Important Words For GRE

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Distraught – Worried or upset

Imperiled - put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed.

Jaded – Boring and lacking enthusiasm, typically after having too much of something

Relinquish – Renounce or give up

Gluttony – Habitual greed; Eat or drink more than what is expected

Subtle – so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe; make use of clever or indirect
ways to achieve something; small but important

Propriety – Rules of behavior conventionally considered to be correct

Precedence: The condition of being considered more important than someone or something else;
priority in importance

Circumspect – wary and unwillingness to take risks

Circumscribe – To confine or restrict

Circumvent – Cleverly finding a way out of one’s duties and obligations

Inscrutable – Unfathomable – Not easily understood

Decree – An official order

Ignoble - Dishonorable

Ignominious – Deserving or bringing shame

Arduous – Requiring significant effort, strenuous, taxing

Assiduous – Showing great care and perseverance

Oligarchy – A small group of people having power or control of an organization

Whim – Impulsive

Iniquitous – Grossly unfair

Loath – Reluctant; unwilling

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