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Group Project Assignment (20%)

Mac – July 2019
Due date: WEEK 12 (during class hour)

In a group of 4 - 5, you need to organize information in any of your selected information

institutions (such as libraries, museums, record centers, knowledge management center
etc.). You need to choose only one institution and plan the system to organize the
You may need to introduce your organization about its background, vision, mission,
objectives, client charter and etc.

You need to prepare A REPORT (15%) for your assignment and PRESENT (5%) in the

*Your group will be assessed based on the following criteria:

1. Arrangement
a. Method of distinguishing information packages.
b. Standards used in arranging all collections.
c. Reasons of why such standards are chosen.
d. Storage space.
e. Promotional space for new items / arrivals.
f. Includes the floor plan

2. Classification
a. Way of Classification.
b. Standardizations.
c. Identification

3. Retrieval Tools
a. Accessibility
i. How the user can access to your collection? (e.g: index, catalog cards,
OPAC, facebook, twitter, sms, etc.)
ii. Availability Period of Access
b. Retrieve-ability
i. How the patron/user can retrieve the desired materials?
ii. Is it user friendly?
c. Searching Features
i. Search by keywords
ii. Filtering Option (by year, by author, etc.)
iii. Etc.

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