Tutorial 7

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Tutorial 07 Solve Tick mark problem only Due on 08/09/2019

1. In the problem of the semi-infinite plate shown on the left in Fig. 140 (Sec. 108),
obtain a harmonic conjugate of the temperature function T (x, y) from equation (5),
Sec. 108, and find the lines of flow of heat. Show that those lines of flow consist of
the upper half of the y axis and the upper halves of certain circles on either side of
that axis, the centers of the circles lying on the segment AB or CD of the x axis.
2. Show that if the function T in Sec. 108 is not required to be bounded, the harmonic
function (4) in that section can be replaced by the harmonic function
1 1
T = Im w + A cosh w = v + A sinh u sin v,
π π
where A is an arbitrary real constant. Conclude that the solution of the Dirichlet
problem for the strip in the uv plane (Fig. 140) would not, then, be unique.
3. Suppose that the condition that T be bounded is omitted from the problem for temper-
atures in the semi-infinite slab of Sec. 109 (Fig. 141). Show that an infinite number of
solutions are then possible by noting the effect of adding to the solution found there
the imaginary part of the function A sin z, where A is an arbitrary real constant.
4. Use the function Log z to find an expression for the bounded steady temperatures
in a plate having the form of a quadrant x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 (Fig. 143) if its faces are
perfectly insulated and its edges have temperatures T (x, 0) = 0 and T (0, y) = 1. Find
the isotherms and lines of flow, and draw some of them.
2 y 
Ans. T = arctan .
π x


T=0 x FIGURE 143

5. Find the steady temperatures in a solid whose shape is that of a long cylindrical wedge
if its boundary planes θ = 0 and θ = θ0 (0 < r < r0 ) are kept at constant temperatures
zero and T0 , respectively, and if its surface r = r0 (0 < θ < θ0 ) is perfectly insulated
(Fig. 144).
T0 y 
Ans. T = arctan .
θ0 x


T=0 r0 x FIGURE 144

Brown-chap10-v3 11/05/07 4:00pm 383

sec. 110 Exercises 383

6. Find the bounded steady temperatures T (x, y) in the semi-infinite solid y ≥ 0 if T = 0

on the part x < −1 (y = 0) of the boundary, if T = 1 on the part x > 1 (y = 0), and
if the strip −1 < x < 1 (y = 0) of the boundary is insulated (Fig. 145).

1 1 (x + 1)2 + y 2 − (x − 1)2 + y 2
Ans. T = + arcsin
2 π 2
(−π/2 ≤ arcsin t ≤ π/2).

–1 1
T=0 T=1 x FIGURE 145

7. Find the bounded steady temperatures in the solid x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 when the boundary
surfaces are kept at fixed temperatures except for insulated strips of equal width at the
corner, as shown in Fig. 146.
Suggestion: This problem can be transformed into the one in Exercise 6.

1 1 (x 2 − y 2 + 1)2 + (2xy)2 − (x 2 − y 2 − 1)2 + (2xy)2
Ans. T = + arcsin
2 π 2

(−π/2 ≤ arctan t ≤ π/2).


1 T=1 x FIGURE 146

8. Solve the following Dirichlet problem for a semi-infinite strip (Fig. 147):

Hxx (x, y)+Hyy (x, y) = 0 (0 < x < π/2, y > 0),

H (x, 0) = 0 (0 < x < π/2),
H (0, y) = 1, H (π/2, y) = 0 (y > 0),

where 0 ≤ H (x, y) ≤ 1.
Suggestion: This problem
 be transformed into the one in Exercise 4.
2 tanh y
Ans. H = arctan .
π tan x
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384 Applications of Conformal Mapping chap. 10

H=1 H=0

H=0 x

9. Derive an expression for temperatures T (r, θ) in a semicircular plate r ≤ 1, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π

with insulated faces if T = 1 along the radial edge θ = 0 (0 < r < 1) and T = 0 on
the rest of the boundary.
Suggestion: This problem can be transformed into the one in Exercise 8.
2 1−r θ
Ans. T = arctan cot .
π 1+r 2
10. Solve the boundary value problem for the plate x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 in the z plane when the
faces are insulated and the boundary conditions are those indicated in Fig. 148.
Suggestion: Use the mapping
i iz
w= = 2
z |z|
to transform this problem into the one posed in Sec. 110 (Fig. 142).

T=0 x FIGURE 148

11. The portions x < 0 (y = 0) and x < 0 (y = π ) of the edges of an infinite horizontal
plate 0 ≤ y ≤ π are thermally insulated, as are the faces of the plate. Also, the con-
ditions T (x, 0) = 1 and T (x, π ) = 0 are maintained when x > 0 (Fig. 149). Find the
steady temperatures in the plate.
Suggestion: This problem can be transformed into the one in Exercise 6.


