Boy Scouts Handbook - 11

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What Tools Do I Have?

The Boy Scouts of America would not expect you to accept the
responsibilities of being a patrol leader without providing you with
the resources you need to succeed. The following are a few items
you will find in your leadership tool chest:

Introduction to Leadership
Soon after you become a patrol leader, your Scoutmaster will
schedule an introductory meeting to help you get a good start at
being an effective leader. The session may include a small group
of other troop leaders and probably will last about an hour. No
doubt your Scoutmaster will express pleasure in having you as a
patrol leader and will remind you how important your contribution
to the troop will be.
This meeting with your Scoutmaster may also cover specific
leadership suggestions for upcoming patrol meetings and activities.
Expect to learn about the ways troop leaders will support you and
provide guidance, and where you can find other BSA resources of
value to patrol leaders.

Troop Leadership Training

The Troop Leadership Training workshop will be held soon
after your election and will involve all the troop’s youth leaders.
It consists of three hour-long modules that cover the basics of
what a youth leader must Be, what he must Know, and what he
must Do. It is designed to answer three basic questions:
• What is my role?
• What does success look like in my role?
• What is expected of me?
The objective of Troop Leadership Training is to give you a
clearer picture of how your position fits in the troop and how
you can make a difference.

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