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EDMM Biochemistry

Class Test Question Collection

No Topic Page Number

1 Enzymes 2

2 Blood Biochemistry 4

3 Respiratory Biochemistry 6

4 Micronutrients ( Vitamins & Minerals ) 7

5 Nutrition & Energy Metabolism 9

6 Bioenergetics & Oxidative metabolism 11

7 Molecular Biology 12

8 Cell Signaling 14

9 Acid-Base Balance 16

10 Digestion & Absorption 18

11 Liver & Biliary System 19

12 Fluid & Electrolytes 21

13 Biomolecules 23

EDMM Biochemistry

Class Test Question Collection

( 1/2019 ) Batch


1. Define Enzyme and coenzyme and state their chemical natures. ( 5 mks )
2. What are the mechanisms that regulate the activity of the rate limiting enzyme of a
biosynthesis pathway. ( 10 mks )
3. State the mechanism of enzyme catalysis. ( 5mks )


1. Define Enzyme and Enzyme kinetics. ( 5mks )

2. Discuss how enzymes can be used as focus of pharmaceutical agents with five examples.
( 10 mks )
3. What are the ways to regulate the activity of rate limiting enzymes? ( 5 mks )


1. List the factors that favor velocity of enzyme reaction. ( 5mks )

2. Describe the salient features of various types of enzyme inhibitors and their effects on
enzyme kinetics. ( 10mks )
3. List the regulatory mechanism of enzyme catalyzed reaction. ( 5mks )
4. A 40-yr-old executive felt chest pain while he was playing tennis. He felt the pain
increasing gradually and was feeling difficulty in breathing. The doctor suspected him as
a case of myocardial infarction. Which serum enzyme assays should be done to confirm
the diagnosis? Describe the clinical significance. ( 10 mks )
5. Write short account on allosteric enzymes. ( 10 mks )


1. What are Isoenzymes? ( 2mks )

2. Describe the usefulness of isoenzymes in clinical medicine. ( 8 mks )
3. Write a brief account on coenzymes that aid the oxidoreductases. ( 5mks )
4. Explain how pH influences the rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction. ( 5 mks )
5. Describe the clinical importance of enzyme inhibitors. ( 10 marks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. List the factors that decrease the velocity of enzyme catalyzed reaction. ( 4mks )
2. Which factors cause denaturation of enzymes? How these factors cause denaturation of
enzymes ? ( Mention abt only TWO factors ) ( 11 mks )
3. Name 3 suicide inhibitors of enzymes and explain ONE. ( 9 mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Blood Biochemistry
UM – 1

1. State the principle of Benedict’s test and describe its clinical application. ( 5 mks )
2. A 12-yr-old boy was referred by his family physician for Jaundice and recurrent acute
bone pain. Blood film revealed normocytes and some sickle cells.
a. Explain Heme Breakdown and discuss the cause of jaundice in this patient.
( 10 mks )
b. Give the genetic and phenotypic explantion of development of sickle cell. (5 mks)
3. Explain the transport of various molecules by plasma proteins. ( 5mks )
4. Describe the role of Tissue type Plasminogen Activator in dissolving fibrin clot. ( 5mks )

UM- 2

1. Short Note : Thrombin ( 7.5 mks )

2. Short Note : Albumin ( 7.5 mks )
3. Short Note : Fibrinolytic enzymes ( 5 mks )
4. A newborn baby presented with yellowish discoloration of skin and conjunctiva after 3
days of birth. The Neonatologist advised phototherapy. The child became normal.
a. What is the type of Jaundice ?
b. What are the tests to be done in this child ?
c. What are the possible causes for development of Jaundice in this child ?
d. What is the dangerous complication of this type of Jaundice ?
e. What is the biochemical rationale of phototherapy? ( 10 mks )


1. Describe role of Immunglobulin involved in Primary Immune Response ? ( 5 mks )

2. Desribe the role of Thrombin in Hemostasis. ( 8mks )
3. Describe the action of fibrinolytic agents and their uses. ( 7 mks )


