not kill Snow White but told her to
run into the forest. The hunter killed a wild boar, took his lungs and heart and handed it to the
Queen and said that it was the lungs and heart of Snow White. The queen became happy that she
would be the prettiest again.

In her escape, Snow White met seven dwarves who finally helped the princess. The
queen who thought Snow White had died knowing the truth. She is angry and takes action to kill
Snow White with her own hands. The Queen disguised hemself several times as a grandmother
who tried to kill her with a poisonous comb and ribbon that wrapped around her. But the Queen's
efforts were repeatedly foiled by the seven dwarves. In her third attempt, she again disguised
herself and gave her a poisonous apple. Snow White, who did not know that the apple was
poisoned, choked when she ate it and finally died. Then the dwarves put the snow princess in a

One day the Prince passed and stopped to see the coffin. the prince ordered his guards to
lift Snow White's coffin. Because one of the Prince's guards stumbled, then accidentally, the
piece of apple stuck in Snow White's throat came out and the Snow White came back to life. The
prince who had fallen in love with Snow White invited her to the palace to get married. End of
story, Prince and Snow White live happily and the Queen receives a reward for her actions, with
The Intrinsic Element Of Snow White And Seven Dwarfs


The theme in this story is about The power of love.

B.Character and Characterization

1. Snow White: Snow White has physical characteristics as white as snow, has hair as black
as ebony wood, and lips as red as blood. she also has good character, gentle heart, and
always cheerful.

2. Queen (The new Queen): The Queen is said to have a very beautiful face even the most
beautiful in the world. she is said to have jealousy, a trait that makes her hate Snow White
and wants to get rid of him. In the story, the Queen has magic powers that help her justify
what she wants.

3. Hunters (Huntsman): The hunter in the Snow White fairy tale is told not to have the heart
to kill the innocent Snow White. He was the first to save Snow White.

4. The Seven Dwarves,These names include:

a. Doc: Doc is the wisest among the seven dwarves, he is also considered a leader by the
dwarves. The most recognizable features of Doc are the thick and long glasses and
beards he has. He was dressed in an orange-brown tunic and glasses.

b. Happy: like the name Happy has characteristics that are always happy.

c. Sneezy: Sneezy is a dwarf who likes to sneeze in certain situations. Maybe that's why
he was called Sneezy. His clothes are yellow-brown tunic.

d. Grumpy: Grumpy as the name suggests, Grumpy has a character who likes to be
angry and grumble. He was the one who initially refused the presence of Snow White
to live with the seven dwarves. But even so, Grumpy's heart is actually good, in the
end he falls in love with Snow White and leads the dwarves to help him from the
Queen's attack. His characteristics are wearing red tunic clothes, white hair, and

e. Bashful: Bashful is the timid dwarf. But even though he was shy he was a brave man.
Bashful was the bravest when his friends were afraid to see Snow White. His clothes
are similar to Sneezy and Sleepy but have differences in color and magenta hats.

f. Sleepy: Sleepy is described as a sleepy dwarf. But even so he still diligently works.

g. Dopey: Although being called Dopey by the dwarves does not mean he is stupid.
Dopey has an innocent and childish character. He was described as never speaking.
Dopey is the youngest dwarf of the 7 dwarves. His features are bald and not bearded.
He wore a green-lime tunic that was oversized for his small body and purple hat.

5. The Prince: Prince is the figure who saved Snow White from the curse of her stepmother,
the Queen. He is also said to have fallen in love with Snow White when he first saw him.
Through the presence of Prince, Snow White gets her happiness.


Exposition: there were a couple of husband and wife they were queens and kings in a
kingdom. at that time the queen was pregnant and later gave birth to a beautiful princess
who was named a snow white.

Rising Action: the problem arises when the king remarries a beautiful but evil and
ruthless queen in which She does not want anyone to rival her beauty, but slowly the
Snow White grows older and her beauty exceeds the queen.

Climax: the culmination of the problem when the queen wanted to kill the Snow White
with various tricks but her strategy could be canceled by the seven dwarves. even though
finally the queen can kill the Snow White.

Falling Action: the problem began to subside when the dwarves put the body of the Snow
White into a coffin and suddenly a prince arrived.
Resolution/Denouement: the denouement of this story is when the prince ordered his
guards to lift Snow White's coffin. Because one of the Prince's guards stumbled, then
accidentally, the piece of apple stuck in Snow White's throat came out and the Snow
White came back to life.

D.Point of view

In this story uses Third person point because in this novel uses pronouns like “he,”
“she,” “it,” “they,” or a name.


a. Setting Place :

in kingdom


the seventh dwarf's house


b. Setting Weather :



Never feel lacking with what God has given us, thankful for everything
we have, because greed will bring us loss.

Never believe in people we don’t recognize if their behavior is suspicious.

The Intrinsic Element Of Snow White And Seven Dwarfs

A.Moral Value

Real beauty comes from within.

This is evidenced by: even though the stepmother tries to look as beautiful as
possible, the glass on the wall still says that Snow White is the prettiest, because
beauty is not only from the outer appearance, but from her heart.

Don't talk to strangers and don't let them enter the house

This is evidenced by: when her stepmother disguised herself as an old

grandmother who offered apples to Snow White. Snow White let in and talked to
her so she was exposed to her seduction to eat a poisonous apple.

It's wonderful to have friends.

This is evidenced by: the dwarves who are always loyal to accompany and guard,
and protect Snow White, even though Snow White is asleep.


Biography Author: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm known as The Brothers Grimm. Jacob
Grimm was born on January 4, 1785, in Hanau, Germany, and died on September 20, 1863.
Wilhelm Grimm was born on February 24, 1786, in Hanau, Germany, and died on December 16,
1859. Brothers Grimm holds a German degree and writer. The brothers' Grimm is a romantic
folk historian. They released the first collection, the Story of Children and Houses, in 1812. This
story was collected by recording stories told by farmers and villagers. Wilhelm put them in
written form and gave them style, pleasing children. In addition, Grimms works on editing pieces
that are in other folklore and early literature. Between 1816 and 1818, they published two
volumes of German legend. At the same time they published volumes of studies in early literary
history, Old Forests in Germany.

C. Literary Flow a Writer

The literary genre used by the writer in telling this story is the flow of fantasy literature.

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