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An Examination of Contemporary Issues Influencing Mega Construction Projects Implementation in the

21st Century; a Case of Westconnex Motorways, Sydney


For economic development to be achieved in Australia like any other G8 countries in the world,Australia
government divisions and development agencies have been on the run on implementingor have
proposed to implement a number of projects in various time frames, including theWestConnex
motorways, Sydney. Due to the initiatives of implementing various projects, this study was carried out.
The purpose of this study therefore was to examine the Contemporary Issues Influencing Mega
Construction Projects Implementation in the 21st Century; a Case of West connex Motorways, Sydney. It
sought to answer the following questions: What is the extent to which project risk management
influences the implementation of infrastructural projects in the21st century in Sydney Australia; a case
of Westconnex Motorways? What is the extent to which project planning influences the implementation
of infrastructural projects in the 21st century in Sydney Australia; a case of West connex Motorways?
What is the extent to which financial resources and projects financing influences the implementation of
infrastructural projects in the21st century in Sydney Australia; a case of Westconnex Motorways? What
is the extent to which project monitoring and evaluation influences the implementation of
infrastructural projects in the21st century in Sydney Australia; a case of Westconnex Motorways? This
study employed a descriptive research design. Based on the research findings, the findings from the
literature reviewed and other inputs from information documented by various experts has shown that
projects performance are undergoing serious evolutions and they are greatly influenced by a number of
factors in the modern society. Specifically, the mega construction and infrastructural projects have
undergone a number of a number of changes in terms of their relevance, thei rrequirement, tie taken
for implementation and their perceived future relevance. This means thatcritical issues have to be
considered during their implementation. a number of determinant of the infrastructural projects in the
21st century Sydney Australia are influenced by issues like: projectrisk management, project planning,
financial resources and projects financing, and projectmonitoring and evaluation


From the ancient times to the 21st century, economic development and growth in countries hasbeen
pegged on a number of issues that are normally determined by the number of developmentprojects that
are completely implemented and handed over to the end users (IMF, 2016; WorldBank, 2017; ADB, create
a unique product or service, whereby temporary means that the project has a definite ending point, and
unique means that the product or service differs in some distinguishing wayfrom all similar products or
services. The common themes in these definitions is that projects areunique in their output, having a
definite starting and ending point, are temporary in nature andare carried outto manifest the
organisation’s strategic objectives. These temporary structures areplaying a vital role in today’s modern
organisations and a growing interest is recorded in the significance of these temporary structures in
organisations.In its report on the state of economic development, the World Bank (2017) indicated that
Chinais ranked 1st country world in terms of development due to the implementation of a number of
mega projects; majority of which are infrastructural projects. The credit is attributed to a numberof
determinants like: sufficient projects implementation expertise and cheap labour, availabilityof sufficient
funding from both the government and development partners like the Asian Development Bank (ADB,
2017), the Chines culture of home development, perfection ininformation technology for export and
consumption, well-structured stakeholders’ involvement etc.Huther and Shah (2014) have indicated that
there is a need to examine the evolution of issues surrounding projects implementation in the 21st
century. In their study,‘Anti-Corruption Policies and Programs for Global Development,’they have
indicated that in developing countries in parts of Asia and Africa development projects just fail to achieve
their objectives due to a number ofreasons despite the well laid down strategies. Central among the issues
is corruption and embezzlements of projects funds by various bodies besides poor projects risks planning
and management. Otundo (2014) in his study that examined the contemporary issues influencing ICT
projects implementation in Africa’s Kenya has indicated that issues like: Risk management;Projects
planning; Goals definition; Financing and financial resources; team skills; projects cyclecommunication;
and monitoring and evaluation are significant in projects implementation.In Australia, Brook (2018) has
indicated that there are a number of multi-billion mega projectsthat are being implemented but their
feasibility and practicability is prone to a number ofchallenges that need to be closely examined.
According to his work,Multi-billion dollars ‘megainfrastructure’ projects that could get nod in Budget,’
Brook has shown that there are a numberof infrastructural projects in the country that are tied to a
number of determinants and their feasibility needs to be examined. Top in the determinants include:
financial resources andbudgetary allocations, expertise, technology, human resources, stake holders’
views and support,legislations and government policies etc. Similar sentiments are shared by a number
of scholarsdue to the importance of projects implementation in development in the country (Andre,
2016;Todorov, 2014; Dagher and Kuzic, 2016 etc) and the issues facing the implementation orcompletion
of these projects; with the infrastructural projects like Westconnex Motorways inSydney being both in
the political and economic arena.

