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Reflex control of the cardiovascular system during exercise

in disease
Lauro C Vianna1 and James P Fisher2

The reflex control of the cardiovascular system is essential for cardiovascular responses to exercise are determined to a
the appropriate delivery of oxygenated blood to the exercising great extent by adjustments to the autonomic nervous
skeletal muscles and as such is paramount for the performance system, specifically a reduction in cardiac parasympa-
of physical activity. There is evidence for the activity of group III thetic nerve activity and an increase in sympathetic nerve
and IV skeletal muscle afferents being heightened in response activity (SNA) to the heart and peripheral circulation [2].
to metabolic and/or mechanical stimulation in disease states as Of note, sympathetic-vascular transduction is tempered
diverse as heart failure, hypertension, peripheral arterial in the exercising muscle, a process known as functional
disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and type II sympatholysis, to allow appropriate local vasodilatation
diabetes. As a consequence of this aberrant afferent activity, an and blood flow delivery.
inappropriate sympathetic activation and pressor response
may result, along with skeletal muscle hypoperfusion, The autonomic cardiovascular adjustments to exercise are
metabolic distress and exercise intolerance. The completeness orchestrated by several neural mechanisms. Here we will
and consistency of the evidence for this concept vary between focus on the important role played by group III and IV
disease states. Further work is required to elucidate the sensory afferents located in the skeletal muscle. Much of the
mechanistic basis and therapeutic targeting of this afferent recent interest in the reflex regulation of the cardiovascular
pathway, with the potential to reduce cardiovascular risk and system stems from reports of aberrant skeletal muscle
ameliorate exercise-induced fatigue in diverse patient afferent signaling in disease states as diverse as heart failure,
populations. type II diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Given the concise
and focused nature of this series of articles, recent human
and clinical physiology studies will be emphasized, and
NeuroVASQ – Integrative Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Physical regrettably neither the list of clinical conditions nor the
Education, University of Brasi’lia, Brasi’lia, Brazil
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, physiological outcomes described are exhaustive.
University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand

Corresponding author: Fisher, James P (

Reflex control of the cardiovascular system
during exercise
Group III and IV skeletal muscle afferents are activated
Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117 during exercise by intramuscular mechanical and chemical
This review comes from a themed issue on Exercise physiology stimuli [2–4]. Group III afferents are predominantly
Edited by Brian Glancy and Harry Rossiter mechano-sensitive and their experimental activation in
isolation in humans (e.g. with passive exercise, passive
muscle stretch, and external compression) causes reduc-
tions in cardiac parasympathetic activity, and modest increases in muscle SNA, heart rate and blood pressure
2468-8673/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (BP) (muscle mechanoreflex) [2]. Group IV afferents are
predominantly metabolically sensitive to elevations in
concentration of metabolites (e.g. H+, K+, ATP, and lactate)
[5] and evoke a powerful increase in muscle SNA and BP
when activated, but can also increase heart rate secondary to
increases in cardiac SNA and reductions in cardiac para-
Introduction sympathetic nerve activity (muscle metaboreflex) [6,7].
Skeletal muscle adenosine triphosphate (ATP) utilization The cardiovascular responses resulting from activation of
rate increases in an intensity-dependent manner during group III and IV skeletal muscle afferents is collectively
dynamic exercise. A consummate increase in oxygen termed, the ‘exercise pressor reflex’ [8].
delivery for aerobic ATP resynthesis is required, and
provided by increases in cardiac output (secondary to In a variety of chronic disease states augmented skeletal
elevations in stroke volume and heart rate) and the muscle afferent signaling has been identified. This is
preferential redirection of peripheral blood flow to the significant because it is purported to result in a pronounced
active skeletal muscles at the expense of perfusion to sympathetic vasoconstriction sufficient to restrict nutritive
certain portions of the viscera (e.g. splanchnic circulation) blood flow to the active muscle causing metabolic distress,
where oxygen consumption may also decrease [1]. Such dyspnea, fatigue, cardiac autonomic imbalance, impaired

