Podcast Summary: What Not To Say Summarised by Kardo Eliezer

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Podcast Summary: What Not to Say

Summarised by Kardo Eliezer

There are some phrases in work-field that a leader must consider not to use except as the last resort
when dealing with an impossible person and there are some ideas that might be good for a leader to
use in communication.

A. Some phrases to avoid.

1. “You have to earn the respect”
2. “I don’t care if people like each other around as long as we get the work done”
Do a leader really not care if people care about each other? What kind of a workplace culture
are a leader building if there's tension or if there are bullies or if people are downright
unhappy in each other's company. A leader must aware what he/she did wrong that could
result in a high and stressful working tension.
3. “It's not personal. It's just business”
If a leader dump negative news on people or is terrible in his/her criticism on the underlings,
it will be taken personally by the underling which could result in their work since we are all
human beings.
4. “We are a big family. Everyone loves working here”
A leader might say, but the more important is that the employees say it. When the boss says
it, it can sound like marketing. A boss may say that he/she has people here who tell him/her
how they feel like a family and he/she hopes that's true and it's his/her job to maintain.
5. “I wouldn't give a choice assignment to somebody who doesn't come to me and fight for it”
Not everyone fighting for everything. May be someone is just introvert or raised by being told
not to brag and just let the works speak. Fail to see this, a leader might let through some
potential workers.
6. “It's just the way I am”
People should deal with it in the field of emotional intelligence, called self-awareness. A leader
must aware of his/her strengths or challenges and weaknesses and do something that is
matters. That’s called self-managing.
7. “What do you mean you have to check in with your spouse before saying yes”
This is the time when people's families or people's significant others are more important than
ever before. It is important for them to involve their family in taking a serious decision such
as promotion, the shift change or the transfer. Some of them probably would prefer less
payment then less quality time with their families.
B. Some good idea in communicating
1. Social media
It is important to know how to use social media at least to some extent that enable a leader
to know about the costumers or the employees. With social media, a leader could easily
communicate with them.
2. “I'm sorry, I was wrong”
This phrase is not a bad thing to say at work if it is said sincerely.

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