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Primary Longman Elect Assessment Bank 5A


Name: ________________________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ______________

Bill is listening to a phone-in radio programme. Listen to the radio programme and tick
the best answers (Questions 1–9).

1 What is the name of the programme?

A. Kids Phone. B. Kids Zone.

C. Kids Tone. D. Kids Cone.

2 Listeners can listen to the phone-in programme ____ .

A. every day B. every week

C. twice a week D. once a month

3 Today’s programme is about ____ .

A. family B. friendship
C. classmates D. brothers and sisters

4 Which of the following is true?

A. Peter had a lot of friends.

B. Frank was a new student.
C. Frank and Peter were classmates.
D. Frank lives in Causeway Bay.

5 What did Frank do? (You can tick more than one answer.)

Primary Longman Elect 5A 1/3 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

A. B. C. D.

Primary Longman Elect 5A 2/3 © Pearson Education Asia Limited


6 Tina talked ____ on the phone last Friday.

A. slowly
B. quickly
C. softly
D. loudly

7 Why was Tina angry?

A. Amy left her alone.

B. Amy shouted at her.
C. Amy didn’t talk to her.
D. Everyone could hear her.

8 What does Amy say to Tina at the end of her call?

A. ‘Let’s make some new friends.’

B. ‘Please cheer up.’
C. ‘I’m very sad.’
D. ‘I’m so sorry.’

9 What time can Bill listen to the programme tomorrow?

A. 10:00 a.m. B. 3:00 p.m.

C. 4:00 p.m. D. 9:00 p.m.

Primary Longman Elect 5A 3/3 © Pearson Education Asia Limited


Audio script

Bill is listening to a phone-in radio programme. You now have 1 minute to study the questions below. (1-minute
music) Now, listen to the radio programme. When you hear a beep (beep), answer the question. The radio
programme will be played two times. The radio programme will begin now.
[ Host : Good afternoon and welcome back to our daily programme Kids Zone. I’m James Black.
Yesterday we talked about brothers and sisters. Today, we’re talking about our best friends.
Narrator : Question 1: What is the name of the programme? (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 2: Listeners can listen to the phone-in programme ____ . (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 3: Today’s programme is about ____ . (beep) (8-second pause)
Host : Let’s say hi to our next caller. Hello?
Peter : Hi, James. I’m Peter from Causeway Bay. I want to talk about my best friend, Frank.
Host : Sure! How did you meet Frank?
Peter : Well, I was a new student at my school. I didn’t have any friends. Frank talked to me.
He helped me find our classroom and he helped me with my homework too. Now we are
best friends.
Narrator : Question 4: Which of the following is true? (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 5: What did Frank do? (beep) (8-second pause)
Host : Great. Now, let’s take our next call. Hello?
Amy : Hi, James. I’m Amy from North Point. I quarrelled with my best friend Tina last week.
Host : Oh! What happened?
Amy : Tina has some hearing problems. We went to a shopping centre together last Friday.
Tina got a phone call. She talked for five minutes and everyone could hear what she
said. I felt embarrassed so I walked away. She was very angry and didn’t talk to me.
Narrator : Question 6: Tina talked ____ on the phone last Friday. (beep) (8-second pause)
Question 7: Why was Tina angry? (beep) (8-second pause)
Host : I see. Is there something you want to say to Tina, Amy?
Amy : Yes. You always cheer me up when I’m sad but I treated you so badly. I’m really sorry.
Let’s be friends again!
Narrator : Question 8: What does Amy say to Tina at the end of her call? (beep) (8-second pause)
Host : I hope you can be best friends again! Well, that’s all the time we have today.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and there’ll be a special Mother’s Day Programme at three.
Our programme will be right after it. Join us again tomorrow afternoon. Bye-bye.
Narrator : Question 9: What time can Bill listen to the programme tomorrow?
(beep) (8-second pause) ]
Listen to the radio programme again and check your answers.
(Repeat [ ] without the questions and pauses.)

Answer Key

1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B, C 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 C

Primary Longman Elect 5A 2/3 © Pearson Education Asia Limited

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