Statement of the Problem

According to Brook (2018), for economic development to be achieved in Australia like any otherG8
countries in the world, Australia government divisions and development agencies have beenon the run
on implementing or have proposed to implement a number of projects in various timeframes. The projects
include: WestConnex motorways, Sydney: $17bn; North Connexmotorway, Sydney: $3bn; City and South
East light rail, Sydney: $2-3bn; Sydney MetroNorthwest: $8.3bn; Sydney Metro City and Southwest:
$12bn; Newcastle light rail: $300m;Canberra light rail: $700m; Level crossing removal, Melbourne:
$2.4bn; Metro rail tunnel,Melbourne: $11bn; Tullamarine motorway widening: $1.3bn; Brisbane airport
second runway:$1.3bn; and Melbourne to Brisbane Inland rail: $8.4bn. A clear picture has it that these
projectsneed enormous amounts of budgetary allocations or financial resources. This automaticallyleaves
one wondering to what extent financial resources influence the performance ofdevelopment projects in
Australia; thus a need for such a study.A number of articles have indicated that there are issues facing
infrastructural projectsimplementation and completion in Sydney; Westconnex Motorways inclusive.
However, Dagherand Kuzic (2016) has zeroed in the factors to include contractual agreements, financial
resourcesrole, human resources impact, M&E etc; that indeed need to be explored deeper thus this
study.Otundo (2014) has shown that financial resources, political correctness, stakeholders’’involvement,
M&E and ICT influence projects performance. However, Otundo carried his studyin Kenya that has very
different socio-economic characteristics to Australia; a need for such astudy. The World Bank (2017) has
indicated that Australia is one continent that has very ambitiousprojects if well managed can steer it to
one of the most super power countries in the world. Infact, the report indicates that 70% of the projects
are business development projects that areconsidered value adders to any concept where infrastructural
projects are inclusive. However, theimplementation of various projects that are out to steer the country
to superpower levels areinfluenced by a number of issues that need to be keenly explored. This keeps a
basis for thisstudy. It worth noting that there are no studies (if any) that have examined the
contemporaryissues influencing mega construction projects implementation in the 21st century; a case
ofWestconnex Motorways, Sydney; thus a need for this study. The purpose of this study thereforewas to
examine the Contemporary Issues Influencing Mega Construction ProjectsImplementation in the 21st
Century; a Case of Westconnex Motorways, Sydney

Research Questions

i.What is the extent to which project risk management influences the implementation ofinfrastructural
projects in the 21st century in Sydney Australia; a case of WestconnexMotorways?

ii.What is the extent to which project planning influences the implementation ofinfrastructural projects
in the 21st century in Sydney Australia; a case of WestconnexMotorways?

iii.What is the extent to which financial resources and projects financing influences theimplementation of
infrastructural projects in the 21st century in Sydney Australia; a caseof Westconnex Motorways?

