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By Haider


CSS Criminology
Sure Success Questions for CSS-2020
1. Money-Laundering
Dimensions of Question: Causes, Effects, Problems in Efficient Prosecution, FATF, Role of
FIA, and Remedies/suggestions in Pakistani context

2. White-Collar Crime
Dimensions of Question: Types, Causes, Effects, Problems in Efficient Prosecution, Role of
NAB, and Practicable Remedies/suggestions

3. Cyber-crime
Dimensions of Question: Types, Why has it increased so much? Problems in Detection and
investigation Mechanism in Pakistan, Role of FIA, suggestions for controlling cyber-crime.

4. Introduction to Criminology:
Dimensions of Question: Definition of Crime/Criminals/Criminology, Types of Criminals,
and Scope/importance of Criminology in Pakistan’s Context

5. Theoretical Perspectives about causes of crime with special focus on the Sociological one

Dimensions of Question: (Classical, Biological, Psychological, Sociological and Islamic

Perspective/Theories about crime)

6. Criminal Justice System

Dimensions of Question: Problems and Practicable Remedies for Systems of Police, Courts,
Prisons, and Prosecutors

7. Police
Dimensions of Question: History and Development of Police System, Issues and Reforms in
Pakistan’s Police, Modern and Community Policing and Intelligence-led Policing

8. Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System of Pakistan

Dimensions of Question: Causes, Practicable methods to control Juvenile Delinquency,
Problems with Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan

9. Criminal Investigation
Dimensions of Question: Principles of Investigation, Forensic and DNA Evidence, Interviewing
and Interrogation Techniques, Problems and Remedies in Pakistani Context

10. Gender and Crime

Dimensions of Question: Crimes committed By Women and Against Women, Treatment of
female offenders/criminals in CJS and JJS of Pakistan, Criminal investigation of Gender-based

11. Probation and Parole

Dimensions of Question: Conditions and Benefits of Probation and Parole, Why not utilized in
Pakistan so far? Suggestions.

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