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LUALHATI, Rae Victorinette R.


On Corporate Social Responsibility and the Lasallian Mission

Corporate Social Responsibility is mandated by the guidelines in conducting the capstone

projects of the entrepreneurial students of Accountancy, Business, and Management students of
De La Salle University-Manila Integrated School. To fulfill the mission as Lasallians, the
business simulations must give to communities to comply with their corporate social
responsibility. With this, researchers may attempt to conduct a study on how the businesses of
the students of the senior high school students.

The researchers could point out the exact methods as to how the the groups are
conducting their charity work. In this research, the researchers: (1) gather the names and
characteristics of the communities the students have chosen to aid; (2) determine what the
students give to the community—for example, jobs, food, funding, medical aid, etc.; (3) interpret
how the communities feel about these acts of charity by the students; (4) ask the students how
they feel about the mission; (5) determine if the students would have done this willingly without
the guidelines given to them. The intent, or lack thereof, of these students to fulfill their social
mission as Lasallians would be given attention to though this research.

As an end product, this research could help the university identify how their students are
performing as socially aware members of the Lasallian community. This could help set the
standards for the following batch of senior high school students’ business simulations, as the
paper could identify what kinds of communities need more help compared to the others, and
which methodology of giving could stimulate the most positive results and reactions from
communities and students alike, and recommend these methods to the incoming batches of senior
high school students. This may not provide immediate effects, however, this upholds the
Lasallian mission to serve God and the country, by beginning with the poor communities.

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