iv.What is the extent to which project monitoring and evaluation influences theimplementation of
infrastructural projects in the 21st century in Sydney Australia; a caseof Westconnex
Motorways?Theoretical FrameworkThis study was based on the resources based theory. The resource-
based theory of projectsimplementation in the 21st century is grounded in the perspective that an
organization's internalenvironment, in terms of its resources (tangible and intangible resources) and
capabilities, ismore critical to the determination of projects implementation and performance than is
theexternal environment. Instead of focusing on the accumulation of resources necessary to implement
the projects dictated by conditions and constraints in the external environment, there source-based view
suggests that a firm's unique resources and capabilities provide the basis fora given project
implementation. The projects chosen for implementation should allow the firmsto best exploit its core
competencies relative to opportunities in the external environment (Hitt etal., 2005).The resource-based
view (RBV) is an economic tool used to determine the strategic resourcesavailable to a firm. The
fundamental principle of the RBV is that the basis for a competitiveadvantage of a firm lies primarily in
the application of the bundle of valuable resources at thefirm's disposal (Hoopes et al, 2003). To transform
a short-run competitive advantage over aperceived project to be implemented by a firm into a sustained
competitive advantage requiresthat these resources are heterogeneous in nature and not perfectly
mobile. Effectively, thistranslates into valuable resources that are neither perfectly imitable nor
substitutable withoutgreat effort (Barney, 1991). The principal contribution of the resource-based view
of the firm todate has been as a theory of competitive advantage. RBV emphasizes strategic choice,
chargingthe firm's management with the important tasks of identifying, developing and deploying
keyresources to maximize returns, (Hoopes et al, 2003). This theory was relevant to the study since

it integrated the concept of the organization’s internal environment and capabilities and linked

this with the success of implementing various projects. In fact, for mega construction projects tobe
implemented effectively, the implementing parties should be able to manage their risks,finance the
projects, carry out expertise check on all the stages of projects etc.
Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable Dependent Variable Literature Review

There are important roles played by projects implementation units in roads construction projects in
China (ADB, 2015). Projects units are composed of projects expertise who understand the concepts of
projects financing, risk management, projects planning and management, projects monitoring and
evaluation, continuous community involvement and bring all the projects parties on board in what is in
other words called stakeholders’ involvement.There are crucial determinants of projects
implementation in the USA that include: the availability of projects resources (financial resources,
human resources and time resources), the willingness of various development partners (politicians and
funding agencies) to support the projects, the urgency of various projects, weather and natural
environment etc (OECD, 2016a; World Bank, 2017;UNDP, 2014).The concept of projects initiation and
conceptualization, project design, project customization have a great influence on the acceptability of
the projects by various stakeholders, thus influencing their success (Otundo, 2014). In this situation, the
study by Otundo generally

Indepenpent variable Dependent variable

Project risk

Project planning

Infrastructural projects

Financial resource and

project financing

Project monitoring and

Literature Review

There are important roles played by projects implementation units in roads construction projectsin China
(ADB, 2015). Projects units are composed of projects expertise who understand theconcepts of projects
financing, risk management, projects planning and management, projectsmonitoring and evaluation,
continuous community involvement and bring all the projects partieson board in what is in other words
called stakeholders’ involvement.