T=1 x FIGURE 149

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388 Applications of Conformal Mapping chap. 10

2. Show that transformation (4) of Sec. 112 maps the upper half of the circular region
shown on the left in Fig. 150 onto the first quadrant of the w plane and the diameter
CE onto the positive v axis. Then find the electrostatic potential V in the space
enclosed by the half cylinder x 2 + y 2 = 1, y ≥ 0 and the plane y = 0 when V = 0 on
the cylindrical surface and V = 1 on the planar surface (Fig. 151).
2 1 − x2 − y2
Ans. V = arctan .
π 2y


–1 V = 1 1 x

3. Find the electrostatic potential V (r, θ) in the space 0 < r < 1, 0 < θ < π/4, bounded
by the half planes θ = 0 and θ = π/4 and the portion 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/4 of the cylindrical
surface r = 1, when V = 1 on the planar surfaces and V = 0 on the cylindrical one.
(See Exercise 2.) Verify that the function obtained satisfies the boundary conditions.
4. Note that all branches of log z have the same real component, which is harmonic
everywhere except at the origin. Then write an expression for the electrostatic potential
V (x, y) in the space between two coaxial conducting cylindrical surfaces x 2 + y 2 = 1
and x 2 + y 2 = r02 (r0 = 1) when V = 0 on the first surface and V = 1 on the second.

ln(x 2 + y 2 )
Ans. V = .
2 ln r0
5. Find the bounded electrostatic potential V (x, y) in the space y > 0 bounded by an
infinite conducting plane y = 0 one strip (−a < x < a, y = 0) of which is insu-
lated from the rest of the plane and kept at potential V = 1, while V = 0 on the
rest (Fig. 152). Verify that the function obtained satisfies the stated boundary condi-
1 2ay
Ans. V = arctan 2 (0 ≤ arctan t ≤ π ).
π x + y2 − a2

–a a
V=0 V=1 V=0 x FIGURE 152
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sec. 112 Exercises 389

6. Derive an expression for the electrostatic potential in a semi-infinite space that is

bounded by two half planes and a half cylinder, as shown in Fig. 153, when V = 1 on
the cylindrical surface and V = 0 on the planar surfaces. Draw some of the equipo-
tential curves in the xy plane.
2 2y
Ans. V = arctan 2 .
π x + y2 − 1

–1 1
V=0 V=0 x FIGURE 153

7. Find the potential V in the space between the planes y = 0 and y = π when V = 0 on
the parts of those planes where x > 0 and V = 1 on the parts where x < 0 (Fig. 154).
Verify that the result satisfies
 theboundary conditions.
1 sin y
Ans. V = arctan (0 ≤ arctan t ≤ π ).
π sinh x

V=1 V=0

V=1 V=0 x FIGURE 154

8. Derive an expression for the electrostatic potential V in the space interior to a long
cylinder r = 1 when V = 0 on the first quadrant (r = 1, 0 < θ < π/2) of the cylin-
drical surface and V = 1 on the rest (r = 1, π/2 < θ < 2π ) of that surface. (See
Exercise 5, Sec. 95, and Fig. 115 there.) Show that V = 3/4 on the axis of the cylinder.
Verify that the result satisfies the boundary conditions.
9. Using Fig. 20 of Appendix 2, find a temperature function T (x, y) that is harmonic in
the shaded domain of the xy plane shown there and assumes the values T = 0 along
the arc ABC and T = 1 along the line segment DEF. Verify that the function obtained
satisfies the required boundary conditions. (See Exercise 2.)
10. The Dirichlet problem

Vxx (x, y) + Vyy (x, y) = 0 (0 < x < a, 0 < y < b),

V (x, 0) = 0, V (x, b) = 1 (0 < x < a),
V (0, y) = V (a, y) = 0 (0 < y < b)
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390 Applications of Conformal Mapping chap. 10

for V (x, y) in a rectangle can be solved by the method of separation of variables. ∗

The solution is

4 sinh(mπy/a) mπ x
V = sin (m = 2n − 1).
π m sinh(mπ b/a) a

By accepting this result and adapting it to a problem in the uv plane, find the
potential V (r, θ) in the space 1 < r < r0 , 0 < θ < π when V = 1 on the part of
the boundary where θ = π and V = 0 on the rest of the boundary. (See Fig. 155.)

4 sinh(αn θ) sin(αn ln r) (2n − 1)π
Ans. V = · αn = .
π sinh(αn π ) 2n − 1 ln r0

y v
V=0 V=1

V=0 V=0
V=0 1 r0 FIGURE 155
V=1 V=0 x V = 0 1n r0 u π 3π
w = log z r > 0, − < θ < .
2 2

11. With the aid of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the rectangle
0 ≤ x ≤ a, 0≤y≤b
that was used in Exercise 10, find the potential V (r, θ) for the space
1 < r < r0 , 0<θ <π
when V = 1 on the part r = r0 , 0 < θ < π of its boundary and V = 0 on the rest
(Fig. 156).
4 r m − r −m sin mθ
Ans. V = (m = 2n − 1).
r0m − r0−m m


V=0 1 r0
V=0 V=0 x FIGURE 156

∗ Seethe authors’ “Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems,” 7th ed., pp. 120–122 and 224–225,

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