1. Describe the structure and functions of Hemoglobin A1. ( 8mks )

2. State the factors that cause changes in plasma protein concentrations. ( 7 mks )
3. Describe heme breakdown in liver. ( 6 mks )
4. What is hyperbilirubinemia and what is Jaundice ? ( 4 mks )
5. What is Van de Berg’s test? Explain its importance in differentiation of Jaundice. (
5mks )
EDMM Biochemistry


1. How Bilirubin is formed in the body and how it is conjugated? ( 8mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Respiratory Biochemistry

UM -1
1. Draw and label the Oxygen-Hb dissociation curve. ( 4mks )
2. Explain how the Oxygen delivery form Hb to the exercising muscle is increased.
( 11mks )

UM- 2
1. State the structure of Hemoglobin A. ( 5mks )
2. Discuss the role of Hemoglobin in CO2 transport. ( 10 mks )
3. Short Note : CO poisoning ( 5 mks )


1. Draw & Describe the Oxy-Hb dissociation curve. ( 5 mks )

2. Explain the effect of HbF on Oxy-Hb dissociation curve. ( 5 mks )
3. Describe the general structure of Hemoglobin. ( 5 mks )
4. List Normal & Abnormal hemoglobin variants. ( 5 mks )
5. Describe the role of Hemoglobin in gaseous transport. ( 10 mks )


1. Why does fetal Hemoglobin ( HbF ) have increased Oxygen affinity than maternal
hemoglobin( Hb A ) ? ( 5mks )
2. Draw the Oxygen-Hb dissociation curve and explain why it shifts to the right during
exercise. ( 10 mks )
3. Short Note : CO poisoning ( 5 mks )


1. State the transport forms of carbon dioxide in the blood. ( 3mks )

2. Write a short account on chloride shift. ( 7mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Micronutrients ( Vitamins & Minerals )

UM - 1

1. Explain the biochemical/ molecular basis of the following diseases.

a. Beri Beri
b. Megaloblastic Anaemia
c. Nyctalopia ( 15mks )
2. Describe the role of tocopherol and ascorboic acid in removal of free radical . ( 7.5 mks )

UM – 2

1. Write short account on biochemical mechanisms of

a. Ascorbic acid and copper in collagen synthesis
b. Vit K im blood coagulation
c. Folic acid in nucleotide synthesis ( 15 mks )
2. Mention the sourdces of iron in the body. ( 3mks )
3. Discuss how dietary iron is distributed and utilized in different tissues. ( 7mks )


1. List naturally occurring anti-oxidants. ( 5mks )

2. Describe the role of Vit A in scavenging of free radicals. ( 10 mks )
3. What is the possible link between intake of polished rice and sudden cardiac failure?
( 7mks )
4. A child from a very poor socio economic background has reported with spongy and
swollen gum and bleeding after tooth brushing. Explain the biochemical basis of this
condition. ( 8mks )


1. Define Vitamin. Describe the clinical manifestations of deficiency of lipid soluble

vitamins. ( 10 mks )


1. A 4-yr old boy was brought for consultation for hematuria, edema of lower extremities
as well as swollen right leg. He was the 12th born in a poor family, where one previous
child died from malnutrition and dehydration in the period of infancy. The child was fed
only with cow’s milk and biscuits.
From the period of five mnths, the boy manifested irritability, sweating, poor appetite
and cried when somebody touched him.

EDMM Biochemistry

At admission the baby was afebrile, pale and malnourishe ; his hair was dry and cracked.
Clinical evaluation showed no organomegaly, no neurological signs, gingival bleeding
was there and only one tooth was present.
a. What is the probable diagnosis for this child and define this defect? ( 5mks )
b. Explain the coenzyme functions and anti-oxidant function of this defective
vitamin. ( 10 mks )
2. Name the enzyme and coenzyme/cofactor for each of the following reactions and write
down complete equation. ( 15 mks )
a. Succinate -------------- Fumarate
b. Acetyl CoA ------------- Malonyl CoA
c. Pyruvate --------------- Alanine
d. Pyruvate --------------- Acetyl CoA
e. Hydrogen peroxide --------- Water
f. Lysyl residues ------------- Allysine
g. Homocysteine ---------- Methionine