There are crucialdeterminants of projects implementation in the USA that include: the availability of
projectsresources (financial resources, human resources and time resources), the willingness of
variousdevelopment partners (politicians and funding agencies) to support the projects, the urgency
ofvarious projects, weather and natural environment etc (OECD, 2016a; World Bank, 2017;UNDP,
2014).The concept of projects initiation and conceptualization, project design, project customization have
a great influence on the acceptability of the projects by various stakeholders, thus influencing their
success (Otundo, 2014). In this situation, the study by Otundo generally indicates that the type of projects
to be implemented must contain the component of better conceptualization, design and proper planning.
Todorov (2014) adds that there are a number of factors that have been associated with the success of
projects implemented in the 21st century due to the evolution from the traditional practices in projects
implementation to the modern project simplementation. Some of these factors include: the urgency and
need of given projects by thecommunity members, the concept of accountability, rules and regulations
accompanying projectsfunds, monitoring and evaluation, the concept of projects planning and the whole
process ofprojects risk management etc.In their work, Dagher and Kuzic (2016) have indicated that Mega
Infrastructure projects in theworld are influenced by a number of factors that include: contractual
agreements, financialresources role, human resources impact, M&E etc; that indeed need to be explored
deeper thusthis study. Otundo (2014) addsthat financial resources, political correctness,
stakeholders’’involvement, M&E and ICT influence projects performance.Sam, Thorpe, Kriengsak and Goh
(2015) did a study that was bearing the tittle, ‘Looking Beyond Contemporary Project Management,’ and
found out that there are a number of issues surrounding the success of mega roads construction projects
in the developed countries where Australia ismentioned. Some of the adversely mentioned contemporary
issues include: continuous innovation in projects implementation, innovation management, projects risks
management,financial resources management among other issues. In Pakistani, concepts like the project
team fitness, idea harnessing, relationship enhancement, incentivisation, project planning and designing
influence the implementation construction projects in the 21st century (ADB, 2017;Khawaja, 2017).Brook
(2018) argues that in the 2 decades, the government of Australia has been credited for having come-up
with a number of very ambitious development projects that have been implemented with some being
implemented. Some of the mega projects include: West Connex motorways, Sydney which is estimated
to cost the tax payers $17bn; North Connex motorway Sydney: that is estimated to cost the tax payers
$3bn; City and South East light rail expected tocost between $2-3bn etc. This means that projects consume
huge budgets and proper financial 2015; AfDB, 2017 and UNDP, 2017). A project has several definitions.
For example, PMI (1996; 2008 and 2013) define a project as a temporary endeavour undertaken to
resources mobilization, management and control significantly influence their implementation.World Bank
(2017) adds that when projects involve big monies, they need to train the variousindividuals on how to
source for these financial resources, manage these finances and controlany risks that could be associated
with projects’ finances. OECD (2016a) has outlined a number of issues surrounding Mega projects in
developedcountries. The issues can be said to be some major global controlling factors surrounding
theimplementation of development projects. They include: availability of financial resources for
theprojects, the component of financial resources management and accountability, the concept
ofprojects risk management, the issue of projects planning and designing, the idea of innovationand use
of technology, monitoring and evaluation of projects etc. Dagher and Kuzic (2016) addthat there are a
number of factors influencing ERP implementation in Australia. ERP is measuredby the number of projects
that are run in the country and the immediate results they give to theend users. Some of the projects are
the roads construction projects that are influenced by factorslike: projects risk management, projects
monitoring and evaluation, project planning, financialresources and projects financing. The factors
influencing the completion and implementation ofdevelopment project is closely linked to ERP.Research
Methodologies This study employed a descriptive research design, entailing issue of a questionnaire
survey tofacilitate investigation as to whether there are correlations between variables such as: project
riskmanagement, project planning, financial resources and projects financing, project monitoring
andevaluation; and infrastructural projects implementation. This research design was chosen as it
isadvantageous in demonstrating general conditions as presented by respondents.The study targeted the
employees, contractors and major stakeholders involved in theimplementation of the Westconnex
Motorways Sydney projects. The total target populationtherefore was 100 respondents as summarized

Table 1 Target Population

Category population percentage

Employees 40 40%

Contractors 25 25%

Development partners 35 35%

total 100 100

ince the population sample was not big, the study carried a population census where all the 100target
population was considered for the study. Data was collected using structuredquestionnaires consisting
of both closed and open-ended questions. An online survey monkeywas done and the various
respondents who were able to fill it online did. T

hose who couldn’t

bereached through the online survey monkey, a questionnaire was emailed questionnaire to themand
required to fill it without revealing their identities. Data was collected in only 2 weeks due tothe urgency
of the matter. The reliability of the research instrument was tested after a pilot studythat was also
designed online and the Cronbach alpha was computed to be 0.8. Content validitywas used whereby an
expert was allowed to check the questionnaire. SPSS version 22 was usedfor quantitative analysis.
Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between thevariables under study. The
following regression model was adopted:

Y = β 0+ β1X1+ β2X2+ β3 X3+ β4 X4+ ε

Where: Y= infrastructural projects implementation

X1= project risk management

X2= project planning

X3= financial resources and projects financing

X4= projects monitoring and evaluation

β0= constant term

β1; β2; β3; β4 = coefficients ε= Error term/Stochastic term

Study Findings

Out of the 100 questionnaires distributed online, 60% of the questionnaires were returned and deemed
useful for the study. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) when a return rate of over 50% is
achieved, a study can be said to be good.