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

Neuro-cardiovascular control in exercise Vianna and Fisher 111

exercise capacity, and an exaggerated pressor response resistance (+108%) and diastolic BP (+31%) during mus-
(Figure 1). Moreover, in this schema a positive feedback cle metaboreflex activation with post-exercise ischemia,
loop means that the enhanced group III and IV skeletal in comparison with age-matched controls (+53, 86, 23%,
muscle afferent mediated increase in sympathetic vasocon- respectively) [9]. The underlying mechanisms and dele-
strictor tone begets more of the same by perpetuating the terious consequences of these observations are encom-
mismatch between oxygen supply and demand, causing passed within the influential ‘muscle hypothesis of heart
further accumulation of anaerobic metabolism breakdown failure’ [10] that has since been further refined into an
products and increased stimulation of metabolically sensi- integrated multi-system model [11]. This original con-
tive skeletal muscle afferents. Conversely, in other clinical cept posited that left ventricular dysfunction leads to
conditions, the exercise pressor reflex is diminished, which skeletal muscle underperfusion, atrophy and a shift
may result in an insufficient increase in heart rate, SNA and toward faster fiber types that causes an earlier depen-
blood pressure, with deleterious implications for perfor- dence on anaerobic metabolism and accelerated intra-
mance. A better understanding of the integrated cardiovas- muscular acidification during exercise [10], which in turn
cular responses to exercise has significant potential to augments the activation of metabolically sensitive skele-
improve exercise adherence, patient quality of life and tal muscle afferents and sets in motion the cascade of
outcomes. events illustrated in Figure 1. Although there has been
debate regarding whether it is the metaboreflex (e.g.
Reflex control of the cardiovascular system others have shown the metaboreflex to be blunted in
during exercise in disease heart failure [12,13]) or mechanoreflex [14] that becomes
Heart failure augmented in heart failure, it is clear that the exercise
Classic work by Piepoli et al. demonstrated that chronic pressor reflex is dysfunctional in this condition. Recent
heart failure patients display augmented elevations in evidence broadly supports and extends these earlier
ventilation (+169% above baseline), peripheral vascular observations and ideas. Amman et al. [15] demonstrated

Figure 1




pressure + Impaired functional
response ACTIVE MUSCLE sympatholysis
TONE Impaired vasodilatory
Current Opinion in Physiology

Potential deleterious consequences of heightened group III and IV skeletal muscle afferent activity in disease.
Augmented skeletal muscle afferent signaling in disease states can result in a pronounced sympathetic vasoconstriction sufficient to restrict
nutritive blood flow to the active muscle causing metabolic distress, particularly when accompanied by impaired functional sympatholysis. The
consequences of this might include an exaggerated pressor response, fatigue, an impaired exercise capacity, and possibly dyspnea. Crucially,
such augmented skeletal muscle afferent signaling begets more of the same via a powerful positive feedback loop; whereby the mismatch
between oxygen supply and demand is perpetuating, causing further accumulation of anaerobic metabolism breakdown products and increased
stimulation of metabolically and mechanically sensitive skeletal muscle afferents. Note that while evidence for this schema is emerging in many
diseases, it is in many cases incomplete (e.g. type II diabetes) or contradictory (e.g. obesity). Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

112 Exercise physiology

that intrathecal administration of fentanyl, a m-opioid with post-exercise ischemia in comparison to normoten-
agonist which acts to selectively diminish group III sive controls. However, such exaggerated muscle SNA
and IV neurotransmission without affecting the ability responses have not been consistently observed [19]. More
of descending motor signals to the skeletal muscles, recently, Barbosa et al. [20] observed that an exaggerated
decreased exercising leg norepinephrine spillover BP response to leg cycling in hypertensive patients was
( 18 to 25%), while increasing exercising leg blood flow normalized following intrathecal administration of fenta-
(+10–14%) and oxygen consumption (10–17%) in heart nyl (Figure 2). These findings demonstrate that a key
failure patients, but not control participants. A marked mechanism driving an increased cardiovascular risk in
reduction in leg fatigue and rating of perceived exertion hypertensive patients can be corrected, with potential
were also observed. application for the development of treatments for this
abnormal response to exercise.
Exaggerated BP responses to exercise can increase the The mechanisms underpinning the heightened activation
risk of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events of group III and IV skeletal muscle afferents in human
[16] and may be particularly concerning for populations in hypertension are not as well synthesized as for heart failure,
whom the prevailing BP is already elevated. Notably, although there are several areas of active exploration [21].
hypertensive patients in whom resting BP is controlled Structural remodeling and functional impairments in skel-
still exhibit an exaggerated increase in BP response to etal muscle blood flow regulation, including heightened
exercise, possibly due to a heightened muscle metabore- peripheral SNA-mediated vasoconstriction and impaired
flex sensitivity [17]. Delany et al. [18] first demonstrated vasodilatory signaling may be lead to hypo-perfusion and
that hypertensive patients have augmented muscle SNA excessive accumulation of anaerobic metabolites during
and mean BP responses to muscle metaboreflex activation exercise [22]. While this might reasonably be expected to

Figure 2

Blood Pressure

Muscle Afferent


Current Opinion in Physiology

Exaggerated exercise pressor reflex in hypertension.

Schematic illustration of the work of Barbosa et al. [20] demonstrating that intrathecal administration of fentanyl, a m-opioid agonist which acts to
selectively diminish group III and IV neurotransmission without affecting the ability of descending motor signals to the skeletal muscles, abolished
the exaggerated pressor response observed at the onset of dynamic exercise in hypertensive patients.