EDMM Biochemistry

Nutrition and Energy metabolism

UM – 1

1. State the important functions of carbohydrate related to the body energy provision.
( 6mks )
2. List the anthropometric measures to assess obesity. Give the nutritional status of you
after calculating the BMI from your height and weight. ( 5mks )
3. Short Note : Positive energy balance. ( 5mks )

UM – 2

1. The following table shows dietary record of 19 yr old , female, 2 nd MBBS student on last
Sunday. Calculate her calorie intake and proportion of carbohydrate, fat and protein in
the diet. Does she have adequate diet? Recommend how adequate diet should be
planned. ( 15mks )

Meal Food Energy Carbohydrate Fat Protein

(Kcal) (g) (g) (g)
Breakfast Fried rice with fried egg 300 60 6 5
( Hta-Min-Kyaw )
Lunch Wheat noodle in 290 25 10 20
coconut Chicken soup
( Ohn-no-kauk-swey )
Pickled tea leaves salad 310 15 20 15
( Laphet Thoke )
Dinner Rice with pock curry 600 100 10 25
Fried reselle leaves
Drum stick leaves soup
Supper Rice noodle with fish 400 55 5 30
gravy (Mhone-Hin-Khar)
One cup of tea 100 20 2 0


1. State caloric value of major foodstuffs. ( 5mks )

2. Describe briefly on malnutrition. ( 10 mks )
3. Explain the mechanisms that regulate energy balance in an individual. ( 7mks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. How will you plan a balanced diet to maintain well-being of an individual ? ( 5mks )
2. Short Note : PEM ( 5mks )
3. Describe the role of leptin in energy regulation. ( 5mks )
4. Write short account on calorimetry. ( 5mks )
5. Short Note : Diet Induced Thermogenesis ( 5mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Bioenergetics & Oxidative metabolism

UM – 1

1. Explain why mitochondria is referred to as the power house of the cell. ( 15mks )

UM – 2

1. Outline the flow of electrons from NADH ( produced by NAD+ linked dehydrogenases )
in Electron Transport Chain ( ETC ) . ( 7mks )
2. Explain the mechanism how electron flow in ETC is linked to ATP synthesis. ( 8mks )

1. What are the energy rich compounds ? Describe the role of ATP synthase complex in
synthesis of ATP. ( 8mks )


1. Discuss about ROS and oxidative stress. ( 10mks )

2. Describe the significance of uncouplers in oxidative phosphorylation mechanism. (5mks)


1. State the coupling mechanisms of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. ( 3mks )

2. Describe the chemiosmotic theory in energy production. ( 6mks )
3. State the functions of ATP. ( 6mks )
4. State the antioxidant defense system against ROS. ( 8mks )
5. State the peripheral regulation of energy balance. ( 7mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Molecular Biology
UM – 1

1. How does a cell system respond when it sense an error in DNA replication ? And explain
how the error is repaired. ( 6mks )
2. Draw a diagram of functional eukaryotic gene with necessary labeling. ( 4mks )
3. What is cell cycle ? What are the phases of cell cycle? ( 5mks )
4. Explain how a cell progresses in G1 phase and overcomes the restriction point to enter
the S phase. ( 5mks )
5. Give a short account on DNA packaging. ( 5mks )
6. List different types of RNA. State the functions of them. ( 10mks )

UM – 2

1. Discuss two applications of Recombinant DNA technology. ( 7.5mks )

2. How do you understand the “ Central Dogma of Molecular Biology “ ? ( 6mks )
3. Explain how genetic information in a protein coding gene is copied by transcription
machinery of eukaryotic cells. ( 9mks )
4. What are the conditions that would cause damage to DNA ? ( 3mks )
5. Write short account on actions and significances of
a. Exinuclease
b. Histone Acetyletransferase
c. Restriction endonuclease ( 4mks each )
6. Explain how Cyclin D controls the cell cycle to pass the restriction point. ( 10mks )


