Linux Commands

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Useful Linux commands

ls: list directory contents

pwd: list path to current directory
mkdir: create new directory
rmdir: delete directory
cd: change location to named directory
man: syntax help on named command
mv: move named file to new location
cp: copy named file
rm: remove named file
ftp: file transfer protocol
df: list capacity of available disk units
du: list file sizes in current directory
more: show file contents
wc: display basic file information
nedit: text editor
gnuplot: data plotting routine
gv: postscript file viewer
lpr: postscript printing command
tar: multiple file archive
gzip/gunzip: compress/uncompress files
xgterm: startup xgterm window
ds9: image display tool
mkiraf: prepare IRAF directory structure
cl: startup IRAF
Useful IRAF commands
mkiraf: prepare IRAF directory structure
cl: startup IRAF
help: display IRAF task information
lpar/epar: list/edit task parameters
imheader: image header visualisation
hselect: display selected header keywords
contour: contour map of an image
surface: surface map of an image
imexamine: image examination tool
imcombine: combine images (average, median, sum)
imarith: perform image arithmetics
imstatistics: image statistics
imhistogram: histogram of image pixel values

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