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

Neuro-cardiovascular control in exercise Vianna and Fisher 113

augmented group III and IV skeletal muscle afferent Type II diabetes

stimulation per se, alterations in their sensitivity, for exam- Holwerda et al. [34] reported that mean BP and muscle
ple via an upregulation of purinergic [23] and TRPV1 [21] SNA responses to muscle metaboreflex activation with
signaling pathways, may also be important. Impaired post-exercise ischemia in patients were augmented in
functional sympatholysis may augment neural-vascular patients with type II diabetes (Figure 3). The reason
transduction in hypertension [24], although this is not a for this remains to be determined, but muscle SNA
consistent observation [25]. Finally, alterations in central responses were positively correlated with fasting glucose
autonomic reflex control may also be influential, with and HBA1c, suggesting that the severity of type II
diminished nitric oxide signaling and augmented oxidative diabetes may be a factor in determining muscle metabor-
stress at the nucleus tractus solitarius shown to be important eflex sensitivity. Of note, the muscle SNA, but not BP,
for the overactive muscle mechanoreflex observed in the responses to a cold pressor test were heightened in type II
hypertensive rat [26]. diabetics, perhaps indicative of a generalized heightening
of sympathetic reflexes in this condition.

Peripheral arterial disease Renal disease

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is characterized by a Exercise intolerance is evident in patients with chronic
hypo-perfusion of the extremities caused by atheroscle- kidney disease (CKD) and associated with uremic
rosis and leading to intermittent claudication. Chronic myopathy, physical deconditioning and abnormal
femoral artery ligation has been shown to enhance the neuro-cardiovascular responses [35]. Park et al. [36] dem-
exercise pressor reflex in decerebrated rats, an effect onstrated that patients with end-stage renal disease have
attenuated by administration of the peripheral m-opioid exaggerated BP increases to moderate intensity handgrip
receptor antagonism [27]. Similarly, PAD patients present exercise, post-exercise ischemia (metaboreflex activation)
with large, early, and sustained BP responses to both low- and passive hand movement (mechanoreflex activation),
intensity one-legged plantar flexion and electrically but not during the cold pressor test. Intriguingly, abnor-
evoked leg contraction (a maneuver to isolate the mal exercise pressor reflex control in those patients
mechanically sensitive skeletal muscle afferents) [28]. was accompanied by similar or blunted increases in mus-
This augmented pressor response was evident before cle SNA. However, equalizing the BP responses by
the onset of claudication-related pain. More recently, infusing sodium nitroprusside in the patients with
Miller et al. [29] showed that leg revascularization in CKD during exercise, thereby equalizing baroreflex-
PAD attenuates the exercise pressor reflex and increases mediated restraint of SNA to that of controls, revealed
coronary blood flow during exercise. an augmented muscle SNA response to exercise in
patients with CKD [37]. In addition, recent evidence
suggest that endothelial dysfunction and nitric oxide
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease bioavailability may contribute to the exaggerated pressor
Exercise dyspnea is evident in patients with chronic response in CKD [38].
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease of
chronic irreversible and diffuse airflow obstruction. Bruce Obesity
et al. [30] showed that ventilation remained significantly Heightened muscle SNA and increased peripheral vaso-
elevated during skeletal muscle metaboreflex activation constriction at rest are fairly well-established in obesity;
via post-exercise ischemia in COPD patients, while it however, it remains controversial how obesity influence
returned to baseline in a control group. No between- the neuro-cardiovascular responses to exercise. Negrao
group differences were noted for heart rate and BP. As et al. [39] reported that although obese normotensive
discussed in heart failure, skeletal muscle dysfunction women have a greater mean BP and muscle SNA
associated with a premature acidification and fatigue response to exercise than lean normotensive women,
during exercise may contribute to the exaggerated venti- during muscle metaboreflex activation with post-exercise
latory drive from the muscle metaboreflex in COPD [31]. ischemia, surprisingly muscle SNA was significantly lower
Strikingly, intrathecal administration of fentanyl to in obese women (+3.8  0.82 versus +9.4  1.03 bursts/
patients with COPD enhanced endurance to constant min) despite similar BP and forearm vasoconstrictor
work-rate cycling exercise, while delaying the increase responses, when compared to lean counterparts. Interest-
in mean BP, ventilation, dyspnea, and leg fatigue [32]. ingly, weight loss with a hypocaloric diet or a hypocaloric
However, it should be acknowledged that the contribu- diet and exercise, augmented the muscle metaboreflex in
tion of group III and IV skeletal muscle afferents to these individuals [40]. Conversely, Limberg et al. [41]
steady-state exercise hyperpnoea remains controversial observed a comparable increase in muscle SNA and BP
[33]. Nevertheless, these observations provide an during isometric handgrip and muscle metaboreflex
encouraging insight into the exciting potential for the activation with post-exercise ischemia in adults with
therapeutic targeting of skeletal muscle afferents in metabolic syndrome and control participants. These dis-
chronic diseases, such as COPD. crepancies may be due, at least in part, to the presence Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