Project risk management

Respondents were required to indicate the extent to which project risk management influencedthe
implementation of infrastructural projects

Table 2. Influence of project risk management and projects performance

Statement Mean Standard deviation

Risk prediction Risk identification Risk assessment Risk prioritization Risk

transfer4. transfer is the most prevalent component
of project risk management that influences infrastructural projects implementation in the Australian
roads construction industry as indicated by a mean of 4.63. This is followed by: Risk prioritization (4.41);
Risk assessment (4.22); Risk prediction (4.02); and risk identification (4.00).

Project planning

Respondents were required to indicate the extent to which project planning influenced the
implementation of infrastructural projects

Table 3. Influence of project planning and projects performance

Statements Mean Standard deviation

Smart project objectivesClear deliverables and deadlinesDetailed projects scheduleDefined roles and
responsibilitiesProjects costCommunication

On average, majority of the respondents supported the idea that project planning influences
theperformance of infrastructural projects in Australia

’ Sydney.

The results have indicated thatplanning for smart projects objectives (mean of 4.56; std dev. 0.713) is
the leading component ofproject planning influencing performance of infrastructural projects. This is
followed by:Defined roles and responsibilities (4.51); Clear deliverables and deadlines (4.21);
Detailedprojects schedule (4.02); Communication plan (3.81); and Projects cost (3.63).

Financial resources and Projects Financing

Respondents were required to indicate the extent to which financial resources and projects financing
influenced the implementation of infrastructural projects

Table 4. Financial resources &Projects Financing and projects performance

Statements Mean Standard deviation

Sources of projects financesAmount of financial resourcesDuration of projects fundingConditions for

projects financingProject finances
managementAccountability4.024.553.673.604.214.020.5010.6310.9010.7020.7890.993Majority of the
respondents supported the idea that projects financing and funding in general have a significant
influence on the performance of infrastructural projects in the country. This is supported by indicated
by: Sources of projects finances (4.02); Amount of financial resources(4.55); Duration of projects funding
(3.67); Conditions for projects financing (3.60); Project finances management (4.21); and Accountability

Project monitoring and evaluation

Respondents were required to indicate the extent to which project monitoring and evaluationinfluenced
the implementation of infrastructural projects

Table 5. Influence of project monitoring and evaluation on projects performance

Statements Mean Standard deviation

Project cycle monitoringProject employees M&EFormative projects M&EContinuous projects

M&ESummative projects M&EProjects financial resources
M&E3.984.294.344.013.564.120.7440.5560.9840.7690.7690.763Generally, projects monitoring and
evaluation have a significant influence on the performance ofinfrastructural projects. This is indicated
by: Project cycle monitoring (3.98); Project employeesM&E (4.29); Formative projects M&E (4.34);
Continuous projects M&E (4.01); Summativeprojects M&E (3.56); and Projects financial resources M&E

Multiple Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis was performed to assess the relationship between the dependentvariable
(infrastructural projects implementation) and the independent variables (project riskmanagement,
project planning, financial resources and projects financing, and project monitoringand evaluation).

Standard Multiple Regression Analysis

In order to test the research hypotheses, a standard multiple regression analysis was conductedusing
infrastructural projects implementation as the dependent variable, and the fourdeterminants of projects
implementation: project risk management, project planning, financialresources and projects financing,
and project monitoring and evaluation as the predictingvariables. From the model summary in table 6, it
is clear that the adjusted R2 was 0.403indicating that a combination of project risk management, project
planning, financial resourcesand projects financing, and project monitoring and evaluation explained
40.3% of theimplementation of infrastructural projects in Sydney Australia.

