Introduction To Innovative Projects IIP (PHY1999) : Digital Assignment-3

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Digital Assignment-3

Introduction to innovative projects

IIP (PHY1999)
Venue: SJT315
S. Tharun Kshathriya: Name
18BEC0180 : Reg No

Brainstorming on my project Smart parking system using
IR sensors.

1). Do we need this project (social relevance)?

Yes of course we need it because now a day’s Common problem in our cities
is the difficulty of finding free parking slots. The parking problem causes traffic
to congest and people who go to work are looking for a place. In this project a
reservation-based parking proposal system is developed for smart cities.

2). Do we want to do this project?

Yes, we do if we did this project means there will be less traffic on roads and
also it will be helpful to most of the software employees in our cities because
they are going to save huge amount of time in finding the free parking slots.

3). Why we want to do this project?

There are so many effective ways to solve parking problem but in my
perspective this kind of system what we are doing is not there in our society and
it is effective also. It is fully automated and quite impressive compare to others
so we decided to do this project.

4). Can we do this project?

Yes ,we can build the prototype but we can’t do the real one on large scale
because due to some kind of finance and permission issues but others means
higher officials can easily implement this system in our society there is no
drawbacks in this project till now it will be very helpful if they implement in
5). Technology involved in the project?
Yes, there is a lot with technology in this project a reservation-based parking
proposal system is developed for smart cities. The proposed project involves the
development of small devices that send data to the internet using the internet of
things (IoT) technology. The free parking space closest to the current location is
found by a user. The proposed project is to be tested for different scenarios for
observations, results and improvements.

6). What is the main objective of this project?

The basic objective of the project is to make a smart parking system with the
help of ultrasonic and IR sensors and IoT technology. The ultrasonic sensor
would basically measure the size of the car in a figurative way and allot parking
space accordingly. The allotment procedure would be coded and sent through
the user via an application which would make it efficient and less time
consuming. Lastly, it would be one small contribution towards a smart city,
where majority of the things can be powered by technology.

7). What are the resources used in this project?

For the prototype what we are doing right now we used these resources to
complete the project. Then coming to software, we used Arduino IDE, MIT app
developer and Node Red, in which we used to run the code in Arduino IDE and
by getting the data from the hardware will be sent to the MIT app developer and
Node Red then it will be shown in the display screen. Hardware used are
Arduino board, IR sensors, Ultrasonic sensor,
Connecting wires (jumper wires included), Bluetooth module.

8). how does this project work?

The IR sensors will detect the car while entering the parking lot, as we are using
two IR sensors, we can specify whether the car is going from right to left or left
to right. According to that we can see that the car in entering or exiting the
parking lot.
Therefore, we program the Arduino in such a way that this does the specified
task. The app then shows the data that how many parking lots are available. The
user can use the app and do the see where to park the car in a
9). what are the main applications of this project?
This system of devices can be used to see the vacant parking spaces in a
society/university/mall etc. This will be very useful, efficient and time saving
for the users who want to park their car in the parking car

10). for whom this project will be more helpful?

This project will be more helpful, especially for the software engineers because
they are already irritated with the traffic and even though they didn’t get free
parking slots also means they will get irritated and time will be wasted so they
are late to the offices. But with this project they are not going to face these
kinds of issues.

11). Is there any disadvantages of this project?

No, there are no disadvantages of this project but there is one thing we need to
take care is that we need network connection and some proper active power
connection all the time without that also we can manage by generator.

The project title is smart parking system using IR sensors. Why we are
doing this project means in our locality or in metro polytan cities there will be
huge traffic in the morning because of so many employees are going to office
and after facing so many difficulties they are not getting the free parking slots
because of this they are getting late to the offices. So we considered this as a
problem we developed our project as a solution to this. The main objective of
the project is to make a smart parking system with the help of ultrasonic and IR
sensors and IoT technology. The ultrasonic sensor would basically measure the
size of the car in a figurative way and allot parking space accordingly. The
allotment procedure would be coded and sent through the user via an
application which would make it efficient and less time consuming. Lastly, it
would be one small contribution towards a smart city, where majority of the
things can be powered by technology. And how it works means the IR sensors
will detect the car while entering the parking lot, as we are using two IR
sensors, we can specify whether the car is going from right to left or left to
right. According to that we can see that the car in entering or exiting the parking
lot. Therefore, we program the Arduino in such a way that this does the
specified task. The app then shows the data that how many parking lots are
available. The user can use the app and do the see where to park the car in a
society/university. The components used for this project is Then coming to
software, we used Arduino IDE, MIT app developer and Node Red, in which
we used to run the code in Arduino IDE and by getting the data from the
hardware will be sent to the MIT app developer and Node Red then it will be
shown in the display screen. Hardware used are Arduino board, IR sensors,
Ultrasonic sensor, connecting wires (jumper wires included), Bluetooth module.
Then applications of the project are This system of devices can be used to see
the vacant parking spaces in a society/university/mall etc. This will be very
useful, efficient and time saving for the users who want to park their car in the
parking car.
(2). Mind Mapping on my project Smart car parking system using IR sensors

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