114 Exercise physiology

Figure 3

(a) T2D patient 1 (d) Control 1 10 s

140 140

MAP 120 MAP 120

(mmHg) (mmHg)
100 100

80 80

Integrated Integrated

(b) T2D patient 2 (e) Control 2

140 140

MAP 120 MAP 120

(mmHg) (mmHg)
100 100

80 80

Integrated Integrated

(c) T2D patient 3 (f) Control 3

140 140

MAP 120 MAP 120

(mmHg) (mmHg)
100 100

80 80

Integrated Integrated

Baseline Isometric Post-exercise Baseline Isometric Post-exercise

handgrip ischemia handgrip ischemia
Current Opinion in Physiology

Exaggerated exercise pressor reflex in type II diabetes (T2D).

Original sympathetic neurograms and mean BP recordings illustrating the exaggerated cardiovascular responses to exercise and isolated muscle
metaboreflex activation during post-exercise ischemia.

and/or absence of other factors, such as: hypertension, Conclusions and future directions
diabetes, and sarcopenia. In this short article, we have attempted to highlight the
range of conditions in which alterations in the reflex
Parkinson’s disease control of the cardiovascular system have been identi-
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenera- fied. In many cases, the underlying mechanisms remain
tive disorder and although the motor function abnormal- incompletely understood. Moreover, the pathophysio-
ities are well documented, PD patients also experience logical basis of the conditions described is diverse and
non-motor symptoms, such as those associated with the extent to which the aberrant cardiovascular reflex
autonomic or cardiovascular system dysfunction. control identified is attributable to equally diverse
Sabino-Carvalho et al. [42] demonstrated that isometric disease-specific phenomena or a common etiology
handgrip at 40% maximum voluntary contraction fol- (e.g. physical deconditioning), remains to be deter-
lowed by post-exercise ischemia evoked a blunted mined. This issue is further complicated when one
increase in mean BP in patients with PD (+17  considers that patients commonly present with multi-
1 mmHg) when compared to healthy control participants ple co-morbidities, with potentially conflicting effects
(+26  1 mmHg) (Figure 4). Responses to a cold pressor on the exercise pressor reflex (e.g. obesity, hyperten-
test did not differ between groups, suggesting no group sion). Nevertheless, as our understanding of how vary-
differences in generalized sympathetic responsiveness. ing disease processes influence and interact in the
These findings support the concept that attenuated regulation of the cardiovascular system new insights
cardiovascular responses to exercise observed in patients are provided about the fundamental control pathways,
with PD are, at least in part, explained by an altered with implications beyond the individual conditions
skeletal muscle metaboreflex. studied.

Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

Neuro-cardiovascular control in exercise Vianna and Fisher 115

Figure 4

(a) (d)
140 Rest IHG PEI Recovery 45
120 PD
110 30


80 15
0 0
(b) (e)
8 4

6 2


4 0

2 -2

(c) (f)
30 10




0 60


Time (s)
Current Opinion in Physiology

The attenuated cardiovascular responses to isometric handgrip (IHG) exercise in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is, at least in part,
attributable to an altered skeletal muscle metaboreflex.
Mean and individual data from Sabino-Carvalho et al. [42] demonstrated that mean BP (MBP) responses to exercise and post-exercise ischemia
(PEI) are blunted in patients with Parkinson’s disease when compared to healthy control (CT) participants. CO, Cardiac output; TPR, total
peripheral resistance.

An important issue not covered in depth here is the ability hyperventilation induced fall in arterial carbon dioxide
of group III and IV skeletal muscle afferent activation to tension (PaCO2) and augmented cerebral vasoconstric-
impinge upon the circulations of multiple organs (e.g. tion, which increases sense of effort and reduces descend-
heart, kidney, brain, and lung) and how this may be ing motor drive. This challenging idea highlights how the
affected in diverse disease states. For example, Brassard reflex regulation of cardiorespiratory function during
and Gustaffson [43] have provocatively posited that exer- exercise might be intimately integrated with a host of
cise intolerance in heart failure may result from a lower other bodily processes (e.g. motor control, skeletal muscle
cerebral perfusion and oxygenation, in part as a conse- function). Work is required to fully understand the inter-
quence of increased muscle metaboreflex sensitivity, a action between the exercise pressor reflex and other Current Opinion in Physiology 2019, 10:110–117

116 Exercise physiology

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and Thales C. Barbosa for their contribution to the development to
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Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; grant: 307686/2016-7 cise. This augmented blood pressure reactivity was associated with an
and 431740/2018-6). augmented muscle metaboreflex.
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