1. Describe the outline of steps on DNA replication in prokaryotes and actions of

antibiotics on this process. ( 7mks )
2. Describe the repair mechanism for DNA damage due to exposure to chemicals. ( 8mks )
3. Describe the structural organization of DNA with a diagram. ( 7mks )
4. Describe the effects of mutation on encoded protein with examples. ( 8mks )
5. Short Note : Reverse transcriptase ( 5mks )
6. Short Note : DNA finger printing technology. ( 5mks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. Describe the structure of DNA. ( 8mks )

2. What is replication ? Explain semi- discontinuous and semi- conservative type of
replication. ( 6mks )
3. What is telomere problem in replication of eukaryotic DNA ? Explain how it is solved.
( 5mks )
4. State the energy requirement for formation of peptide bond during translation process.
( 4mks )
5. Draw the functional eukaryotic gene structure and explain how it works. ( 7mks )
6. List the enzymes involved in DNA repair and discuss their roles in corresponding
mechanisms. ( 8mks )
7. Short Note : Application of PCR ( 5mks )


1. When change in nucleotide sequence of a codon results in formation of termination

a. What would be the most likely cause and state the biochemical basis for this
condition? ( 3mks )
b. Which type of jaundice can get in this case ? ( 2mks )
c. How bilirubin is formed in the body and how it is conjugated ? ( 8mks )
d. How are old red cells removed from the blood ? ( 2mks )
2. Discuss the important points of differences between replication and transcription in
eukaryotes. ( 9mks )
3. State the mechanism of action of
a. Alpha amanitin
b. Streptomycin
c. Cycloheximide ( 6mks )
4. What is meant by a palindrome sequence, what is the significance of palindrome
sequence in Recombinant DNA technology ? ( 5mks )
5. How is cDNA made from mRNA ? ( 5mks )
6. State the biomedical importance of genetic engineering in molecular analysis of
diseases. ( 5mks )
7. Discuss the functions of RNAs present in a eukaryotic cell . ( 8mks )
8. Describe the structure of functional eukaryotic gene with diagram. ( 7mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Cell Signaling
UM -1

1. Explain how growth factors signal the stem cells to initiate proliferation. ( 5mks )
2. Give an account on Guanine nucleotide binding protein and its biomedical importance.
( 8mks )
3. Explain the mechanism of how Vit D increases blood Calcium from dietary calcium.
( 7mks )
4. Explain insulin synthesis in pancreas and how it is trafficked into the blood. ( 8mks )
5. Give general description on hormone secretion in Hypothalmo-pituitary-thyroidal axis.
( 7mks )

UM – 2

1. Discuss the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids. ( 7.5mks )

2. Discuss the mechanism of action of TSH on target cells. ( 7.5mks )
3. List 5 signaling molecules that use receptor tyrosine kinase. ( 5mks )
4. Explain the signaling mechanism of insulin hormone on target cells . ( 10mks )


1. Classify hormones based on chemical nature. ( 5mks )

2. Describe how lipophilic hormones influence gene expression in a cell. ( 10 mks )
3. List hormones that use receptor tyrosine kinase. ( 5mks )
4. Describe the mechanism of signaling of insulin and their action. ( 10mks )


1. What are glycoprotein hormones? Describe the signaling mechanisms of TSH in thyroid
hormone synthesis and secretion. ( 10 mks )
2. What are intracellular mediators ? ( 5mks )
3. List the hormones derived from tyrosine. Describe the signaling mechanism of TSH in
thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion. ( 10mks )
4. State the biochemical significance of Receptors. ( 2mks )
5. Explain the hormonal interactions with examples. ( 5mks )
6. Short Note : Aromatase ( 5mks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. Describe mechanism of action of epinephrine via Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. ( 7mks )

2. Describe mechanism of action of calcitonin and its effect on blood calcium level. ( 8mks )
3. Discuss mechanism of action of hormones on regulation of enzymes. ( 10mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Acid-Base Balance
UM – 1