Table 6. Model Summary

Model R R Adjusted R1 0.642 0.447 0.403

From the ANOVA table 7 it is clear that the overall standard multiple regression model (projectrisk
management, project planning, financial resources and projects financing, and projectmonitoring) is
significant in predicting how project risk management, project planning, financialresources and projects
financing, and project monitoring determine projects implementation inthe construction industry in
Australia. The regression model achieves a high degree of fit asreflected by an R

of 0.0.447 (F = 17.181; P = 0.001 < 0.05).

Table 7 Analysis of Variance

ANOVAModel Sum ofsquaresdf Mean square F Sig.RegressionResidual11.34514.1234663.311.15717.181

.000Total 25.468 70In the table 8 below, the results representing the regression analysis results and the
general trendon how presents the regression results on how project risk management, project
planning,financial resources and projects financing, and project monitoring influence
theimplementation/performance of infrastructural projects in Sydney Australia. The multiple

regression equation was that: Y= β0+β1X1+β2X2+ β3X3 + β4X4

and the multiple regressionequation became:Y = 0.988 + .052X1 + .441X2 + .561X3 + .443X4. As depicted
in table 8, there was positive andsignificant influence of proje

ct risk management on the performance of infrastructural projects (β

= 0.030; t = 0.331; p < 0.05). There was positive and significant influence of project planning on

the performance of infrastructural projects (β

= 0.037; t = 0.432; p < 0.05). There was positiveand significant influence of Financial resources and
projects financing on the performance of

infrastructural projects (β = 0.512; t = 1.981

; p < 0.05).

finally, there was positive and significantinfluence of project monitoring and evaluation on the
performance of inf rastructural projects (β =

0.431; t = 2.196; p < 0.05).

Table 8. Regression Coefficients

Model Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t sigB Std error BetaConstant

.988 .500 .324 .061

Project riskmanagement

.052 .067 .030 .331 .893

Project planning

.441 .098 .037 .432 .654

Financial resources and projects financing

.561 .076 .512 1.981 003

Project monitoring and evaluation

.443 .098 .431 2.196 .098

Dependent Variable: infrastructural projects implementation Generally, it can be confidently argued

that the various contemporary issues (Project risk management, Project planning, Financial resources
and projects financing, and project monitoring and evaluation) significantly influence the
performance/implementation of development projects.


Based on the research findings, the findings from the literature reviewed and other inputs from
information documented by various experts has shown that projects performance are under going
serious evolutions and they are greatly influenced by a number of factors in the modern
society.Specifically, the mega construction and infrastructural projects have undergone a number of
anumber of changes in terms of their relevance, their requirement, tie taken for implementationand
their perceived future relevance. This means that critical issues have to be considered duringtheir
implementation. a number of determinant of the infrastructural projects in the 21st centurySydney
Australia are influenced by issues like: project risk management, project planning,financial resources and
projects financing, and project monitoring and evaluation.

The research recommends that the government agencies, projects management agencies,development
partners, community and other stakeholders should greatly invest in ensuring thatthe various projects
risks management practice is adopted as a collective responsibility for betterprojects performance. Also
the concepts of project planning, financial resources and projectsfinancing, and project monitoring and
evaluation should be considered as integral parts ofprojects implementation and management. Also, the
various projects managers should be trainedand educated on the relevance of: project risk
management, project planning, financial resourcesand projects financing, and project monitoring and
evaluation on projects implementation andperformance.


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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 ( 2014 ) 819

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Governance and Result Based Monitoring, Islamabad, Pakistan:Poorab Academy.





Applied science -team category

Martin Otundo: PhD Project Management-JKUAT Mombasa Kenya;

Winnie Kemunto; Masters Student in PPM, Sydney Australia


IMPLEMENTATION= process of putting a decision or plan into

EXPLOIT=make full use of and derive benefit from a resource.

DISTINGUISH=perceive or point out a difference.

CONSUMPTION=the using up of a resource.

EMBEZZLEMENTS=misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer.

FEASIBILITY=state or degree of being easily or conveniently done.

STAKE HOLDERS=a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the

INFRASTRUCTURAL=relating to the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for
the operation of a society or enterprise.

ACCUMULATION= gradual gathering of something.

STRATEGIC=carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage.

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