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LLAGAS Date: June 11, 2019

ICT12-Ruby Empowerment Technologies

The Inevitable Changes in Information and Communication Technology

As time passes by, things have already changed. Our planet is an ever-changing world
where change is the oly thing that is constant. From the smallest things, to the non-living and
living things, people could notice the differences from the past years. And change is actually a
good thing especially when it comes to Information and Communication Technologies. It is a
sign that people are working hard in order to make better inventions out of the old ones for a
more convenient life. It is good to know that people are taking risk for improvement in different
There are four periods of Information and Communication Technology. The Premechanical
Period, the Mechanical Period, the Electromechanical Period, and the Electeonic Period. In 3000
BCE, communication has already started. With the use of stones, they carved pictograms, shapes,
and symbols to communicate with each other. Until they found a more reliable way out of papers
which were produced by papyrus. They started to write informations amd records, compiled it,
then made books out of it. From then, libraties were created. Libraries also served as the first
data center in history. Soon after, Charles Babbage, father of the computers, invented abacus.
Abacus is a manually operated calculator which function is the same as the modern calculator.
Blaise Pascal then invented Pascaline, a mechanical calculator which paved the way for other
inventors to operate new inventions. Charles Babbage invented Analytical Engine, considered as
the first programmable mechanical computer. The machine has four parts: the mill, the store, the
reader, and the print. These four parts functioned the same as cpu, memory, keyboard, and output
of the modern computer. And that was the Mechanical Period. William Chooke and Charles
Wheatstone invented telegraph . The first communication device that uses electricity. Morse
code by Samuel Morse in 1844 was used for this. This was the start of the Electromechanical
Period. The use of electricity bloomed in this era from 1840 to 1940. Telephone came next in
line. A device that enables voice transmission even in long distances. This was invented by
Alexander Graham Bell. Wondering what is the next period? It is the period we are in today. The
Electeonic Period. It started in 1940 up to present., in this period there are four main events that
happened: the late vacuums period, the transistors period, the integrated circuit period, and the
computer processors period. Vacuum tubes were used for first computers for circuitry. Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer is the first electronic-general computer. Then in 1947,
transistors were invented. It is the foundation of every devices to function properly. In 1957, the
first full-transistor computer was developed. Jack Kilby was recognized for his idea of grouping
transistors together then named it as Integrated Circuit in 1958.
With these devices that evolved from time to time, scientists continue in finding and
working for new devices that human could use for entertainment, productive and convenient life,
and many more that we, humans as the beneficiaries . Of course, we should also do our part as a
responsible citizen as we are the ones who has the power to change things and even the world,
either for the better or for the worse. It is our choice.

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