1. Describe the acid-base adjustment in a case of chronic airway obstruction. ( 10mks )

UM – 2

1. Discuss the importance of bicarbonate buffer system in respiratory and renal regulation
of acid-base homeostasis. ( 15mks )


1. List important buffer pairs in blood. ( 5mks )

2. Describe the role of bicarbonate buffer system in pH homeostasis. ( 10mks )


1. What are the sources of protons in the body ? ( 7mks )

2. How do you understand the anion gap ? Explain the clinical usefulness of anion gap.
( 8mks )


1. A 60 yr old man was brought to hospital in a very serious condition. The patient
complained of constant vomiting containing several hundred ml of dark brown fluid
from the previous two days plus several episodes of melaena. Past history of alcoholism,
cirrhosis, portal hypertension and a previous episode of bleeding varices were there.
Arterial Blood Gases revealed :
 pH – 7.10
 pCO2 – 13.8 mmHg
 PO2 - 103 mmHg
 HCO3 - 14.1 mmol/L

Lab Invs revealed :

 Na – 135 mmol/L
 Cl - 85 mmol /L
 K - 4.2 mmol/L
 Glucose – 52 mmol/L
 Urea – 38.6 mg/dl

EDMM Biochemistry

 Creatinine – 1.24 mg/dl

 Lactate – 20.3 mmol/L
a. Check the given data ( Arterial Blood Gases ) with reference values and comment on
it . ( 4mks )
b. What is your diagnosis ? ( 3mks )
c. Discuss the compensatory mechanism for this problem. ( 8mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Digestion and Absorption

UM – 1

1. Describe the mechanism of iron absorption in GI tract and explain its regulation in a case
of iron overload. ( 7mks )
2. Describe the digestion of protein in GI tract. ( 8mks )

UM – 2

1. Discuss the digestion process of major foodstuffs in luminal phase of the small intestine.
( 15 mks )


1. What is zymogen ? ( 3mks )

2. Describe the mechanism of action of proteolytic enzymes in small intestine. ( 7mks )
3. What is gamma glytamyl cycle ? ( 5mks )
4. What is emulsification ? ( 5mks )
5. Describe the role of bile in cholesterol solubility. Explain the biochemical basis of gall
stone formation. ( 10 mks )


1. Discuss the sodium-dependent absorptive mechanisms of nutrients in enterocytes.

( 10 mks )
2. What is emulsification ? ( 5mks )
3. Describe the role of bile acids in aiding the transport of lipid digestive products to cross
unstirred water layer. ( 10 mks )
4. Short Note : Lactose intolerance ( 5mks )


1. Describe the digestion of starch in small intestine. ( 8mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Liver & Biliary Sytem

UM – 1

1. List the components of bile and state the functions of bile. ( 5mks )
2. Discuss epoxide metabolism . ( 4mks )
3. Describe the carbohydrate metabolism in liver. ( 6mks )
4. Explain the biochemistry of gall stone formation. ( 7.5mks )

UM – 2

1. A 45yr old female presents with hypercholesterolemia, Ultrasound evidence of gall

stones and recurrent symptoms of gall bladder disease.
a. Discuss the relationship of hypercholesterolemia and gall stone formation.
( 5mks )
b. Discuss bile acids metabolism. ( 10 mks )
2. What is the pathobiochemistry of liver toxicity by acetaminophen overdose ? ( 8mks )
3. What is the biochemical mechanism of N-acetylcysteine for treatment of
acetaminophen overdose ? ( 2mks )
4. What are the roles of glutathione in human body ? ( 5mks )


1. A man aged 55yr presented with ascites and generalized odema. Liver function tests
were done to confirm the diagnosis. Lab results are
 total plasma protein - 5.5 g/dl
 Serum Albumin – 1g/dl
 Serum globulin - 4.5 g/dl
 Prothrombin time - 10 sec
a. Write short account on role of liver in protein metabolism . ( 5mks )
b. Interpret the lab data of this patient. ( 10mks )


1. List the functions of liver and describe Biotransformation function. ( 9mks )

2. Write down the liver function tests that are based on excretory function. ( 6mks )
3. Short Note : Biochemical basis of Gall stone formation ( 5mks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. Describe the biochemical basis of gall stone. ( 7mks )

