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Extend of islamphobia after nine eleven (20th century)

Islamphobia since 9/11 has grown at a pace which is alarming. Where human communities live
together,there should be understandig among them,But islamphobia is creating division between them.
For example wearing of hijab is becoming a big issue in some of the countary. All credit goes to
islamphobia. The main question is how did it start.? Becuase some wesern leader equated terrorism
with islam i.e islamic terrorism.Some leader are talking about radical islam. But fortunately there is no
radical islam and terrorism against this blame of radical islam. There is only one islam revealed by Allah
(S.W.T) abd the islam preached by Muhammad (PBUH) . we can not point out any muslim that whatever
he is radical muslim or a normal muslim. Because terrorism has nothing to do with any religion in the
whole world.

The main problem due to which islamphobia raised at a very high speed is that some leader of world
are equating terrorism and radiculism to islam. It is highlighting muslims communities in western
nations and we all know that this leads to radicalization. After 9/11 when this thing came about war
agaibst radical islam rather than muslimas leader. Try to explain to western leader that there is no such
thing as radical in islam ,unfortunatey thry became a clear path for the once who started war against
radical islam. No religion preaches his followers radiculism. The basis of all religion is compassion and
justice which differenciate us from animals kingdom. But unfortunately,the muslims called radical islam
that all those who did’t no a single word of english language have started to speak english because they
wanted to become murdered ,because we and the muslims world did’t explained to the west that there
is no such thing as radical in islam.

The state announce that are chilldren of Adam ( As) and hence are equal. Whatever the color of skin ,
whatever the race all belongs to the whole system which is depebdent upon slavery, The prophet
muhammad (PBUH) said that one of the greatest deeds is to free a slave but because the whole system
was dependebt upon slavery , he said that if you dont free them then treat him as member of your

The prophet muhammad (PBUH) announced that everyone is free to practise his religion and it is a duty
to protect the places of worship of all religions. He announced that everyone is equal in eyes of law
whatever his religion or color, the fouth caliph Hazrat Ali R.A lost a case against a jewsh citizen .Is this
happen anywhere any where in the world right now? In humn community we must understand what
causes pain to other people and muslim should feel pain when anyoobe talk against there religion. And
also we need to understand that there is no such thing as terrorism in islam.

One of reason why after 9/11 islam was supposed to be equated with terrorism because 9/11 bombers
did suicide attacks some theories came up that the muslims are involved in suicide attacks because they
get vergins in heaven. These are the problems after 9/11 due to which Islamphobia spread all over the

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