2. What are xenobiotics ? ( 3mks )
3. How is alcohol detoxified by the body ? ( 5mks )
4. State the effect of increased ratio of NADH to NAD+ in chronic alcoholism. ( 7mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

Fluid & Electrolytes

UM – 1

1. Describe water balance. ( 5mks )

2. Discuss fluid shift and regulation of ECF volume in a case of bleeding due to road traffic
accident. ( 10mks )

UM – 2

1. A 76 yr old man was making reasonable postoperative progress following major

abdominal surgery for a carcinoma of the colon. Two days after the operation he
appeared well and there were no signs of dehydration or odema. This man had received
a total of 4.5 L of fluid since his operation, and his fluid balance chart showed that he
had a positive balance of 2 L. Lab Invx results are :
 Na – 128 mmol/l
 K – 4.3 mmol/l
 HCO3 – 26 mmol/l
 Cl – 96mmol/l
a. State normal serum electrolytes values. ( 2mks )
b. What problem is encountered in that patient regarding serum electrolytes
values ? ( 2mks )
c. What could be the possible causes for this derangement ? ( 4mks )
d. Discuss the role of hormone that regulate Na and K balance in the body . ( 7mks )


1. Draw and describe the body fluid compartment. ( 7mks )

2. Describe the role of RAA system in regulation of plasma osmolarity. ( 8mks )


1. Draw the body fluid compartments of an adult weighing 60kg. ( 5mks )

2. List the hormones that regulate the volume and tonicity of extracellular fluid. Explain
how these hormones regulate when ECF volume is contracted. ( 10mks )

EDMM Biochemistry


1. A 50 yr old obese man complained of polyuria and polydipsia. He was diagnosed as

diabetes mellitus. His results are as follows.
Urine volume - 2750 ml/day
Plasma Na - 150 mmol/L
a. What type of dehydration can be occurred in this patient ? ( 3mks )
b. Discuss the compensatory mechanism for this problem. ( 7mks )
c. What kind of fluid therapy should the doctor give him to correct this type of
dehydration ? ( 2mks )
d. Explain what will happen to his body fluid compartments if the doctor gives dextrose
solution to that patient by using Darrow Yannet diagram. ( 3mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

UM – 1

1. Write a short note on glycogen. ( 4mks )

2. Describe about cholesterol regarding the structure, sources, transport in blood and
biomedical importance. ( 8mks )
3. State the important functions of lipids. ( 7mks )
4. Describe the structure order of protein. ( 8mks )
5. What is protein denaturation ? ( 2mks )
6. Explain protein folding and its biomedical importance. ( 5mks )
7. List the components of the cell membrane. ( 3mks )
8. List the major glycerophospholipids and describe their role in the body. ( 4mks )
9. Explain the role of membrane phospholipids in RBC turnover in spleen. ( 3mks )
10. Give a short account on Lipoproteins. ( 5mks )

UM -2

1. Short Note : Essential fatty acids ( 5mks )


1. Describe how proteins are classified? ( 5mks )

2. Describe structure and functions of membrane protein. ( 10mks )


1. Describe the structural order of protein found in a myoglobin molecule. ( 7mks )

2. Short Note : Glycosaminoglycans ( GAG ) ( 5mks )


1. What are glycosaminoglycans ( GAGs ) ? ( 6mks )

2. State the composition, location and functions of any two of GAGs. ( 6mks )
3. How do you understand proteoglycan and glycoprotein ? ( 3mks )
4. State the specific functions of the important plasma lipids. ( 4mks )
5. State the structural components of glycerophospholipids and state the examples of
glycerophospolipids. ( 8mks )
6. How do you understand saponification ? ( 3mks )
7. State the classification of amino acids based on their side chain. ( 7mks )
8. Explain the structure of protiens. ( 8mks )
9. State the functions of biologic membrane. ( 5mks )

EDMM Biochemistry

10. What are caveolae and lipid rafts ? State the importance of caveolae and lipid rafts.
( 5mks )


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